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2021-01-16 17:20
tags:近义词, 英语学习, 外语学习


1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount
or effect large enough to be important)
=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it
seems to be everywhere)

nt=ample(enough and usually extra),
plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)
=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)1
t=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not
paid enough attention to something; ignore means no
=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the
same as adjacent)'
=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you
seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)
te=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details),
exact(correct in every detail)
=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people)
=peak, summit
itor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and
=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is
very bad and unacceptable)
=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event
or situation in a particular way)
=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation
=erect(you can erect something as buildings,
FORMAL), establish
=humiliate(do something or say something which
people feel ashamed or stupid)
bad-tempered way)
y=radical (very important and great in degree),
e=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or
sufferings less intense or severe)
=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do
something s/he does not want to),compel
e=magnify(magnify means make something larger
than it really is)
x=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has
many small parts and details)
23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one
near him/her
(complain something in a
=minuscule(very small), minute, V. A. B8 Q6 w, p$$ S
=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and
-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works
hard or does things very thoroughly
ult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult
and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)
(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so
poor that plants cannot be planted on it)
e=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is
easily hurt emotionally or physically)+
=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it
clear to people.)
=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use
this word, you emphasize something’s large),
=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately
avoid that something or keep away from it.)% [- ?0 B/ X: V
=impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a
fair opinion or decision on something.)0 U! V0 e/ a
=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack
e=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a
extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)!
=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or
utterly destroy it.)
=invariably(the same as always, but better than
r=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes),
immutable(something immutable will never change or be
se=startle(it means surprise you slightly),
astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as
iasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere
and enthusiasm)#
=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)!
ive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that it should
ous=lavish(impressive and very expensive),
sumptuous(grand and very expensive
=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you
mean it is boring and frustrating)
t=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and
admire him/her. FORMAL)
=fret(if you fret about something, you worry about it)
=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)
=boiling(very hot)
ous=perilous(very dangerous, hazardous(dangerous,
especially to people's safety and health)/ {
=unique(the only one of its kind), distinctive;
=cease(if something ceases, it stops happening or
=component(the components of something are the
parts that it is made of)
=consequence(the results or effects of something)
s=apparent, manifest
n=derived fromcan see or notice them very easily)
=domain(a particular field of thought, activities or
=emerge(come into existence)
=entire(the whole of something)8
uncomfortable and
=moist(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet), humid(very
damp and hot)!
=erroneous(incorrect or partly correct)
=convert(change into another form)
l=quintessential(this word means represent a typical
example of something)
l=cautious(very careful in order to avoid danger),
prudent(careful and sensible)
y=capacity, capability(the same as ability)
e=eccentric(if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in
a strange way, or his/her opinion is different from most people)
=affluent(if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)
= utilize (the same as use)
s=skeptical(if you are skeptical about something,
you have doubts on it.)
y=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives
you pleasure and satisfaction)
=fleeting, ephemeral(if something is ephemeral, it
lasts a short time)
=enraged(extremely angry)
=malodorous(used to describe an unpleasant smell)
=hideous(if something is hideous, it is very ugly or
tive=appealing(pleasing and attractive),
absorbing(something absorbing can attract you a great deal)
e=miscellaneous(a miscellaneous groups consists of
many different kinds of things)
er=disarray, chaos
y=frantically(used to describe someone who behaves
in a wild and
uncontrolled way)
=meteoric(ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to
describe someone achieves success quickly)
ry=mundane(very ordinary and not at interesting or
=optimal(used to describe the best level something can
=acute(severe and intense)
evable=inconceivable(ifyou deem something
inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen
=perplex(something perplex someone means it
confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not
understand it)
=avenue(away of getting something done)
=distinguished(used to describe people who are
successful in their career)
te=embellish(embellish means make something look
more attractive via decorating it with something else)
le=feasible(if something is feasible, it can be done,
made or achieved)
=consequently, accordingly
=infrequent (doesn’t happen often
=rapacious(greedy and selfish)
偶遇 run into, come across, meet with, encounter

专心于 be involved in, be absorbed in, be lost in, be buried in

沉迷于 be indulged in, be addicted to, be hooked by/on

极好的 terrific, fabulous, incredible, fantastic, marvelous, brilliant, magnificent,

方法 way, method, means, approach

解决 solve, settle, resolve, work out, approach, figure out

old and extremely
活泼开朗的 outgoing, optimistic, sociable, extroverted, open

发生,产生 happen, take place, occur, appear, arise

一系列的 a chain of , a series of, a string of, a sequence of, a trail of

有益的 deserving, rewarding, worthwhile, beneficial, helpful,

仔细地 carefully, cautiously, closely

繁荣的 thriving, prosperous, flourishing, blooming

与……有关系 be linked with, be connected with, be related with, be concerned with, be associated with,
be involved with,

有吸引力的 attractive, inviting, tempting, fascinating, charming

至关重要的 essential, critical, crucial, key, vital

声称 claim, acclaim, proclaim, state, declare, announce

惟恐,以防 in case that, for fear that, lest,

众所周知 as we all know, as is known to us all, it is well known that, it is known to us all

拒绝 refuse, decline, turn down, reject

困惑的 puzzled, confused, bewildered,

确切地 exactly, accurately, precisely, concisely

昂贵的 expensive, dear, costly,

预测 predict, foretell, foresee, forecast, estimate, speculate

分发 hand out, give out, send out, distribute

担心,担忧 worry about, be worried about, be anxious about, be concerned about,

以……为代价 at the cost of, at the price of , at the expense of

实际上 in fact, actually, as a matter of fact, in practice, practically, virtually, indeed

习惯于,适应于 be used to doing, be accustomed to doing, be adjusted to doing, be adapted to doing

