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2021-01-15 18:45
tags:问候语, 小学生, 教案



本教案主要围绕how are you ?及其相应的四种应答句
/hi! ,第二单元的good morning /good afternoon /nice to
meet you ,第四单元的goodbye !/see you /good night ,
到本单元的how are you ?互致问候的礼貌用语贯穿始终。
习学过的问候语,并鼓励学生在平时的生活、学习 中尽量用
teaching demands:
了。我非常 喜欢X。你呢?现在让我为大家唱首歌吧。我的介
1、 能学会使用问候语 how are you ?及其四种应答语。
2、 能听懂、会说以下八个学习用品类单词 a pen ,a
book ,a rubber ,a pencil ,a pencil box ,a ruler , a ball
pen , a pencil sharpener .
3、 会唱歌曲hello ! how are you ?
teaching mainpoints and difficult points :
1. 能学会使用问候语how are you ?及其四种应答语:
fine ,thank you / fine ,thank you ,and you ? i’
m fine ,too /not bad ,thank you /not so good .
2. 听懂、会说八个文具类单词,并能以升调进行问答
练习,答语为yes or no.
teaching aids:
a cassette ,pictures, masks , a smiling face , a
crying face , school things .
allocation of time:
the first period: a. learn to say .
the second period : b look and learn .
the third period: c look and say .
the fourth period : d fun house .
Hi! My Chinese name is Ma Fangyu. My English name
is Jane. I’m a happy girl. I live in Nanzhuang Cun.
My birthday is in December. My favorite colour is purple.
My favorite pet is lovely dog. I have two big black eyes.
I like English very much. Every day I go to school on
foot. I like my school. There are 25 students in my class.
I love my school. This is me.
the first period: a learn to say .
teaching aims :
1. enable the ss to understand and say “how are
you ?” “fine ,thank you , and you ” “not bad ”
or “not so good .”
2. raise the ss interest to learn english.
3. encourage the ss to have good cooperation with
one another.
teaching contents :
how are you ? fine ,thank you .( and you?)
not bad ,thank you .
not so good.
i’m fine ,too . i’m sorry .
teaching procedures :
step1. warming –up exercise .
1. greetings the ss: good morning /afternoon ,class?
glad to see you !
2. revision : show me your english book ,show me
your rubber ,etc .what colour is it?
3. now ,let’s sing ,ok ? (“hi, nancy”.“colour
step2. presentation
a. let’s talk .
(1) let’s make a dialogue :









本文更新与2021-01-15 18:45,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/518707.html
