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70周年阅兵学年第 学期 英语(二)课程考试试题(A)卷

2021-01-18 11:29
tags:英语, 建筑/土木, 专业资料



学年第 学期 英语(二)课程考试试题(A)卷

类别 成教学院 拟题人 刘皎


Part Ⅰ 用适当的语法或词汇填空。(本题20分),(每小题1分)
1 We are fully prepared _______ more hard work.
A on B in C for D /
2 The boy would rather the football match_____ next week.
A took place B has taken place C take place D should take place
3 What other things were invented in ancient China _____ the compass?
A beside B besides C except D except for
4 If we believe something is good and true we should _____ to it.
A hold up B keep on C hold on D keep up
5 What chance does a ____ man who never finished high school have ?
A forty- years-old B forty-years-olds
C forty-year-old D forty- year-olds
6 The noise _____ me from sleep just now .
A arouses B aroused C arise D raise
7 The film is much better than the ______ we saw last Sunday.
A ones B one C that D what
8 They do not allow ______ in this classroom.
A smoking B to smoke C smoked D being smoked
9 To my _____ this guy is a good-for-nothing.
A heart B mind C thought D thinking
10 _____ is known to everyone that the moon travels around the earth once every
month. A It B as C That D what
11 Soon he is inside the ____ building where his company has offices.
本卷共6页 第1页(另附答题纸2张)
A Sixty story B sixty-story C sixty stories D sixty-stories
12 I could not understand why he pretended ____ in the bookstore.
A to see me not B not see me C not to see me D to see not me
13 One of his many faults is that he never ____ anything very long.
A decides on B sticks to C goes over D make sure
14 Vickle had most probably _____her for her twin sister.
A regarded B mistaken C looked on D considered
15 There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world . but only ____of them are
very important.
A a few B a little C few D little
16 You should be out playing ______ working indoors.
A instead B instead of C but D nothing but
17 I used to ___ at six , but now I get used to ___ at seven.
A got up getting up B gets up getting up
C getting up get up D get up getting up
18 Six months ______ and still we had no news from them.
A passed B past C pass D passing
19 Hardly _____ the classroom when the class began.
A he had entered B he entered C had he entered D he was entered
20 I do not agree to ____ he said.
A that B which C what D how
Passage 1
It doesn’t’ t matter when or how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay
alive. That’ s what all doctors thought, until they heard about Al Herpin. Al Herpin, it was
said , never slept. Could this be true? The doctors decided to see this strange man
Al Herpin was 90 years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They
thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they Stayed with him and watched
every movement he made. But they were surprised. Though they watched him hour after
hour and day after day, they never saw Herpin sleeping. In fact, he did not even own a bed.
本卷共6页 第2页(另附答题纸2张)
He never needed one.
The only rest that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and
reading newspaper. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness.
They asked him many question , hoping to find an answer. They found only one answer that
might explain his condition. Herpin remembered some talk about his mother having been
injured several days before he was born. But that was all. Was this the real reason? No one
could be sure.
Herpin died at the age of 94.
21. The main idea of this passage is that .
A. Large number of people do not need sleep.
B. A person who actually didn’t need any sleep was found
C. Everyone needs some sleep to stay alive.
D. People can live longer by trying not to sleep.
22. The doctors came to visit Herpin, expecting .
A. to cure him of his sleeplessness.
B. To find that his sleeplessness was not really true.
C. To find out why some old people didn’t need any sleep.
D. To find a way to free people from the need of sleeping.
23. After watching him closely, the doctors came to believe that Al Herpin .
A. needed some kind of sleep. B. Was too old to need any sleep
C. Needed no sleep at all. D. often slept in a chair
24. One reason that might explain Herpin’ s sleeplessness was .
A. his mother’ s injury before he was born
B. that he had gradually got rid of the sleeping habit
C. his magnificent physical condition
D. that he hadn’ t got a bed
25. Al Herpin’ s condition could be regarded as .
A. a common one B. one that could be cured
C. very healthy D. a rare one
Passage 2
I hear many parents saying that their teen-age children are rebellious(叛逆的). I wish
it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be
learning to stand on your own feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems
that teen-ages are all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents.
Instead of striking out bravely on their own, most of them are trying to seize at one
another’s hands for safety.
They say they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They
set off in new direction in music. But somehow they all end up crowded round listening to
the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus-and- such a way that the crowd
本卷共6页 第3页(另附答题纸2张)









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