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2021-01-18 00:08
tags:出生医学证明, 翻译模板, 毕业证


签证用单位证明信英文模板签证用单位证明信英文模板 ( 标准版 ) 一 一、国家机关出具中文版正文、英文版附
件模板 ( 注:政府机关出具公函,用本单位专用信笺打印,并加盖公章。红色部分是需要申请人根据 自身具体情
况修改的地方。 ) XX 省教育厅用笺 在职及收入证明 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国驻华大使馆 ( 驻
上海领事馆 ) : 兹证明张三 ( 个人护照号 G88888888) 为我厅公务员,自 1993 年 7 月起任职至今,工作表现
良 好 现职法规处副处长,月收入 ( 税后 ) 人民币伍仟伍佰圆 (CNY 5,500) 。 张三申请于 2008 年 10 月 1
日至 10 月 7 日自费赴贵国旅游度假,并保证在贵国期间遵守当地 法律法规,度假结束后按期返回。 我厅已予准假,并
为其保留职位及薪金。 请贵方协助办理有关签 证手续。 如有问题,请联系我厅人事处,电话
_________________________ 。 此致 XX 省教育厅 人事处 ( 公章 ) 二〇〇八年五月二十八
日 ( 注:政府机关证明函英文部分另外用空白 A4 纸打印,不要盖章,附在中文证明信后。 红色部 分是申请者
根据自身具体情况,对应中文版本应该修改的地方。 ) Division of Personnel DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Sir or Madam: We hereby confirm that Mr. Zhang San, the visa applicant, whose national passport number is G88888888,
has been working for the Department of Education of XX Province (abbreviated to XPDE hereinafter) as a civil servant for fifteen
years since July 1993 and has heretofore kept a good record of performance. The current title of Mr. Zhang is Vice-Director of
Division of Legal Affairs, XPDE and his current salary (after-tax) is five thousand and five hundred Renminbi yuan (CNY 5,500)
per month. Mr. Zhang applied for a leave of 7 days from 1st to 7th October 2008 for his vacation that he
planned to spend in your country at his own expense. He assures to comply with UK laws when in your country and
return to his position when the vacation is over. We have approved his application and made sure
that we will reserve his position and salary during his leave. Please kindly afford him any appropriate
assistance concerning visa affairs in case of need. If any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Division of Personnel,
XPDE at +86 (10) 8678-5588 ext. 1234. Sincerely, Division of Personnel Department of Education of XX
Province (Sealed) 二、民间机构出具证明信模板 ( 注:企业及民间团体等非政府机构可以不用中文,
直接用英文,在本单位专用信笺上打印。 红色部分为申请者根据自身具体情况,应修改的地方。 ) ※兴隆股份有限
公司 地址: XX 省 XX 市 XX 区 XX 路 888 号兴隆大厦 邮编: 800000 电话: _____________ 传
真: _____________ 网址: _____________ 电子函件: _____________ Department of Human Resource
事馆 To whom it may concern Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby confirm that Mr. Zhang San( 张三,注:用汉
字标示一下 ), the visa applicant, whose national passport number is G88888888, has been working for
Xinglong Inc. for fifteen years since July 1993 and has heretofore kept a good record of performance. The current title of
Mr. Zhang is Deputy General Manager of the Department of Sales and his current salary (after-tax) is fifteen thousand and five
hundred Renminbi yuan (CNY 15,500) per month. Mr. Zhang applied for a leave of 7 days from 1st to 7th
October 2008 for his vacation that he planned to spend in your country at his own expense. He assures to comply with
Australian laws when in your country and return to his position when the vacation is over. We have
approved his application and made sure that we will reserve his position and salary during his leave.
Please kindly afford him any appropriate assistance concerning visa affairs in case of need. If any questions, please do
not hesitate to contact Li Si, the Department of Human Resource at +86 (88) 8788-6688 ext. 1234.
Sincerely, ( 人事部负责人签名 ) Li Si( 李四 ) Manager of Department of Human Resource
Xinglong Inc. ( 公司盖章 ) 签证用单位证明信英文模板 ( 标准版 ) 二 一、国家机关出具中文版正文、英
文版附件模板 ( 注:政府机关出具公函,用本单位专用信笺打印,并加盖公章。红色部分是需要申请人根据 自身
具体情况修改的地方。 ) XX 省教育厅用笺 在职及收入证明 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国驻华大使
馆 ( 驻上海领事馆 ) : 兹证明张三 ( 个人护照号 G88888888) 为我厅公务员,自 1993 年 7 月起任职至今,工
作表现良 好 现职法规处副处长,月收入 ( 税后 ) 人民币伍仟伍佰圆 (CNY 5,500) 。 张三申请于 2008 年 10
月 1 日至 10 月 7 日自费赴贵国旅游度假,并保证在贵国期间遵守当地 法律法规,度假结束后按期返回。 我厅已予准
假,并为其保留职位及薪金。 请贵方协助办理有关签 证手续。 如有问题,请联系我厅人事处,电话
__________________________ 。 此致 XX 省教育厅 人事处 ( 公章 ) 二〇〇八年五月二十八
日 ( 注:政府机关证明函英文部分另外用空白 A4 纸打印,不要盖章,附在中文证明信后。 红色部 分是申请者
根据自身具体情况,对应中文版本应该修改的地方。 ) Division of Personnel DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
or Madam: We hereby confirm that Mr. Zhang San, the visa applicant, whose national passport number is G88888888, has
been working for the Department of Education of XX Province (abbreviated to XPDE hereinafter) as a civil servant for fifteen
years since July 1993 and has heretofore kept a good record of performance. The current title of Mr. Zhang is Vice-Director of
Division of Legal Affairs, XPDE and his current salary (after- tax) is five thousand and five hundred Renminbi yuan (CNY 5,500)
per month. Mr. Zhang applied for a leave of 7 days from 1st to 7th October 2008 for his vacation that he
planned to spend in your country at his own expense. He assures to comply with UK laws when in your country and
return to his position when the vacation is over. We have approved his application and made sure
that we will reserve his position and salary during his leave. Please kindly afford him any appropriate
assistance concerning visa affairs in case of need. If any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Division of Personnel,
XPDE at +86 (10) 8678-5588 ext. 1234. Sincerely, Division of Personnel Department of Education of XX
Province (Sealed) 二、民间机构出具证明信模板 ( 注:企业及民间团体等非政府机构可以不用中文,直接
用英文,在本单位专用信笺上打印。 红色部分为申请者根据自身具体情况,应修改的地方。 ) ※兴隆股份有限公司
地址: XX 省 XX 市 XX 区 XX 路 888 号兴隆大厦 邮编: _____________ 电话: _____________ 传真:
_____________ 网址: _____________ 电子函件: _____________ Department of Human Resource
事馆 To whom it may concern Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby confirm that Mr. Zhang San( 张三,注:用汉
字标示一下 ), the visa applicant, whose national passport number is G88888888, has been working for
Xinglong Inc. for fifteen years since July 1993 and has heretofore kept a good record of performance. The current title of
Mr. Zhang is Deputy General Manager of the Department of Sales and his current salary (after-tax) is fifteen thousand and five
hundred Renminbi yuan (CNY 15,500) per month. Mr. Zhang applied for a leave of 7 days from 1st to 7th
October 2008 for his vacation that he planned to spend in your country at his own expense. He assures to comply with
============================== ================== ==============================

