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2021-01-18 19:32


2021年1月18日发(作者:唯物主义和唯心主义)词类(parts of speech)


1 )名词(noun,缩写为n.)是人和事物的名称,如pen(钢笔),English(英语),life( 生活)。

2)代词(pronoun,缩写为pron.)是用来代替名词的词,如we(我们 ),his(他的),all(全部)。

3)形容词(adjective,缩写为adj.) 用来修饰名词,如great(伟大的),honest(诚实的),difficult(困难的)。

4)数词(numeral,缩写为num.)是表示"多少"和"第几"的词,如four(四),e ighteen(十八),first(第一),eighth(十八),hundred(一百)。
< br>5)动词(verb,缩写为v)表示动作和状态,如write(写),walk(行走),think (想)。

6)副词(adverb,缩写为。adv.)是修饰动词、形容词和副词的词,如q uickly(快),often(经常),very(很)。

7)冠词(article,缩 写为art.)说明名词所指的人或物的词,如a,an(一个),the(这,那)。

8)介 词(preposition,缩写为prep.)表示名词(或代词)与句子里其它词的关系,如from(从 ),in(在…内),between(在…之间)。

9)连词(conjunction,缩 写为conj.)是连接词、短语、从句和句子的词,如and(和),because(因为),if(假如) 。

10)感叹词(interjection,缩写为int.)表示感情,如。oh(噢), aha(啊哈),hush(嘘)。

[注一]属于前六类(名、代、形、数、动、副等词)的词 都有实义,叫做实词(notional word)。属于后四类(冠、介、连、感等词)的词没有实义,叫做虚词(form word)。
< br>[注二]不少词可以属于几个词类,如work(工作;动词和名词),fast(快;形容词和副词), since(自从;连词和介词)等。

句子成分(members of the sente nce)


1)主语(subject)它是句子所要说明的人或事物,是一句的主体。如I study English(我学习英语)中的I。

2)谓语动词(predicate verb)它是说明主语的动作或状态的,如I study English中的study。

3)表语(predicative)它是放在连系动词之后表示主语的身分或特征的,如I am a student(我是一个学生)中的student;Our classroom is clean(我们 的教室很干净)中的clean。

4)宾语(object)它是表示及物动词动作的对象的, 如I study English中的English。介词后面的名词或代词,叫做介词的宾语,如They don't work on Sunday(他们星期天不工作)中的Sunday,就是介词on的宾语。< br>
5)定语(attribute)它是限定或修饰名词或代词用的,如He likes to drink co1d milk(他喜欢喝冷牛奶)中的co1d。

6)状语(adverb ial)它是修饰动词、形容词、副词用的,如He works hard(他努力工作)中的hard。

[英语语法手册] 英语词法和句法

1.词法(morphology)词法研究的对象是各种词的形式及其用法 。


格和性的形式变化;动词的人称 、时态、语态、语气等形式变化;以及形容词和副词比较等级的形式变化。

2.句法(synt ax)句法研究的对象是句子各个组成部分及其安排的规律。


在句子里,一定的句子成分由一定 的词类来担任。现将哪些句子成分通常由哪些词类来担任列述如下:


Beijing is the capital of our country.北京是我国的首都。(名词Beijing作主语)

She is fond of sports.她爱好运动。(代词She作主语)


My brother rides. his bicycle to work.我哥哥骑自行车上班。(动词ri des作谓语动词)


His father is a doctor.他父亲是个医生。(名词doctor作表语)

The lesson is easy and Short.这课书又容易又短。(形容词easy和short作表语)

That classroom is ours,那个教室是我们的。(代词ours作表语)


I love music.我热爱音乐。(名词music作宾语)

The medicine is good for her.这药对她有效。(代词her作宾语)


Li Hong is an excellent teacher.李红是一位好老师。(形容词excellent作定语)


Our monitor does well in Engl ish.我们班长英语学得好。(副词well作状语)

英语语法手册]短语、从句和句子 < br>
短语(phrase)具有一定意义但不构成从句或句子的一组词,叫做短语。短语在句子里可以 单独作为一个句子成分。短语的种类很多,但本书只用下列几个短语名称:

a)不定式短语(i nfinitive phrase)如He 1ikes to read newspapers after lunch(他喜欢在午饭后读报)中的to read newspapers after lunch。

b)动名词短语(gerundial phrase)如:

Staying indoors all day is unhealthy(整天呆在家里不利于健康)中的staymg indoors all day。

c)分词短语(participial phrase)如:

I saw many people walking along the lake(我看见许多人在湖边散步)中的walking along the lake。

d)介词短语(prepositional phrase)如:

He came by bus(他乘公共汽车来)中的by bus。< br>
从句(clause)内含主语部分和谓语部分,表达一定的概念,但不成为一个独立句子的一组 词,叫做从句。从句在句子里可以作为一个句子成分,一般由连词、关

系代词或关系副词所引导 。


a)主语从 句(subject clause)如What I want to say is this(我要说的是这么一点)中的what I want to say。

b)表语从句(predicative clause)如This is what I want to say(这是我要说的)中的what I want to say。

c)宾语从句(object clause)如I have said what I want to say(我说完了我要说的话)中的what I want to say。

d)定语从句(attributive clause)如This is the thing I want to say(这就是我要说的)中的I want to say。



tin 锡 罐头

copper 铜 铜币

[英语语法手册]有关英语名词格的概述 < br>
格(case)是名词或代词具有的形式及其变化,表示与其它词的关系。英语的名词有三个格: 主格(nominative case)、宾语(objective case)和所有格(possessive case)。但英语的名词除所有格有形式的变化外,主格和宾格 都没有形式变化。名词在句中是主格或是宾格,主要通过它在句中的作用和位置来确定。如:

M y brother always misplaces his schoolbag.我弟弟常常乱放他的 书包。

(brother是主语,故为主格;schoolbag是misplaces的宾语 ,故是宾格)

Every written sentence should begin with a capital letter.每个书写出来的句子开头都要用大写字母。(sentence 在句中作主语,故是主格;letter是介词with的宾语,故是宾格)

表示有生命的东西 的名词的所有格

表示有生命的东西的名词(人或动物)的末尾,加上's,即构成所有格,可放 在另一名词之前,作定语用。如:

John's friend约翰的朋友

Xiao Wang's notebook小王的笔记本

children's books儿童读物

my father's room我父亲的房间


名词所有格 在逻辑上可能是它所修饰的名词的主语,也可能是它所修饰的名词的宾语。

1)名词所有格是它 所修饰的名词的逻辑主语。如:

the Party's concern of the younger generation党对年青一代的关怀

the hatred of the soldiers for the enemy士兵对敌人的仇恨

2)名词所有格是 它所修饰的名词的逻辑宾语。如:

the reactionary rule's overthrow反动统治的被推翻

the occupation of the city by the enemy敌人对该城的占领


上面讲的两种所有格的形式可以结合起来,构成"of'+所有格"形式,表示部分观念或感情色彩。这种所有 格叫做双重所有格。如:


a friend of my sister's (= one of my sister's friends)我妹妹的一个朋友;a picture of Mr. Wu's吴先生(具有的照片中)的一张照片(比较:a picture of Mr. Wu吴先生本人的照片,即照片上是吴先生的像)。


this lovely child of your aunt's你婶母的这个可爱的孩子

名词所有格所修饰的词,如果前面已经提到,往往可 以省略,以免重复。如:

The dictionary is not mine, but Xiao Wang's.这本词典不是我的,是小王的。

名词所有格后面指地点等的名词,有 的习惯上可省去不用。如:

I met him at the Johnson's (shop).我在约翰逊商店遇见了他。

I went to my uncle's (house) yesterday.我昨天到我叔叔家去


冠词分不定冠词(indefinite article)和定冠词(definite article)两种,一般无句子重音。


a) a和 an均

用在单数名词之前,表示某一类人或事物中的"一个",相当于汉语的"一",但不强调 数目观念。

b) a用在辅音之前,an用在元音之前。如:a notebook一个笔记本,a cigarette一支香烟,an old man一位老人,an English class一堂英语课。

字母u读作[ju:]时,由于第一个音[j]是辅 音,故前面用a,不用an。如:a useful book一本有用的书,a university一所大学。字母h如不发音,第一个音又是元音,前面用an而不用a,如an hour [ən'auə]一小时,an honest [ən' nist] person一个诚实的人。

c) a和an在句中分别弱读作[E]和[En]。
< br>2)定冠词the

a)表示某一类人或事物中的"某一个"或"某一些",相当于汉语的 "这"或"那"。

b)不论单数名词或复数名词,也不论可数名词或不可数名词,前面都可以用 the。

c)在元音前读[Ti],辅音前读[TE]。如the evening [Ti5:vniN] (傍晚),the car [TEkB:] (汽车);在元音字母u发[ju:]和半元音字母。y发[j]时,仍读[əTE]。如the unit [TE5ju:nit] (单位),the yard [TEjB:d] (院子)。

英语中不定冠词a (an)的用法


Xiao Xu's father is a miner.小徐的父亲是矿工。(而不是其他工种)

Give me a ballpen , please.请给我一支圆珠笔。(而不是钢笔或其他种类)

2)指任何一个人、动物或 一件事物。如:

A steel worker makes steel.钢铁工人炼钢。(意即任何一个钢铁工人都炼钢)

A triangle has three angles.三角形有三个角。(意即任何一个三角形都有三个角)

3)指某人 或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。如:

He comes from a firm in Beijing.他来自北京某一家公司。

A young man wants to see you.有个青年人要见你。

A car stopped in front of the gate.一辆汽车停在大门前。

4)不定冠词还可指"事物的单位",如"每日"、 "每斤"等。如:

Butter is 4 yuan a kilo.黄油四元钱一公斤。

He drove the car at 18 miles an hour.他行车速度为每小时十八英里。

The Chinese Export Commodities Fair is held in Guangzhou twice a year.中国出口商品交易会每年在广州举行两次。

The doctor told him to take the medicine three times a day. 医生叫他一天吃三次药。

定冠词 the 的用法


This is the house where Lu Xun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。(以别于其他房子)

The book on the desk is an English dictionary.书桌上的那本书是一本英语词典。(特指桌上的那本书。注意名词book被 on the desk短语所限定。)

Cairo is the capital of Egypt.开罗是埃及的首都。

We plan to cut the wheat in these fields in three days' time.我们计划三天后割这些地的小麦。(特 指这些地里的小麦)


Op en the door, ple


The Manager is in his office.经理在他的办公室里。(双方都知道指的是哪个经理)

Let's meet at the railway station.我们在火车站碰头吧。(双方都知道指的是哪一个火车站)< br>

Last week I read a story and a play. The story is about the Second World War and the play about the life of university students.上周我读了一篇故事和一个剧本。那篇故事是关于第二次世界大战的 ,剧本是关于大学生生活的。

4)表示在世界上独一无二的事物,如 the sun太阳,the moon月亮,the earth地球,the sky天空,the world世界 。


Th e Chinese student of English is apt to make such mistakes.中国学英语的学生容易犯这样的错误。.

The favourite fast food in the United States is the hamburger.美国最为人所爱吃的快餐是汉堡包。

The compass was invented in ancient China.古代中国发明了指南针。

演奏乐器时 ,乐器的名称前也常用定冠词the。如:

At the Children's Palace,some children learn to play the piano,others learn to play the violin.在少年宫里,有的小孩学弹钢琴,有的学拉小提琴。

[注一]语法书中的the verb(动词)和动植物学书中的the elephant(象)和the rose(玫瑰)等,都属于这 一类。


A horse is a useful animal.

