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2021-01-14 08:02



pull one's leg 开玩笑
in one's birthday suit 赤身裸体
eat one's words 收回前言
an apple of love 西红柿
handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆
bring down the house 博得全场喝彩
have a fit 勃然大怒
make one's hair stand on end
be taken in 受骗,上当
think a great deal of oneself 高看或看重自己
pull up one's socks 鼓起勇气
Speaking of the devil说曹操,曹操到
You have matches? 你需不需要帮忙
Turn the table扭转了局面
Wearing two hats身兼两职
With a grain of salt
Skin off one’s nose与某人有关
Sgelenton in the closet =family skeleton
Sweet tooth爱吃甜食
The Hong Kong dog
Throw the book at Somebody

lover 情人
busboy 餐馆勤杂工
busybody 爱管闲事的人
dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)谷物)
heartman 换心人
mad doctor 精神病科医生
eleventh hour 最后时刻
blind date 相亲
dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)
personal remark 人身攻击
sweet water 淡水

confidence man 骗子
criminal lawyer 刑事律师
service station 加油站
rest room 厕所
dressing room 化妆室
sporting house 妓院
horse sense 常识
capital idea 好主意
familiar talk 庸俗的交谈
black tea 红茶
black art 妖术
black stranger 完全陌生的人
white coal (作动力来源用的)水
white man 忠实可靠的人
yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以
red tape 官僚习气
green hand 新手
blue stocking 女学者、女才子
China policy 对华政策
Chinese dragon 麒麟
American beauty 红蔷薇
English disease 软骨病
Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年
Greek gift 害人的礼品
Spanish athlete 吹牛的人
French chalk 滑石粉
puppy’s love早恋

1. Dutch act 自杀
2. China door 杂志中的散页广告
3. Dutch uncle 絮絮叨叨的人
4. Dutch wife 竹藤睡具
5. go Dutch 各自付钱 AA制
6. take French leave 不告而别
7. Russia dressing 蛋黄酱
8. a Greek gift 害人的礼物
9. Spanish athlete 胡说的人

You don't say! 还真别说!就是这样。
You can say that again! 说得好!
I haven't slept better. 我睡得好极了。
You can't be too careful in your work. 你工作越仔细越好。
All his friends did not turn up. 他的朋友没全到。
People will be long forgetting her. 人们不会忘记他。
It will be long for people to forget her人们在很长时间内会记住她的。
It can't be less interesting. 它无聊极了。
John was taken up above the salt. 约翰被邀请坐上席
She thought she’ s above doing any housework. 她认为做家务有损她的身份。
The deal is completely above board. 这笔交易完全是光明正大的。
He gets a number of perquisites over and above his salary. 除了工资以外他还有许多额外收入
Her husband was all abroad when she shouted at him. 当她对丈夫大喊大叫时他感到莫名其
The stranger abstracted the gold pen from my bag。这个陌生人偷了我包里的金笔
Accidents will happen. 天意如此,在所难免
The baby had an accident when he was asleep last night. 昨晚小孩睡觉时尿床了
The two parties failed to agree on every point but came to an accommodation。双方并非在每
He gave a good account of himself at the front. 他在前线表现很好
That 100 dollars is my ace in the hole. 那100美元是我应急备用的钱
It’ s a new A-bomb. 这是一种新型的原子弹
Mail the letter this afternoon and buy some chocolates while you are about it.
He was quiet, unmarried. That’s about it. 他话不多,未婚。情况大致如此。
The authority seems to have done a complete about-face on the policy of birth control.
I was hurrying to the booking office to see about our tickets. 我急忙跑到售票处去弄票
It was his second promotion since coming aboard. 这是他受雇以来第二次得到提升
I saw a black and white horse. 我看见了一匹黑白花斑马。
He knows the history of Britain from A to Z. 他了解英国历史的全部内容
That house is really A1. 那座房子确实是一流的。