非亲属, 可译为 Non-relative , 或者用形容词 Non- relationa l 所谓“亲属( relative )”,既可能是“血亲(法律术语 consang
uinity )”,也可能是“姻亲(法律术语 affinity )”。两者可以统称 relative ,对应的形容词是 relational 。 其他还有一些
非正式的用语,如 kinfolk 、 kinsfolk 、 kindred 等, 一般不作为法律术语使用, 而且其意义都偏向于 “血亲” , 或
者有 “宗 亲”、“氏族”等含义,不要乱用。 Descent 虽然也是正式的法律术语,但其意义是“(以血缘关系 为纽带的)
宗族、血统、门第、世袭”。这里也不适用。 3 .户主与户内成员的姓名 用英文填写后,再用汉字重复一遍,因为汉语名
称是法定名称。 比如,要向签证官证明, Zhang San 就是张三。 4 .派出所 Police station ;公安分局 Public Security
Sub-Burea u (市辖区级) ;公安局 Public Security Bureau (地、市、县级) ; 公安厅 Public Security Department (省
级) 5 .户主或与户主关系 如果是户主本人,就填 Householder himself 或 Householder hers elf 。 与户主关系: 纯正
的英语是 relation to 。 不用 relation with , 那是 汉语式英语。 如果是户主的父母、配偶、儿女、兄弟、姐妹,直接填
Father / Mother / Husband / Wife / Son / Daughter / Brother / Sister 即可, 不需要加 Householder's / His / Her ,也不需要加
elder / younger 来 区分兄 / 弟或姐 / 妹。 长子 / 女、次子 / 女之类,不需要加 first, second 之类的序数词, 因为具体
栏目里已经有出生日期, 年龄大小、 排辈自然就比较出来了。 西方人不像中国人那么强调家庭中的辈分和大小尊卑。 需
要注意的是, 儿媳、 女婿不可用 Son-in-law / Daughter-in-law , 易引起歧义(多数情况下指“养子女”或“继子女”),
应当用 Son 's wife / Daughter's husband 。 6 .民族,民族成分: Ethnicity 或 Ethnic group 千万、千万注意!决不可译为
nationality !那是“国籍”的意思! 正确的译法是 ethnicity 或 ethnic group !
与户主关系: 纯正的英语是 relation to 。 不用 relation with , 那是 汉语式英语。 如果是户主的父母、配偶、儿女、
兄弟、姐妹,直接填 Father / Mother / Husband / Wife / Son / Daughter / Brother / Sister 即可, 不需要加 Householder's / His /
Her ,也不需要加 elder / younger 来 区分兄 / 弟或姐 / 妹。 长子 / 女、次子 / 女之类,不需要加 first, second 之类的
序数词, 因为具体栏目里已经有出生日期, 年龄大小、 排辈自然就比较出来了。 西方人不像中国人那么强调家庭中的
辈分和大小尊卑。 需要注意的是, 儿媳、 女婿不可用 Son-in-law / Daughter-in-law , 易引起歧义(多数情况下指“养
子女”或“继子女”),应当用 Son 's wife / Daughter's husband 。 6 .民族,民族成分: Ethnicity 或 Ethnic group 千万、
千万注意!决不可译为 nationality !那是“国籍”的意思! 正确的译法是 ethnicity 或 ethnic group !

