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拖布电大考试资料 1378《管理英语 3》国家开放大学期末考试笔试题库(按字母)(228)

2021-01-15 05:15
tags:国家开放大学, 期末考试, 字母


电大考试资料 1378《管理英语 3》国家开放大学期末考试笔试题库(按字母)(228)
()-->A. 紧急情况可能会导致从相对轻微到严 16、Let's go to Citibank instead of the other guy 31、Without community service people would not
down the street because they are good corporate know the meaning of charity and giving back. ()
4、Assessing the data is a vital part of creating an citizens. ()-->B. 去花旗银行吧,而不是街上
-->C. 没有社区服务,人们就不会知道做慈善和
effective marketing strategy. ()-->C. 数据评估 的其他银行,因为他们是优秀的公民企业。
17、Not only does the offending company suffer 32、You must apply for approval to do roadwork
5、Building occupants should not re-enter the losses, but the whole milk market suffers a sharp and other road-related activities. ()-->B. 必须在
building until cleared by emergency personnel. () drop in sales. ()-->C. 不仅违规公司遭受损失, 申请获批后,才能进行道路施工及与道路有关的
-->C. 楼房的居民在危险情况没有被应急人员清 而且整个奶制品市场的销售额也大幅下降。
18、People of all age groups, with a maximum
6、But at the moment the industrial standards are number of youth are involved in the process of
too low to stop these problems from occurring. () community service. ()-->A. 所有年龄段的人都 1、根据以下内容写一篇英文招聘广告。...
-->B. 但目前行业标准太低, 无法阻止这些问题
投身到了社区服务的事业中,其中年轻人最多。 2、下面是李明周一至周五的时间安排表,假设
19、Practising more is the key to leaning a language. 你是...
7、Car owners may probably be against it at first,
()-->A. 学习语言的关键是要多练习。
but people who use public transportation will be in 20、Quality control is a series of activities that
favor of it. ()-->B. 车主一开始可能会反对,但 ensure and improve the quality of products and 4、以秘书张强的名义,给 Sam Smith 写一份电
service. ()-->C. 质量控制是一系列确保和提高 话留...
8、Community service is a way for a person to give 产品质量及服务的行为。 1、根据以下内容写一篇英文招聘广告。
back to a community in which they live. ()-->B. 21、Some are still nervous about losing their jobs GM 公司因公司发展需要 欲招聘两名经理助理。
despite the low wages. ()-->A. 尽管工资不高, 招聘条件:
1. 年龄不超过 25 岁,未婚,身体健康;
9、Doorways offer no greater protection than any 22、The area of grass should be kept short to deny 2. 有较强组织能力及合作精神;
other areA. ()-->B. 出入口的保护作用不比其 pests a place to live. ()-->A. 长草的区域应该小 3. 本科及以上学历;
电大考试资料 1378《管理英语 3》国家开放大学期
他区域强大。 一些,不给害虫生存的空间。
、 、
10 How will the evaluation of these investments be 23 The cost of the new project will go over budget. 5.
carried out? ()-->B. 如何对这些投资进行评估 ()-->A. 新项目的支出将超过预算。 有意者请于 8 月 24 日前将个人简历发到邮
24、The first underground floor is set aside mainly
箱 GMcompany@.
题型: 英译汉(32) 写作题(4) 交际用语(52) 词

If you are smart enough, and have got ambition

for pedestrians and commercial facilities, while the Recruitment advertisement
汇与语法(102) 完成填空(9) 阅读理解(单选)(15) and keep pushing forward, you can rise to the top of second underground floor is planned for parking.

GM company is in need of two manager assistants
your chosen profession.()-- >C.
because of the company's development now. The
人,又有上进心,并且勇往直前,那么你就可以 而地下二层计划用作停车场。
conditions of recruitment are as follows:
在自己所选的职业领域中出类拔萃。 、
25 The goal of statistical quality control was to 1. The age is not more than 25 years old, unmarried,
资料考前整理,只供大家复习使用!题库上次考 12 In addition, it is recommended that all staff and gather data that would allow for the constant

