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2021-01-14 12:40
tags:英语考试, 外语学习




本次考 试两新一旧,而且两篇旧题都属于经典题库素材。进入到7月后,雅思考试似乎又恢
复了去年下半年的状 态,大量旧题涌现,这对于考生来说不啻为一个备考的好消息。第一篇
文章What do managers really do? 介绍经理的三种不同职责,这是2015年2月12日和2016< br>年4月21日的考题,剑六第三套第二篇可作为参考。第二篇Australian camouflaged
creatures 介绍澳洲的动物伪装,说起来,介绍动物行为的文章, 在每一本真题集中都能找
到一两篇。第三篇Graffiti in New York是2012年8 月25日和2014年12月6日的考题,

Passage 1: What do managers really do? 经理是做什么的
Passage 2: Australian camouflaged creatures 澳洲的动物伪装
Passage 3: Graffiti in New York,纽约的涂鸦

Passage 1:
文章内容 主要讲关于manager的新研究及研究结果。介绍管理学大师Henry
Mi ntzberg的经理角色理论。有一个人将经历职责分为三类,一类和人力有
关,第二类和信息战有关 ,第三类涉及到做决策(make decision )
1-6 配对

1. The development of business scheme C
2. Presiding in formal events A
3. Using employees and funds C
4. Getting and passing message on to related person B
5. Relating the information to employees B
6. Recruiting the staff A
7-8 多选
Which TWO positive functions about Minzheng’s research are
7.B clear to define the role of a manager
8.E makes a fresh way for further research
9. False

the managers do the same work FALSE
g 的理论在未来研究领域没用 FALSE
相关拓展 What the Managers Really Do?
When students graduate and first enter the workforce, the most
common choice is to find an entry-level position. This can be a job such as
an unpaid internship, an assistant, a secretary, or a junior partner
position. Traditionally, we start with simpler jobs and work our way up.
Young professionals start out with a plan to become senior partners,
associates, or even managers of a workplace. However, these promotions
can be few and far between, leaving many young professionals
unfamiliar with management experience. An important step is
understanding the role and responsibilities of a person in a managing
position. Managers are organisational members who are responsible for
the work performance of other organisational members. Managers have
formal authority to use organisational resources and to make decisions.
Managers at different levels of the organisation engage in different
amounts of time on the four managerial functions of planning,
organising, leading, and controlling.
However, as many professionals already know, managing styles can
be very different depending on where you work. Some managing styles
are strictly hierarchical. Other managing styles can be more casual and
relaxed, where the manager may act more like a team member rather
than a strict boss. Many researchers have created a more scientific
approach in studying these different approaches to managing. In the
1960s, researcher Henry Mintzberg created a seminal organisational
model using three categories. These categories represent three major
functional approaches, which are designated as interpersonal,
informational and decisional.
Introduced Category 1: INTERPERSONAL ROLES. Interpersonal
roles require managers to direct and supervise employees and the
organisation. The figurehead is typically a top of middle manager. This
manager may communicate future organisational goals or ethical
guidelines to employees at company meetings. They also attend
ribbon- cutting ceremonies, host receptions, presentations and other
activities associated with the figurehead role. A leader acts as an example
for other employees to follow, gives commands and directions to
subordinates, makes decisions, and mobilises employee support. They are
also responsible for the selection and training of employees. Managers
must be leaders at all levels of the organisation; often lower-level
managers look to top management for this leadership example. In the role
of liaison, a manager must coordinate the work of others in different
work units, establish alliances between others, and work to share
resources. This role is particularly critical for middle managers, who must
often compete with other managers for important resources, yet must
maintain successful working relationships with them for long time
Introduced Category 2: INFORMATIONAL ROLES. Informational
roles are those in which managers obtain and transmit information. These
roles have changed dramatically as technology has improved. The
monitor evaluates the performance of others and takes corrective action
to improve that performance. Monitors also watch for changes in the
environment and within the company that may affect individual and
organisational performance. Monitoring occurs at all levels of
management. The role of disseminator requires that managers inform
employees of changes that affect them and the organisation. They also
communicate the company’s vision and purpose.
Introduced Category 3: DECISIONAL ROLES. Decisional roles
require managers to plan strategy and utilise resources. There are four
specific roles that are decisional. The entrepreneur role requires the
manager to assign resources to develop innovative goods and services, or
to expand a business. The disturbance handler corrects unanticipated
problems facing the organisation from the internal or external
environment. The third decisional role, that of resource allocator, involves
determining which work units will get which resources. Top managers
are likely to make large, overall budget decisions, while middle managers
may make more specific allocations. Finally, the negotiator works with
others, such as suppliers, distributors, or labor unions, to reach
agreements regarding products and services.
Although Mintzberg’s initial research in 1960s helped categorise
manager approaches, Mintzberg was still concerned about research
involving other roles in the workplace. Minstzberg considered expanding
his research to other roles, such as the role of disseminator, figurehead,
liaison and spokesperson. Each role would have different special
characteristics, and a new categorisation system would have to be made
for each role to understand it properly.
While Mintzberg’s initial research was helpful in starting the
conversation, there has since been criticism of his methods from other
researchers. Some criticisms of the work were that even though there
were multiple categories, the role of manager is still more complex. There
are still many manager roles that are not as traditional and are not
captured in Mintzberg’s original three categories. In addition, sometimes,
Mintzberg’s research was not always effective. The research, when
applied to real life situations, did not always improve the management
process in real-life practice.
These two criticisms against Mintzberg’s research method raised
some questions about whether or not the research was useful to how we
understand “managers” in today’s world. However, even if the
criticisms against Mintzberg’s work are true, it does not mean that the
original research from the 1960s is completely useless. The author did not
say Mintzberg’s research is invalid. His research has two positive
functions to the further research.
The first positive function is Mintzberg provided a useful functional
approach to analyse management. And he used this approach to provide
a clear concept of the role of manager to the researcher. When researching
human behavior, it is important to be concise about the subject of the
research. Mintzberg’s research has helped other researchers clearly define
what a “manager” is, because in real-life situations, the “manager” is not
always the same position title. Mintzberg’s definitions added clarity and
precision to future research on the topic.
The second positive function is Mintzberg’s research could be
regarded as a good beginning to give a new insight to further research on
this field in the future. Scientific research is always a gradual process. Just
because Mintzberg’s initial research had certain flaws, does not mean it is
useless to other researchers. Researchers who are interested in studying
the workplace in a systematic way have older research to look back on. A
researcher doesn’t have to start from the very beginning—Older research
like Mintzberg’s have shown what methods work well and what methods
are not as appropriate for workplace dynamics. As more young
professionals enter the job market, this research will continue to study
and change the way we think about the modern workplace.

