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2021-01-15 06:55
tags:精品文档, 英语学习, 外语学习


1、Campus Love
Nowadays, campus love is popular. Some college teachers argue that students should give up love for the sake of
learning. They maintain that love is time consuming and influences one‘s learning. Some students, however, hold that a
student who falls in love will study harder and will make greater progress. They don't believe that a person in love lags
behind in his studies.
There are different kinds of love on campus. Some students regard love as killing time or adding color; some are
pragmatic, thinking it's difficult to find a better partner after graduation; the purpose of others is for seeking the impetus
of study. Anyhow, far away from home and alone, seeking friendship, understanding and love, the boys and girls easily
find comfort and appreciation from one another.
As a matter of fact, love is a sharp double-bladed knife. Having it will make you very happy; while losing it, you
always feel disappointed and depressed. When the bond of love broken, going on studying as usual or sinking lament or
even being crazy depend on us. We will not let romantic entanglement(纠缠) interfere(妨碍) with our studies.
Love is a natural and quiet. During the process of love we will experience romantic love, frustrating love and
critical love and real love. True love will overcome our pain and dismay, warm our heart, and spark our spirit with
delight forces but not resistance.
1. lag behind 落后
If your payments of rent lag behind, you will be asked to leave.
Be modest, otherwise you will lag behind.
2. pragmatic 实际的,实用主义的
I would define him as a pragmatic realist,tough,disciplined,dedicated and willing to take responsibility.
Took a bookish rather than a pragmatic approach in solving the problem.
3. impetus 动力,推动力
The historic strike gave an enormous impetus to the whole American labor movement.
The present conflict may provide fresh impetus for peace talk.
4. lament 悲叹,悔恨,恸哭
A poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person.
Short pleasure, long lament.
5. spark 闪烁,闪光,使拿出朝气

2、 shopping
Some useful questions:
Do you prefer to shop in department stores, supermarkets, or in small shops?
1. I often pop into the grocer‘s near my school to get some coffee, sugar, soap, gum, etc. it‘s only about 5 minute‘s walk
from my dorm and is quite convenient for me..
2. I seldom go shopping alone. My parents and I often go to a down town shopping center on Sundays. It is spacious,
modern, and comfortable, and I like the atmosphere there. It is about a 20 minutes‘ bus ride from where we live.

3. As a day student, I often shop at a supermarket on my way home. It has almost everything that I want.

If you have bought something you don‘t like or that doesn‘t work, what will you do?
1. I will complaint to the shop where I‘ve bought the product. I will request to see the manager to settle my problem.
2. Maybe I will tolerant the product because I hate to make a complaint. I‘m just too shy.
3. of course, I will take the product back to the shop. I will demand a refund (退款)。

Do you always look for the lowest price when you shop? Why?
1. I like bargains very much because I don‘t have much money. I want to save every penny at college. A penny saved is a
penny earned, you know.
2. I don‘t like bargains because most bargains are of poor quality. ―The cheap are not good‖, as the Chinese saying goes.
3. I like bargains that can serve my immediate needs(满足眼前需要); however, I will pick and choose when I shop.

Tell something about the shops and stores in your hometown.
1. I know almost all the major shops and stores in my hometown. There are department stores, specialty shops, shopping
malls, supermarkets, discount stores, thrift shops, and so on.
2. I don’t often shop. But I know there are one Wal-mart(商业中心, 市场) store and five Carrefour (十字路口, 集市场
所, 广场) stores in my hometown. I sometimes go shopping there, about once a month.
3. I know quite a few (相当多, 不少) shops and stores in my hometown, especially the only shopping mall there. I used
to shop in that mall.
Do you prefer on-line shopping or in-store shopping? Why?
1. I like on-line shopping because it is efficient. It takes me little time, and yet I can buy nearly all the things I like.
In-store shopping usually cost me more time.
2. I like in-store shopping because it is personal, and I can have a good talk with the salespeople and make friends with
more people. On-line shopping is just too mechanical and impersonal(没有感情的).
3. I like online shopping because the online stores often sell truly cheap goods and no bargaining is needed. Besides, the
delivery is often efficient. In-store shopping usually costs me a lot of time to hunt for bargains, and I have to carry all the
purchases home on my own.