如 Great changes have taken place since you left. 你离开后发生了巨大的变化。
如:He became stronger since he was young. 从他长大后,他变得更强壮了。
ishas been +时间+since sb. did sth.
It is ten years since I smoked.表示“我戒烟十年了”
It is ten years since I started smoking.则表示“我吸烟十年了”.
It ishas been three years since he worked here. 他不在这里工作已经有3年了。
It is 5 years since I have lived here.自从我住在这儿已经5年了
It is 5 years since I lived here.我已经5年不住这儿了。


The car cost him an arm and a leg. 买这辆车他可花了血本。
She’s my right arm. 她是我的得力助手。
He was strong-armed into doing it. 他被迫这么做的。
No one’s twisting your arm to do it! 没人强迫你这么做!
They always walk arm in arm down the street. 他们常常手挽手地沿街走
2. BACK 背
Get off my back! 别再来烦我了!
I don’t like her. She always gets my back up. 我不喜欢她。她总是惹我生气。(此用语原指动物,
She’ll give the shirt of her back for her friends. 她帮助朋友不遗余力。
She turned her back on me when I needed her. 我需要她帮助时,她拒绝了我。
This time, I’ll give you the work for free. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. 这一次我把这

We’d better go to the market because we’re down to the bare bone essentials. 我们只剩下一些生
Let’s get down to the bare bone essentials. 我们来讨论一下正经事吧。
I have a bone to pick with you. 我对你有点意见。
I need to bone up on my English. 我得好好学英语。
This work is bone-breaking! 这项工作很辛苦!
She’s a real bonehead. 她真是个大傻瓜。
Wake up, lazy bones! 醒醒吧,懒骨头!
She made no bones about telling him to leave. 她直截了当地让他走了。
He’s nothing but skin and bones. 他骨瘦如柴。

She’s a real bean brain. 她真是个大笨蛋。
She’s such a birdbrain! 她是个大傻瓜!
She’s very brainy. 她很聪明。
Since you’re an expert, would you mind if I pick your brain for half an hour? 你是专家,那你是
I racked my brain(s) for an hour but couldn’t remember her name! 我绞尽脑汁想了一个小时也
没能想起她的名字! I racked my brain(s) trying to find a solution. 我苦思冥想,力求找到解
He’s such a scatterbrain. 他这人真没头脑。 She’s so scatterbrained! 她太浮躁了!
She said it tongue in cheek. 她说的是风凉话。
Her mother turned the other cheek when she took the cookie. 她拿饼干时,她妈妈装作没看见。