The horse is a useful animal.

Horses are useful animals.

6)表示阶级、党派的名词前必须用"the"。如the Chinese Communist Party中国共产党,the working class工人阶级,the bourgeoisie资产阶级,the Labour Party(英国)工党

7)定冠 词还可与某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表某一类人或物。如the poor穷人,the rich富人,the wounded伤员,the sick病号,the beautiful美丽的事物 。


Shanghai is the biggest city in China.上海是中国最大的城市。

January is the first month of the year.元月是一年中的第一个月份。

The sun rises in the east.日出东方。

9)下面一些说法中习惯上须用定冠词th e。如:

in the morning在早上或上午

in the afternoon在下午

in the evening在晚上

to go to the theatre(cinema)到剧院(电影院)去看戏(电影)

专有名词前 冠词的用法

专有名词前一般不用冠词,如Shanghai上海,Britain英国,Edg ar Snow埃德加·斯诺。但在下列几种场合中,却经常要用定冠词。

1)在江河、海洋、 山脉、群岛的名称前。如:

the Yellow River黄河,the Baltic(Sea)波罗的海,the Pacific (Ocean)太平洋,the Atlantic(Ocean)大西洋,the Xisha islands西沙群岛,the Tianshan Mountains天山,the Himalayas 喜马拉

化 有些代词有格的变化,如 I 我(主格),me我(宾格),Who谁(主格),whom谁(宾格)。某些代 词有所有格,如whose谁的,other's别人的,somebody's某人的,one's一个人的。

4)单复数形式 有些代词有单数和复数形式。少数代词的复数形式和名词的复数形式的变化规则相同,如one- ones,other-others。其他如人称代词、物主代词、自身代词和指示代词等,其复数形式与此不 同,须个别记忆。

5)有或没有冠词 代词之前一般不用冠词,只有少数例外。如:the other,the others,a few,a little等。



1)人称代词(personal pronoun)


b)宾格:me,him, her,it,us,you,them.

2)物主代词(possessive prono un):

a)形容词性物主代词:my,his,her,its;our,your,the ir.

b)名词性物主代词:mine,his,hers,its,ours,yours, theirs.

3)自身代词(self-pronoun):myself,yoursel f,himself,herself,itself,ourselves,yourselves,them selves,oneself.

4)相互代词(reciprocal pronoun):each other,one another.

5)指示代词(demonstrative pronoun):this ,that,these,those,such,same.

6)疑问代词(interro gative pronoun):who,whom,whose,which,what.

7)关系代词(relative pronoun):who,whom,whose,which,that .

8)不定代词(indefinite pronoun):some,something ,somebody,someone,any,anything,anybody,anyone,no,n othing,nobody,no one,every,everything,everybody,ev eryone,each,much,many,little,a little,few,a few,ot her,another,all,none,one,both,either,neither.
< br>人称代词概说

表示"我',、"你"、"他"、"我们"、"你们"、"他们"等的词, 叫做人称代词。



a )作主语

I am a cook.(炊事员) We are cooks,

You are a teacher.(教师) You are teachers.

He is a barber.(理发员) The yare barbers.

She is a nurse.(护士)The yare nurses.

It is a cart.(大车) They are carts.


It's I .是我。 Oh,it's you. 噢,是你。

[注一]第一人称单数人称代词I (我)永远要大写。(见上面例句)

[注二]口语习惯上不说it's I (he, she等),而说It's me (him,her等)。



The dog bit him.那只狗咬了他。

Our P. T. teacher taught us to swim yesterday.我们的体育老师昨天教我们游泳。

This is my new hat. Do you like it ?这是我的新帽子,你喜欢吗?


My brother often writes tome.我弟弟常给我写信。

They took good care of us.他们无微不至地照料我们。

3)人称代词的其他用法 各人称代词除按 照自身的人称、数和格使用外,还有下列一些特殊用法:

a)报刊的编辑和文章的作者,在发表 观点时,常用we代替I (同


We believe that China will make still greater progress in shipbuilding.我们相信中国的造船业将会有更大的发展。

In our opinion this is the best film of the year.我们认为这是今年 最好的影片。

b)用she来代替国家、城市、船舶、飞机以及动物等,以表示亲切和爱抚。如 :

That's the picture of the Dongfeng; she is a 10,000 - ton class ocean - going freighter.那是万吨远洋货轮东风号的照片。

The dog waved his tail when he saw his master.那狗看见主人就摇尾巴。

c)北 有时可用来代替小孩(child)和婴儿(baby)。如:

The child smiled when it saw its mother.小孩见到母亲就笑了。

d) they可用来代替一般的人,特别在"they say"中。如:

They say there's going to be another good harvest this year .人们说今年又是个丰收年。


表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词 ,也可叫做代词所有格。


I love my work in the hospital.我喜欢我在医院的工作。

How many students are there in his (her) class?他(她)班上有多少学生?

There are many good teachers in our school.我们学校有许多好老师。

I saw a film lasts saturday. Its title was Guerrillas on the Plains.< br>

2)名词性物主代词用作主语 、宾语和表语


Our room is on the first floor, and theirs is on the second 我们的房间在一层,他们的在二层。

Ours is a socialist country.我们的国家是社会主义国家。


I didn't borrow her dictionary. I borrowed his.我没有借她的字典,我借的是他的。


Whose pencil is this?-It is hers.这是谁的铅笔?


These tools are ours.这些工具是我们的。

[注]"of+名词性物主代词"和2.12的"of+名词所 有格"的用法完全一样。如:

a friend of mine我的一个朋友(表示部分观念,意即我有不少朋友,他(她)是其中之一)

this lovely child of yours你的这个可爱的孩子(有感情色彩)


表示反射(指 一个动作回射到该动作执行者本身)或强调(即用来加强名词或代词的语气)的代词叫做自身代词。


Please help yourself to some lea.请自己用茶。(作help的宾语)

The girl is too young to look after herself.这女孩太小,还不能照顾自己。(作look after的宾语)

He was always ready to help others; he never thought of himself他总是帮助别人,从不想到自己。(作thought of的宾语)

2)在句 中作名词或代词的同位语,用来加强名词或代词的语气,作"亲自"、"本人"解。它在句中可置于名词、代词之 后,也可置于句子末尾。如:


yourself said so.你自己是这样说的。

The desk itself is not so heavy.书桌本身并不重。

I fixed the window myself.这窗 户是我自己装的。




Do you often see one another?你们彼此常见面吗?

New and old students learn from each other.新老同学相互学习。.

John and Tom helped each other.约翰和汤姆相互帮助。


We are interested in one another's work.我们关心彼此的工作。

The students corrected each other's mistakes in their homework.学生相互改作业中的错误。

Students cut each other's hair.同学们相互理发。


Each tried to persuade the other to stay at home.两个人都彼此劝说对方留在家里。


表示"这个 "、"那个"、"这些"、"那些"等指示概念的代词叫做指示代词。

指示代词有:this这 个,that那个,these这些,those那些,it那个,这个,Such如此的,如此的事物,sam e同样的,同样的事物。


指示代词this,these,that,those在句中的用法相当于名词和形容词,可 用作主语、表语、宾语和定语。如:

This is a plane,这是一架飞机。(作主语)

Oh,it's not that.噢,问题不在那儿。(作表语)

How do you like these?你喜欢这些吗?(作宾语)

This book is about Chinese traditional medicine.这是一本关于中医的书。(作定语)
< br>指示代词ins,these,that, those的其它用法

1)This (t hese)常用来指在时间或空间上较近的事物,that(those)则常用来指时间或空间上较远的事物。 如:

This is a sickle and that is an axe.这是一把镰刀,那是一把斧子。

These days are cold.这些天很冷。

In those days the poor people had a hard time.在那些日子里,穷人生活很苦。

2)有时that和tho se指前面讲到过的事物,this和these则指下面将要讲到的事物。如:

I had a bad cold. That's why I didn't come.我伤风很厉害,所以我没有来。

Those two statements are not true.那两种说法是不真实的。

What I want to say is this:Pronunciation is very important in learning English.我所要说的是:语音在英语学习中非常重要。

chairman Mao honoured Lin Hulan with these words:"A great life A glorious death"毛主席用下面的话表彰刘胡兰:"生的伟大,死的光荣。"


The climate of shenyang is just as good as that of Beijing. 沈阳的气候跟北京的一样好。(that代替climate)

The county's grain output of 1981 was double that of 1970.这个县1987年的粮食产量比1980年增加一倍。(that代替grain output)

Television sets made in Nanjing are just as goo

d as those made in Shanghai.南京出产的电视机和上海的一样好。(those代替television sets)< br>

The book is about this thick.那本书大约有这么厚。

I don't want that much.我不要 那么多。



Who is it?――it's me.是谁?--是我。

Oh, it's you,Lao Wang.哦,是你呀,老王。

Such和same也是指示代词 ,其单、复数的形式相同。它们在句中可用作:


The foreign Visitors said they had never seen such a beautiful city before.外宾说他们从来没有看过这样美丽的城市。

We are not talking about the same thing.我们谈的不是一回事。

[注] such作定语时,它所修饰的名词之前如有不定冠词,这个不定冠词应放在Such之后,如上面第一例。

Such were his words.这就是他讲的话。(作主语)

The same can be said of the Other article.另一篇文章也是同样情况。(作主语)

Take from the drawer such as you need.你需要什么,就从抽屉里拿吧。(作宾语)

His name and mine are the same.他和我同名。(作表语)

[注]注意在same之前一般须用定冠 词the。


"疑问代词有who(谁,主格),whom(谁, 宾格),whose(谁的,所有格),what(什么)和which(哪个,哪些)等。

疑 问代词用于特殊疑问句中


Who is going to speak to us tomorrow?明天谁来跟我们讲话?(who作主语)

Who told you so?是谁告诉你的?(who作主语)

Whom are you talking about ?你们在说谁?(whom作宾语,但在句首时口语常用who代替whom)

Whose umbrella is this ?这是谁的伞?(whose作定语)

What is that? 那是什么?(what作表语)

What did he say?他说什么?(what作宾语)

Which is yours,the blue pen or the redone?蓝笔和红笔哪一支是你的?(which作主语)

[注 一]关于疑问代词的各种用法,可参看77.70-77.72。

[注二]疑问代词who,w hat,which等后面加单词ever,可强调语气,表达说话人的各种感情。如:

Wha t ever do you want?你到底想要什么?

Who ever is she looking for ?她究竟是在找谁?

[注三]which表示在一定范围之内的选择 ,what则没有这种限制。如:

What do you usually have for lunch?你们午饭通常吃些什么?

Which do you like best?你最喜欢哪一个?

Which of you comrades come from the Northeast? 你们同志们中间谁是东北人?

疑问代词可以引导一 个间接疑问句

间接疑问句在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语等。疑问代词本身在间接疑问句中又担 任一定的句子成分。如:

Who will be in charge of the work is still not decided.谁将负责这项工作,

o say.) 关于这个问题,你有什么话要讲吗?--我没有什么话要讲。(我有话要说。)

She told them something about her work.她跟他们谈了一些关于她的工作上 的事。(作宾语)


There is nothing wrong with the lathe.这个车床没有毛病。

is there anything important in today's newspaper?今天报纸上有什么重要消息吗?

