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2021-01-18 09:52
tags:演讲稿, 演讲/主持, 工作范文




hange ant me to be safe to i ant to be safe
i have read this report, a domesti pan asked a
representative of the united states to ondut on-the-spot
guidane. the representative of the united states has stood
strong hen he entered job loation. he sai
d:” all visitors to the site must ear safet helmet, i
ear a helmet for m on safet.” after reading this stor, i
ould not help applauding for his safet XXreness.i ant to be
safe, so i ill do risk analsis properl and seriousl ith m
olleagues before ork, this ill root out inipient fault.
i ant to be safe, so i ill alas remind m partners
ahieving three-no harm in the operations, beause hoever es
out of the aident, e do have a kind of pain from his injur.
i ant to be safe, so i ork hard to strengthen m ork
skills, as it is the onl a i ill kno hat kind of ork pratie
hiding seurit problems, i ill learn to prepare and avoid
ourse, e emphasize and promote i ant to be
safedoes not negate“ant me to be safe, but should pa
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attention to oordination and unit of both. if e onl pa
attention to i ant to be safe, and fail to pa attention to
ant me to be safe , it is rong, and the basis of prodution
safet ill not be solid, too.
hange ant me to be safe to i ant to be safe
i have read this report, a domesti pan asked a
representative of the united states to ondut on-the-spot
guidane. the representative of the united states has stood
strong hen he entered job loation. he sai
d:” all visitors to the site must ear safet helmet, i
ear a helmet for m on safet.” after reading this stor, i
ould not help applauding for his safet XXreness.
i ant to be safe, so i ill do risk analsis properl and
seriousl ith m olleagues before ork, this ill root out
inipient fault.
i ant to be safe, so i ill alas remind m partners
ahieving three-no harm in the operations, beause hoever es
out of the aident, e do have a kind of pain from his injur.
i ant to be safe, so i ork hard to strengthen m ork
skills, as it is the onl a i ill kno hat kind of ork pratie
hiding seurit problems, i ill learn to prepare and avoid
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of ourse, e emphasize and promote i ant to be safedoes
not negate“ant me to be safe, but should pa attention to
oordination and unit of both. if e onl pa attention to i ant
to be safe, and fail to pa attention to ant me to be safe ,
it is rong, and the basis of prodution safet ill not be solid,
good morning, m dear teahers and m friends.
it is m great pleasure to stand here to have a speeh,
toda i amgoing to talk about”food safet”.
〈mention the food safet, people's hearts are unusual
interest, onern. beause ith eonomi and soial progress, eonomi
globalization ontinues, people food ulture diversit, food
hgiene and safet
bee muh-talked-about hot topi. food diversifiation
development, various additives renovates easelessl, emerging,
trimethoxsilane anogen amine, sudan red, red meat fine, no
root agent, eah report let a person, soul- stirring eah report
related to the general publi's heart.
food safet problems, the person's health ould be
threatened. although the food safet is soial information
asmmetr, but ma be onsumer heart default, onsidering our
everda eat food, think about the people around us, the also
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mostl agree out of sight, out of mind vie. man onsumers
listen to media advertising, find out that problem, the kne
that the again bee vitims. the bod is his on, some poison is
a lifetime all XX, or even affet the next generation. their
on health, ho is responsible for rong ill are about ou
g ho e farm
different farming sstems var enormousl in their reliane
on mined phosphate. organi farms are more resilient to the
ing phosphorus rok ‘shok’, as it an onl be used as a
supplement to nutrient reling , and not as a replaement.
organi rops generall have a loer fertiliser requirement than
non-organi rops, ith a greater apait to savenge for nutrients
through denser and deeper root sstems.
hanging hat e eat
eating less meat an redue the demand for mined phosphate.
this is beause vegetable-based prodution is more effiient in
its use of
phosphorus then livestok prodution. although different
tpes of meat have different levels of mined phosphate demand
depending on the farming sstem used to produe them. meat from
livestok grazed on grassland that has not been fertilised ith
artifiial fertilisers, ill
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perform muh better than meat from livestok grazed on
fields that have been, or livestok fed on grain gron using
artifiial fertilizers
3,hanging ho e deal ith human exreta
the report remends a radial hange in the a e treat human
exreta and the need to abandon our urrent ‘flush-and-
forget’ toilet
sstems in favour of eologial sanitation. the report also
alls for a hange to eu organi regulations to allo the use of
human seage – rih in ‘natural’ phosphate - on agriultural
land to ensure phosphate levels are maintained. globall onl
10% of human aste is returned to agriultural soils. urine
alone ontains more than 50% of the phosphorus exreted b
let the good faith in our hearts, and the let the orld
fill ith lovethank ou for our listening.
ampus seurit : ith a sharp r, marks the landing a human
life, the existene of life mean? hen the red sun rises in sk.