别让人认为你是一个分离主 义分子!咱们还是坚决与“藏独”、“疆独”划清界限!看到网上 N 多翻译模板,都译为
nationality ,甚至不少“专业的”翻译公司都这 么译,真是大错特错!让人生气和无奈,感觉国内英文教学的失败。 笔
者以前也曾犯过这种错误 (毕竟也是国内的学校、 词典教出来 的) 。 在国外进修时, 曾经问几位印度的同学, 他们
是哪个民族的 (因 为我也知道印度有 50 多个民族和部族, 是个多民族的联邦制国家) , 用的是 nation 和 nationality ,
结果看到他们的一致反应是炸了锅般地 水 Shui / Sui 佤 Va 纳西 Nakhi 羌 Qiang 土 Monguor 仫佬 Mulao / Mulam 锡
伯 Xibe / Sibe / Sibo 柯尔克孜 Kyrgyz / Khalkhas 达斡尔 Daur 景颇 Jingpo / Jinghpaw 毛南 Maonan / Anan 撒拉 Salar
布朗 Blang 塔吉克 Tajik / Tadzhik 阿昌 Achang / Ngacang 普米 Pumi / Primi 鄂温克 Evenk / Evenki 怒 Nu 京 Kinh 基
诺 Jino 德昂 Deang / Palaung 保安 Bonan 俄罗斯 Russian 裕固 Yughur 乌孜别克 Uzbek 门巴 Monpa 鄂伦春 Oroqen
独龙 Derung 塔塔尔 Tatar 赫哲 Nanai 珞巴 Lhoba 7 .籍贯: Ancestral native place Native origin 是“原籍”, native place
是“故乡”,都是指本人 的出生地。 而所谓 “籍贯” 是指父亲一辈的故乡, 含义其实类似于 “祖籍” 。 因而译为 ancestral
native place 较为合适。 8 .身高: Stature 9 .血型: Blood type 或 blood group 均可。 直接写 blood 也可 以。 10 .文
化程度: Educational degree 。 或者直接叫 Education 亦可。 英、美、澳等国的学历、学位名称不尽相同。写成下面这
样,一 般不会造成误解: Elementary School 小学 理科学士、