Talk about your own shopping habits.
When talking about your shopping habits, you may include:
1) when and where you often go shopping,
2) what you often shop for,
3) how you shop (e.g. Do you make a comparisons at different stores?)
4) how you usually pay four your shopping.
For reference:
I don‘t go shopping very often, because I‘m busy with my school work. If I want to buy something like books, flowers,
or computer products, I do my shopping online. Shopping online is interesting, convenient and economical. On the
weekends, I occasionally go shopping at a shopping mall. I‘m usually not in the mood to compare the prices at different
stores. I usually pay for my purchases by cash/ by credit card.
Additional questions for shopping
1. Are you interested in name brand products? Why or why not?
2. Have you had/heard of an interesting/ unpleasant shopping experience?
Some useful expressions:
1. I seldom go shopping. It takes too much time.
2. I only shop for daily necessities, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper / tissue, cleansing cream, soap,
shampoo, washing powder…
3. I like music / books so sometimes I go to campus bookstores to look for my favorite CDs / the recent bestsellers.
4. I usually do my shopping at large supermarkets/ campus stores/ shops nearby since they often have good buys / it

saves time.
5. I enjoy shopping at supermarkets. I love to see shelf on shelf stacked with all kinds of delicious/ nice things.
6. Supermarkets are so convenient. You can get almost everything you want in a big supermarket.
7. I hare shopping in a supermarket. It‘s always so crowded. / The quality of goods is questionable / not so good/ not
8. I like going shopping in big department stores downtown because I think they offer a better selection.
9. I think price / color / style / quality is the most important.
10. I love to buy clothes that are in fashion but they are mostly too expensive for me.
11. I like buying things when they are on sale and I often manage to get a good deal.
12. I love sales / enjoy bargain / am good at bargaining with street peddlers.

Shopping online Vs Shopping in the real world
A: Do you do a lot of shopping online?
B: Not really. Lots of people like shopping online. But I just like to look around on the Internet at what‘s available. But I
usually prefer to see and touch what I want before I pay for it.
A: Same here. Sometimes, I‘ll look around in a shop, and later buy what I like online. You know, things online are
usually cheaper. But it‘s hard to make sure that things you buy are not fake products.
B: Exactly. Besides, I‘m a bit worried about security. There are too many viruses online and they may steal your bank
account information and PIN number.
A: Actually it just depends. I know it happens a lot, but if you buy form reputable companies or sellers with secure
websites, it‘s going to be OK. Update your anti-virus software every day. Oh, that makes a lot sense.
B: I don‘t want to sit in front of a computer screen all day. I think people need to get out and enjoy the fun of shopping in
the real world.
A: I can‘t agree with you more. So how about coming to Wanda Shopping Mall with me? There may be some new
arrivals or last season brand names on sale.
B: I‘d love to join you. So I don‘t have to go the gym today.
A: Right. Shopping is also physical exercise to us. Let‘s hit the road.

3、Teenagers Going Abroad to Study
Nowadays, it‘s much more popular that teenagers going abroad to and more parents decided to send
their children it‘s quite normal to see a Chinese student walking in a foreign college with some books on his
ght going abroad has either advantage and disadvantage,I think it‘s really deserve to consider.
The reasons why I support going abroad to study are as follow: Study abroad often give you a opportunity to
comprehend another kind of civilization and life you live and study there ,you can not only understand this
country and its‘ people deeply,but also give you a chance to improve sly,that kind of circumstance force
you to learn a foreign language well and do whatever you can to make you lonely live e of there is no
doubt that nobody can always help you,so you should try to work out every problems lly speaking,it can
make you stronger and r, many parents who send their children out place very high hopes on
them,perhaps it‘s no enough. In addition, the youth are still immature people. It‘s hard for them to distinguish right from
As far as I am concerned, there surely exist plenty of disadvantages and advantages in doing most important
is parents should give careful considerations of the consequences of their children‘s studding and living
proverb says: The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make you have the chance to go abroad,you
should take it! Just you try!

