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2021-01-15 06:56
tags:英语习语, 英语学习, 外语学习



1. My best friend dated my brother for five years. They just split up two weeks ago – it was
a bad breakup, and now I’m walking on eggshells around both of them.
-being very cautious so as not to upset or offend someone.

2. My cousin gave me a free plane ticket to Hawaii, and my boss gave me two weeks off to
travel. I just found out my favorite band is doing a show in Hawaii at the same time I’ll be
there – that’s just the icing on the cake!
-an additional benefit to something that is already good

3. The Yankees are the best baseball team of all time. The proof is in the pudding – they’ve
won more championships than any sports franchise in history.
-you can be sure that something is true if it is tested

4. I’m currently taking 6 college courses in addition to working full-time. That means I’m
busy every day from 6 AM to 11 PM, and I’m getting behind on my schoolwork. I think I
bit off more than I could chew this semester.
-I took on more responsibilities than I can handle

5. Changing a country’s trajectory takes time – the economic policies enacted three years
ago just now beginning to bear fruit. (bear/bore/born)
-produce successful results

6. When the salesman starts talking about how buying an expensive new car will make your
life really great, you should take it with a grain of salt.
-not believe it to be completely true or correct

7. I don’t trust that newspaper. Their reporting isn’t very balanced; they tend to cherry-pick
the information in favor of one particular political party.
-to choose only specific items (the best parts) and ignore the rest

8. My friends went to the art museum, but I decided to come to the beach instead.
Contemplating paintings for hours is not really my cup of tea.
-you don’t like it very much

9. I was sick and couldn’t go to the party. Don’t rub salt in the wound by telling me how
great it was.
-to make a sad person feel even worse

10. My 3-year-old daughter already knows how to use the computer. She’s one sharp/smart

11. Did you hear about the grandmother who chased a robber out of her house with a kitchen
knife? What a tough cookie!
-courageous and strong

12. That math test was a piece of cake. I didn’t even study and I bet I got every question
-it’s very easy

13. Diana kept pressuring Bill to tell her how much he paid for the engagement ring, but he
refused to spill the beans.
-to reveal secret information

14. Our company needs to pay back a loan from the bank, but business has been slow. If we
don’t get more customers by the end of the year, we’ll really be in a pickle.
-being in a difficult situation

15. That book was written 50 years ago, but it’s still very applicable today. You should read it
– it definitely provides some food for thought.
-information worth considering

16. Put that cell phone away! You need to pay attention constantly while driving; an accident
can happen in the blink of an eye.
-very quickly / suddenly

17. I’ve heard that song so many times that I know the lyrics by heart.
-you’ve memorized it

18. You can’t start crying every time someone gives you suggestion for improvement. You
need to develop a thick skin.
-don’t let criticism affect you emotionally

19. Unfortunately, my job interview got off on the wrong foot – I accidentally mixed up the
company’s name with that of its biggest competitor.
-it started badly

20. It really gets on my nerves when my roommate borrows my clothes without asking.
-annoys you

21. The other team clearly had the upper hand – their players were stronger and faster. We
lost the game 6-1
Having the “upper hand” means having the advantage.

22. Ever since I received the promotion that Jenna was hoping to get, she’s been giving me









本文更新与2021-01-15 06:56,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/517781.html
