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2021-01-17 15:04
tags:研究生, 英语, 英语学习


1、 I’ve been spared a lot ,one of the blessed of the earth, at least one of its lucky, that privileged handful of the
dramatically prospering, the sort whose secrets are asked, like the hundred-year-old man.
我一直获活得无忧无虑,深得上帝的垂爱,至少是个幸运儿。少数人享有的龙华富贵我唾手可得。正如百 岁

2、And so Franklin Roosevelt found that he had, in effect, to recruit an entirely new and temporary government to be
piled on top of the old one, the new government to get the tanks and airplanes built the uniforms made, the men
and women assembled and trained and shipped abroad, and the battles fought and won.
富兰克林-罗斯福因此意识到他必须招募新班人马,组建临时机构来 补强不能胜任的旧政府。新成立的政府机
构专门负责建造坦克飞机,定制军服,招募培训战士。这些战士 将被派往前线,去赢得一场场战争

3、Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the
privilege of becoming white collar workers.

4、Cosmopolitan Shanghai was born to the world in 1842 when the British man-of-war Nemesis, slipping unnoticed
into the mouth of the Yangtze River, reduced the Wusong Fort and took the city without a fight.
1842年英国战舰尼米西斯号悄悄潜入长江 口,击毁吴淞炮台,不费一枪一卒占据了上海,国际化的上海就此

5、A study of the letter leaves us in no doubt as to the motives behind it.

6、The happiness—the superior advantages of the young women round about her, gave Rebecca inexpressible pangs
of envy.

7、Poor Joe’s panic lasted for two or three days; during which he did not visit the house

8、I am a journalist, not a historian, and while this book is an effort to describe a moment in the past, it is less a work
of history than of personal reminiscence and reflection. Essentially, it is an account of my own observations and
experience in wartime Washington, supplemented by material drawn from interviews and other sources. I have tried
to create out of it all a portrait of the pain and struggle of a city and a government suddenly called upon to fight, and
to lead other nations in fighting, the greatest war in history, but pathetically and sometimes hilariously unprepared
to do so . 我是新闻工作者,不是历史 学家,所以本书描写的虽然是过往岁月中的一刻,却称不上是一部史学
著作,而仅是个人的追思。书中所 写的主要是战争其间我本人在华盛顿的观察和精力,辅以采访等材料。我
试图刻画一个城市和一个政府的 苦痛与挣扎,这个城市和政府突然被要求参加战争,还要在战争中领导别的
国家,参与的有事有史以来最 伟大的战争,实在是有些措手不及,因此表现得很糟糕,有时甚至很可笑。
This is bound to be somewhere close to the last reporting from that period based on firsthand sources. One after
another, with unsettling rapidity, those in positions of power and responsibility during World War II are passing from
the scene. Several who agreed to recall and describe their experiences in the war years died before I could get to
them. 这几乎肯定是以第一手资料写成的,有关于那个时期的最后的一场报道。二 战中位高权重的人物一个
接一个很快去世,实在令人不安。有几位原本已经答应回忆并讲述一下他们在二 战中的经历,可我还没来得
I have not dealt here in any detail with the grand strategy of the war in Europe and the Pacific. Instead, I have









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