Good and Bad Reasons to Study Abroad
Students Should Know why They are Going Overseas Before Departure

Share Article | Sep 10, 2009 Suzanne Swartz

Any student considering spending a semester or year in another country should evaluate why he or she really wants
to study abroad. Is it a good reason, or isn't it?

The good reasons for studying abroad are fairly straightforward: It is an experience that will help broaden a
student's worldview, provide opportunities to travel and meet new people, build confidence, and even develop strong
foreign language skills. But what are some reasons that are not good enough to support going abroad? While it is fine for
the below reasons to be included with legitimate reasons for studying abroad, on their own they are terrible justifications
for spending a semester or year in another country.

Going Abroad Just Because a Significant Other is Going
If a student and his significant other are going to the same country on the same program to the same university
because of academic reasons, great. Academics, along with an interest in spending time in another country because it is a
new and exciting experience, are solid reasons for going abroad. But following a significant other abroad? If staying
together is a concern, students should find programs that are perhaps in the same country but cater to each student's own
academic and personal interests.

Going Abroad Just Because of a Bad Experience at the Home University
Now, if the school a student is currently attending is not where he or she wants to be, transferring to another school
is a good option. Going abroad just to get away from the school may be a great temporary fix, but the student will, unless
he applies to transfer to another school while abroad, have to return to the original institution upon returning to the home
country (unless he decides to leave school altogether, which is not advisable).

Going Abroad Just Because Someone Else Said it was a Good Idea
The old expression,
studying abroad is a terrible reason to go. This is different from a student taking advice from friends about whether or not
to go and weighing that information against his own opinions. If a friend or parent or professor says
abroad,and a student says without another thought, then this is of course not a good reason. What the
individual student (and not somebody else), wants to decide about studying abroad is most important.
The above reasons by themselves are not good reasons to go abroad. When considering studying abroad, the best
reasons for students to do so are because they want to supplement their academic experience, follow their sense of
adventure, learn another language, meet new people, and travel the world.

4、Grades and Ability
The argument whether high grades indicate high ability has lasted for quite a long time. Until now, people will
agree that there is some relation between grades and ability , but no one can make sure whether high grades will lead to
high ability or not. Some think that grades can reflect students‘ ability in their academic pursuit. The higher their grades,
the smarter they must be. Otherwise, the system of matriculating will neglect students‘ entrance score and the entrance
examination will be abandoned. In the competition for grades, it is hard to be a winner and easy to be a loser. Students
with high grades are respected.
On the contrary, other people hold different opinions. They think that high grades don‘t necessarily mean superior
ability. The so called top students sometimes are very low in solving practical problems such as fixing a machine or
installing an appliance. They are often called book –worms. However, the so called low students may show their
intelligence in a special field. Han Han is an example. He is a senior high school student who cannot pass the
examinations in several subjects. But no now doubts his ability in writing.
In my opinion, grades are really important for most students because admission to good schools and colleges as well as

successful application for nice jobs depend on good grades. The school admission officers and potential employers use
grades to assess students‘ abilities. But grades are not the sole criterion for students‘ abilities. Academic advancement
should be combined with excellent manifestation in practicality. In short, both the mind and the hands should be
developed together, so that we not only know how to do the job, but also can do it with our own hands.