试可用,这次有可能改版,如果科目改版资料对 faculty members maintain a personal emergency kit improvement of manufacturing processes.
()-->A. 2. Strong organizational and cooperative spirit;
不上,可以把科目名称发我,可退回下载该 in their work areA.
此外,建议所有员 统计质量控制的目标在于收集数据以便不断地
3. Bachelor's degree or above;
工在工作区放置一套个人急救包。 改进制造工艺。
4. More than two years of work experience;
13、Involvement, participation, and teamwork are 26、The teacher pointed out the grammar mistakes 5. Good command of English.
励 10-20 下载券,把最版题库发可奖励 20-50 seen as absolute 'must haves' if a quality workplace
in the writing. ()-->C. 老师指出了作文里的语 Please apply before August 24th will resume to the
如果要创造高质量的工 法错误。
mailbox GMcompany@.
is to be created. ()-->B.
作环境,员工介入、员工参与以及团队合作被视 27、They are so unusual both in their talents and


their accomplishments as to be considered rare

14 It was the late 1970s that American exceptions.
-->A. 正因为他们既才智过人,
Li Ming’s Timetable from Monday to Friday
1、A credit card is an interest free short-term loan.
manufacturing factories realized that quality control 又成就非凡,所以他们这样的例子少之又少。
( No. 3 Middle School)
()-->A. 信用卡是短期的无息贷款。
was a significant issue.
()-->C. 1970
28、Though they have a lot of applicants, they can't
2、A question that often troubles food companies is
find the people they want. ()-->B.虽然有很多应 Time
how to control problems like rats and insects
get up
without harming the food. ()-->B. 经常困扰食
15、It's up to you to strive for your place, to keep
29、We should discourage people from using their
品公司的一个问题是, 如何控制老鼠和昆虫,同 yourself engaged and productive during a working
cars in the city centers. ()-->C. 我们应该劝阻人
7:00 have breakfast
life that may last around 50 years.
-->B. 在大 们不要在市中心开车。“
3、An emergency situation may result in recovery
约 50 年的职业生涯中,能否积极上进,勤奋工
30、We will have to place ourselves where we can
7:30 go to school
problems ranging from relatively minor to severe.
make the greatest contribution. ()-->
1 / 8
电大考试资料 1378《管理英语 3》国家开放大学期末考试笔试题库(按字母)(228)
8:30 12:05 have four classes
12:05 have lunch at school
14:00 have two classes
play basketball I football
go home
18:00 have supper
18:30 do homework, watch TV, do some
22:00 reading
22:00 go to bed
Hello, I'm Li Ming. I'm a student at NO.3 middle
school. Let me give you a brief introduction of my
I get up at 6:30 every morning, begin to eat
breakfast at about 7:00, and start off to school half
an hour later. School begins at 8:30. There are four
classes in the morning, and we can go to lunch until
12:05. There are about two hours of rest after lunch.
The two afternoon courses begin at 14:00 and finish
at 15:40. After class I will go to the playground to
play football or basketball for an hour, and it's time
to go home after the ball. Dinner time is 18:00, half
an hour meal time. After dinner, I usually do my
homework first, after I finish my homework,
I'll watch TV or have some reading. It's time to go
to bed at 22:00 in the evening. It's a full day.
Write a short passage according to the information
of the following timetable.
Li Ming's Timetable from Monday to Friday
(No.3 Middle School)
This is my timetable.I study at No.3 Middle School
from Monday to Friday.I get up
at 6:30 a.m.I have breakfast at 7:00 and then I go
to school.I don't like to be classes begin at
8:30 have four classes in the morning.I
often have lunch at school with my classmates.
In the afternoon,we have two s are 4、—Could I help you with your heavy box? You and you'd better put on these boots as well – it's our
over at 3:40,and I get home at 4: sometimes are so tired —() I can manage it. -->(No. site policy.-->(Certainly)
I don't leave school so early because I play thanks. )
21、—I'm dog tired. I can't walk any further,
basketball in the I go home at 8: 5、—Do you mind if I smoke here?—() Tommy.—(), Jenny. You can do it.-->(Come on)
00.I have supper at about 6: supper I do
C. Yes , better not.
22、—I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.—()
my homework.I often watch TV,but sometimes I
6、—Does she speak French or German?—She
-->(Have a pleasant trip!)
like to do some reading and the story books are
doesn't, ().-->(either) 23、—I'm more than happy to go out this weekend.
very interesting.I usually go to bed at about 10:00 7、—Good morning, Volunteering Matters, how can —() We've got so much work to do at that
p.m. I help you?—()-->(Good morning, I'd like to find time.-->(Forget it. )
【译文】这是我的时间表。我从星期一到星期五 out how I could become a volunteer.)
Volunteering Matters ,

