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2021-01-18 10:53
tags:英语词汇, 高二英语, 英语


Unit 1
promise to tell someone that one will definitely do something
straight one after another in a series
despite in spite of
Seoul the capital city of South Korea
shuttle a train, bus or plane that travels regularly between two places
resort a place where people go on holiday or during vacation
scramble to push or compete with others
slope the side of a hill or mountain
floodlight to light a place brightly using strong lamps
suit a set of clothes made from the same fabric
ski a long piece of wood used for sliding down a hill covered in snow
instructor a person who teaches a skill or sport
gentle not steep or sharp
sideways to, towards or from the side
point to aim (something)
tip the pointed end of something
cross to pass one thing over another
success a good result
definitely certainly
nevertheless despite something just mentioned
athletics sports involving racing, jumping or throwing on a track, road or field
athlete a person who competes in sports
compete to take part in contest or sport
participate to be involved or take part in
combine to put together (two or more different things)
event a race or competition in a sports programme
hurdling a race that involves running and jumping over barriers
short-put a sport where people throw a heavy, metal ball as far as they can
discus a sport where people throw a round, flat object made of metal as far as they can
javelin a sport where people throw a long, pointed stick as far as they can
marathon a running race usually about 42 km in length
endurance the ability to do something difficult or painful for a long time
require to make (someone do something)
competition a contest, sport or race
category a group of things with similar features
decathlon a sporting event taking place over two days, in which athletes compete in ten sports
all-round with a wide range of skills or abilities
physical related to the body
motto a short phrase that express the beliefs or goals of a group
desire a strong wish for something
humanity people in general
soar to fly or rise high in the air quickly and smoothly

Unit 2
tutorial connected with the work of a private teacher or a private school that prepares students
for exams
fee an amount of money one pays for a professional service
reasonable fair, not too expensive
tutor a private teacher
qualified having passed the exams or completed the training necessary to do a particular job
sincere honest, real
confidence a belief in one’s own or another person’s ability to do something and be successful
cheat to trick or deceive (someone)
attend to go to (an event, meeting or class), to go regularly (to a place)
supplementary extra or additional
comic a magazine for children that tells stories through pictures
video a recording of films or television programmes, moving images on a TV or computer screen
arcade a place where one can pay to play games on machines
recommendation a suggestion as to the best thing to do
enroll to arrange for yourself or someone else to officially join a course,school, etc
detective a person employed to find out information about someone or something
factor one of several thing causing or influencing something
solution a way of successful dealing with a problem
pace the speed at which something is done
convenient useful, easy or quick
degree the qualification receives by a student who has successfully completed a university or
college course
career a series of jobs one holds in the same field of work over time, usually with increased
interest to make one feel interested; to attract the attention of
correspondence the letters one sends and receives; the activity of writing letters
audio connected with sound that is recorded
disc a thin, flat circular object, especially one used to record and play sound or video for a CD or
DVD player
mail the post; the system for sending and receiving letters
complain an opinion or explanation about something
e-learning the activity of study using computer software or the internet
software the programs used to operate a computer
Internet a communications network connecting computers to each other around the world
freedom the state of being able to do what one wants
self-discipline the ability to make oneself do something difficult or unpleasant
achievement a thing someone has successfully done

Unit 3
fashion the popular style of clothes and hair at a particular time
fashionable following a style that is popular at a particular time
illustrate to make (something) clearer by using examples
object a thing that can be seen or touched
blouse a woman’s shirt
extravagant spending more money than seems necessary
afford to have enough money to buy (something)
contest a competition where people try to win something
sight a famous place often visited by tourists
appreciate to recognize the good qualities of (someone or something)
cool [informal]something very fashionable
trainers [pl.]shoes worn informally or for sports
ruin to destroy something or make it lose all value
blonde (of hair )tallow or golden
wig artificial hair worn on the head to cover someone’s own hair or a place that is bald
affect to influence
beaver a kind of animal with a flat tail and strong teeth
fur animal hair
extinct (of a type of animal or plant, etc.) no longer in existence
saying a well-known statement that expresses something believed as wise and true
uniform a special set of clothes that identify members of a group or organization
elementary (in America) a primary school; a school for children between six and twelve
Maryland a state on the East Coast of the USA
reduce to make less or smaller in size, quantity, etc.
programme a plan of things to be done
promote to help something happen or develop
link to connect two things together
gang a group of young people that spend time together and often cause trouble or fight with
other groups
decrease to make less or smaller
peer a person of the same age or social status as another person
pressure the act of trying to persuade or force someone to do something
academic connected with education or study
resistance dislike or opposition to a plan or idea
complain to say that one is unhappy about something
individuality a quality that makes someone different from others
court a place where legal trials take place and where things are judged
unlike not probable
adopt to accept and use (a new idea or plan)
nationwide happening or existing in all parts of a country

Unit 4
drive- in a restaurant, a cinema, etc., where one can eat or watch a film without leaving one’s car
stand a table or small building in the street where goods are sold
California a state on the West Coast of the USA
tidy arranged neatly and with everything in order
immediately at once, without waiting
staff all the employees or workers at a place
impress to make (someone) feel respect and liking
service the giving of food or drink to customers; the help to people that a business provides
read to have (something) written on it
outlet a shop in a company that sells goods made by that company
expand to become greater in size or importance
launch to start (an activity, especially an organized one)
branch a local office or shop belonging to a large company
swiftly very quickly
ownership the fact of having something that belongs to you
detail the small facts or features of something
establish to start or create (an organization that is meant to last a long time)
import to bring a product into one country to another
pack to put (something) into a container so that it can be stored, transported or sold
personnel the people who work for an organization
bakery a place where bread and cakes are made and sold
roll a small, round piece of bread
hotpot a hot dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in the oven or on a store
appliance a machine made to do a particular thing around the home
range a variety of things
well-lit not dark; having much light
operate to work in a particular way

Unit 5
laptop a small computer that can easily be carried
magic a special, wonderful quality
virtual of something not real, but made to appear real or existing by the use of computer
reality a thing that is actually experienced or seen
headset a device that goes on the head and allows one to hear sounds, see images, or speak to
others electronically; headphones
image a picture of something or someone as seen on a TV or computer screen, in a mirror, or in
a photograph









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