5、the most important quality of being human
On Responsibility 关于个人责任
We Chinese place a high value on responsibility. It is traditional deal for us Chinese to take care of our parents. We
owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing up. It is right, then, when they are getting older
with each passing day, we help them and see that they are well cared for. In this way, we give back some of the love and
care they have given to us.
As loyal Chinese citizens, we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country. I t is our duty to keep China
strong in the eyes of the world. Therefore, we should study and work hard for China’s strongness which also depends on
the advanced science and technology. We must be willing to join the Army and defend our country, would we be
threatened by an invader. In short, to be a responsible citizen ,we must put our country‘s welfare above our own needs.
Finally, we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live in. It is important that we learn to live
in peace with the other nations of the world and to protect our environment.?If we carry out these responsibilities, we
will be respected citizens of our country.

6、watching TV
Television has come to nearly every family now. It is a very important part in people‘s life. Some People think it is good
to watch TV. Because it can help the children learn more about the world. But some people think it is bad for children to
watch, because there are too many programs about crimes on TV. In my opinion we should watch good TV programs and
we shouldn‘t spend too much time on TV. We should watch TV in a good way.

Now many people like to talk about
can tell me exactly what fashion is? Nobody can. Different people have different ideas about fashion. For example, some
people like wearing the same dresses as the film star's, because they think the dresses are fashionable. Some girls think it
is fashionable to wear boy's clothes, because they are different from other girls', some people like to wear sunglasses in
winter. They do so not to protect their eyes, but they think it is really cool. They also think it is kind of fashion. So it is
difficult for us to agree with other people about fashion.

Fashion refers to styles of dress (but can also include cuisine, literature, art, architecture, and general comportment) that
are popular in a culture at any given time. Such styles may change quickly, and
refers to the latest version of these styles. Inherent in the term is the idea that the mode will change more quickly than the
culture as a whole.

The terms
current or even not so current, popular mode of expression. The term
synonym for glamour, beauty and style. In this sense, fashions are a sort of communal art, through which a culture
examines its notions of beauty and goodness. The term is also sometimes used in a negative sense, as a
synonym for fads and trends, and materialism. A number of cities are recognised as global fashion centres and are

recognised for their fashion weeks, where designers exhibit their new clothing collections to audiences. These cities are
New York City, Milan, Paris, and London. Other cities, mainly Los Angeles, Tokyo, S?o Paulo, Sydney, and Dubai also
hold fashion weeks and are better recognised every year.

Fashion adds spice to life with its rich color, variety, and beauty.
Life is colorful, so people should not be clad in dull colors but use exciting new colors.
The world will be a dull place to live in if people always wear clothes of the same style and color.
A good appearance may help people make a better impression on social contacts.
Being well dressed is of psychological importance because confidence in one's appearance leads to confidence in one's
success in life.
The way people dress helps them preserve a sense of their own value and personality.
The tourist industry requires that citizens look well- kempt and prosperous.
The fashion industry has become a huge import-export business and it is important, especially to China, in World trade.
The fashion industry is an enormous one. It provides employment for people like textile workers, designers, and
The fashion industry has helped industrial research in the sense that a lot of new materials, Nylon, Rayon, Orlon, Dacron,
have been made to meet the demand of the consumers.

While college students are supposed to dedicate themselves to studies, some of them are in hot pursuit of fashion.
Such craze to compete with each other is prevalent in colleges and universities.
Undoubtedly, they have every reason to reverse the trend. Keeping up close with the fashion will definitely result in
the unavoidable distraction from studies. Thus, students should have the right concept of value and concentrate
themselves primarily on studies which should be on the top of their agenda.
In my opinion, college students are also victims in the sense that they are heavily targeted by ads and are too young to
resist the temptation of business promotional campaigns. Yet, being young should not be an excuse. As adults, college
students should shoulder their responsibilities for themselves, for their parents and for society. Therefore, we must pour
determined efforts into study and compete with our peers for better scholarly achievement instead of more expensive