24、—I've started my own software company.—()
8、—Good morning,
-->(No kidding! Congratulations!)
早上 6:30 我在 7:00 吃早餐,然后我上学。我 how can I help you?—Good morning ,I'd like to
25、—If you invite a Muslim to dinner, what are
不喜欢迟到。我们的课在早上 8:30 开始。我们 find out().
you advised not to order for him?—()-->(pork.)
早上四节课。我经常在学校吃午饭, 我的同学。
B. how I could become a volunteer 26、—In what form will you take the investment?—
00 回家。但是有时我没这么早就离开学校,因为
3:40 结束,我于 4:

、—How did you find your visit to
-->(We'll contribute a site and the required

我在操场上打篮球。然后我 8 点回家。 :00。
,wonderful indeed.
27、—Is it more advisable to upgrade our present
我大约在 6:00 吃晚饭。晚饭后我做作业。我经 10、—How did you miss your train?—()
facilities than taking the risk of opening a new
park?—()-->(I don't think so.)
10:00 上床睡觉。
C. Well, I was caught in the traffic jam.
、—How is everything going?—()

, we've been 28、—Is it possible for you to expand business
Sam Smith

写一份电 quite busy this month and there's been quite a lot of there?—()
progress since the last inspection.-->(As you can C. Yes,I think so.
来电时间:4 月 6 日下午 3:00
see) 29、—It's getting dark. I'm afraid I must be off
出访时间:4 月 11 日,星期二
12、—Hurry up! If the fire spreads to the stairs,it now.—OK. ()-->(See you.)
could block our way out!—This is no time for 30、—I’m leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.—()
起飞/到达时间:7:55/10:25 talking. B. Have a pleasant trip!
访问意图:Mr James 将于下周到 Sam Smith 的办 're right!
31、—Jack won't like the film, you know.—() I
公室洽谈一项新的技术开发项目,询问对方时间 13、—I suggest you offer affected customers a
don't care what Jack thinks!-->(So what?)
是否合适,如果时间不合适,请 Sam Smith 回电 discount on their next store purchase, explain the
32、—Perhaps we should climb out of the
A Telephone Message
situation and apologize to them.—Right, of course.
window and jump down? It' s only two floors.—
To: Sam Smith
—I suppose there'll be a lot of arguments.—
>(I'll get on it right away.)
()We' d better wait for the rescue.