I need to talk to you and get this off my chest. 我要跟你谈一谈,把心里的烦恼都说出来。
So what happened? I’m all ears. 发生了什么?我正洗耳恭听呢。
She bent my ear for an entire hour. 她缠住我足足谈了一个小时。
“My father’s a lot smarter than yours!” “Go blow it out of your ear!” “我爸比你爸帅多了!”“胡
She can really chew your ear off. 她能说得让你耳朵都起老茧。
The pages of this book are all dog-eared. 这本书的书页都卷起来了。
She has an ear for music. 她具有音乐方面的天赋。
I heard an earful of gossip today. 我今天听到不少闲话。
He has all the earmarks of being a thief. 他天生一副贼相。
Stop explaining. It’s all falling on deaf ears. 别解释了,没人会听的。
She’s able to learn a new language by living in a country for only half a year. She must have a
good ear (for language). 她在一个国家只要待上半年就能学会一门新语言。她一定有语言方
Keep your ear to the ground! 听仔细了!
I perked up my ears when I heard her mention my name. 我一听到她提我的名字就竖起了耳
She doesn’t read music at all. She plays everything by ear. 她不看乐谱,光凭记忆演奏。(play by
ear也常常用于音乐之外,指“临时应付事态”,如:Maybe we can have dinner together next week.
Let’s just play it by ear. 也许到下星期我们可以一块儿吃顿饭,到时候再说吧。)
I think the boss is gonna be laying off those who aren’t working hard enough. I just put a bug in
your ear. 我看老板会炒了那些工作不够卖力的,我只是先给你们透点口风。
She talked my ear off for a whole hour. 她唠叨了整整一个小时,真烦!
The stain will come off. It just takes some elbow grease. 污渍是可以洗掉的,不过要费点劲。
We had to elbow our way through the crowd. 我们得从人群中挤过去。
I can hardly move. Give me some elbow room. 我差不多动不了了,给我让点地方吧。
When I went to Hollywood, I rubbed elbows with all the movie stars. 我去好莱坞时,和所有这
an eye for an eye 以眼还眼,以牙还牙
She has such bedroom eyes. 她有一双性感的眼睛。
She’s a real eye-catcher. 她非常引人注目。
She has an eye for art. 她对艺术很有鉴赏力。
When I first met her, she eyed me up and down. 我第一次见到她时,被她上下打量了一番。
That sculpture is an eyesore. 那座雕塑不好看。
I guess my eyes are bigger than my stomach. 我觉得饭菜点得太多了,我是眼馋肚饱呀。
Hey, four-eyes! 嘿,四眼!(这是个贬称,说出去当心听话的人把你变成熊猫眼)
I’d give my eyetooth to look like her. 我愿意不惜一切地模仿她。
Where did you get that black eye? 你在哪儿被打得鼻青脸肿的?
I hate talking with her because she keeps making goo-goo eyes at me! 我不喜欢和她说话,死女
That’s green-eyed monster talking. 那是处于妒忌才说的话。
“She told me she speaks ten languages。” “In a pig’s eye!” “她告诉我她会说十种语言。”“吹牛!”
I have to stay here and keep an eye on my little sister. 我得留在这儿照看小妹。
We always see eye to eye. 我们总是看法一致。
I think I need to get some shuteye. 我想我得合一会儿眼了
There’s a lot of finger-pointing throughout this case. 这件事上大家总是互相指责。
She never lifts a finger. 她从来都懒得抬一抬手指。
I think you just put your finger on it. 我想,你终于发现事情的真相了。
When he drove past me, he gave me the finger. 他开车从我身边经过时,朝我做了个下流动作。
He’ll do anything I want. I have him wrapped around my little finger. 我要他做什么,他就做什
After she lost her job, it took her a while to get back on her feet. 失业后, 她过了一段才振作起
Just when I was about to ask him for a raise, I got cold feet. 就在准备向他提出加薪的那一刻,
Now that she’s divorced, she’s footloose. 既然离婚了,她也就自由了。
We don’t have to pay anything. He said he would foot the entire bill. 我们不必付账,他说全由他
She kept playing footsie with him under the table. 她一直和他在桌下偷偷碰脚调情。
You didn’t get the job yet, but at least it’s a foot in the door. 虽然没得到那份工作,但至少你已
I don’t know what my job entails. I’m still getting my feet wet. 我不太清楚自己的职责范围,我
The movie starts in five minutes! We’d better hotfoot it over to the theater. 电影还有五分钟就要
开场了!我们最好快点去影院!(此短语出现于二十世 纪早期,现在偶尔也会用在玩笑中。