Modes of Traveling
When traveling, many people like to join package tours as this mode of traveling is said to be most convenient.
Others prefer individual travel for freedom. It is true that joining a package tour can bring great convenience. You
don?t have to worry about lodging and board, nor about your transportation. But at the sight of the guide?s flag
waving, you have to take yourself away from the scenes you are marveling at and follow him whose sole concern is to
cover all spots according to his schedule, regardless of the weather or your health condition. Individual travel,

however, gives you more freedom. To have a holiday tour is to relax yourself, so freedom is of essence. As far as
I?m concerned, I like traveling alone with several friends. In climbing mountains, you can choose to drive up in
cable cars, or taking pleasure in the process of climbing. You can decide when to start your way, where to linger a little
longer and which spot to be skipped over to save time for another spot. You can always adjust your plan.
Reasons for Traveling
I. Listen to the passage and try to work out the missing words.
People enjoy taking trips, but what are the reasons they leave home? People travel because they want to broaden their
horizons. People want to learn about other people and other places by means of traveling.

Generally speaking, they are very curious about other cultures. When people are tourists,they get a quick look at
different ways of living. Even a short look at another kind of life style is an important lesson.

On a trip a person can learn directly by visiting museums and historical spots. What does a tourist learn who sees the art
museums, visits the historical palaces and other scenic spots in Paris, and moreover shops along the river scene? He gets
a vivid picture -- a real life one of the French people. He learns about their attitudes, how they feel about business,
beauty and history.

What about the tourist who goes to Hong Kong? Does he get the same information that he could get from a book? He
might read about the fact that Hong Kong is crowded, and that there is less than 200 square meters of space for each
person, but seeing and feeling the lack of space will impress him much more. He might read about the fact that there are
nearly 200 vehicles for every kilometer of roadway, but the sight of so many vehicles parked along the roadside will be a
much more vivid lesson. The tourist to Hong Kong will never forget the contrasts --the straight vertical lines on the tall
modern buildings and the moving lines of boats that people live in.

In short, people enjoy traveling because they are interested in other people, other places and other cultures and because
they are eager to learn about them so as to broaden their horizons.

Zhong Rui
Do you do any sports? It‘s said that sport is one of the greatest inventions of we human. Yes, sports are very meaningful
for our life, our society and even our world. Now we can‘t live without sports, even so, I‘m still not good at it.
Since I was a very little child, my physical education was not very good. Although I have learned playing ping-pong
from my father, I still can‘t suit fast balls. Although I have bought a football to play, I still can‘t score in the matches
between classes.
After I entered the Beijing Normal University, I meet a new sport which I had never experienced. The sport‘s name is
My first term‘s PE class is swimming. As I thought, I didn‘t swim very well. I spent much time in practice swimming,
but I only swim 35 meters in the final exam!
So as I have said, I‘m not good at sports. What a pity!

Entertainment consists of any activity which provides a diversion or permits people to amuse themselves in their leisure
time. Entertainment is generally passive, such as watching opera or a movie. Active forms of amusement, such as
recreations or sports, are more often considered to be recreation.[1] Activities such as personal reading or practicing a
musical instruments are considered as hobbies.

Entertainment also provides a lot of fun, enjoyment, industry that provides entertainment is called the
entertainment industry. There are many forms of entertainment for example: cinema, theatre, sports, games and social
dance. Puppets, clowns, pantomimes and cartoons tend to appeal to children, though adults may also find them
Forms of entertainment

An animated cartoon horseSome people find animation to be entertaining. Similarly, some people find cartoons to be
Cinema and theater
Many people find cinema /or theater and other live performance such as circus, plays, musicals, farces, monologues and
pantomimes to be entertaining.
Comedy provides laughter and amusement. The audience is taken by surprise, by the parody or satire of an unexpected
effect or an opposite expectations of their cultural beliefs. Slapstick film, one-liner joke, observational humor are forms
of comedy which have developed since the early days of jesters and traveling minstrels.
Comics contain text and drawings which convey an entertaining narrative.[4] Several famous comics revolve around
super heroes such as Superman and Batman. Marvel Comics and DC Comics are two publishers of comic books. Manga
is the Japanese word for comic and print cartoons.
Caricature is a graphical entertainment. The purpose may vary from merely putting smile on the viewers face, to raising
social awareness, to highlighting the moral vices of a person being caricatured.
Dance and music
Many people find involvement in social dance to be entertaining. Some people listen to or watch musical entertainment.
Games provide relaxation and diversion. Games may be played by one person for their own entertainment, or by a group
of people. Games may be played for achievement or money such as gambling or bingo. Racing, chess or checkers may
develop physical or mental prowess. Games may be geared for children, or may be played outdoors such as lawn
bowling. Equipment may be necessary to play the game such as a deck of cards for card games, or a board and markers
for board games such as Monopoly, or backgammon.[5] This can include ball games, Blind man's bluff, board games,
card games, children's games, croquet, Frisbee, hide and seek, number games, paintball and video games.