B. No , we can' t do that.
Time: 3:00 p. m. , April 6
33、—Perhaps we should climb out of the window
Message: Mr. James of AAA Company is B. I should imagine so.
and jump down? It's only two floors.—()We'd
scheduled to visit your office on April 11 ,Tuesday. 15、—I wish you success in your career.—()
better wait for the rescue.-->(No, we can't do that.)
His Flight CZ3590 takes off from Shanghai at 7: 55 -->(The same to you.)
34、—Sorry, I made a mistake again.—()
a. m. and arrives in Shenzhen at 10: 25. He is 16、—I wonder if I could use your computer
Practice more and you'll succeed.
expecting to discuss with you about the technical tonight?—()-->(Sure, go ahead.) A. Never mind.
cooperation on a new project. Ring back to check 17、—I' m leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.—() 35、—What do you think about Japanese food?—
whether the time is suitable. B. Have a pleasant trip! (()-->(Overall, the diet there is a healthy one--
From: Zhang Qiang 18、—I'm dog tired.I can't walk any low fat.)
further,Tommy.—(), can do it. 36、—What vegetables are in season
(:) on
now?—Radish and carrot,().
1、— I'm more than happy to go out this 19、—I'm more than happy to go out this
B. I see
weekend.— We've got so much weekend.—()We've got so much work to do at 37、—What's the latest situation with all these
work to do at that time.-->(C) that time. customer complaints we've been receiving?—()the
2、—Anything else?—()-->(Moreover, we provide C. Forget it. quality of the material has not always been up to
education relating to depression and anxiety.) 20、—I'd like to take a look first at those structural standard.-->(I'm afraid)
3、—Are you going on holiday for a long time?— support beams that were going to be put in place on 38、—When do we have to pay the bill?—()
the second floor.—(), here's your jacket and helmet, December 30.-->(By)
a couple of days.
2 / 8
电大考试资料 1378《管理英语 3》国家开放大学期末考试笔试题库(按字母)(228)
39、—Who should be responsible for the 3、A bus driver is responsible( )the safety of his 21、He will write to me as soon as he ()
accident?—The boss, not the workers. They just passengers. home.-->( returns )
carried out the order().-->(as told) B. for 22、I am()your early coming.
40、—Would you like some more beer?—(), 4、A bus driver () the safety of his
g forward to
passengers.-->(is responsible for) 23、I am()your early coming.
A. Just a little 5、A campus emergency () occur at any time of B. looking forward to
41、—() about it now?—Every time a customer the day or night, weekend, or holiday, with little or 24、I bought a new car last month, but I()my old
has complained we've followed our store policy and no warning.-->(may) car yet.-->(have not sold)
offered them an exchange or a full 6、A Chinese company is going to () over the 25、I didn't finish my homework. Neither().
refund.-->(What's being done) well-known Japanese company TOSHIBA A. did he
42、—() father took part in the charity activity in Corporation.-->(take) 26、I didn't finish my homework. Neither
the neighbourhood yesterday?– Peter's.-->(Whose) 7、A number of boys ()absent some time during ().-->(did he)
43、—()This is no time for talking.-->(You're the term.-->(have been) 27、I don't like ice-cream. She doesn't like it (, ).
right!) 8、A vegetarian diet consists of the following A. either
44、—()—Fire, fire service please! There's a huge EXCET(). 28、I don't think anyone can accuse him () not
fire here.-->(911, how may I direct your call?) B. vegetable
being honest.-->(of)
45、—()—Generally speaking, we are concerned 9、All things () ,the planned flight will have to 29、I heard that you really had a wonderful time at
with all aspects of promoting good health.-->(What be cancelled.-->(considered) John's birthday party, ()? -->(didn't you )
health care programs are there in the community?) 10、Apple almost lost its dominance in the 30、I took it for () that you wouldn't come here
46、—()—No, sorry, I didn't know the rule about smartphone market () it became clear that it was again.-->(granted)
punching in.-->(Didn't you punch in this morning, difficult to make a call using the much expected 31、I () a book when the telephone().-->(was
Wendy?) reading…rang)
iPhone -->(when)
47、—()—Once or twice a week.-->(How often 11、Bring me a glass of beer, () ?-->(will you) 32、I () to know how often the bus runs during
will you arrange for me to visit someone at home?) 12、Business people exercise their leadership in rush hour.-->(happen)
48、—()—She gave two weeks.-->(How much time the community service area()the commercial 33、I () to know how often the bus runs during
did she give?) world. rush hour.
49、—()—To sum up, it is a continual process, A. as well as B. happen
from a new-born baby to the end of one's 13、Can you tell me how ()to the railway 34、I'm going to have a ()with Mark about this
life.-->(What does Community Health Service station,please? issue tomorrow.
mean exactly?) get
50、—()—We have sent out leaflets to all residents, 14、Chemical spill guidelines should be established 35、I'm used to()up early now.
explaining what to do in an emergency.-->(What
by the lab supervisor and should take into () the B. getting
have you talked to the public?) following.-->(consideration) 36、I'm going to have a () with Mark about this
51、—()—We have three major pisions: Operations, 15、Communities are part of everyday life and have issue tomorrow.-->(word)
Sales and Marketing, Finance and positive () on its members.-->(effects) 37、I'm used to()up early now.-->(getting)
Administration.-->(How many departments do we 16、Community service is a great way to help 38、If the building project () by the end of this
have?) people in their time of need. It is great to see the month is delayed, the construction company will be
52、—()—With pleasure. Emergency planning happiness that results () it.-->(from) fined.-->(to be completed)
covers several different aspects.-->(Could you 17、Community service is important to me because 39、If you need further information, please()
explain how your work on emergency planning is it provides me with eye-opening experiences while
our office.
going on?)
() many people.-->(benefitting)
A. contact
18、Community Services Program aims for all
40、In Beijing,the best season in a year is
members of the community to()to basic financial probably()autumn.
1、 A Chinese company is going to()over the and material resources, information, advice and