I don’t like driving with him. He has a real lead foot. 我不喜欢和他一起开车,他总飚车。(lead
The poor guy has one foot in the grave. 这可怜的家伙离死不远了。
We have to put our foot down on that. 我们必须阻止那件事。
Stop pussy- footing around. What do you want? 别兜圈子了。你想干什么啊?
She’s always been quick on her feet. 她总是能很快想出办法。
She swept him off his feet as soon as they met. 他们一见面,她就把他给迷住了。
He threw himself at her feet. 他完全拜倒在她的脚下。
She always gets under my feet. 她总是碍我的事。(亦作:to get underfoot,如:She always gets
underfoot. 她总碍我的事。)
We got off on the wrong foot, but now we’re friends. 我们一开始关系很僵,但现在是朋友了。
Stop flapping your gums! 别废话了!
She busted a gut laughing. 她肚子都笑疼了。
You’re starting to get a gut. 你开始发福了。
My gut reaction to her wasn’t good. 我对她的第一印象不好。
He doesn’t have the guts to call her. 他没胆量打电话给她。 I respect you. You have guts. 我敬
She’s very gutsy. 她非常勇敢。
I hate her guts! 我对她恨之入骨!
She spilled her guts to me. 她向我吐露了心事。
He threw his guts up after drinking those two beers. 他喝了那两瓶啤酒,几乎把肠子都吐了出
What a hair-raising story! 多恐怖的故事啊!
That must have been hairy! 那一定很惊险!
She finally let her hair down in front of us. 她终于在我们面前变得无拘无束了。
My little brother keeps getting in my hair. 我那小弟总是惹我发火。
What’s the issue at hand? 现在有什么急事?
Can you give me a hand with this? 这事你能帮我吗? That was a great performance! Let’s give
him a hand! 演得真好!我们给他鼓鼓掌吧!
Hand it to me right now! 马上把那东西给我! Hand it over! 把那玩儿给我!
I’ve got to hand it to you! 我很佩服你!
Although she doesn’t have any money, she refuses to accept handouts. 她虽然没钱,却不愿接受
I think it’s the best movie hands down. 我认为这毫无疑问是最好的一部电影。 He won the
election hands down. 他以全票当选。
I know this city like the back of my hand. 我对这个城市了如指掌。
Since she only has a temporary job. She has to live from hand to mouth. 她只有一份临时工,只
He’s an old hand at fixing cars. 他是修理汽车的老手。
Do you have a screwdriver on hand? 你手头上有螺丝刀吗?
Things really got out of hand when the police arrived. 警察到时,局势已经难以控制了。
He’s my right-hand man. 他是我的得力助手。
I bought it second hand. 我买的是二手货。(相关的:I heard about the accident second- hand. 这
They were short-handed at work today. 他们今天工作人手不够。
One of the vice presidents of the company told me to buy the stock and the other told me not to!
Obviously, the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing. 公司的一位副董事长叫我买股
I’m going to try my hand at golf this weekend. 这周末,我要去试试打高尔夫球

I wouldn’t trust her. She’s a real airhead. 我不会信任她的,她这人没头脑。
His head has gotten big ever since he became a movie star. 自从他成了电影明星,就自负起来
I criticized her dress and she bit me head off. 我说她的裙子不好,她就把我臭骂了一顿。
Let’s head out around 9:00 in the morning. 我们早上9点左右出发。
I’m head over heels for her. 我狂热地爱上了她。
She’s on a real head trip. She thinks she’s the smartest in class. 她总是在做梦,以为自己是班上
最聪明的学生。 Get off your head trip! 别再自高自大了!
He’s always so headstrong. 他总是这么固执。
The boss just called them into his office. I think heads are gonna roll. 老板刚把他们叫进了办公
Head up! (因有物体飞来)注意头上!
You are starting to make headway with your French! 你的法语开始有进步了!
She hit the nail on the head! 她的话一针见血!
I need that like a hole in the head. 我根本不需要那玩意儿。
She’s such a hothead. 她真是个急性子。
I can’t be specific, but off the top of my head, I’d say she’ll be arriving in about ten minutes. 我不
I think you just went over his head. 我觉得他没法懂你的意思。
Don’t be such a sorehead. 别这样牢骚满腹。(此语通常用于指那些输了比赛或竞赛就发牢骚
I don’t like being around her. She has such a swelled head! 我不喜欢和她在一起,他太自负了!
Everything he does is stupid. He never uses his head. 他从来不动脑子,总是干傻事。
She’s going to eat her heart out when she sees me with Tom. 她要是看到我和汤姆在一起,会嫉
The teacher gave us homework to do over the weekend. She doesn’t have a heart. 老师周末还给
Let’s get to the heart of the problem. 我们看看问题的实质吧。
My heart goes out to her. 我同情她。
I don’t have the heart to tell her that her dog died. 我不忍心告诉她,她的狗死了。
Every time she came home late, she caused him heartache. 每次她晚归,他都很伤心。
If you want her to like you, just talk about animals. That’s her Achilles’ heel. 如果你想让她喜欢
We cooled our heels for a whole hour before she finally arrived. 我们整整等了一个小时,最后
Quit dragging your heels and hurry! 别磨蹭了,快点儿!
We’re head over heels for her. 我们都疯狂地爱上了她。
She just taught her dog to heel. 她刚刚教她的狗紧跟着她。(Heel!是唤狗用语,让狗紧紧跟在
I can’t wait to go on vacation. I need to pick up my heel! 我急着要去休假,需要轻松轻松!
Stop walking on my heels! 别当我的跟屁虫!
She never thinks before she speaks. She just shoots from the hip. 她说话总是不经大脑就信口开
E 指节;膝关节
We’ve got to knuckle down and clean the house. 我们得好好干了,把屋子打扫干净。
Would you like a knuckle sandwich? 揍你一顿怎么样?
She finally knuckled under because the pressure was simply too much. 压力实在太大了,她最终
You knuckle-head! 你这个笨蛋!(此词的语气温和,有点笑骂的味道)