I need somebody strong to help me.我需要一个体格强壮的人帮助我。




2)数词与不定代词相 似,其用法或者相当于形容词,或者相当于名词。


1)基数词 表示"多少"的词叫做基数词(cardinal numeral),如:one (一),twenty(二十),hundred(百)等。

2)序数词 表示"第几"的词叫做序数词(ordinal numeral),如:first (第一),twentieth (第二十),hundredth(第一百)等。


1 one[wQn] 11 eleven[i5levn]

2 two[tu:] 12 twelve[twelv]

3 three[Wri:] 13 thirteen [5We:5ti:n]

4 four[fC:] 14 fourteen

5 five [faiv] 15 fifteen [5fif5ti:n]

6 six[siks] 16 sixteen

7 seven [5sevn] 17 seventeen

8 eight [eit] 18 eighteen[5ei5ti:n]

9 nine[nain] 19 nineteen

10 ten[ten] 20 twenty [5twenti]

21 twenty-one [5twenti5wQn] 60 sixty

30 thirty [5WE:ti] 70 seventy

40 forty [5fC:ti] 80 eighty

50 fifty[5fifti] 90 ninety


1)13-19皆以后缀-teen[5ti:n]结尾 ,它们都有两个重音。注意thirteen,fifteen,eighteen的发音和拼法。
2) 20-90第十位数的整数均以后缀- ty[ti]结尾。

3)十位数和个位数之间须用连字号"-"。如:twenty- one(二十一),fifty-five(五十五),ninety- nine(九十九)等。


100 hundred [5hQndrid]

1,000 thousand [5WauzEnd]

1,000,000 million [5niljEn]百万

100,000,000 hundred million 一亿

1,000 million (=billion)十亿

499 four hundred and ninety- nine(101-999如此构成)

3,876 three thousand eight hundred and seventy-six (1001-9999皆如此构成)

57,453 fifty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty- three(10001-99999)皆如此构成)

768, 921 seven hundred sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-one

8,641, 457 eight million six hundred forty-one thousand four hundred and fifty- seven

50, 000, 000 fifty million

500, 000, 000 five hundred million

5, 000, 000, 000 five thousand million(或five billion)

50, 000, 000, 000 fifty thousand million (或fifty billion)


1)100和100以上的基数词须用hundred,thousand,million, billion等。

2)十位数与百位数之间有and。但也有不用and的情况,如850可 以读作eight hundred fifty。


基数词在句 中可用作下列句子成分:


Two plus nine is eleven.二加九等于十一。

Four times six is twenty-

four. 四乘六得二十四。

Three of them went to college last year.他们当中去年有三人上大学了。

(如说the three of them,意思则是"他们三个人")


Give me two.给我两个。


There are nineteen students in our class.我们班有十九个同学。

My uncle bought two hand tractors recently.我叔叔最近买了两台手扶拖拉机。< br>
(注)hundred(百),thousand(千)和million(百万)作定语用时一 律不用复数;作名词用(后面多跟of短语)时则用复数。如:

Our country has a population of l,200 million people.我国有十二亿人口。

There are three thousand students in the university.这所大学有三千学生。

Rice has been cultivated in the East for thousands of years.水稻在东方已经种植了几千年。

Maize is the most important food crop for millions of people in the world.玉米是全世界千百万人最主要的粮食。


She is just fourteen.她刚十四岁。

He was already forty when he began to learn English他开始学英语时已经四十岁了。


序数词 缩写式 汉译

first [fE:st] lst 第一

second [5sekEnd] 2nd 第 二

third [We:d] 3rd 第三

fouth [fC:W] 4th 第四

fifth[fifW] 5th 第五

sixth[siksW] 6th 第六

seventh[5sevenW] 7th 第七

eighth[eitW] 8th 第八

ninth[nainW] 9th 第九

tenth[tenW] 10th 第十

eleventh 11th 第十一

twelfth[twelfW] 12th 第十二

thirteenth 13th 第十三

nineteenth 19th 第十九

twentieth [5twentiiW] 20th 第二十

fortieth 40th 第四十

fifty-first 51st 第五十一

sixty-second 62nd 第六十二

eighty-third 83rd 第八十三

ninety- fourth 94th 第九十四


1)英语序数词1-19除第一( first),第二(second),第三(third)有特殊形式外,其余均由基数词后加-th [W]构成。

2)有几个序数词加 -th 时拼法不规则,它们是:fifth,eight h,ninth,twelfth。

3)十位整数的序数词的构成方法是:先将十位整数基数词 的词尾 -ty 中的y变成i,然后加-eth [iW]。

4)基数词"几十几"变成序数 词时,仅将个位数变成序数词,十位数不变。如twenty-one变成twenty-first。

5)序数词的缩写形式,由阿拉伯数码后加上序数词的最后两个字母构成。如:1st,2nd,3rd ,4th,31st,82nd,93rd,94th等。


序数 词在句中可用作下列各个句子成分:


The first is better than the second.第一个比第二个要好。


He was among the first to arrive.他是首批到达的。


China exploded its first atom bomb in October 1964.中国于1964年10月爆炸了第一颗原子弹。

His father died in the Second World War.他父亲在第二次世界大战中死去。


Jack is always the first to get to the office in the morni ng.杰克每天早晨总是第一个到办公室。


冠词th e。


1)分数(fraction)分子为基数词,分母为 序数词并有复数。

1/2 one half [hB:f]; 1/3 one- third; 2/3 two-thirds;

1/4 one-fourth或 one quarter [5kwC:tE]; 3/4 three-fourths或 three quarters; 2 3/5 two and three- fifths.


0.5 zero [5ziErEu] point five; 1.25 one point two five; 3.458 three point four five eight.



1)年代 年代前用in。如:

(in) 897读作 (in) eight hundred and ninety- seven

(in) 1961读作(in) nineteen sixty-one (或in nineteen hundred and sixty-one)

(in) 1905读作(in) nine teen and five

(in) 1800读作(in) eighteen hundred

2)月份 月份开头第一个字母须 大写,表示"在某月"时,月份前面用介词in。下面月份后附有缩写式。如:

(in) January Jan.一月 (in) April Apr.四月

(in)February Feb.二月 (in) May五月

(in) March Mar.三月 (in) June六月

(in) July七月(in) October Oct.十月

(in) August Aug.八月 (in)December Dec.十一月

(in) September Sept.九月 (in)November Nov.十二月

3)日期 用序数词(前面须用the)表示;"在某日",前面用介词on。如:

(on) the first 一日 (on) the eighteenth 十八日

(on) the thirty=first 三十一日


in September 1954 (读作in September nineteen fifty four)1954年9月

On May 17,1960(读作on May (the) seventeenth nineteen Sis-ty ),1960年5月17日

On October 1, 1949 (读作On October (the) first,nineteen forty nine)1949年10月7日

[注] the twenties,the thirties等可用来表示"几十年代"。如in the nineties of the last century(在上一世纪的九十年代)。


1)英语表时刻其前 用at。如:

We get up at six (或at six o'clock).我们六点起床。

They begin work at eight.他 们八点开始工作。


a)表示"几 点过几分",用介词past,但分数须在半小时以内(包括半小时在内)。如:

eleven past seven七点过十一分

a quarter past eight 八点一刻

half past nine九点半

b)表示"几点差几分",用 介词to,但分数须在半小时以上(不包括半小时在内)。如:

two to seven七点差两分

a quarter to eight八点一刻

eighteen to nine九点差十八分

[注] 读时间表如上课时间表和行车时间表时,可以直接照表上数字读。日常生活中讲时刻也可用这样的说法。如:
7:15读作seven fifteen 11:30读作eleven thirty

9:20读作nine twenty 3:53读作three fifty- three



a lovely baby一个可爱的婴儿

the beautiful picture那幅美丽的图画

modern history现代历史

形容 词的用法



He is a good boy.他是个好孩子。

The Chinese Communist Party is a great party.中国共产党是伟大的党。


The film is both moving and instructive.这部电影很感动人,而且富有教育意义。

I am very glad to see you.见到你很高兴。

3)宾语补足语 和宾语一起构成复合宾语。如:

Have you got everything ready for the journey? 你行装都准备好了吗?

We keep our rooms clean and tidy.我们经常保持房间的整洁。

4)相当于名词 某些形容词前用定冠词the,变成名词化的形容词,可在句中作主语、宾语等。如:

The young are active.青年人积极好动。(the young作主语)

The blind can learn to read with their fingertips. 盲人能够用指尖学习阅读书籍。(the blind作主语)

He has a keen sense of the new.他对新鲜事物有敏锐的感觉。(the new作宾语)

[注一] 上述三例中的the young = the young people,the blind the Blind people,the new the new things.(参看3.4的7)

[注二]在The sun rose red(旭日升起)中的形容词red和Don't marry young(不要早婚)中的形容词youn g都是主语补足语。


形容词常放在它所修饰的名词之前。关于形 容词有时可以后置的问题(见16.18),但如有一个以上的形容词修饰名词,这些形容词的顺序则由它们和被 修饰名词的关系的密切程度来决定。一般说来,关系最密切的最*近被修饰的名词,关系较疏远的离被修饰的名词 也较远。如:

a large wild plant一株很大的野生植物

a simple musical instrument一种简单的乐器

a small fierce dark brown animal一种小而凶的深褐色动物(注意dark修饰brown)

以上例子中的形容词之间并非并列关系,如第一例中的1arge与wild并非并列,而1a rge所修饰的是wild plant。如表并列关系,形容词之间须用逗号或and。如:

a strong, swift horse一匹又壮又快的马

many happy and healthy children很多幸福而健康的儿童

a short and militant art icle一篇简短有力的文章(militant一词较长,放在short之后,这也是英语里安排形容词位置 的一种方法。)


英语形容词比较等级(degre es of comparison)一般有两个:即比较级(comparative degree)和最高级 (superlative degree)。不用比较等级的形容词通常称为原级(positive degree)。形容词的比较级形式是:"形容词 + 后缀 -er "或"单词 more + 形容词"。它的最高级形式是:"形容词 + 后缀 -est "或"单词 most + 形容词。

[注一] 形容词比较等级所加的-er和- est,自成一个音节,分别读作[E]和[ist]o如:

原级 比较级 最高级

tall [tC:l] taller[5tC:lE] tallest[5tC:list]

happy [5hApi] happier[5hApiE] happiest[5hApiist]

thin [Win] thinner [5WinE] thinnest [5Winist]

fine [fain] finer [5fainE] finest [5fainist]

[注二] 如果形容词

原级的词末为不发音的字母r,加-er和- est时,r要发[r]音。如:

near [niE] nearer [5niErE] nearest[5niErist]

clear [kliE] clearer[5kliErE] clearest [5kiErist]

如果形容词原级词末的发音为[N],在加-er和- est时,[N]音后得加一个[g]音。如:

strong [strCN] stronger [5strCNgE] strongest [5strCNgist]

long [lCN] longer [5lCNgE] longest [5lCNgist]

[注三] 有些形容词一般没有比较等级。如:

right, wrong,woolen,wooden.


原级 比较级 最高级


we11好,健康的 better best

bad 坏,差 worse worst

many 多 more most

much 多

little 小,少 1ess 1east

far 远 farther,further farthest,furthe st


interesting有趣 difficult 难

less interesting 较无趣 less difficult 较不难

least interesting 最无趣 leas difficult最不难


比较级用 于二者的比较,其结构是:含有形容词比较级的主句+从属连词 than 引导的从句(从句中常省去意义上和主句相同的部分)。如:

Li is older than Zhou. 李比周年纪大。(从句中省去了is old)

There are more children in this nursey than in that one.这个托儿所的孩子比那个托儿所多。(从句中省去了 there are children)

After two years' physical training,she is healthier and stronger.