well-known Japanese company TOSHIBA
referral.-->(have access) 41、Involvement in community activities () an
19、Government agencies are responsible for integral and inescapable part of senior managers'
B. take declaring the evacuation of a given area and will, in jobs.-->(has seen as)
2、A budget is an estimation of the () and () many instances, already have evacuation plans 42、It takes small steps to create big change and this
over a specified future period of time.-->(revenue;
().-->(in place)
is () service-learning hopes to achieve.-->(what)
expenses) 20、He gave up his study in college in(). 43、It’s()to point to or talk about strangers in
r public.
3 / 8
A. impolite
44、I()a book when the telephone.
A. was reading...rang
45、I()to know how often the bus
runsduringrush hours.

46、I’m going to have a()with Mark about this
issue tomorrow.
A. speech
47、I’m used to()up early now.
A. get
48、John , as well as Mike()just been back from
an important meeting.
B. has
49、Knowing()increases employee loyalty to the
company and their leader.-->(that their CEO was
volunteering time for community service)
50、Leave the reference books behind,()you
won’t be able to think independently.
A. or
51、Let' s go()the reports on the latest work.
C. over
52、Let's discuss these problems at the meeting ,
B. shall we
53、Let's discuss these problems at the meeting,
B. shall we
54、Let’s go()the reports on the latest work.
A. over
55、Many disasters allow no time for people to
gather even the most basic necessities, which i(s )
planning ahead is essential.
A. why
56、Many factors both at home and abroad () the
bankruptcy of the multinational
corporation.-->(contributed to)
57、My friend invited me () the art club, and I
accepted it with pleasure.-->(to join)
58、Not only()many cars built in the 1970s ugly
and poorly designed, they also became very
unreliable after 40-50 thousand miles.
C. were
59、One of the main benefits of community
service is that it()a person’s character.
B. builds
60、Our new school building is () construction.

