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2021-01-16 20:49
tags:少儿英语, 幼儿教育



Some problems are difficult to solve. But there are a lot of number expressions
that can help. For example, if we put two and two together, we might come up with
the right answer. We know that two heads are better than one. It is always better to
work with another person to solve a problem.
实推理(put two and two together)我们就能得出正确答案。我们知道人多智广(two
heads are better than one),通常情况下,与他人合作解决问题比自己单干更好。

Sometimes there are no two ways about it. Some problems have only one
solution. You cannot be of two minds over this.
有时候一些问题别无选择(there are no two ways about it),只有一个解决办
法,你就不能对此犹豫不决(of two minds)。

But with any luck, we could solve the problem in two shakes of a lamb's tail.
We could have our answers quickly and easily.
但幸运的话,我们能迅速(two shakes of a lamb's tail)解决问题。

Sometimes we can kill two birds with one stone. That is, we can complete two
goals with only one effort or action. But we must remember that two wrongs don't
make a right. If someone does something bad to you, you should not do the same to
有时,我们能一箭双雕(kill two birds with one stone),也就是说,我们通过
一次努力或者行动就能达成两个目标。但是我们 必须要记住:负负不得正(two
wrongs don't make a right),如果有人冒犯了你,你不应该以牙还牙。

If you are going out with your girlfriend, or boyfriend, you do not want another
friend to go along on your date. You can just say to your friend: two's company,
three's a crowd.
如果你和男(或女)朋友出 去约会,不希望另一个朋友搅合你们的约会。你
只需对这个朋友说:“俩人结伴,三人添乱(two's company, three's a crowd)。”

When I was a young child in school, I had to learn the three R's. These important
skills are reading, writing and arithmetic. These three words do not all start with the
letter But they have the sound of My teachers used to give three cheers
when I did well in math. They gave praise and approval for a job well done.
当我还在上学的时候,我必 须学习三个“R”,这三个重要技能就是阅读,写
作和算术。这三个词并不都以字母R开头,但是发音都 含有R。当我数学表现不
错的时候,我的老师通常会为我欢呼三声(give three cheers),这是人们对一项

Some of my friends were confused and did not understand their schoolwork.
They were at sixes and sevens. In fact, they did not care if they finished high school.
They saw little difference between the two choices. Six of one, half a dozen the
other – that was their position. But they were really happy when they completed their









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