仫佬 Mulao / Mulam 锡伯 Xibe / Sibe / Sibo 柯尔克孜 Kyrgyz / Khalkhas 达斡尔 Daur 景颇 Jingpo / Jinghpaw 毛南
Maonan / Anan 撒拉 Salar 布朗 Blang 塔吉克 Tajik / Tadzhik 阿昌 Achang / Ngacang 普米 Pumi / Primi 鄂温克 Evenk /
Evenki 怒 Nu 京 Kinh 基诺 Jino 德昂 Deang / Palaung 保安 Bonan 俄罗斯 Russian 裕固 Yughur 乌孜别克 Uzbek 门
巴 Monpa 鄂伦春 Oroqen 独龙 Derung 塔塔尔 Tatar 赫哲 Nanai 珞巴 Lhoba 7.籍贯:Ancestral native place Native origin
是“原籍”,native place是“故乡”,都是指本人的出生地。 而所谓“籍贯”是指父亲一辈的故乡,含义其实类似于“祖籍”。
因而译为ancestral native place较为合适。 8.身高:Stature 9.血型:Blood type或blood group均可。直接写blood也可以。
10.文化程度: Educational degree。或者直接叫 Education 亦可。 英、美、澳等国的学历、学位名称不尽相同。写成下
面这样,一般不会造成误解: Elementary School 小学 Junior High School初中 Senior High School高中 Technical Secondary
School中等专业学校 Junior College大学专科 Undergraduate大学本科(在读或肄业,未取得学士学位) Postgraduate研究
生(在读或肄业,未取得相应学位) Bachelor学士(也可细分为Bachelor of Art文科学士、Bachelor of Science理科学士、
Bachelor of Engineering工科学士、Bachelor of Laws法学士等) Master硕士(也可细分为Master of Art文科硕士、Master of
Science理科硕士、Master of Engineering工科硕士、Master of Laws法学硕士、Master of Medicine医学硕士等) Doctor 博

11.婚姻状况:Marital status 译为marriage status是不对的。 中国户口簿上的选项一般是“有配偶”、“未婚”、“离异”和
“丧偶”等。 而英美国家的“婚姻状况”分得很细,根据申请人的不同情况选择: Single单身 / Never married未婚 / Engaged
已订婚 / Married已婚 / Separated分居 / Divorced离异 / Widowed丧偶 / De facto事实婚姻)

其中,Single(单身)是笼统的说法,包括了Never married(未婚)、Divorced(离异)、 Widowed(丧偶、鳏居、寡居)

12.兵役状况:Military service status 如果未服役,就填Nil或干脆空着。

13.服务处所:Employer。直接译为employer即可。不要按照汉语硬翻成 Service Place。

14.职业:Occupation 看到国内户口簿“职业”这一栏,填写的内容实际都是“职务”。下面是主要职务名称的译法: Director
of Board董事长 / Board Member 董事 / President 总裁 / Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官 / Self-employed 个体户 / 自
雇佣 / 自由职业者 Governor (银行)行长 / General Manager 总经理 / Manager 经理 / Director General of Department 厅
(司/局)长 / Director of Division 处长 / Section Chief 科长 / Staff member 科员 / Clerk 办事员(职员) / Farmer 农民(有
自家土地的自耕户) / Farm worker 农民(耕种集体所有土地的) Retired 退休

15.登记事项变更和更正记载:Updates of Member's Information “变更”、“更正”一律译为update即可,不必罗嗦。 附:
身份证英文翻译模板 (正面 Front side) 姓名: Name: 性别: Sex(或译Gender,但档案、履历等场合sex常用一些):
民族: Ethnicity: 出生: Date of Birth(或直接简写为Birth): 住址: Residential Address(或译Dwelling Place): 公民身
份号码: Citizen ID number: (背面 Back side) 中华人民共和国居民身份证 Citizen Identity Card of the People's Republic of
China 签发机关:XX省XX市XX区(县)公安分局 Authority: Public Security Sub-Bureau of XX District (County), XX City,
XX Province 有效期限:2008.05.18 -- 2028.05.18 Valid through(或Duration of Validity,或Period of Validity): 2008.05.18 --