the tinkling of an ee, the sun ill be the golden spread to
ever orner of the orld, everthing es bak to the earth - - - -
- - it is beause of the existene of life; the deliate floers
in green leaves daning in the dark, fireflies blinking
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singing, livel ampus seurit hildren rolled on the grass - -
- - - - these are for life in the presene of. life everhere,
everhere. life is too preious! there is a life, have petition
and struggle, has a life, has happiness and sadness, ith life,
have hope and ideal, have a life of love. our life is just
like a spring ble floer, the orld beause of floer life
onderful! some people live, earl life floer ithered. as e all
kno, the most basi human needs -- in addition to the air,
ater and food needs, is safe. nespapers, television, nes
ontent more and more people fear, suh as fire, flood, tsunami,
earthquake, disaster, aident, terrorist attak, ar, violene
and so on, e have onvined ourselves living environment is not
100% safe.
as a student, one ear has most of the time in the shool
and the surrounding life. in this densel populated area,
narro speial environment, safet is alas our fous of attention,
the relevant departments of the state speiall set up relevant
las and regulations, formulate relevant regulations. suh as
student injur aident treatment measures , minor protets a la ,
the prevention of juvenile delinquen la , at the same time
the ountr has put forard the safet responsibilit be eightier
than mount tai , safet first, prevention first priniple, at
the same time, the state established the safet administration,
responsible for the national ork safet management, it
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indiates that the ountr attahes great importane to seurit ork.
investigation shos, our ountr middle and primar shool
students in traffi aidents, ollapse of buildings, food
poisoning, droning, seurit aidents, violent rime, death, a
dail average of more than 40 people, the equivalent of a da
is a lass of students lose their floer life! building
ongestion ausing injuries, but hasing aused b frature, lass
is the penil head injuries, experimental proess, droning,
burns ' fights and ar rashes and other aidents are impossible
to guard against. dr old figure, these hearts a flutter fats
behind hat do e see? the dead to their fresh and short life
puts to us hat aution? hope the teaher, students thinking! e
are still a long a to the orld, everone living has left
something beautiful! friends, our heart like muniation, be
able to touh our heart, i feel ou the full heart in favor of
fighting, even in trembling. e should let his life in mind
fighting through, like leaves, like xie hua, smart, smart, do
on the life of no regrets, let the light of life brilliant
forever. treasures the life, even if life is onl a moment,
then let it bee an eternit.
ladies and gentlemen,
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i’m glad to stand here to have a performane. to begin
ith, i ant to introdue an old hinese proverb. as the proverb
presented, people ho pik up the sesame in turn lost the
atermelon. it means that, e pa more attention to the
subordinate elements, hile the more important fator is alas
ignored. the proverb an be used to desribe the development
and safet hih e disuss here in modern times. let’s see
development and safet. in man ounties, enterprises onl think
highl of development and overlook safet, just like the people
got the sesame but lost the atermelon at the same time. so in
m standpoint, safet is the first, no safet, no development.
m major is thermal poer engineer, mabe i ill ork in heat-
engine plant. the highl development of our motherland ould
not live ithout eletrial poer. and hat is the most important
matter in plant is safet. e an see that all the plants in our
ountr have strit seurit stipulate in the hole fields. orkers
have to handle the mahine based on the rules. if someone make
mistakes arelessl, it ould bring great losses. at that moment,
development an not do anthing at all.
the seond orld ar is famous for its great ruelt and
destrutiveness. it led about 50 million people’s death. more
people lost their homes and families. the orld eonom never
had suh a great ountermarh. after the seond orld ar, mankind
as eled to a ne period of orld peae. although there still as
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a problem alled “old ar”, ithout the real arfare beteen
ountries, people in their ounties had safe surroundings and
the ould fous on orking to rebuild their ountries. ith this
opportunit, the orld eonom flied! modern soiet as forming at
that time. people eventuall realized that the main topi of
our orld is “peae and development”. the put the ord
“peae” first beause development relies on peae and safet.
man people think development and safet suppl eah other. a
safe environment an promote development and good development
an boost safet. but have ou ever thought about that the
funtion of safet is ver basi. hat safet to development is
like the root to the tree, like the foundation to the
building, like the engine to the ar. ithout strong roots,
trees ould not gro flourish. ithout solid foundation, the
highest building shall fall don. ithout sturd engine, the
most magnifient ar is just a trash, beause it an not even run
one meter.
never forget safet hen e ant to get great development.
the effet of safet stands to reason and nobod an hange the
inherent la. onl the on the great preondition an e hope to
get enormous development. never be the fool ho in the proverb
get the sesame but lost the atermelon, hih ill get more kiks
than halfpene.
thank ou! god bless ou, m friend!
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2 、轻声漫步过走廊,中午检查纪律的同学也要注意这一点,不可
急跑,干扰同学休息学习,也不安全,也 没必要,区区十几米跑能节
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本文更新与2021-01-18 09:52,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/527156.html