I don’t know how he can eat so much. He must have a hollow leg. 我不知道他怎么能吃下这么
Let’s leg it to work today. 我们今天步行去上班。
She’ll never win the court case. She doesn’t have a leg to stand on. 她绝赢不了这场官司,她压
His couch cost an arm and a leg. 他买沙发花了不少钱。
Stop pulling my leg! 别骗我了!
I’m going outside to stretch my legs. 我要到外面去活动活动

Button your lip! 住嘴!
Stop teasing me or I’ll give you a fat lip! 别取笑我了,否则打烂你的嘴!
Don’t worry. Just keep a stiff upper lip. 别担心,要保持沉着。
I don’t want any more lip out of you! 我不想再听你说这种无礼的话!
What I’m saying is true. I’m not paying you lip service. 我说的都是实话,不是对你空口说白
Read my lips and I’ll repeat. 好好看着我,我再说一遍。(read my lips是骂人的话,说对方理
20. LIVER 肝脏
I’ve never met anyone so lily-livered. 我从没见过这样胆小的人。
She always ignores me. What am I? Chopped liver? 她总不理我。我算什么?无名小卒?
I don’t like her. She always bad-mouths me. 我不喜欢她,她总说我的坏话。
Don’t tell her anything. She’s got a big mouth. 什么也别跟她说,她太多嘴。
Don’t tell him any secret. He’s a real blabbermouth. 别告诉他任何秘密,他这人多嘴,会泄漏
You look down in the mouth. What’s the matter? 你看起来很沮丧,出什么事了?
I don’t like your mouth. 我不喜欢你说的话。
You should have heard her mouth off to the teacher. 你该听听她是怎么和老师顶嘴的。
Stop running off at the mouth! 别再说个不停了!
Think a little before you go shooting off your mouth! 想好了再说,别信口开河了!
I saw them necking in the park. 我看见他们在公园里拥吻。
I was in your neck of the woods and thought I’d come by and visit. 我住在你们附近,我想我会
The two runners are neck-and-neck. 两位赛跑选手并驾齐驱。
She’s such a pain in the neck. 她真是个令人头疼的家伙。
He’s a real redneck. 他真是个老顽固。
I stuck my neck out for her. 我替她承担了很大的风险。
If I catch him, I’m gonna wring his neck! 我要是抓住他,就扭断他的脖子!
You’re going on my nerves! 你让我心烦!
I think you just hit a nerve with her. 我看你是触到了她的痛处。
You have some nerve! 你有些鲁莽!
I think you need a drink. Your nerves are on edge. 我觉得你该喝点什么,你太紧张了。
She’s really nervy. 她真是太放肆了。
It’s as plain as the nose on your face. 那是秃子头上的虱子,明摆着的。
You’re always so hard-nosed! 你总是太固执!
If you keep your nose to the grindstone, you’ll succeed. 如果你努力不懈,就会成功的。
Whether she comes to my party or not, it’s no skin off my nose. 她来不来参加我的派对跟我都
His health took a nose dive. 他的健康状况急剧恶化。(to take a nose dive原指飞机突然失去动
She has a nose for finding bargains. 她很善于搜寻便宜货。
She nosed her out of the competition. 她在比赛中以微弱优势击败了对手。(亦作:to win by a
Now, don’t get your nose out of joint. 好了,别生气了。
She’s so nosey! 她太爱管闲事了!
She never talks to me. She always has her nose in the air. 她从来不和我说话,总是一副高傲自
大的样子。She had to pay through the nose to get that dress. 她为了买那件衣服花了很多钱。
He came over to poke his nose in my business. 他过来干涉了我的事。