1-1) (the Copy) (No.: 1-1) 注册号:442 Registration Number/Registered Number: 442 名称:中山市
联盛浴室设备有限公司 Name of Business/Enterprise: Zhongshan City Liansheng Bathroom Equipment Co.,LTD.(YMIR SPAS
CO.,LTD.) 住所:中山市南头镇升辉南工业区 Address: No.16th,Jianye Rd.,Shenghuinan Complex,Nantou Town,Zhongshan
City,Guangdong Province,China,528427 法定代表人姓名:吕伯基 Legal Representative/Person in Charge: Mr. Boji Lv 注册资
本:人民币壹佰万元 Registered Capital: CNY 1,000,000.00 实收资本:人民币壹佰万元 Paid-up Capital: CNY 1,000,000.00 公
司类型:有限责任公司 Character of Economy/Scope of Business: Co., Ltd 经营范围:生产、销售:按摩浴缸、电脑蒸汽房、
淋浴房、泳池和桑拿浴室设备 Scope of operation: Manufacture and sell the bathroom equipment including the whirlpool spa/hot
tub/jacuzzi,massage bathtub,simple bathtub,computer-controlled steam room,swimmming pool spa and sauna room and etc.. 成立
日期:二零零一年九月三日 Founded Date/Date of Set-up: September 3rd, 2001 营业期限至: 年 月 日 Date of expiration: Till
条形码编号:1400072607 Bar Code Number: 1400072607 颁证机构:中山市工商行政管理局 Issued Unit/Register Authority:
Industrial/Industry and Commercial/Commerce Administration Management Bureau of Zhongshan Province/City: Zhongshan 年度
检验日期: Yearly Inspection Date: 须知: Statement 1. 《企业法人营业执照》是企业法人资格和合法经营的凭证。
Business License is the proof that the institution has the qualifications of being an Institution Corporation and can manager legally. 2.
《企业法人营业执照》分为正本和副本,正本和副本具有同等法律效力。 Business License includes the original and the
copy, both of them have the same legal effect. According to the business need, the institution can apply for the copies. 3. 《企业法人
营业执照》正本应当置于住所的醒目位置。 Business License should be placed in a conspicuous position in the company.
4. 《企业法人营业执照》不得伪造、涂改、出租、出借、转让。 Business License should not be forged, alter, rent and
transfer. In addition to the issuing unit, any other unit or individual can't suspend, capture and revoke. 5. 登记事项发生变化,应当
向公司登记机关申请变更登记,换领《企业法人营业执照》。 operation should manage in the scope of business. 6. 每年
三月一日至六月三十日,应当参加年度检验。 the registered items change, the operation should register to the original
issuing unit. 7. 《企业法人营业执照》企业法人被吊销后,不得开展与清算无关的经营活动。 01 to June 30 every year,
the operation should be inspected by the issuing unit. 8. 办理注销登记,应当交回《企业法人营业执照》正本和副本。
the operation being cancelled, the Business License should be returned (including the original and the copies). Once the Business
License being revoked, it's invalid automatically. 9. 《企业法人营业执照》遗失或者毁坏的,应当在公司登记机关指定的报刊
上声明作废,申请补领。 the Business License is lost or ruined, a statement of cancellation should be made on a pointed press
and apply for another one. 年度检验情况 Record of Annual Inspection 日期 Date: ===============================
营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证等翻译 1. 营业执照: 企业法人营业执照 BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE
LEGAL PERSON 成都市工商局(或工商行政管理局) Chengdu Administration for Industry & Commerce 成都市武侯区工商
局(或工商分局) Wuhou Administration for Industry & Commerce of Chengdu 四川省成都市武侯区工商局 Wuhou
Administration for Industry & Commerce of Chengdu, Sichuan 2. 税务登记证 : Tax Registration Certificate 成都市地方税务局
Chengdu Local Taxation Bureau 成都市青羊区地方税务局 Qingyang Local Taxation Bureau of Chengdu 成都市国家税务局
ChengduStateTaxation Bureau 成都市青羊区国家税务局 QingyangStateTaxation Bureau of Chengdu 3. 组织机构代码证
ORGANIZATION CODE CERTIFICATE 成都市质量技术监督局 Chengdu Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision 成
都市武侯区质量技术监督局 Wuhou Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision of Chengdu 签发机关 Issuing Authority 年
检 Annual Inspection 2009 年检 Annual Inspection of 2009

中学 学生成绩报告单( 20**--20** ) SCHOOL REPORT FOR HIGH SCHOOL(20**-20**) 姓名:李某某 性别: 出生日:
年 月 日 Name: Sex: Birth Date: 兹证明李某某从 20** 年 9 月进入本校学习至今, 已完成所有课程, 并于 20** 年 6
月正 式毕业,获取毕业证书。 This is to certify that *** has studied at***High School from September 20** till now. He has
finished all the courses. He is due to graduate and obtain the diploma in June 20**. 课程 SUBJECT 第一学年 First Academic Y
ear 第二学年 Second Academic Y ear 第三学年 Third Academic Year 第一学期 First Semester 第二学期 Second Semester
第一学期 First Semester 第二学期 Second Semester 第一学期 First Semester 第二学期 Second Semester 政治 PLICTICS
GEOGRAPHY 体育 P .E. 计算机 COMPUTER 音乐 MUSIC 备注:以上各科成绩满分均为 100 分。 Annotation: The total
scores of all the subjects above are on the scale of 100. =========================

