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2021-01-18 12:30
tags:英语, 英语学习, 外语学习



1. 许多人认为这种药有助于睡眠,而我只能暗自感叹:“要是他们知情就好了。”(
1. A lot of people believe that sleeping pills help them sleep. All I can think
2. 当我第一次驾机飞上蓝天时,我终于美梦成真。My dream came true when I first
flew up into the blue sky in an airplane. .
3. 这位乡下孩子接触到了城里的种种陌生的事物。他感到十分惊讶,仿佛自己进入
了未来世界一般。The country boy was exposed to many strange things in the city. He
felt gre atly shocked as if he had entered a future world.
4. 大学毕业才一年,他就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人。
Within only one year after graduation from college, he went from a student who pursued
his dream to a person who didn't care about a thing.
5. 我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会。I have been
given permission to do the interview in that area, and that's not something that
everyone gets. .

1. 随着战争的开始,接踵而来的便是为期十年的屠杀和毁灭。(
1. With the beginning of the war came ten years of killing and destruction.
2. 我们将继续从事我们一直在从事的事业。(We shall continue to do what we have
always been doing. .
3. 他们大多数人从头一天早上起就一直在干。今晚他们仍然谁也睡不
成 。 Most of them had been up since the morning before yesterday. But none
of them will sleep tonight either.
4. 李明是土生土长的成都人。他仍然记得以前在四合院(quadrangle)里生活的情景。
Born and raised in Chengdu, Li Ming still remembers the time when he lived in a/the
5. 你怎么竟敢在光天化日之下如此残忍地虐待一个幼小的儿童? How
dare you treat a young child in such a cruel manner in broad daylight

1. 他悲叹一声,对我们说他年轻时也曾风光一时。He breathed/heaved a sigh of
sorrow and told us that he had seen a better day when he was young.
2. 他有极强的责任感,这就是为什么他被选中掌管这个项目。 He
has a strong sense of responsibility, and that's why he is chosen to take control
of the project.
3. 不管你去哪里,不管是出差还是去玩,尽量多了解那个地方总是一个不错的主意。
Wherever you go, be it for business or pleasure, it is always a good idea to find
out as much as you can about the place. .
4. 我们得小心一点,同样的情景可能就要出
现。 Let's be careful. The situation may be about to
repeat itself.
5. 事实上,室内空气质量与儿童的健康密切相关,当然与成人的健康也有关系。 In
fact, indoor air quality has a great deal to do with children's health, and adult's
health for that matter.

1/为什么人们要在旅行上花费这么多的时间和金钱呢?Why is it that people spend so
much time and money on traveling?
2/ 乘飞机旅行既快又安全,难怪是旅行者的首选。Traveling by air is quick and safe.
No wonder it is a popular choice for travelers.
3/ 我们学校的大部分学生都选了网页设计这门课,计算机中心里白天晚上都挤满了人。
Most of the students in my collage have enrolled in the course of web page design
and the computer center is always filled with people day and night.
4/ 我一直梦想着朋友遍天下。多亏了网络,我的梦想终于实现了。It has always been my
dream to have friends all over the world. Thanks to the Internet, my dream has come
Free information on-line, convenient communication with friends, attractive games,
this is what the Internet is all about.

1. 知道原理是一回事,但要付诸实践又是另外一回事。It's one thing to understand
the principle, it's another thing to put it into practice. .
2. 据报道,慢跑(jogging)可将患心脏病的可能性减少三分之二。It is reported
that jogging makes you three times less likely to suffer from a heart attack.
3. 根据最新调查,半数英国人不清楚欧元与英镑的比值。Almost half of the British
people have no idea what the euro is worth in relation to the pound, according to
the latest survey.
4. 这片土地本应建成一个供大家享用的公园,但现在却立起了几栋公寓楼。The
area should have been made into a park for everyone to enjoy but now some apartment
buildings stand there.
5. 不知道所有这些相关信息能否凑成一幅关于他的清晰图画。I'm wondering
whether all the related information could add up to a clear picture of him.

1. 他饮酒过量,对身体不好。He drinks more wine than is good for his health.
2. 他知道这时父母亲都在急切地等着他回家过年。He knew that at this moment his
parents were eagerly waiting for him to return home for the New Year
3. 招我们喜欢的不仅是他的聪明,还有他的幽默。What appeals to us is not only his
intelligence but also his sense of humor.
4. The latest movie made by that internationally famous director turned out to be
a total failure. 4.
5. 有些年轻人似乎对一切事情都缺乏耐心。
It seems that some youngsters don't have patience with anything.

1. 这只乐队二十世纪八十年代凭借那张专集一举成名。The band shot to fame in the
1980s with that single album.









本文更新与2021-01-18 12:30,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/527795.html