11、computer games
Thank Jenny; next I will go on explaining how computer games aid students in their study. Computer games help foster
creativity and can force children to think.
Computer games can engage the brain, depending on what‘s being played. There are games available where players need
to solve crime and evidence needs to be collected. Normally, these games can tax the brain because it‘s not always
obvious how to progress. There are also games specifically geared towards the solving of puzzles. When someone tries
to solve these puzzles, it should help them when dealing with studying. For example, when a child is playing a kind of
―Masquerade‖ game, he should design the hair style and clothes by himself through his imagination. In this process, it
sufficiently stimulates the child‘s desire to think.
Computer games can also help engage the creative side of people. A side they perhaps didn‘t know they had. When this
is mentioned, I do not mean shooting games or other games other similar types engage a player on a creative level.
Rather, it is games like The Sims, Spore and Creatures that engage players creatively. And not only could the games
which can make you feel excited when you have played them stimulate the creativity of children, but also the kinds
which make you feel sad. For example, you failed in beating a boss or didn‘t get a high mark in the games. The
Pennsylvania State University research team composed of teachers and students found that video games can be used to

stimulate the creativity of people. The study was conducted by 98 students. They were told to play the game together,
and then the researchers measured the level of emotions and proceeded to a standard creativity test on them. The result
showed that the creativity of the students who were happy and sad after they had finished the game were usually higher
than the ones who were relaxed and angry.
Second, computer games truly reflect the education discipline of respecting children. In the computer games, when
children make mistakes, the computers usually tell that they are wrong in a way that the children could receive. For
example, when a child goes the wrong way when playing a maze game, the computer will say ―you are wrong‖ and at
the same time, it will also encourage the child and say ―try again!‖ to stimulate the child‘s enthusiasm to take part again.
Instead, if the child chooses the right way, the computer will congratulate him warmly. The child will feel very happy
and can get a sense of accomplishment. So, computer games not only have protected children‘s self-esteem, but also
have developed their interest to explore by themselves. Children need much encouragement during their growing.
In addition, you can directly learn some knowledge in some kinds of computer games. For example, business games like
Capitalism amongst others can help players learn about running businesses, while also having fun. These sorts of games
can also teach people about the value of saving money, it could happen to them in real life. And games like Age of
Empires, Brain Age, SimCity, The Sims, Civilization, Microsoft Flight Simulator can teach students skills or about the
At last, I want to emphasize again that computer games can aid children. By playing computer games, children can
improve their creativity. Computer games also respect the children very well and encourage them to overcome
difficulties by themselves. Some educational computer games also provide children knowledge when they are playing.