Translation of Financial Guarantees 经济担保书 兹此声明我能够并愿意在经济上支持我的儿子李明
在澳大利亚 *** 专业 研究生学习的一切费用。作为担保人,我有能力支付他的学费、生活费、 到澳大利亚及回国的旅
费。 我将保证每年向他通过银行汇票提供人民币 *** 元。
您忠实的,李木子 2011
年 8 月 8 日


To whom it may concern, This is a letter of intention to indicate that I have financial capability and I am
willing to support my son, Mr. Li Ming, during his stay in Australia to pursue his postgraduate study
for master’s degree in the field of *** for whatever he may need financially. My support will
include his tuition fees, living costs and trade expense to and from Australia. He will be guaranteed to get RMB *** per
year. The money will be sent to him by bank draft.
Sincerely yours,
August 8 th , 2011 VII. Translation of Visa Applications

【授权委托书】英文版授权委托书样本 【授权委托书】英文版授权委托书样本 授权书 ( 或授权委托书 ) 在
英文中有两种形式,即 Letter of Authorization (LOA) 和 Power of Attorney (POA), 而且英文授权书在使用上是有一
些区别的。一般来说, Letter of Authorization 比较通用,几乎可以用于各种形式和各种需求时的授权 而 Power of
Attorney 的使用比较严格,被授权人应为律师 (Attorney) 。 在招标投标书翻译时,一般应 选用 Letter of Authorization 。
LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION I, the name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company
name of the bidder, hereby authorize the undersigned the name of the duly authorized representative to be true and
lawful representative of the Company from the date of this letter of authorization to act for and on
behalf of the Company with legally binding effect for and in respect of to sign the bids. And I
acknowledge all the contents contained in the bids signed by the authorized representative. It is hereby authorized.
Name of the Company: (official seal) Legal representative: (signature) Authorized representative: (signature)
Date: 【授权委托书】工程项目授权委托书样本 【授权委托书】工程项目授权委托书样本 工程项目授权委托
书 本授权委托书声明:我 ( 姓名 ) 系 ( 投标单位名称 ) 的法人代表,现授权委托 ( 单位名 称 ) 的 ( 姓
名 ) 为我公司代理人, 以本公司的名义参加 工程项目的投标活动。 代理人在开标、 评标、合同谈判过程中所签署的
一切文件和处理与之有关的一切事务,我均予以承认。 代理人: 性别: 年龄: 单 位: 部门: 职
务: 代理人无转委权。特此委托。 投标单位: ( 盖章 ) 法定代表人: ( 签字或盖章 ) 日
期 年 月 日 金融英语考试授权委托书中英模板 授 权 委 托 书 现授权 先生代表我
(公司)全权办理在昆山市 设立 之相关审批事宜。授权时间至申 办之公司取得工商部门核发的营业执照之日为止。
上述受权人在授权范围内签署的有关文件 我(公司)均予承认。 受权人有转委托之权利。 授权人: __________
签字: __________ 年 月 日 Power of Attorney This is to authorize ____________to be the
attorney of me (“__________”) to execute any and all instruments for the purpose to complete the necessary registration for the
establishment and operation of ______________________ in New and Hi- Tech Industrial Development Zone of Kunshan City.
This power of Attorney shall come into effect from the date of execution and remain effective until the date when the business
license of ________________is issued. I recognize the documents executed by the Attorney on behalf of me within the scope of
authorization. Company: __________ Signed by: ________________ Date:____________________ 授
权书 兹 ___________ ,现授权 _____________________ 先生 / 女士全权负责我公司于
________________________ 土地拍卖事宜。 法人代表: 盖章: 日期: Authorization Letter
Hereof, Mr. / Ms _______________is authorized by __________ for the Land Auction _______________________, Yushan
Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province in China. Legal Representative: Stamp: Date:
============================== 邀请函翻译模板暂无评价|188人阅读|2次下载|举报文档
---------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------- Date: Attn: Australian Consulate-General
Shanghai, China I hereby apply for my brother and his wife to visit us in
Australia in the near term. During their stay, I hereby guarantee them accommodation and all related
expenses incurred in Australia. I ask for your favorable response in granting them their travel visa to
Australia. ’ s Passport No. : ’ s Passport No.: Y ours Sincerely,
(Australia Passport No. )