经过两 年的体力锻炼,她(比以前)健康强壮多了。(注意这里省去了从句than she was)

We are much better off than ever before.我们的生活比过去任何时候都要好得多。(than后省去了we were)

Paul weighs less than harry.保尔的体重比哈利轻。

Mary is less clever than Jane.玛丽不如简那么聪明。

[注一] 汉语可以说"昆明的气候比兰州好"。英语必须加that,译为:

The climate of Kunming is better than that of Lanzhou.

[注二]英语比较级常译作"较…"、"…一些"等,但不等于汉语的"更…"。汉语的"更…"须用"stil l"或"even"来表示如:

This book is even more difficult than that one.这本书比那本书更难。

[注三]有些情况 下,汉语不用"较"等字眼,英语则须用比较级,如:

Will the younger people give their seats to old people?请年轻人把座位让给老年人 好不好?


形容词最高级用于二者以上的比较,其结构一般 是:定冠词the+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句。如:

Peter is the oldest boy of them all.彼得是这群男孩中年纪最大的。(介语短语of them all表示范围)

London is the biggest city in Britain,伦敦是英国最大的城市。(介词短语in Britain表示范围)

Mt. Qomolangma is the World's highest peak。珠穆朗玛峰是世界最高峰。 (注意这里表示范围的是名词所有格 the world's)

This is the best film (that) I have ever seen.这是我所看过的最好的电影

peasants there are busy digging a canal now.那里的农民现在正忙于修水渠。

On my way home,I met groups of Young Pioneers.在回家的路上我遇见成群的少先队员。


和形容词同形的副词的形式变化与形容词完全相同。但以词尾-1y结尾的副词 (注意early一词的-1y不是副词的词尾)须用more和most。另外,须注意下面例词中well, badly的不规则变化。如:

原级比较级 最高级

hard 努力地harderhardest

fast 快faster fastest

well 好better best

badly 坏 worseworst

early 早 earlier earliest

quickly 快 more quicklymost quickly

happily 快乐地 more happily most happi ly


1)副词比较级的用法与形容词比较级相似。如:< br>
David drives faster than anyone I know.大卫开车比我所知道的任何人都要快。

She plays table tennis better than I.她乒乓球打得比我好。(从句中省略了play table tennis)

Mr. Martin usually gets to the office earlier than others.马丁先生到办公室通常比别人早。

They speak less fluently but more correctly than we do.他们讲得不如我们流利, 但比我们正确。

2)副词最高级用法,除副词前可以不用the外(用the也可以),其余与 形容词最高级相同。如:

I work fastest when I'm under pressure.我在有压力时工作得最快。

He swims the best in Class One.一班他游泳最好。





1)Rome is one of the oldest cities in the world. 罗马是世界上最古老的城市之一。

Her eldest daughter is a school teacher.她大女儿是个教员。

My elder brother is in college. He is two years older than I. 我哥哥在上大学,他比我大两岁。

[注]older,oldest说明人的 年纪或事物的年代的久远,但在美国英语里也表示长幼。

2)They reached the place later than we.他们到达那儿比我们晚。

Twenty years later he returned to his home village. 二十年后,他回到自己的家乡。

3)Who spoke last?是谁最后发言的?

What is the latest news about the sports meet?关于运动会最近有什么消息?

as...as;not so. . .as或not as...as


2)表示"不相等"用not so...as或not as...as。如:

1)This knife is as sharp as that one.这把刀跟那把一样快。

Bill is as tall as I. 比尔和我一般高。

Is this bag of soyabeans as heavy as that one?这袋大豆跟那袋一样重吗?

You know as well as I do.你和我一样明白。

[注]注意as后面的形容词如作定语,而被定语修饰的名 词有不定冠词a时,冠词a须放在形容词之后,如German is as difficult a language as English.(德语和英语一样难学。)。这样的词序也适用于so,如I have never seen so

beautiful a place as Guilin before.(我过去从未见过像桂林这样美丽的地方。)

2)tian An Men Square was not so big as it is now.天安门广场过去没有现在这样大。

The Atlantic Ocean is not as big as the Pacific ocean.大西洋没有太平洋大。


用twice (两倍),three times(三倍)等加as...as..


New York is ten times as big as my home town.纽约有我的家乡十个大。

The output of the paper mill is now three times as high as it was in 1966.这家纸厂的生产比一九六六年增加两倍。

This river is twice as long as that one.这条河比那条河长一倍。

Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。

[注] 表示"几倍于"也可以用下面的说法,如:

Three times three is nine.三乘三得九。

He is twice my age.他的年龄比我大一倍。

This lake is four times the size of that one.这个湖有那个湖四个大。

The irrigated area in this province is four times bigger than in l978.这个省的灌溉面积比1978年增加三倍。(four times bigger than = four times as big as)

Our county's agricultural output this year is 5 per cent higher than that of last year.我们县今年农业产量比去年增长百分之五。


可用much,far,still,even,a 1itt1e,no,any,a great deal等状语来修饰形容词和副词的比较级。如:

The Yellow River is long,but the Changjiang River is even longer.黄河长,长江更长。

We are much better off now.我们的生活比过去好得多。

She sings far better than the others.她唱得比别人好得多。

Wang is taller than Zhang. Li is still than Wang. 王比张高,李比王还高。


I couldn't move a step further,我连一步也走不动了。

The meeting lasted two hours longer than usual.会议比平常多开了两个钟头。

He is a head taller than I.他比我高一个头。(也可以说He is taller than me by a head.)

They got there earlier than we by twenty minutes.他们比我们早二十分钟到达那里。

The students of the university have increased by 100 per cent since l978.


Do you want any more? -Yes,give me two more.


Have you any more tickets? -Sorry,I have no more.

你还有票吗? -对不起,没有了。

[注二]可用形容词最高级 + possible或imaginable等词来强调语气。如:

I think he is the best possible man for the job.我认为他做这工作最合适。(也可以说the best man possible)

Swimming in winter is the best form of exercise imaginable.冬泳是最好的运动方式。(也可以说the best imaginable form)

[英语语法手册]英语精品 --比较级

[vip]"比较级 + and + 比较级"


The days are getting longer a

nd longer.白天越来越长了。

He is becoming more and more interested in sports. 他对运动越来越有兴趣了。

The more the more 的用法


The harder you work,the more you Will learn.你越努力,就越学得多。

The greater the mass of a body,the greater is its inertia.物体的质量越大,它的惯性就越大。

The more you eat,the fatter you get.你吃得越多,长得越胖。

The more,the better.越多越好。

more than和less than


There are more than three hundred households in this village.这个村子有三百多户人家。

The finished the Work in less than a year.他们不到一年就完成这项工作。

Our country has established diplomatic relations with more than one hundred countries.我国已经和一百多个国家建立了外交关系。

no more than和not more than

no more than的意思是"只不过",not more than的意思是"不多于"。试比较:

There are no more than ten tickles left. 剩下不到十张票。 (有"票少"的含义)

The experiment was done by not more than 5 persons. 做这个试验的人不到五个。(没有"多"或"少"的含义,只是客观地说明数目)

This room is no bigger than that. 这个房间并不比那个大。 (有"两个房间都不大"的含义)

This room is not bigger than that one.这个房间不比那个大。 (没有"两个房间都不大或都不小"的含义)

[注]注意not …. Any more than或no more...than在下面句子中的用法。如:

They cannot do the impossible any more than we can.他们和我们同样不能做不可能的事情。

He is no more diligent than I am.他和我同样不勤奋

no less than和not 1ess than

no less than的意思是"不亚于",not less than的意思是"不少于"。试比较:

There were no less than a thousand people at the meeting.

到会的有一千人之多 。(有"到会人多"的含义)

There were not less than one thousand people at the meeting.

到会的至少有一千人。( 没有"到会人多或人少"的含义)

This song is no less popular than that one.这首歌之受欢迎不亚于那首歌。(有"两首歌都受欢迎"的含义)

This song is not less popular than that one.这首歌受欢迎的程度不比那首差。( 纯粹比较。不一定有"两首歌都受欢迎"的含义)

All the better和so much the better


If that is so,all the better.果真如此,那就更好。

If he will come,so much the better.如果他愿意来,那更好。


动词概说< br>

a)表示动作:swim游泳p ush推


2)英语动词有时态、语态、语气 等形式上的变化。


从是否被主语所限定来分,动词有限 定动词(finite v

,be,should,wonld, do等。它们只能和主要动 词一起构成各种时态、语态、语气等动词形式,以及否定和疑问等结构中的谓语动词。

及物动词 和不及物动词


1)及物动词 后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词,叫做及物动词(transitive verb)。如:

I believe that the committee will consider our suggestion.我相信委员会将会考虑我们的建议。

"How long can I keep the book ?"Harry asked.哈里问:"这本书我可以借多久?"

Dr. Bethune set us a good example. 白求恩大夫给我们树立了好榜样。

Crude oil contains many useful substances.原油含有许多有用的物质。

2)不及物动词 本身意义完整后面不须跟宾语的实义动词,叫做不及物动词(intransitive verb)。如:

Birds fly.鸟会飞。

It happened in June 1932.这件事发生于一九三;年六月。

My watch stopped.我的表停了。

She spoke at the meeting yesterday evening. 她在昨天晚上的会上发了言。

3)兼作及物动词和不及物动词 英语里有不少实义动词可以兼作 及物动词和不及物动词。这样的动词又有两种不同的情况:

a)兼作及物动词和不及物动词时, 意义不变。试比较:

Shall I begin at once?我可以立刻开始吗?(begin作不及物动词)

She began working as a librarian after she left school.她毕业后当图书馆管理员。(began作及物动词)

When did they leave Chicago?他们是什么时候离开芝加哥的?(leave 作及物动词)

They left last week. 他们是上周离开的。(left 作不及物动词)


Wash your hands before meals.饭前要洗手。

Does this cloth wash well? 这布经得起洗吗?

4) 与汉语的比较 有时 英语动词的及物和不及物的用法,与汉语的用法不一样,请注意下列两种情况:

a)有的动词在 英语里只能用作不及物动词,而汉语则可用作及物动词,如arrive到达,agree同意,1isten听 。英语里这些动词后面常接介词。如:

We arrived at the railway station at noon.我们于中午到达火车站。(at不能省去)(比较:We reached the railway station at noon.)

Everybody listened to the lecture with great interest.每个人都很有兴趣地听讲课。(to不可省去)(比较:We all heard the lecture.)

Do they agree to the plan?他们同意这个计 划吗?(to不可省去)

b)有的动词在英语里能用作及物动词,而在汉语里则不能用作及物动 词,如serve为…服务。

Our children are taught to serve the people wholeheartedly.我们的儿童被教以全心全意为人民服务。


动词常和某些其他词类用在一起,构成固定词组, 形成所谓短语动词(phrasal verb)。和动词一样,短语动词也可分为及物

和不及 物两种。短语动词可以作为一个整体看待,同一般动词一样使用。

1)动词 + 介词 这类短语动词用作及物动词,后面须跟宾语。如:

The small boy insisted on going with his parents.那男孩坚持要跟父母一起去。

Do you often listen to broadcasts in English? 你常听英语广播吗?

Look at the children. Aren't they lovely?看着这些孩子们。他们多么可爱呀!