The answer is right under your nose. 这答案是一目了然的。
She turned up her nose at the dinner. 她拒绝吃晚饭。
I know he’ll sign the contract. I have him eating out of the palm of my hand. 我知道他会签和约
I know he’ll sign the contract. I have him in the palm of my hand. 我知道他会签和约的。他完全
My brother palmed off his old bike on me. 我哥哥把他那辆旧自行车处理掉送给了我。
ER 肩,肩膀
She’s giving me the cold shoulder. 她不和我说话。
The job rests on your shoulders now. 现在这项工作就全*你了。
I spoke straight from the shoulder and told her I didn’t like the way she treated me yesterday. 我
He was really angry at his boss but was afraid to tell him. Sometimes he’s so spineless. 他对老板
28. STOMACH 胃,腹部
I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach. 我就是眼馋,已经吃不下了。
I can’t stomach her. 我受不了她。
29. THROAT 咽喉,喉咙
I gave her a suggestion and she jumped down my throat. 我给她提了个建议,她却把我训斥了
I could never be a surgeon. I’m all thumbs. 我决不可能成为一名外科医生,我总是笨手笨脚
It’s a rule of thumb to water plants in the morning before the temperature gets too high. 按常规,
Since we ran out of gas, we were forced to thumb a ride into the city. 我们的车没油了,只得搭
She gave me a thumbs-up on the project. 他对我的这项计划表示赞成。
He’ll do anything I ask. I have him under my thumb. 我叫他干什么他就干什么,完全受我控
He was really angry at his boss but was afraid to tell him. Sometimes he’s so spineless. 他对老板
H 胃,腹部
I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach. 我就是眼馋,已经吃不下了。
I can’t stomach her. 我受不了她。
There could be trouble, so be on your toes. 可能有麻烦,因此要保持警惕。
She’s so unpredictable that you have to tip toe around her. 她这人很难捉摸,你在她身边要小心
If he doesn’t toe the line, fire him! 要是他不守规矩就辞了他!
They’re going toe-to-toe again! 他们又要打起来了!
34. TONGUE 舌,舌头
Hold your tongue! You’ve said enough already. 闭嘴吧!你说得够多了。
How many tongues does she speak? 她会说多少种语言?
The cat’s got your tongue? 你怎么不吭声了?
Whenever I talk in front of an audience, I got tongue-tied. 一面对观众讲话,我就结结巴巴的。
I passed the test by the skin of my teeth. 我差点儿没通过考试。
He fought tooth and nail to stop the county from pulling down the old church. 他竭力阻止县里
Our dog is getting long in the tooth. 我们的狗老了。
I’m so cold and my teeth are chattering. 我冷得牙齿直打颤。
That high pitched sound sets my teeth on edge. 那尖叫声让我害怕。
I’ve never met anyone with such a sweet tooth. 我从未见过这么喜欢吃甜食的人


curriculum n 课程

market economy 市场经济
compulsory course n 必foreign exchange 外汇 economic policy 经济政策
修课 appreciate 升值 mass-produce 大规模生产
optional course n 选修课 depreciate 贬值 raw material 原材料
schedule n 课程表 devalue 贬值 labor demand 劳动力需求
school timetable n 课程表 depression 经济萧条 labor supply 劳动力供给
philosophy n 哲学
astronomy n 天文学