Passage 2:
文章内容 列举各类动物的隐身的方法,怎样保护自己或追铺猎物
介绍动物通过伪装术躲避捕食者,有的伪装为植 物;青蛙则选择隐藏起来;
一种蓝色的蝴蝶可以模仿其他动物,并一起协作,躲避捕食者的同时捕捉猎< br>物
14-18 段落标题配对
C. An example that sound
G. A creature use color to match different background
D. A species that push their young to move to other place.
A. A claim that a majority of animals to adapt the background
B. An example that pretend as plant.
19-21 填空题
d on blue butterfly on reefs
rid of predator
21. get close to prey
22. C
23. B
24. F
25. A
26. E
相关拓展 Camouflage, also called cryptic coloration, is a defense or tactic that
organisms use to disguise their appearance, usually to blend in with their
surroundings. Organisms use camouflage to mask their location, identity,
and movement. This allows prey to avoid predators, and for predators to
sneak up on prey.

A species’ camouflage depends on several factors. The physical
characteristics of the organism are important. Animals with fur rely on
different camouflage tactics than those with feathers or scales, for instance.
Feathers and scales can be shed and changed fairly regularly and quickly.
Fur, on the other hand, can take weeks or even months to grow in.
Animals with fur are more often camouflaged by season. The arctic fox, for
example, has a white coat in the winter, while its summer coat is brown.

The behavior of a species is also important. Animals that live in groups
differ from those that are solitary. The stripes on a zebra, for instance,
make it stand out. However, zebras are social animals, meaning they live
and migrate in large groups called herds. When clustered together, it is
nearly impossible to tell one zebra from another, making it difficult for
predators such as lions to stalk an individual animal.

A species’ camouflage is also influenced by the behavior or characteristics
of its predators. If the predator is color-blind, for example, the prey species
will not need to match the color of its surroundings. Lions, the main
predator of zebras, are color-blind. Zebras’ black-and-white camouflage
does not need to blend in to their habitat, the golden savanna of central

Environmental and behavioral factors cause species to employ a wide
variety of camouflage tactics. Some of these tactics, such as background
matching and disruptive coloration, are forms of mimicry. Mimicry is
when one organism looks or acts like an object or another organism.









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