We stand for self- reliance.我们是主张自力更生的。

这一类的短语动词还有很多,如depend on (upon)(依*),wait on (服侍),look for (寻找),deal with(对待),look after(照料),wait for(等待)等。

2) 动词+副词 这类短语动词有的用作及物动词,有的用作不及物动词。如:

I always get up as soon as the bell rings. 我总是一打铃就起床。(不及物)

Look out,there's a car coming! 当心,来汽车了!(不及物)

Have you handed in your exercises already? 你已经交练习了吗?(及物)

Please don't forget to put on your coat;it's cold outside.请不要忘记穿外衣,外面很冷。(及物)

这一类的短语动词还有很多,及物如 put out (扑灭), eat up (吃光),putdown(放下);不及物如set off (出发),come up(走近),go on(继续)。

[注一] "动词+副词"这类短语动词和上面第一类"动词 + 介词"的不同之处在于:"动词+ 介词"用作及物动词,后面须跟宾语。"动词 + 副词"则有的及物,有的不及物;用作及物动词而宾语为人称 代词或自身代词时,副词往往放在宾语之后。如:

Please wake me up at five tomorrow.请在明天早上五点唤醒我。

If you have done your exercises,please hand them in.如果你们练习做完了请交来。

She doesn't normally behave like that;she's putting it on.她通常并不如此表现,她是装出来的。

[注二] 这类短语动词有不少可兼作及物和不及物动词用。如:

He took off his hat when he entered the office.


The plane took off at seven sharp.


Charlie rang up Neil to ask about the time of the meeting.


If you can't come,please ring up and let us know.你如来不了,请来电话告诉我们一声。(不及物)

3) 动词 + 副词 + 介词 短语动词"动词 + 副词"之后有的可以再加一个介词,形成另一种短语动词。这类短语动词用作及物动词。如 :

Do not give up hope. We must go on with the experiment

不要失望。我们必须继续试验。(go on with继续)

He came up to me.他走到我跟前。(come up to走近)

这类短语动词还有:look down upon(看不起),do away with(去掉),put up with(忍受)等。

4)动词 + 名词 + 介词 这类短语动词也是及物的。如

He shook hands with all the guests at the banquet.他在宴会上和宾客一一握


Young pioneers often come to the Children's Palace to take part in after=school activities. 少先队员经常到少年宫来参加课外活动。

Pay attention to the temperature of the stored rice.注意仓库里的稻谷的温度。

Her job is taking care of the babies.她的工作是照顾婴儿。

这一类短语动词还有:put an end to (结束),take notice of (注意),catch hold of (抓住),lose sight of(看不见),make use of(利用)等

动词的基本形式(principal forms of the verb)

1) 英语动词的四种基本形式 它们是动词原形(room form of the verb),过去式 (past tense form), 过去分词 (past participle)和现在分词 (present participle)。这四种形式和助动词一起构成动词的时态、语态和语气。

原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词

work worked worked working

write wrote written writing

have had had having

do did done doing

2) 动词原形 动词原形就是词典中一般给的动词的形式,如be,h ave,do,work,study等。

3)动词过去式和过去分词的构成有规则的和不规则 的两种。规则动词(regular verb)的过去式和过去分词,由在原形后面加词尾- ed构成。

[注] 少数双音节动词,尽管重音在第一个音节,仍双写末尾的辅音字母,然后再加- ed。如:

5travel-traveled 5level-1evelled

5total-totaled 5model- modelled

但美国英语不双写辅音字母,如travel- traveled。

不规则动词(irregular verb)的过去式及过去分词的形式 是不规则的。这些动词为数虽不多,但都是比较常用的,必须熟记。不规则动词表见本书附录一。

4)动词的现在分词 由动词原形加词尾- ing构成。


a)一般情况下,直接加 -ing:

go-going 去 stand- standing站立

ask-asking answer - answering回答

study-studying学习 be- being是


[注一] 和名词复数、动词第三人称现在一般时加-s(-es)不同,动词末尾如为"辅音字母 + y"时,y不变,其后直接加-ing。如studying [5stQdiiN],fly - flying [5flaiiN],carry-carrying [5kAriiN]。

[注二] 动词结尾为辅音字母r时,加-ing,r在此必须发音。如:

enter [5entE] -entering [5entEriN]进入

answer [5B:nsE]-answering[5B:nsEriN]回答

wear [wZE] - wearing [5wZeriN]穿

b)以不发音的e结尾的动词,去掉e,再加- ing。如:

come-coming 来 write- writing写

take-taking拿 become-becoming变成

c)动词是闭音节的单音节词,或是以重读闭音节结尾的多音节词,而末尾只有一个辅音字母时,这个辅 音字母须双写,然后再加-ing。如:

Sit-sitting坐 run- running跑

Stop-stopping 停止begin- beginning开始

admit-admitting 承认 forget-forgetting忘记

[注一] send,think,accept等 动词虽是闭音节或以重读闭音节结尾,但末尾有一个以上的辅音字母,因此,这

leo insisted that the earth moves round the sun.伽利略坚持地球绕太阳运行的说法。

[注] 图片说明、电影说明、故事重述、戏剧的 舞台说明以及报纸上的标题和故事的题目,常用现在一般时,小说一般用过去时态。但为了描写得生动,也往往用 现在一般时和其他现在时态。

5)在某些常用句子中表示在一个具体的现在时间所发生的动作或 存在的状态(即不是经常发生的动作或存在的状态)。如:

What time is it now? 现在是几点钟?

The patient is much better now.病人现在好多了。

What is Shanghai like now? 上海现在的情况如何?


Here he comes. 他来了。(注意here必须在句首)

There goes the bell. 铃响了。(注意there必须在句首)


过去一般时(past indefinite tense)表示过去的动作或状态。这种动作或状态可能只限 于一次,也可能是经常性的。如:

He went to town yesterday.他昨天进城了。(一次性动作)

The weather was warm last month.上个月天气很暖和。

When I was Young I took cold baths regularly.我年轻时常洗冷水浴。(经常性动作)
< br>过去一般时的形式

l)概说 过去一般时由规则或不规则动词的过去式表示;除be外, 其余动词没有人称和数的变化。各种动词的否定结构和一般疑问结构,与现在一般时的否定结构和一般疑问结构相 同。

2)动词be 第一人称单数和第三人称单数用was,其余用were。

3)动词have 一律用had,没有人称和数的变化。

4)行为动词 一律用过去式,没有人称和数的变化。现 将过去一般时在肯定、否定、一般疑问和简略答语等四种结构。

l)表示过去的动作或状态 常带有如yesterday,two、days ago,last week,in l958等时间状语以及由when等连词引导的时间状语从句。如:

We had a good swim last Sunday.我们上星期天游泳游得真痛快。

She suddenly fell ill yesterday.昨天她突然病倒。

He got up early in the morning,fetched water,swept the yard and then went out to work.他早上 起得很早,打水,扫院,然后出去劳动。

3)也可以表示过去一段时间内经常或反复发生的动作 。如:

When my brother was a teenager,he played table tennis almost everyday.我弟弟十几岁时,几乎每天都打乒乓球。

[注] 表示过去经常的或反复的动作,也可以用would加动词原形或用used to加动词原形。如:

When he was a child he would go skating every winter.在他还是个孩子时,每年冬天都去滑冰。

Mr. Higgins used to have a big house in downtown.黑根斯先生在市区曾经有座大房子。

My elder brother used to be in the PLA. He is now a police officer. 我哥哥曾经是解放军,


4)在条件、时间状语从句中表示过去将 来的动作。如:

They said they would let us know if they heard any news about him.他们说如果听到什么关于他的消息,就通知我们。

He promised me that when he went to the bookstore he would get me a copy of the Selected Stories of Lu Xun.他答应我去书店的时 候替我买一本《鲁迅小说选》


将来一般时(fu ture indefinite tense)表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动 作或状态。将来一般时由助动词shall(第一人称)或will(第二、三人称)+动词原形构成。美国英语 则不管什么人称,一律用will现将将来一般时在肯定、否定、一般疑问及其简略答语等四种结构中。


1)表示将来的动作或状态,常与一些表示将来的时间状语连用,如 :tomorrow(明天),next week(下周),from now on(从现在开始),in a month(一个月后),in the future(将来)等。如:

My daughter will be twelve years old tomorrow.我的女儿明天整十二岁。

He will come to see you the day after tomorrow.他后天要来看你。

The indoor swimming pool will be open to the public from October 16.室内游泳池自十月十六日起开放。

He will go to the technical training class every other day.他将每隔一天到技术训练班去学习。

I shall go back to see my childhood friends in the summer vacation.暑假我要回去看我儿时的朋友。

Today we shall have a report on the situation in Africa.我们今天有关于非洲形势的报告 。


We shall work in this factory everyday.我们将每天在这工厂工作。

其他表示将来的说 法

1)"be going + 动词不定式''多用于口语中,常表示打算、即将、决心去做的事或可能要发生的事。如:

We are going to visit the Museum of Chinese History.我们要去参观中国历史博物馆。(表打算)

Little Wang studies very hard,he is going to try for a scholarship.小王学习非常努力,他将争取获得奖学金。(表决心)

Look at those clouds. It's going rain.瞧那些云,要下雨了。(表估计可能)

The wall is going to collapse! 那墙要倒塌了? (即将)

2) go, come, leave, start等表示移动的动词,可用现在进行时来表示即将发生的动作。

3)"be about + 动词不定式"表示即将发生的动作。如:

The English evening is about to begin.英语晚会即将开始。

We are about to leave,so there is no time to visit him now.我们就要离开了,所以现在没有时间去看他。

4)"be + 动词不定式"表示安排或计划好了的动作等,(参看10.2的3)。如:

The boys are to go to school next week.这些男孩子下周要上学了。

He and I are to meet at the Shanghai Railway Station.他和我约定在上海火车站见面。

I'm to be home before midnight.我午夜前回家。

过去将来一般时的基本概念和形 式

过去将来一般时(future-in-the-past indefinite ten se)表示对于过去某一时间而言将要发生的动作或存在的状态。

过去将来一般时由shoul d(第一人称)或would(第二、三人称)加动词原形组成。美国英语则不论什么人称,一律用would。


I rang up to tell my aunt that I Should leave for Los Angeles next Monday.我打电话告诉我姑母下星期一我要到洛杉矶去。

Michael said that about twenty agronomists Would come here in a few days.迈克尔说,过几天大约二十个农艺师要到这里来。

They wanted to know when you would finish the article.他们想知道你什么时候写完这篇文章。

We asked him where we Should go to work next week. 我们问他我们下周上哪儿去 干活。




进行时态(continuous tense)表示在过去、现在 或将来某一时刻或某段时间正在进行或发生的动作。


进行时态有现 在进行时、过去进行时、将来进行时、过去将来进行时四种,均由助动词be的四种一般时态的形式加现在分词构 成。



1)一般时态通常表示经常的动作或状态,而进行时态则表示在某一时刻或某段时间正在进行着的动作 。如:

We read newspapers every day.我们每天读报。

She is now reading the newspape r.她现在正在读报。

2)一般时态表示主语的固有特征、能力等,而进行时态则表示主语在某 一时刻或某段时间内所进行的具体动作。如:

He sings well.他唱得很好。

He is singing a folk song.他在唱一首民歌。

[注] 并不是所有的动词都能用进行时态,例如表达状态、感情 和感觉的某些动词,通常只能用一般时态而不能用进行时态,例如"know"(知道)一般就不能用进行时态。 这类动词还有be(是),have(有),1ove (爱),hate(恨),want(想要),1ike (喜欢),think(认为),believe(相信),see(看见),hear(听见)等。
< br>现在进行时的基本概念

1)现在进行时表示此时此刻(说话人说话时)正在进行的动作, 它并不表明这一动作从什么时候开始,到什么时候结束。汉语常用"(正)在"或"着"来表示这种时间关系。如 :

What are you doing?

