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2021-01-17 10:02
tags:英语对话, 英语, 英语学习


A:How is your English exam,大家英语考试准备的怎么样了
B:Ready. 好了
C:I've almost. 我也差不多
D:I haven't 我还没有
A:Today we can talk about how to learn English well。今天我们可以谈
B:Good, I first said. My method of learning English is persistence,
never stopped. English at least 10-15 minutes every day, morning and
evening is the best time to learn English.好啊,我先说。我学习英语的方法
-15 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。 不间断。每天至少看 10
C:What do you see every day, 你每天都看什么,
B:I read some classic English article every day, and read them, it
don not dry, and the effect is very good我每天都会看一些经典的英语文
D:This is a good method这是一个好办法
C:My method of learning English is listening to English songs, I
like singing, so I learn a English song every week.我学习英语的方法是听
B:Can recommend a few songs to me.可以给我推荐几首英文歌吗
C:Of course当然
D:How about you,A,你呢,A,
A:I am learning English through a book, this book is new concept
English, the book is a big help to me, every text can weave dialogues
with several classmates, let himself into the role of the text, the
nature will remember a lot of words and phrases。我是通过一本书来学习英
语的,这本书是新概念 英语,这本书对我的帮助很大,每一篇课文都可以与几名同
学编成口语对话,让自己进入到课文的角色里 ,自然的就记住了很多单词和短语
B:I am learning English by listening to English radio, such as the BBC
or any other regular radio, radio have very authentic English, I feel
this kind of method to make my listening comprehension has improved
greatly, at the same time
also can learn many foreign news我是通过听英语广播来学习英语的,比如
BBC或者其他正规的电台,电台的英语都很正宗,我 感觉这种方法使我的听力有了
极大的提高,同时还可以了解许多国外的新闻 A:This method is really great.
Now it is just you.D,What is your method,这个方法太棒了,就剩你了D,你
D:Though my English is very poor, but I have a very good method, it
is through the movies to learn English, because I like watching movies,
so think to learn in the movie is full of fun.虽然我的英语很 差,但我有一
影中学习充满了乐趣 B:What do you think the film is suitable for learning
English?你认为有什么电影适合学习英语吗, D:I think Friends 、House and
How I met your mother very good.我认为。。。。。非常好。 B:I must be
free to have a look.我有空一定要去看看。









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