psychology n 心理学
economics n 经济学
finance n 金融学
botany n 植物学
2. math数学
square n 平方
cube n 立方,立方体
angle n 角
parallel 平行的,平行线
triangle n 三角形
rectangle n 矩形
square n 正方形
oval n 椭圆形
bent a 弯的
3. physics物理
matter n 物质
mass n 质量
accelerate v 加速
conductor n 导体
semi-conductor n 半导体
radiation n 辐射
expansion n 膨胀
circuit n 电路
integrate circuit 集成电路
vacuum tube n 真空管
electron tube n 电子管
microwave n 微波
4. Finance金融
currency 通货,货币
note 纸币,钞票
change 零钱
check 支票
change v 兑换
crisis 危机
banking 银行业
lend 借给
loan 借给,贷给
creditor 债主
debtor 负债人
safe 保险箱
account 账户
deposit 存储
save 储蓄
put away 储蓄
put aside 储蓄
draw 取款
withdraw 取回
overdraw 透支
interest 利息
capital 资本,资金
investment 投资
stock 股票
Stock Exchange 股票交易所
share 股票
fund 基金
trust 信托
down payment 首付款
installment 分期付款
prosperous 繁荣的
well-off 富的
prosperity 繁荣
badly-off 穷的
broke 破产的
bankrupt 破产的
5. economics经济
capitalism 资本主义
socialism 社会主义
free market 自由市场
planned economy 计划经济
division of labor 劳动分工
corporation 公司
enterprise 企业
mill 指使物体变成粉末或
plant 一般指重工业工厂
works 钢铁等重工业工厂
household 家庭
consumer 消费者
human capital 人力资本
hire v 雇佣
boss 老板,上司
director 主管,董事
dismiss v 解散,解雇
pension 养老金,退休金
allowance 补贴,津贴
bonus 奖金
government regulation

tax 税
customs 关税
duty 税
interest 利息
purchase v 买,购买
consumer n 消费者
bargain 便宜货,讨价还价
charge v 要价
trade v 交易,贸易
export v 出口
import v 进口
deal 交易
trader 商人
merchant 商人
evaluate v 估价
assess v 评估
estimate v 估计

negotiate v 协商 bird flu 禽流感;
pulse rate 脉搏率;
kindergarten 幼儿园 early symptom 早期症
elementary school 小学 状;
secondary school 中学 to feel dizzy 头晕眼花;
technical school 技校 sore throat 嗓子痛;
radium 镭;
universe 宇宙;
radioactive 放射性的
solar system 太阳系;
telescope 望远镜;
space exploration 太空探
professional school 职业
comprehensive university
model school 示范学校
institute 学院,研究所
institution 公共机构,

staff 教职员工
tutor 家庭教师
coach 辅导老师,教练
college graduate 高校
freshman 大一学生
sophomore 大二学生
junior 大三学生
senior 大四学生
postgraduate 研究生
day student 走读生
boarder 住宿生
students’union 学生会

common diseases常见病;
infectious disease 传染病
occupational disease
functional disorder 功能
flu 流感;

sneeze 打喷嚏;
to have a running nose
indigestion 消化不良;
physician 内科医生;
surgeon 外科医生;
case 病例;



device 装置,设备;
click 点击;
monitor 监视器
inserting 插入;
deleting 删除;
moving 移动;
edit text 编辑文本;
artificial intelligence 人工
data processing 数据处理;
search engine 搜索引擎;
hacker 黑客;
virtual reality 虚拟现实;
file 文档;
update 升级;更新
image 图像;
omy 天文学
black hole 黑洞;
light year 光年;
radiation 放射;
orbit 轨道;
a permanent base永久基
satellite 卫星;
astronaut 宇航员;
ground control 地面控

capsule 太空舱;
lift off 发射;
launch 发射;
shot 火箭发射;
separate from 分离;
y 生物学
bacteria 细菌;
penicillin 盘尼西林;
gene 基因;
cell 细胞;
nerve cell 神经细胞;
organ 组织;
patent 专利;
erosion 侵蚀 ,风化
ban 禁止;
prohibit 禁止,阻止,
fine 罚款;
punish 惩罚;









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