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2021-01-13 07:52
tags:英语考试, 外语学习



PARTD Read ing Comprehe nsion (40 min utes)
Section A
Directions: In this sect ion, there is a passage with ten bla nks. You
are required to select on eword for each bla nk from a list of choices give n in a word
bank followi ng the the passage through carefully before making your
choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the
corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the
centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more tha n on ce.
Many men and wome n have long bought into the idea that there are
“ male” and “female ” brains,believing that explains just about every differe
nee betwee n the sexes.A new study 26 that belief, questi oning whether brains
really can be distinguished by gender.
In the study, Tel Aviv University researchers 27 for sex differences throughout
the en tire huma n brain

And what did they find? Not much. Rather tha n offer evide nee for 28
brains as “male” or “female ” ‘research shows that brains fall into a
wide range , with most people falling right in the middle.
Daph na Joel ,who led the study, said her research found that while there are
somegender -based 29 ,many different
be distinguished by gender.
types of brain can' t always
While the

average ” male and“average ”
emale brains were 30different, you
could n ' t tell it by look ing at in dividual brain sca ns. Only a small 31of people had

all-male ” or

all-female ” characteristics.
Larry Cahill, an American neuroscientist( 神经科学家),said the study
is an important addition to a growing body of research questioning 32 beliefs about
gen der and brain fun cti on. But he cauti oned aga inst con clud ing from this study
that all brains are the same, 33 of gen der.
“ There' s a mountain of evide nee 34 the importa nee of sex in flue nces
at all levels of brain function , ” he told The Seattle Times.
If anything, he said, the study 35that gender plays a very important role in the
brain —“ eve n whe n we are not clear exactly how. ”
I) re^ardles&i-
Jj searched*

0 b


flyK) siniil^arki
E) challenges
F) figure
G) percentage

L) sli^htlv
M) suggests'

X) tastes*
0) traditional

H) prem

Directions: In this sect ion, there is a passage with ten bla nks. You are requir
ed to select one word for each bla nk from a list of choices give n in a word ban k followi ng the
passage. Read the passage through carefully before maki ng your choices. Each choice in the bank
is identified by a letter. Please mark the cor resp onding letter for each item on An swer Sheet 2 with
a sin gle line through th e centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
It ' s our guilty pleasure: Watch ing TV is th e most com mon everyday activity,
after work and sleep, in many parts of the world. America ns view five hours of
TV each day, and while we know that spending so much time sitting (36) can le
ad to obesity ( 肥胖症)and other diseases, researchers have now quantified just how (37) being a
couch potato can be.
In an analysis of data from eight large (38) published studies, a Harvard
-led group reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association that for
every two hours per day spent channel (39) , the risk of developing Type 2 di
abetes( 糖尿病)rose 20% over 8.5 years, the risk of heart disease in creased 15%
over a (40) , and the odds of dying prematurely (41) 13% during a seven- yea
r follow-up. All of these
compared with other sedentary(
be especially
(42) are linked to a lack of physical exercise. But
activities, like knitting, viewing TV may
(43) at promot ing un healthy habits. For one, the sheer nu mber
of hours we pass watch ing TV dwarfs the time we spe nd on anything else. And oth er studies have
found that watch ing ads for beer and popcor n may make you more likely to (44) them.
Even so, the authors admit that they didn
tivities to
' t compare different sedentary ac
(45) whether TV watching was linked to a greater risk of diabetes,
heart disease or early death compared with, say, readi ng.
A) climbed B) con sume C) decade D) determ ine E) effective F) harmful G) outcom es









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