敬启者: To Whom It May Concern: 兹证明美国国际出口有限公司总裁约克?J?史密斯 先生在商业银行开立有数个账户。
正式商务账户于1997年9月开立,金融市场账户于1999年8月 开立。先在敝银行的全部存款余额为883,360.00美元。 Please
be advised that Mr. York J. Smith, President of American International Export Co., Ltd. has established several accounts with
Commerce Bank. The regular business account was established in September 1997 and the money market account was established
in this August 1999. The total balance of deposit at our bank for both accounts is US$$833, 360.00 其账户信誉一贯良好。 Their
accounts have always been in good standing. 谢谢, Thank you. 致礼 Sincerely, (签
名处)(Signature) (姓名)(Name) 商业银行Commerce Bank (地址) (Address) 银行资信证明样本(中英文)
银行资信证明 (Credibility Letter)_______ _银行 香港分行 《客户资信简介函》 兹应我行客户
有限公司[COMPANY LIMITED]要求对该之资信出具简介如下: 成立日期: 年 月 日 营业
地址:香港 道 号 大厦 座 字楼 室: (旧地址:香港 号 商业大厦 字楼)
组 织:有限公司; 董 事: 先生、 女士; 注册资本:港币 万元; 注册资本:
港币 万元; 实收资本:港币 万元; 经营行业:医药原料、化工原料、医制剂; 往来情
况:该公司于一九 年 月 日在我行开户,往来情况正常,我行给予该公司有 位数字之授信,并有押汇业务经我
行叙做,过程满意,对一般正常商业往来可资信赖。 THE ________BANK HONG KONG
BRANGH Hong Kong 7/3/1990 Dear sirs, We confirm that ______ Corporation is a valued customer of
this bank with an authorized capital of _______ and a paid-up capital of _______ and has maintained a well-conducted
current account. It enjoy a substantial amount of our banking facilities in the range of minimum 6(or 8) figures and our
relationship has been entirely satisfactory. We consider the corporation to be highly respectable and undoubted for their normal
business engagements and that it is able to fulfill contractual obligation it enters into. The above information is provided in strict
confidence and without any responsibility on the part of the bank or its officers. *资本信用证书须是银行
负责人签名的正本内容须有公司的资金和信誉两项。 *The credibility letter should be in its original form and signed by a
responsible member of the bank and should contain such information as registered and paid-up capital as well as the credibility of
the company According to our records, xxx has been maintaining account relationship with our Bank since 10/06/1994 with a
present balance of Low five figures in Hong Kong dollar currency as at 17 July 2007. The accounts are operated in good and
respectable condition. Please note that the above information is given in strictest confidence and under no circumstance should
this letter be construed as any form of guarantee for any paymnent and should not constitute any liabilities on the part of the Bank
nor its signing officer For and on behalf of STANDARD CHARTERED BANK ( Hong Kong ) LIMITED STANDARD
CHARTERED BANK ( Hong Kong ) LIMITED 提问者: shyvonnejjh - 助理 二级 最佳答案 根据我们的纪录,xxx自1994
年10月6日起在我银行开立了账户,维系至今。在2007年7月17日该账户内保有港币5位数余额。该帐户 运作正常,无
不良纪录。 请注意上述信息是在严格保密的情况下提供,且在任何情况下本信函不得作 为任何支付的担保,也不构成我
银行或在此签署的官员的任何意义上的债务。 渣打银行香港 资信证明书(标准格式样本)
编 号: 年 号
签发日期: 年 月 日 (证明书接受人) :
(被证明人) 因 (资信证明用途) 委托我行(部)对其资信状况出具证明书,经确认具体情况如下:
(被证明人) 在我行(部)开立有结算帐户。自 年 月 日开始,到 年 月 日止,
(被证明人) 在我行(部)办理的各项信贷业务 (有/无)逾期(垫款)和欠息记录,资金结算方面 (有/无) 不良记
录,执行结算纪律情况 (良好/不好) 。 证明人声明: 1.我行(部)只对本证明书所指明期间内,被证明人在我行
(部)偿还贷款及利息、资金结算和执行结算纪律情况的真实性负责。我行(部)对本证明书所指明期间之前或 之后上述
情况发生的任何变化不承担责任。 2.本证明书只用于前款特定用途,不得转让,不得作为担保、融资等其他事项的证明。
3.本证明书 为正本,只限送往证明接受人,涂改、复印无效。我行(部)对被证明人、证明书接受人运用本资信证明书产生的后果,不承担任何法律责任。 4.本证明书经我行(部)负责人或授权代理人签字并加盖公章后方能生效。 5.本证
明书包括中英文版本各一份,两种文字有抵触时,以中文文本为准。 6.本证明书适用中华人民共和国法律。 7.本证明
中国建设银行 行(部)(章) 负责人或授权代理人(签名):
附件三---1—B--EN (Specimen of Standardized Edition) Credit Reference
No. Date of issue:(mm /dd /yyyy) To
(hereinafter called the Recipient): (hereinafter called
the Client) entrusts our bank (hereinafter called the Bank) to issue this credit reference (hereinafter called the Reference )
for . Situation has been confirmed as following: The Client holds (a)
settlement account(s) with the Bank. From (mm /dd /yyyy) to (mm /dd /yyyy), the Client held no/some