渴望,期望 hope for, desire for, wish for, expect, aspire for, long for

控告 accuse, charge, prosecute, sue

迫使 make, force, oblige, compel

干扰 bother, disturb, interfere, interrupt, intervene

以……为根据 be based on, be built on, on the basis of,

由……组成 be made up of, be composed of, cist of, be comprised of

相当地 ciderably, enormously, fairly, greatly

合适恰当的 proper, suitable, right, appropriate

传统的 traditional, conventional, cervative, old- fashioned,

一流的,特别好的 first-class, first- rate, superb, excellent

等级 class, rate, rank, grade, level, band

有创造性的 creative, original, inventive, innovative

而且,再者 in addition, furthermore, moreover, besides, apart from,

保证,确保 promise, guarantee, ensure, make sure, see to

上升,增长 rise, raise, increase, lift, go up, improve, advance

下降 drop, fall, go down, decline, decrease, set,

在……方面 in the case of, in terms of, when it comes to, in the light of,

关于,至于 as to, as for, concerning, regarding, as far as it is concerned,

忍受 bear, stand, tolerate, endure, withstand, put up with

聪明的 clever, bright, smart, wise, intelligent, quick- witted

因此 as a result, cequently, accordingly, therefore, thus, hereby,

支持,赞同 agree, support, favor, be for, be in favor of

反对 object to, oppose, be opposed to, be against, be opposite, be unfavorable of

对……严厉 be strict with/in, be hard on, be critical of, be harsh on/to, be severe to

禁止 ban, prohibit, forbid, prevent, stop

激起,引起 arouse, inspire, stimulate, stir, spark

尽管 in spite of, despite, regardless of, while, whereas, though

行业 field, industry, society, world, area, circle,

没错 exactly, definitely, absolutely,

有活力的 energetic, vigorous, dynamic, vital, vivid,

有时 from time to time, at times, sometimes, now and then

明显地 clearly, obviously, apparently, evidently

耗尽 exhaust, tear out, wear out, use up

感谢 thank, appreciate, be grateful for, express gratitude to sb for sth

富有的 rich, wealthy, well-off, prosperous

实施,执行 carry out, execute, implement,

残疾的 disabled, handicapped, crippled

闲逛 wander, ramble, stroll

放弃 give up, quit, stop, abandon

快乐的 happy, delighted, pleased, glad

行为 behavior, conduct, deed, act,

深思 reflect on, dwell on, speculate on,

欺骗 cheat, deceive, take in

致力于 be devoted to, be committed to, be dedicated to

调查,研究 study, survey, research, investigate,

压力 pressure, stress, strain, tension

总之 in all, in summary, in conclusion, to end up, to summarize

堆 pile, lump, heap, stack

经历 experience, go through, undergo

显著的 remarkable, noticeable, notable, outstanding, prominent, extraordinary

不安的 uneasy, disturbed, annoyed, discomforted

表明 show, suggest, indicate, imply

闷热潮湿的 damp, humid, muggy, moist

选择 choice, option, alternative, seletion

牢记 bear/keep sth in mind, learn sth by heart

一群 a crowd of, a group of, a crew of, a flock of, a party of

源自于 come from, result from, stem from, originate from

保护,保存 reserve, cerve, preserve

地区 area, region, zone, district

总是,一贯 always, invariably, cistently, ctantly

各种各样的 all kinds of, different kinds of, various, a variety of

美味的 delicious, tasty, tasteful, yummy, juicy

通常地 usually, normally, generally,

决不 in no case, by no means, on no account, under no circumstances

使消沉沮丧 depress, dismay, discourage, upset, frustrate, dishearten,

帮助,援助 help, assist, aid,

风景 sight, view, scene, scenery, scenic spot,

名声,名望 name, fame, reputation, popularity

得到 attain, gain, obtain, acquire, achieve, be offered, be given

独自 by oneself, on one’s own, alone

奇怪的 strange, odd, peculiar, weird, curious, queer, freaky

解释 explain, account for, illustrate,

巨大的 huge, giant, gigantic, immense, enormous, tremendous, ciderable, vast,

以…为骄傲 be proud of, take pride in, pride oneself on

精致的,精心的 delicate, subtle, elaborate,

充足的 adequate, sufficient, abundant, substantial, plentiful, ample

嘀咕 murmur, grumble, mumble

故意地 on purpose, intentionally, deliberately

仅仅,只是 only, just, simply, merely, solely,

立刻 at once, immediately, in no time, right away, straight away, instantly, promptly

屈服于 bow to, submit to, subject to, yield to,

吸引 attract, appeal to, interest, charm, fascinate, draw attention to

残疾的 disabled ,handicapped,crippled.

参加 join, take part in, attend, go for, enter for, sit for.

尊严 honor, dignity, grace, glory, respect,

信仰 belief, conviction, notion,

提出 put forward, come up with, address, deliver

指望 expect, look to, rely on, count on,

保证 promise, ensure, guarantee,

确实,确认 confirm, establish, identify

起诉 accuse, charge, sue, prosecute,

恢复 recover, revitalize, refresh, resume ,renew

授权 authorize, empower, entitle,

数据 data, figure, statistics,

激励 inspire, stimulate, advance, progress

结实的 strong, robust, burly, powerful

塞入 jam, fill, cram, stuff

著名的 famous, well known, renowned, well reputed

特征 feature, character, distinction, characteristic, individuality

提供住宿 accommodate, house, put sb. up, lodge

凝视 gaze, stare, glare,

永久的 permanent, perpetual, eternal,

预测 predict, estimate, foretell, presage

至关重要的 vital, essential, key, critical, crucial

危险 冒险 danger, hazard, risk, venture

使灰心 dismay, discourage, depress, dishearten, upset, frustrate









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