12、equality between man and woman
About equality between man and woman
According to religious beliefs,God created man,then he created woman from a rib of the the creation of the
man,God saw that this man was feeling alone and quickly got decided to give him a companion with whom he
would share every 's how Adam and Eve come to this 've been together all the time,became
friends,loved each other and got children,boys and boys and the girls loved each other too and got children
until the world became full of human beings.
As we see,in order to fill this world with humans man and woman had to join themselves , for me male and
female are complements and not are the half of humanity and men the other half.
Since the beginning of mankind, man and woman get together to form a family,share has to work
outside to bring the necessary to feed the family when female has to work inside by cleaning the place where they
live,supply water,prepare food etc...Thus they live for centuries.
Nowadays,in the western countries Europe and America,the family is generally composed of the father, the mother,and
the grand parents live independently. In the African society,the family is a very large is composed of
the father,the mother,the grandparents,the uncle ,the ant etc...You can live with your parents,your uncles, your
nephews...You can raise your nieces and your nephews...In India and other Asian countries,a woman can live in her
husband family and carries out domestic tasks under the authority of her ys it is not rare to see
Indian women working outside in offices mills...But in general one expects from them to carry out their traditional duties
in the family in addition to their work outside.
There was no competition between the man and his of them know their respective role in the family
was not untill the 20th century ,after the industrial revolution that women began to claim for equality between the
the first and second world wars,a lot of men went to war and several of them the wars,nations
involded in reconstruction,so they needed a lot of workers no matter their sex.I n some working places men were paid
more than women for the same directors refuse to hire females for certain kind of drove women
to many and many demonstrations, now in most part of the world women and men get the same salary for
the same can see women CEOs most countries,legislations give strict equality between
some countries,they vote laws calleddiscriminationsin favor of women to fill the gap between

genders in political or/and work institutions of the UN system encourage the female gender to apply for
positions by having preference for female applications.
Do not see relations men/women in terms of 't forget that God created man and woman to serve each
other and not to be needs woman necessarily and vice-versa.I think that man and woman are complements
and not rivals.

13、Taking part time jobs
Taking part time jobs while studying at high school and college? Why not? That is a good idea to practice your soft
skills and maybe academic knowledge as well. Now with the intense influence of Internet, students can find many part
time jobs online. The chance is not limited to offline jobs anymore. You can find many new jobs on the web as many
companies and Internet entrepreneurs also need part time employees to help with their business operational. Well, in
fact part time employees also bring advantages for their businesses. They have wider selection of people to recruit, so
that it is easier to get the best talents.
Also, they can find the most competitive rate in the market. Students just have good opportunity to do something they
like and earn money. There are many part time jobs for students such as child care, house cleaning, tutor, personal
assistant, administration work, web designer, public relation, programmer, tour guide, book keeper, writer, editors,
photographers, store keeper, and else. You can basically do any job that is available in your community, job you like, or
job that pays good enough. But students taking part time jobs also have more challenges than those who do not. It is
not easy to keep the balance between work and study. However, the more you need money and realize the importance
of finishing study on time, the better you should be able to manage your time. Two big tips for students who plan to do
part time jobs: prepare yourself and avoid time conflict.
1. Prepare yourself from the beginning. Doing part time jobs is not an easy decision. Even though the job does not
contract you and the pay is not that high, you can not treat it as you like. Responsible and reliability are the keys. Be
ready for the time and opportunity cost you sacrifice for the chosen decision. Many people just want to take it on and
off, find job when they need money and then go when they have got enough for the moment. What if you can do better
than them?
Maintain good relationship with people and build network. Part time job should be treated as professional work.
You never know what is waiting ahead. But by doing good since the beginning, you have better chance to get better job
and higher pay. Yet you leave good impression for the employers. Be professional: finish the work on time, give
notice period if you want to resign, be pro- active, be willing to learn new things, and have initiatives.
2. Avoid time conflict between your class, study, and work schedule. It is good to plan everything far ahead to make
sure you manage them accordingly. Make priorities, but do not be afraid to tolerate what seems to be impossible. You
will know from experience that you can do better than what you presume before if you are serious and motivated. Keep
in mind that to whatever extent you need money, study is still the first to consider.
You need to finish the study on time to be able to do farther for yourself and your future. Time is everything, after all.
Do not let the income from part time jobs drives you away from the first responsibility because it is just not worth it.
Do part time jobs to your maximum capability, but do not push them.
Alex Wu operates a free classified ads website that lets people advertise, build groups, and connect. He hopes to
create an active environment for businesses to place their part time jobs.

14、going on a diet
Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Going on a Diet. You should write at least
120 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.










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