61、Our new school building is ()
电大考试资料 1378《管理英语 3》国家开放大学期末考试笔试题库(按字母)(228)
62、Patrols should be conducted by teams () 81、They recommended that the amusement short distances and can broadcast to several people Grandparents Day. In 2014, the ACT Government
inpiduals.-->(rather than) park(). at once.-->(Given) expanded the program to a whole week to
63、Preparedness actions are aimed () planning, B. will be extended 100、( )important it is for kids to imagine freely! fully(capture)the true worth of grandparents in all
organizing, training, equipping, exercising, 82、This is the book I have learned a B. How their various forms.
evaluating, and implementing corrective actions to lot . whichB. by wh-->(C) 101、( )is known to all , too much fat causes heart Grandparents Week is an annual event to
ensure effective coordination during incident 83、This is the book()I have learned a lot. problems. honor and recognize the valuable contribution
response.-->(at) C. from which
B. As grandparents make, and the valuable role they play,
64、Proper controls that should () developed 84、This is the man ()last night. 102、( )is known to all,too much fat causes heart in their families and the wider ACT community.
as part of routine safety procedures were not in B. whom I saw problems. This year's festival includes an exciting range
place. 85、Under no circumstance()to tell lies to as of events, programs and activities for young and
been parents. 完成填空(9)--电大考试资料: old (plus) those in between! Sing some old time
65、Purchasing the new production line will be a() B. are children allowed
(:) tunes or shake a move on the dance floor. Join a fun
deal for the company.-->(profitable) 86、Unluckily some Quality Management System 1、COMMUNITY SERVICE game of bowls or table tennis. Play your hand at
66、Raising pigs() my job at that time.-->(was) failures()headlines. 2、Fruit is good for people. Many people ea... cards. Attend a Senior Club Open Day. Partake in
67、Rent, electricity and insurance are all examples C. do not make 3、Have you heard about Grandparents Week? delicious morning teas. (Whatever) your vintage
there's something for everyone during Grandparents
of the company's ().-->(overhead) 87、We have spent all of our spare time()our 4、It's very interesting to study names of ...
5、Joachim's vision is based on an idea cal... Week!
68、Some of the risks may be relevant to your spare money on the project.
6、Many people who work in London prefer to... Does your community group have a great
community. Find out which ones by () C. as well as
.-->(visiting) event or activity(in mind)for seniors? Would you
88、We () the last bus and didn't have any money 7、Over the decade 2001–2010,
like to include it as part of the Grandparents Week
69、The key()successful implementation is clearly for taxi, so we had to walk home.-->(missed) 8、Total Quality Management (TQM)
2016 program?
communicating the strategy to the whole 89、When you complete Part 1, you will be able 9、When it comes to selecting candidates th...
company.-->(to) to learn(). 1、COMMUNITY SERVICE 4、It's very interesting to study names of
70、The light is too () for me to read. I can not B. what to do for specific hazards 1. I(volunteer in)our community because a great different countries.
stand any more.-->(dim) 90、You can go out,( )you promise to be back impact can be made on others' lives through simple Chinese names are different from foreign names.
71、The machine()this morning for no reason. before 12 o’clock. actions. Once an English lady came to (visit) me. When I
B. broke down C. as long as 2. (community service) programs or activities are was introduced to her she said, Glad to meet you,
72、The machine()this morning for no reason. 91、—Does she speak French or German?—She seen as opportunities for experiential learning. Miss Ping. Then she gave me her name card with
A. broke off doesn’t,(). 3. Sometimes the government asks its people to three words on it: Betty J. Black. So I said, Thank
73、The manager urged his staff not to ()the B. neither serve their communities to meet the (citizenship you, Miss Betty. We looked at each other and
splendid opportunity. 92、—I wish you success in your career.—() requirement). laughed heartily. Later I found that the English
people (put)their family names last and the given
B. miss C. The same to you. 4. Community service can be defined as a service
74、The online What’s on for Women provides
93、—When do we have to pay the bill?—() that is performed for (the benefit of;) the public.
names first, while their middles are not used very
information()upcoming and ongoing events. much. I explained to her that the Chinese family
December 30. 5. Community service is a commitment. A person
A. about B. On must want to do it with good intentions and not name (came) first, the given name last, so
75、The products of this company are always () 94、—When do we have to pay the bill?—() because they (are asked to) do so. she(would)never call me Miss Ping. She asked if
to standard,they have very strict quality control we Chinese had a middle name. I told her we didn't.
December 30. 2、Fruit is good for people. Many people eat
But people may often find three words on a Chinese
process. A. By some (fruit) every day.
95、—Who should be responsible for the Mr. Black and Mrs. Black like fruit very much and
name card. In this case the family name still comes
76、The programme gives students the () to accident?—The boss , not the workers. They just every Monday Mrs. Black goes to buy some fruit in first, the other words after it(is)a two-word given
learn more about global warming. carried out the order(). the shop near her house. The man in the shop name. It is quite usual in China. My sister is Li
C. opportunity B. as told knows her well and helps a lot. She can buy Xiaofang. She has two words in her given name
77、The () was only sentenced to pay a fine of 96、—()father took part in the charity activity all(kinds)of fruit there, like apples, pears, oranges instead of just one like mine.
$$10,000.-->(criminal) in the neighborhood yesterday?—Peter's. and bananas. In different time of the year 5、Joachim's vision is based on an idea called
78、Then the situation () worse by human error A. Whose the(price)of each kind of fruit is not the(same), pleaching (编织),
because of the lack of proper training.-->(was 97、() important it is for kids to imagine sometimes high, something low. Mrs. Black likes to where tree branches are grown so that they
made) freely!-->(How) buy cheap fruit. But Mr. Black likes bananas only. naturally weave together. Since the growth patterns
79、These preparedness frameworks either exist in 98、() is known to all, too much fat causes heart She buys bananas for him every week. She only of trees are(affected)by wind and sunlight, it may
various stages of development () have been problems.-->(As) buys cheap (fruit) for herself. be possible to control the way a tree develops.
implemented.-->(or) 99、() these potential problems, two-way radios 3、Have you heard about Grandparents Week?
These Fabricated Tree House Habitats would
80、They are trying to () the waste discharged by are preferable as they are extremely reliable for This important community event began(as)a one use trees grown into shapes as housing. One of
the factory for profit.-->(exploit) day celebration in 2012 to commemorate National
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