-I'm doing some washing.你在干什么?--我在洗衣服。

Look! It is snowing.瞧!下着雪哩。

She is drawing a map.她在画一张地图。

Are they listening to the music?

-NO,they are listening to the radio.他们在听音乐吗?--不,他们在听收音机。


在进行时可 表示现阶段正在进行着的动作,虽然此时此刻这个动作可能并不在进行。如:

He is working on a paper.他在写一篇论文。

They are compiling a dictionary.他们在编一本词典。

3)现在进行时有时可 表示将来发生的动作,有"意图"或"打算"的含义(用于go,come,stay,1eave,start 等表示移动的动词)。如:

He is corning to see you tomorrow.他明天要来看你。

They are going to the Ming tombs this coming Sunday.这个星期天他们要到十三陵去。

They are taking the children to the zoo on Sunday.他们星期天要带孩子们去动物园。

What are you doing next Sunday? I'm going on a picnic with my wife and daughter.这个星期天你要干什么?我要和妻子和女儿去野餐。


过去进行时(past continuous tense)表示过去某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。如:

I was practicing the violin at eight o'clock yesterday evening. 昨晚八点钟我正在练习小提琴。

When Walter arrived home,his sister was doing her homework.沃尔特到家时,他妹妹正在做作业。

Pat was watching TV all evening. 帕特整个晚上都在看电视。

过去进行时由was(第一、三人称单数)或were (其余各人称和数)加现在分词所构成。
< br>过去进行时的基本用法

表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作,这一特定的时 间往往须用时间状语来表示。如:

She was reading an English magazine when I came in.我进来时她在看一本英文杂志。

It was getting dark.天黑了。

They were working all day yesterday.他们昨天整天工作。

We were cleaning the auditorium from 7 to 9 last night.昨晚七点到九点我们在打扫大礼堂。

I met him when he was crossing the street.他过街时我碰见他。

过去进行时的其他用 法

1)表示移动的动词go,come,start,stay,leave等的过去进行时, 可以表示过去将来发生的动作。如:

They wanted to know when we were leaving for Shanghai. 他们想知道我们什么时候到上海去。

She asked whether he was starting then ext day.她问他是否第二天就动身。

2)动词go的过 去进行时态加动词不定式,可以表示在过去某一时间之后将要发生的动作。(比较8.24的3)如:
< br>They said they were going to set up a nursery.他们说他们要设立一个托儿所。

She said the foreign guests were going to visit the Shanghai in dustrial Exhibition.她说外宾要去参观上海工业展览会。

The monitor announced that our new teacher was going to speak to us.班长宣布新老师要跟我们讲话。

3)过去进行时可用来描写故 事发生的背景。如:

It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A young woman suddenly appeared on the riverbank. it was Xier. She had just escaped from Huang Shiren'


He said he could not come because he would be haying a meeting.他说他不能来,因为要开会。



过去将来进行时(future- in-the-past continuous tense)表示在对过去某一时间而言的将来某一时刻或某 一段时间正在进行的动作。

1)过去将来进行时的形式由should be(第一人称)或wonld be(第二、三人称)加现在分词构成。美国英语一律用wonld。


a)表示在过去的将来的某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动 作。如:

He asked me what I should be doing at ten the next day.他问我第二天十点钟我将干什么。

They said that they would be expecting us the next week.他们说他 们下个星期等我们去。

< br>He said he could not come because he would be haying a meeting.他说他不能来,因为要开会。



1)一般时态通常表示经常的动作或状 态,而进行时态则表示在某一时刻或某段时间正在进行着的动作。如:

We read newspapers every day.我们每天读报。

She is now reading the newspaper.她现在正在读报。

2)一般时态表示主语的固 有特征、能力等,而进行时态则表示主语在某一时刻或某段时间内所进行的具体动作。如:

He sings well.他唱得很好。

He is singing a folk song.他在唱一首民歌。

[注] 并不是所有的动词都能用进行时态,例如表达状态、感情 和感觉的某些动词,通常只能用一般时态而不能用进行时态,例如"know"(知道)一般就不能用进行时态。 这类动词还有be(是),have(有),1ove (爱),hate(恨),want(想要),1ike (喜欢),think(认为),believe(相信),see(看见),hear(听见)等。
< br>现在进行时的基本概念

1)现在进行时表示此时此刻(说话人说话时)正在进行的动作, 它并不表明这一动作从什么时候开始,到什么时候结束。汉语常用"(正)在"或"着"来表示这种时间关系。如 :

What are you doing?

-I'm doing some washing.你在干什么?--我在洗衣服。

Look! It is snowing.瞧!下着雪哩。

She is drawing a map.她在画一张地图。

Are they listening to the music?

-NO,they are listening to the radio.他们在听音乐吗?--不,他们在听收音机。

2)现在进行时可表示现阶段正在进 行着的动作,虽然此时此刻这个动作可能并不在进行。如:

He is working on a paper.他在写一篇论文。

They are compiling a dicti onary.他们在编一本词典。

3)现在进行时有时可表示将来发生的动作,有"意图"或" 打算"的含义(用于go,come,stay,1eave,start等表示移动的动词)。如:
< br>He is corning to see


We built a bridge last winter.去冬我们修了一座桥。(意即去冬我们做了这件事,桥已经修好了。)

We were building a hydro-electric station last winter.去冬我们在修水电站。(意即去冬我们一直在修水电站,修完与否不详)

I wrote a letter home last night. 昨晚我写了一封家信。(意即)昨晚我做了这件事,信写完了。)

I was writing a letter to my pen friend in America last night. 昨 晚我在给我的美国笔友写信。(意即昨晚我一直在写信,不一定写完)

[英语 语法手册]进行时态


过去将来进行时(future- in-the-past continuous tense)表示在对过去某一时间而言的将来某一时刻或某 一段时间正在进行的动作。

1)过去将来进行时的形式由should be(第一人称)或wonld be(第二、三人称)加现在分词构成。美国英语一律用wonld。


a)表示在过去的将来的某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动 作。如:

He asked me what I should be doing at ten the next day.他问我第二天十点钟我将干什么。

They said that they would be expecting us the next week.他们说他 们下个星期等我们去。

< br>He said he could not come because he would be haying a meeting.他说他不能来,因为要开会。



1)一般时态通常表示经常的动作或状 态,而进行时态则表示在某一时刻或某段时间正在进行着的动作。如:

We read newspapers every day.我们每天读报。

She is now reading the newspaper.她现在正在读报。

2)一般时态表示主语的固 有特征、能力等,而进行时态则表示主语在某一时刻或某段时间内所进行的具体动作。如:

He sings well.他唱得很好。

He is singing a folk song.他在唱一首民歌。

[注] 并不是所有的动词都能用进行时态,例如表达状态、感情 和感觉的某些动词,通常只能用一般时态而不能用进行时态,例如"know"(知道)一般就不能用进行时态。 这类动词还有be(是),have(有),1ove (爱),hate(恨),want(想要),1ike (喜欢),think(认为),believe(相信),see(看见),hear(听见)等。
< br>现在进行时的基本概念

1)现在进行时表示此时此刻(说话人说话时)正在进行的动作, 它并不表明这一动作从什么时候开始,到什么时候结束。汉语常用"(正)在"或"着"来表示这种时间关系。如 :

What are you doing?

-I'm doing some washing.你在干什么?--我在洗衣服。

Look! It is snowing.瞧!下着雪哩。

She is drawing a map.她在画一张地图。

Are they listening to the music?

-NO,they are listening to the radio.他们在听


2)现在进行时可 表示现阶段正在进行着的动作,虽然此时此刻这个动作可能并不在进行。如:

He is working on a paper.他在写一篇论文。

They are compiling a dictionary.他们在编一本词典。

3)现在进行时有时可 表示将来发生的动作,有"意图"或"打算"的含义(用于go,come,stay,1eave,start 等表示移动的动词)。如:

He is corning to see you tomorrow.他明天要来看你。

They are going to the Ming tombs this coming Sunday.这个星期天他们要到十三陵去。

They are taking the children to the zoo on Sunday.他们星期天要带孩子们去动物园。

What are you doing next Sunday? I'm going on a picnic with my wife and daughter.这个星期天你要干什么?我要和妻子和女儿去野餐。


过去进行时(past continuous tense)表示过去某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。如:

I was practicing the violin at eight o'clock yesterday evening. 昨晚八点钟我正在练习小提琴。

When Walter arrived home,his sister was doing her homework.沃尔特到家时,他妹妹正在做作业。

Pat was watching TV all evening. 帕特整个晚上都在看电视。

过去进行时由was(第一、三人称单数)或were (其余各人称和数)加现在分词所构成。
< br>过去进行时的基本用法

表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作,这一特定的时 间往往须用时间状语来表示。如:

She was reading an English magazine when I came in.我进来时她在看一本英文杂志。

It was getting dark.天黑了。

They were working all day yesterday.他们昨天整天工作。

We were cleaning the auditorium from 7 to 9 last night.昨晚七点到九点我们在打扫大礼堂。

I met him when he was crossing the street.他过街时我碰见他。

过去进行时的其他用 法

1)表示移动的动词go,come,start,stay,leave等的过去进行时, 可以表示过去将来发生的动作。如:

They wanted to know when we were leaving for Shanghai. 他们想知道我们什么时候到上海去。

She asked whether he was starting then ext day.她问他是否第二天就动身。

2)动词go的过 去进行时态加动词不定式,可以表示在过去某一时间之后将要发生的动作。(比较8.24的3)如:
< br>They said they were going to set up a nursery.他们说他们要设立一个托儿所。

She said the foreign guests were going to visit the Shanghai in dustrial Exhibition.她说外宾要去参观上海工业展览会。

The monitor announced that our new teacher was going to speak to us.班长宣布新老师要跟我们讲话。

3)过去进行时可用来描写故 事发生的背景。如:

It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A young woman suddenly appeared on the riverbank. it


He said he could not come because he would be haying a meeting.他说他不能来,因为要开会。



现在完成时(Present perfect tense)表示动作发生在过去,但与现在情况有关系,即用一个发生在过去的动作来说明现在的情况。

现在完成时由动词have (has) + 过去分词构成。

现在完成时的基本用 法


I have finished my work.我把工作做完了。

We have set up many new factories in this area.我们在这个地区建立了许多新工厂。

She has read all these books.她把这些书都读完了。

2)动作在过去完成,表示"经验"或"结果 "。汉语常用"过"来表示。如:

Have you ever seen the play The Doll's House? 你看过话剧《傀儡家庭》吗?

Yes,I have seen it twice.我看过两遍了。

I have learnt to drive.我学过开车。

The man has lived in China.那人在中国住过。

[注] 注意be在下面句子中的意义。如:

Where have you been? -I've been to the laboratory.你上哪儿去了?-- 到实验室去了。

Have you ever been to Hangzhou? ―No,I've never been there.你到过杭州吗?--没到过。

How have you been?-I've been well thank you.你近来身体好吗?-- 谢谢你,我近来很好。


现在完成时和过去一般 时都表示在过去完成的动作,但现在完成时强调这一动作与现在的关系,如对现在产生的结果、影响等,而过去一 般时则表示动作发生在过去,一般不表示和现在的关系。试比较:

1)I have lost my pen.我把钢笔丢了。(意即还没找到,现在我没有笔用。)

She lost her pen yes today.她昨天把笔丢了。(笔是昨天丢的,现在找到与否,没有说明。)

2)I have been to the Agricultural Exhibition.我看过这个农业展览会。(强调我知道它的内容)

I went to the Agricultural Exhibition last week.我上周参观了这个农业展览会。(只说明我上周参观过展览会这件事)

3) Who has opened the door? 谁把门开了?(现在门还开着)

Who opened the door? 谁开的门?(指过去,与现在无关。现在门是关着还是开着,没有说明。)

4) A:Have you had your lunch? 你吃过年饭没有?(意即你现在不饿吗?)

