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2021-01-18 05:57
tags:小学生, 英语作文, 翻译





春节, 是我们中华民族一个重要的节日,要贴春联,放鞭
炮,守岁,拜年,等等等等。不同的民族有不同的习俗 。
The Spring Festival is an important festival for our
Chinese nation. We should stick spring couplets, set off
firecrackers, keep the year, pay New Year's greetings,
etc. Different nationalities have different customs.
大年三十,我们全 家换上新衣,贴上新春联,准备迎接新年
的到来。晚上,我们全家吃着饺子,饺子有一层寓意:财源滚< br>滚。因为饺子像一个元宝,在古时候元宝就是钱。守岁一定少不
了《春晚》,没有《春晚》,守岁 就没有意思。我们一家坐在沙
On New Year's Eve, my family put on new clothes and
New Spring Festival couplets to wele the new year. In the
evening, our family eat dumplings, dumplings have a layer
of Moral: money rolling. Because dumplings are like a
treasure. In ancient times, the treasure was money. There
must be Spring Festival Gala to keep the Spring Festival
Gala. Without Spring Festival Gala, there is no meaning
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to keep the Spring Festival Gala. Our family is sitting
on the sofa, laughing and watching the Spring Festival
Gala, which is very enjoyable.
年得到了一个大红包,心想:今年发财喽 !然后和奶奶的街坊邻居
On the first day of the new year, my father and I
were sitting in our car and walking on the newly built
road. Although the wind was harsh, they were still very
happy. When I got to grandma's house, I got a big red
envelope after a year's worship. I thought to myself: I'm
rich this year! Then I paid a year's worship to grandma's
和一些书,我要一点点把着些书消化 掉。来到大伯家真高兴!
Then I came to my uncle's house, which is like the
heaven of books. There are stories, science and art After
eating at uncle's house, I received red envelopes and
some books. I want to digest some books a little bit. I'm
so happy to e to uncle's house!
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I'm so happy this year. It's a happy Spring Festival!
“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏 。”再过几个小时,我
吃顿年夜 饭,还有一件重要的事,那当然就是看今年的'春节联欢

warms Tu su.
the evening of new year's Eve, in addition to a family
reunion dinner, there is another important thing, of
course, to watch this year's Spring Festival Gala.
在晚上八点钟的时候,我正在放烟火, 奶奶突然叫了一声:
刻跑到电视 机前,开始看春节联欢晚会,真可惜第一个节目已经
At eight o'clock in the evening, I was setting off
fireworks when my grandmother suddenly called out,

downstairs, ran to the TV immediately, and began to watch
the Spring Festival Gala. It's a pity that the first
program is over.
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第二个节 目是歌唱家宋祖英演唱的“天蓝蓝”,我觉得这首
歌的曲调加上背景中的山水画面和舞台上少数名族的演 员穿着漂
The second program is
a singer. I think the tune of this song, together with
the landscape pictures in the background and the
performances of a small number of famous people on the
stage wearing beautiful costumes and singing and dancing,
makes me feel at home.
后面的节目一个比一个更精彩,但是在这么 多的节目中,我
的奇妙,他可以 让金鱼排成一个方阵前进或者后退,小金鱼们都
听从他的指挥,正是让我百思不得其解,真是太精彩了, 让感受
The later shows are more wonderful, but in so many
shows, my favorite is uncle Fu Yandong's magic. Uncle Fu
Yandong's magic is very wonderful. He can make the
goldfish line up in a square array to move forward or
backward. The little goldfish all follow his mand, which
makes me puzzled. It's so wonderful. Let me feel the
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