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2021-01-16 00:41
tags:英文版, 英语学习, 外语学习


Successful people create and pursue S.M.A.R.T. goals. These goals are
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.
A specific goal has a far greater chance of being accomplished. For
example, a general goal would be “Get in shape”. But a related specific
goal would be “Join a health club and work out 3 times a week for the
next 52 weeks”.

To determine if your goal is measurable, ask yourself questions like: How
much time? How many in total? How will I know when the goal is
accomplished? When you measure your progress, you stay on track and
reach your target dates.

A goal must be an objective toward which you are both willing and able
to work. In other words, the goal must be realistic.

nt Relevance stresses much importance of choosing goals. For
example, an Internet shop’s goal to “sell 75 sandwiches by 2:00PM” may
be specific, measurable and attainable, but it lacks relevance. The shop
owner’s goal should be how to build a profitable online business.

Give the goal a target date, which can help you focus your efforts on the
completion of the goal on the due date. It is intended to prevent goals
from being overtaken by daily distractions.

When you identify that S.M.A.R.T. goals are truly important to you, you
become motivated to figure out ways to attain them. Goals that once
seemed far away and out of reach eventually become easily attainable,
because you grow and expand to match them.

Research suggests that people with a glass-half-full outlook are healthier
than their pessimistic peers: They catch fewer colds, cope better with
heart disease, and may even live longer. Here are 5 tips that can help you
be more optimistic.
away from downers
Misery loves company--and if you're around gloomy people, there's a
good chance you won't be smiling. Surround yourself with supportive
friends and spend time doing things that make you happy. Keep your
distance from literature and movies that will bum you out, too.

attention to what makes you feel optimistic
Do you feel more positive when the collective mood is positive? The
flowers are bright, the neighbors look happy, and the dogs' tails are
wagging. Try to really tune in to what you're thinking and feeling in the
moment. If you're feeling good, try to get there again.

If you've been working extra hard on a weeks-long project, reward
yourself with a treat at the end of the process, no matter what the outcome
is. Having something to look forward to increases optimism.

look at the glass half full
Cultivating optimism is about breaking old thought patterns and
establishing new ones. If you're looking at a glass that's filled to the
halfway mark, why not see it as half full? Choosing to focus on those

runneth over in order to feel optimistic.

By comparing yourself to someone with a thinner body, bigger house, or
flashier car, you're always going to end up envious and pessimistic. You









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