B:Yes,I have.吃了。(意即我现在饱了,不要再吃了。)

A:When did you have it 你什么时候吃的?(说话人感兴趣的是"吃"这一动作发生在什么时候。)

B:I had it about half an hour ago.我是大约半小时前吃的。

现在完成时 的其他用法

1)还可表示动作发生在过去,并且一直延续到现在,甚至还可能继续延续下去。这 时常和since所引导的短语或从句或for

How long have you been in Beijing ? -I have been in Beijing for four years.你在北京呆了多久?-- 我在北京呆了四年。

Isaac's father has been a school teacher since 1968. 艾萨克的父亲从一九六八年以来就当教师。

We haven't had a vacation for a long time.我们好久没放假了。

Three years have passed since we left school.我们毕业已经三年了。

[注]但在下面的句子中 ,主句的谓语动词可以用现在一般时。如:

It is three years since I began to work on the state farm.我在国营农场工作已经三年了。(美国英语用has been,下例同此)

It's a long time since I saw you last.好久没见了。


I'll go with you when I have finished my home work,我做完作业后就和你一块去。

We'll wait here until you have Written the letter.我们将在这里等你写完信。

Perhaps I'll know more English after I have learnt it for two years.我学完两午 后,懂的英语或许就会多些了。


1)现在完成时说 明的是现在的情况,是现在时态,因此不能和表示过去时间的状语如yesterday,1asr month,three years ago,in l960等连用。这些时间状语只能和过去时态连用,表 示过去的动作。但现在完成时可和表示过去时间的副词just和before连用。如:

He has just come.他刚到。

We have seen the movie b efore,我们以前看过这个电影。

2)现在完成时常和表示不确定的时间的副词alrea dy,never,ever,always,yet,not...yet,often等连用。如:

Have you ever been in a plane? 你坐过飞机吗?

The new books have not arrived yet.新书还没有到。

The Xisha lslands have always been Chinese territory.西沙群岛一直是中国的领土。

Have you heard from him yet? 你接到他的信了吗?

They have already finished their experiment.他们已经做完试验了。

Many westerners have never seen a giant panda.许多西方人从没见过大熊猫。

We have often been to the Summer Palace.我们常到颐和园去玩。

3)现在完成时可以和包括"现在"在内的时间状语连用,如now,today,this month,this year等。如:

We have planted many fruit trees this year.我们今年种了很多果树。

Have you seen Benny today? 你今天见到本尼了吗?

We've had a lot of rain this summer.今年夏天雨下得很多。

但如说话人所感兴 趣的只是在这段时间内发生了某一动作,而不是这一动作与现在的关系时,须用过去时态。如:

The conference opened this month.会议是本月开幕的。

Their farm set up a pumping station this year.他们农场今年新修了一个抽水站。

现在完成时可和疑问 副词where,why,how连用,但通常不和疑问副词when连用

(when一般只与 过去时态连用)。如

Where have you been? 你去哪儿了?(询问经过情况。如说Where did you go?则只问地点)

Why have you turned off the radio? 你干吗把收音机关了?(强调和现在的关系,意即收音机关着。如说Why did you turn off the radio?则强调关收音机这一过去的动作。)

过去完成时过去完成时的基本概念和 形式

过去完成时(past perfect tense)表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已 经完成了的动作。简言之,过去完成时所表示的时间就是"过去的过去"。过去完成时由助动词had + 过去 分词构成。


1)过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作以前 业已完成的动作。这个过去的时间可以用by,before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句来表示。如:

By the end of last week we had learned ten lessons.到上周末为止,我们已经学了十课书。

He had learned some English before he came to the institute.他来学院之前学过一些英语。

I didn't go to the film because I had seen it twice.我没去看电影,因为这片子我已看过两次了。

When I had gone over my lessons I took a rest.我复习完功课之后,休息了一会儿。

I gave my little sister the flowers that I had bought for her.我把给妹妹买的花送给她。

In the exhibition he saw many oil paintings that he had never seen before.他 在展览厅里见到许多过去从未见过的油画。

2)过去完成时可以表示由过去某一时间开始,一直 延续到过去另一时间的动作,常和for(有时可以省去)或since构成的短语或since引导的从句连用 。如:

It rained yesterday after it had been dry for many months.在天旱了好几个月之后,昨天下雨了。

By the I read his new book, I had known him for a long time.到我读他的新书时,我早就知道他了。

He said that great Changes had taken place in his hometown since,1980. 他说7980年以来他的家乡大变样了。

[注]当一个由when, before,after,as soon as等连词引导的从句所表示的动作和主句的动作紧接时,两个动 作均可用"一般过去时"来表示。如:

We had breakfast after we did morning exercises.做完早操后,我们吃早饭。

When I finished supper,I took a walk.我晚饭后就去散步。

The train started to move just before he reached the platform.他到月台时火车刚开走。

They started ploughing as soon as they got to the fields.他们一到地里就开始耕地。


将来完成时(future perfect tens e)表示在将来某一时间之前所完成的动作。它的形式由shall(第一人称)或will(第二、三人称)加 have再加过去分词所构成。美国英语一律用will。



By the end of this week, I shall have finished the book.到本周末,我将读完

an move the things in.房间已打扫过了,我们可以把东西搬进去了。(强调最终结果)You look so tired. What have you been doing? 你看来很累的样子,你干什么来着?(强调直接结果)

过去完成进行时(past perfect continuous tense)

1)过去完成进行时的形式一律为had been + 现在分词,无人称和数的区别。

2)过去完成进行时的用法 过去完成进行时表示动作在过去某 一时间之前开始并延续到过去这个时间,这一动作可能还在进行,也可能已经停止。如:

He told me that he had been waiting for me for two hours.他对我说他等了我两小时。(动作不再延续)

The baby had been crying for fifteen minutes when her mother came in.妈妈进来时,婴儿一直哭了十五分钟。(动作可能还在进行)

It seemed to her that the boys had been shouting for a long time.她似乎觉得这些男孩一直叫喊了很久。(动作可能还在进行)

The teacher had been teaching for forty years by the time he retired,这位教师退休前一直教了四十年的书。(动作不再进行)

< br>


某些从句(主要 是宾语从句)中谓语动词的时态,常常受主句中谓语动词时态的影响,这叫做时态的一致(sequence of tenses)。


从句中的谓 语动词可以用任何所需要的时态。如:

He says his father is (was,will be)an engineer.他说他父亲是(过去是,将来要做)一个工程师。

Can you tell me when you finished (will finish) the work? 你可否告诉我你什么时候完成的(会完成)这项工作?



1)如果从句里的 谓语动词所表示的动作与主句的谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,从句须用过去一般时或过去进行时。如:

He told me he was unwell.他告诉我他不大舒服。

She said her brother was reading a magazine at the moment. 她说她弟弟正在读一本杂志。

2)如果从句的谓语动词所表示的动作发生在主句的谓语动词所表示的动作之前,从句须用过去完成时 。如:

He said he had posted the letter.他说他已经把信发了。

Our teacher told us he had been to lndia.我们老师说他到过印度。

3)如果从句的谓语动词所表 示的动作在主句的谓语动词所表示的动作之后,从句的谓语动词须用过去将来时态。如:

The y did not know when they would go to the Great Wall. 他们不知道什么时候去参观长城。

He said he was going to be an actor after leaving school.他说他毕业后要当演员。


1)从句所说明 的如果是一般真理或客观事实,则仍用现在时态。如:

The teacher t


You're to hand in your exercises tomorrow.你们明天要交练习。

Where am I to put these tools? 这些工具应该放在什么地方?

What is to be done?怎么办?


I am not sure whether he is to turn up tonight.我不能断定他今晚是否能来。

My key is nowhere to be found.我哪儿也找不着我的钥匙。

d) be + about + 动词不定式则表计划即将,如:

The meeting is about to begin.会议即将开始。


的过去式是had。Have (had)作为助动词和过去分词一起,构成各种完成时态。如:

I have known Mr. Smith for four years.我认识史密斯先生已经四年了。

He has not made up his mind yet.他还没有决定呢。

A woman came in with a baby,who had just swallowed a safety pin.一个妇女带进来一个刚吞进一个别针的婴儿。

[注] have的简略 式是've,has的简略式是's,had的简略式是'd,如

I've,you've,h e's,I'd,we'd,he'd,they'd等。


的过去式是d id。do (did)作为助动词,有下列一些用法:

1)构成现在一般时和过去一般时的疑 问句和否定句。如:

Do you know each other? 你们两人认识吗?

How do you find the climate here? 你觉得这里的气候怎么样?

She did not go to hospital after breakfast She went to work as usual.早饭后她没有去医 院,她照常上班去了。


Don't be so careless.不要那么粗枝大叶。

Do not hesitate to come when you need help.有困难只管来。


I do think he is right.我确实认为他是对的。

Do come often.一定常来呀。

Do ask,if you have any questio ns.如果有问题,务必提出。


Only then did I understand the importance of science.只是到了那时,我才了解到科学的重要性。

Never did I expect to see him there.我从未想到会在那里看到他。

5)还可用 来代替主要动词,以避免重复。较常用在简略答语中。如:

Does he also study geography?他也学地理吗? ――Yes,he does.是的,他也学地理。

Did it snow a lot last week? ――Yes,it did。上星期雪下得多吗? --是的,下得很多。

He works even harder than you do. 他比你还要用功。

[注] 上面最后一 句中的do应唤作替代词,只是为了初学者的方便而放在助动词项下。

shall和Will< br>

shall本身没有词义,只用在第一人称的将来时态中(现多为wil l所代替)。在将来一般时中,shall后接动词原形。如:

I shall think it over.我要好好考虑一下。

Don't worry. We shall tell you all about it.你别担心。我们都会告诉你的。


will本身没有词义,只用在第二、三人称的将来时态中。will在将来一般时中后接动词原形。 如:

He will be twenty-five years old next mo nth.


表示体力或脑力方面的"能力"或客观上的"可能"。 如:

Can you ride a bike? Yes,I can.你能骑自行车吗?是的,我能骑。

Can Mr. Smith use chopsticks? No,he can't . 史密斯先生会用筷子吗?不,他不会。

Most women here can read and write now.这里的多数妇女都能识字,也会写字。

In China even barren mountains can be turned into fertile fields. 在中国,荒山也能变成良田。



It surely can't be six o'clock already? 不可能已经六点钟了吧?

You can't be hungry so soon,Tom. You've just had lunch. 顿姆,你不可能饿得这么快,你刚吃过午饭。

She cannot be so careless. 她不可能这么粗心。

Where can he be? 他会在什么地方呢?

What can he mean? 他会是什么意思呢?

It surely can't be six o'clock already? 不可能已经是六点钟了吧?

[注一] can加动词的进行时态,也可表示"可能"。如:

What can he be doing all this time? 他一直会是在干什么呢?