past- due loan(s) or unpaid interest(s) owed to the Bank, had no/some bad record(s) in the aspect of capital settlement
during the cooperation with the Bank, and performed well/badly in the the compliance with the regulations regarding settlement.
The statements of the Bank: 1. The Bank shall only be responsible for the accuracy of Client’s record with the Bank in
terms of loan and interest repayment, capital settlement and the compliance with the regulations regarding settlement during
the period as indicated hereninabove. The Bank shall not be responsible for any changes arising before and after the
period as indicated in the Reference. 2. The Reference is null and void for any other purpose, except those stated
hereinabove. The Reference shall not be transferred , nor be uesed for guarantee , financing or any other purpose. 3.
The Reference is the original one , limited to be sent to the Recipient and it shall be invalid upon
being altered and duplicated . The Bank shall hold no legal responsibility for the consequence arising
from the application of the Reference by the Client and the Recipient. 4. The Reference shall take
effect upon the execution by undertaker or authorized representative of the Bank with the bank seal affixed 5. This
Reference is written in Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English version, the
Chinese version shall prevail. 6. The Reference shall be governed by the laws of People’s Republic of China. 7.
The Reference is subject to the interpretation of the Bank. China Construction Bank ,
(Branch /Sub-branch/ Department) . (Bank Seal)
Authorized Signature : ================================ 资信证明书(标
准格式样本) 编 号: 年
号 签发日期: 年
月 日 (证明书接受人) : (被证明人)
因 (资信证明用途) 委托我行(部)对其资信状况出具证明书,经确认具体情况如下: (被证
明人) 在我行(部)开立 有结算帐户。自 年 月 日开始,到 年 月 日止,
(被证明人) 在我行(部)办理的各项信贷业务 (有/无)逾期(垫款)和欠息记录,资金结算方面 (有/无) 不良记
录,执行结算纪律情况 (良好/不好) 。 证明人声明: 1.我行(部)只对本证明书所指明期间内,被证明人在我行
(部)偿还贷款及利息、资金结算和执行结算纪律情况的真实性负责。我行(部)对本证明书所指明期间之前或 之后上述
情况发生的任何变化不承担责任。 2.本证明书只用于前款特定用途,不得转让,不得作为担保、融资等其他事项的证明。
3.本证明 书为正本,只限送往证明接受人,涂改、复印无效。我行(部)对被证明人、证明书接受人运用本资信证明书产< br>生的后果,不承担任何法律责任。 4.本证明书经我行(部)负责人或授权代理人签字并加盖公章后方能生效。 5.本证
明书包括中英文版本各一份,两种文字有抵触时,以中文文本为准。 6.本证明书适用中华人民共和国法律。 7.本证明
中国建设银行 行(部)(章) 负责人或授权代理人(签名): 附
件三---1—B--EN (Specimen of Standardized Edition) Credit Reference
No. Date of issue:(mm /dd /yyyy) To
(hereinafter called the Recipient): (hereinafter called
the Client) entrusts our bank (hereinafter called the Bank) to issue this credit reference (hereinafter called the Reference )
for . Situation has been confirmed as following: The Client holds (a)
settlement account(s) with the Bank. From (mm /dd /yyyy) to (mm /dd /yyyy), the Client held no/some
past- due loan(s) or unpaid interest(s) owed to the Bank, had no/some bad record(s) in the aspect of capital settlement
during the cooperation with the Bank, and performed well/badly in the the compliance with the regulations regarding settlement.
The statements of the Bank: 1. The Bank shall only be responsible for the accuracy of Client’s record with the Bank in
terms of loan and interest repayment, capital settlement and the compliance with the regulations regarding settlement during
the period as indicated hereninabove. The Bank shall not be responsible for any changes arising before and after the
period as indicated in the Reference. 2. The Reference is null and void for any other purpose, except those stated
hereinabove. The Reference shall not be transferred , nor be uesed for guarantee , financing or any other purpose. 3.
The Reference is the original one , limited to be sent to the Recipient and it shall be invalid upon being
altered and duplicated . The Bank shall hold no legal responsibility for the consequence arising from the









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