She cannot be playing ping-pong now.她现在不可能在打乒乓球。

[注二] 在日常会话中,can可代替may表示"允许",may比较正式,如:

You can drop in any time. 你随时都可以来串门。

Can I use your basin? of course,you can.我可以用你的脸盆吗?-- 当然可以。

You can have my seat,I'm going now.我要 走了,你坐我的座位吧。


could是Call的过去式,表示与 过去有关的1)能力和2)可能(在否定和疑问句中)。如:

1)We were sure that he could do the work. 我们肯定他能做这工作。

He was a farmhand. He could not afford to send his son to school. 他是个雇农,他供不起儿子上学。

2)At that time we thought the Story could not be true.那时我们以为所说的事不可能是真的。

[注] could可代替can表示现在,但语气较为婉转。如:

could you wait half an hour?请你等半个小时好吗?

could you please ring up again at six? 六点钟请你再来电话好吗?

could we visit a kindergarten? I've been wanting to see one ever since I came to China.我们可以访问一个幼儿园吗?我自从到中国来以后, 一直想看一所幼儿园。

[注二]表示过去的能力并已完成一具体动作时须用were (was) able (to),不可用could。如:

I am glad we were able to catch the train. 我很高兴我们能赶上火车。但如未完成一具体动作,则可用could not。如:

I am sorry we couldn't (或weren't able to) catch the tra in.我很遗憾我们没有能赶上火车。


can只有现在式can 和过去式could两种形式,能表示现在一般和过去一般两种时态,有时也能表示将来。所有其他时态(包括将 来)须用be able加动词不定式来表示。如:

With their help, we shall be able to finish the work in a few

days. 有他们的协助,我们将会在几天之内完成这项工作。

They have not been able to come to Boston. 他们没有能到波斯顿来。

Mr. Johnson rang up just now to Say that he won't be able to come over this evening.约翰逊先生刚来电话,说今天晚上他来不了 。


can (could)用于否定 或疑问句中后面跟动词原形的完成式时,表示对过去发生事件的"可能性"。而could较can更加表示说话 人的"不肯定的"语气。如:

Can he have left already? 他会是走了吗?

Could she have forgotten my address? 她会把我的地址忘记了吗?

It couldn't have been henry. He has gone to the factory. 不可能是亨利,他已经去工厂了。

Surely she can not have arrived so early. 他当然不可能这么早到这里的。

[注] could加 动词的完成式时,有时表示"过去可能完成但事实上并没有实现的动作"。如:

You could have done the work better.你本来可以做得更好些。(事实上你做得不那么好)

You could have got the early train.你本来可以搭上早班火车的。(事实上没搭上)





I must leave at 9:00我必须在九点钟离开这里。

Soldiers must obey orders.士兵必须服从命令。

You must get to the stallion before three o'clock. 你必须在三点钟以前到达车站。

You must come earlier tomorr ow.你明天得早点来。


must的否定形式must not表示"不应该"或


We mustn't waste our time. 我们不应该浪费我们的时间。

Passengers must not walk across the railway line.旅客不要横穿铁路。

You mustn't miss that modern ballet,It is extremely good. 你可不要错过这个现代芭蕾舞剧,它好极了。

One must not divorce oneself from the masses.不应该脱离群众。

[注]说"不必"须用need not。如:

Must we hand in our exercises today? -No,You needn't.我们必须今天交练习吗? --不,不必今天交。

must 也可表示过去

must只有现在式,通常用以表示现在,但有时也可以表示过去(多用在间接引 语中)。如:

He told us we must all be ready by nine.他告诉我们在九点钟以前都得准备好。

It was too late to go back,we must go on.太晚了,回不去了,我们只有继续往前走。

[注] have to (必须)则可以表示各种时间。如:

I am afraid You will have to wait a while.我看你得等一会儿。

At every step I had to pull my legs out of the snow.我每走一步都得将双腿从雪中拔 出来。


但比may肯定得多,相当于汉 语的"一定"或"准是"。如:

He must be in the library now. 他现在准是在图书馆。

The old man must be over seventy now.那老人准有七十多岁了。


e must know how to do farm work. 她一定懂得怎样干农活。

You ate very little at breakfast today. You must be hungry now.


[注] mu st加动词原形的进行式,也可表示对现在发生的动作的推测,有"一定"、"准是"的意思。如:
She must be working on the experimental plot.她现在 一定在试验田里工作。


说明对过去事物的推测, 表示"一定"或"准是"的意思。如:

I mailed the letter two weeks ago. She must have received it.


She must have studied English before. 她以前一定学过英语。

How did you know about it? Somebody must have told you. 你怎么知道这事的?一定有人告诉你了。

[英语语法手册]情态动词-- may, might



May I come in? -Yes,do. 我可以进来吗?--请进。

May I borrow you raincoat? 我可以借用你的雨衣吗?

You may go now. 你现在可以走了。

You may ring us up any time during office hours.在办公时间你可以随时给我们打电话。

[注] may表示"允许"的否定形式是must not(不应该,不许可)。如:

May I take this book out of the reading-room? -No,you mustn't. 我可以把这本书拿出阅览室吗? --不行。

may还可表示说话人的猜测 ,认为某一事情"或许"或"可能"发生

We may call on you this evening.我们也许今天晚上来看你。

She may not go to the concert tonight.今晚她可能不去听音乐会了。

The news may or may not be true. 消息也许是真的,也许不是真的。

[注] may用在感叹句中可表示祝愿,愿望如:

May you succeed.祝你成功。

May you have a pleasant journey.一路平安。


The speaker said we might ask him any question.作报告的人说我们可以向他提任何问题。

He said he might go to the Palace Museum on Sunday. 他说他星期天可能去 参观故宫博物院。

[注一]night也可代替may,表示现在,但语气较为婉转客气或更加 不肯定。如:

He night not come today.今天他也许不来了。

Might I make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议吗?

< br>You might,pay more attention to spoken English.你要更多地注意英语口语。

You might shut the windows. The wind is blowing so hard outside.关上窗户吧。外面风很大。

may (might)后加动词的完成式

表示对过去的推测,认为某一事情在过去"可能"发生。这里may和might都指过去,不过mi ght较为含蓄委婉或更加不肯定(常用于肯定结构)。如:

Nick may (might) have gone to the library.尼克可能到图书馆去了。

Our manager may (might) have gone to Harbin last weekend.


She may (might) ha

ve missed the plane.她也许没赶上飞机。

[注一] may和might常用在so that和in order that所引导的目的状语从句中(现在英语中还经常用can)。如:

Write is in simple language in order that everybody may understand it. 为了大家都看得懂,你要用简明的文字写。

He died,so that others night 1iye.他为了别人而牺牲了。

[注三] might加动词的完成式,可说明某一事情在过 去没有实现并含有"劝告"甚至"责备"的意思。如:

You might have told me earlier.你本来可以早点告诉我的。

You might have been more careful.你本来可以多加小心。

[英语语法手 册]情态动词--have to

have to

have to加动词原 形

表示"不得不"、"必须"的概念。它比must更含有"客观条件使得必须如此做"的意思 ,并有较多的时态。如:

Mr. Johnson has to work very hard to earn a living.约翰逊先生为了谋生不得不拼命干活。

I had to leave the party early last night. I wasn't very well.昨晚我只得早点离开晚会,我不大舒服。

We will have to get up very early tomorrow.我们明天必须起得很早。

I shall have to go to the clinic today for my bad cough.我咳嗽得厉害,今天必须去诊疗所看看。

[注]口语中的I have got to,you have got to等:I have to,you have to. Have I got to?和Do I have to?这两种疑问形式均可用。




可表示说话人给对方的 "命令"、"警告"、"允诺"、"威胁"等概念。如:

You shall do it,whether you want to or not. 不管你愿意不愿意,你必须做这项工作。(命令)

You shall have the book as soon as I finish it.这本书我一看完就给你。(允诺)

You shall pay for it.你一定 会受到惩罚的。(威胁)



What shall I do now? 我现在该做什么?

Shall we go for a walk? 我们去散步好吗?

Shall he come tomorrow? 你要他明天来吗?



情态动词Should表示"劝告"、 "建议 "时

这时should常译作 "应当"。如:

We Should learn about the computer and make full use of it.我们应该了解计算机并加以充分利用。

You should listen to the doctor's advice.你应当听大夫的话。

You should study the article care fully. 你应当细,心学习这篇文章。

should还可以表示 "预测"、"可能"

They should be here by now.他们现在可能到了。

The reference book should be in the reading-room.这本参考书可能在阅览室里。

should有时表 示说话人的感情如惊奇、愤怒、失望等

Why should I go? 我干吗要去?(不满)

I am sorry that he Should be so obstinate.我很遗憾,他竟这样固执。(失望)

It's strange that it should be

so hot today.很怪,今天怎么这么热。( 惊奇)


这时句子指的是过去的事情。如果是 肯定句,常说明某件事本应完成而未完成;如果是否定句,表示发生了不应当发生的事情.如:

You should have stopped at in red light. 你见了红灯本应该停车。

You Should not have gone back to work without the doctor's permission.你不应当未经医生许可就回去工作。

He Should have come earlier. 他应早一点来。




可用于各人称,表示 "意志"、"意愿"、"决心"、"允诺"等。如:

I will try. 我愿一试。

I will do my best. 我一定尽力而为。

We will never do it again. 我们永远不会再做此事了。

Which will you fake?你要哪一个?

Who will go with me? 谁 愿和我一同去?


这时句子表示说话人向对 方提出请求或询问。如:

Will you please explain the sentence once more?请你再把这个句子解释一遍好吗?

Will you have western food or Chinese food,Mr. Smith? 史密斯先生,你吃西餐还是中餐?

Will you pass me the butter? 请你把黄油递给我好吗?


Won't you come in ?请进来好吗?

[注一] 在条件状语从句中须用现在一般时表将来 ,但当will用作情态动词表意愿时,则亦可用于条件状语从句,如I'll be glad if you will come.(你如愿来,我将会很高兴)。

[注二]will在下面句子中 = I suppose(我猜想)或probably(大概)。如:

This will be the room you are looking for. 这大概就是你要找的那个房间。

You will remember the story I told you the other day.你们大概还记得我那天给你们讲的那个故事。
< br>[注三]will有时表示一种习惯动作或状态。如:

Water will boil at 100 degrees Centigrade.水总是在摄氏100度煮沸。

Boys will be boys.男孩子总是男孩子。



是will的过去式,可用于各人称,表示过去时间的"意志"、 "愿望"和 "决心"等。如:

He declared that he would do everything to help us. 他说要尽一切可能来帮助我们。

I told peter that I would go along wit him.我告诉彼得我要跟他一块去。

All in e doctors and nurses told Dr. Bethune not to give his own blood to the wounded, but he wouldn't listen.和护士劝白求恩大夫不要 把自己的血输给伤员,但是他不听。


这时wo uld不论是表达说话人本身的意志或向对方提出请求,均较will婉转。如:

Would you tell us something about yourself? 请跟我们谈谈你自己好吗?

Would you like to have a glass of wine? 你要喝杯酒吗?

Would you please tell me the way to the nearest bus-stop? 请告诉我去最近的公共汽车站怎么走好吗?

Would you mind

helping me with my packing? 请你帮我打打行李好吗?

[注]在日常会话中,I would like to和I should like to都可以说,I would like的简略式为I'd like。如:

I should (would) like to have a look at the new television set.我想看看这架新电视机。

I'd like to borrow a copy of Alice in Wonderland.我要借一本《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》。

Wou ld还可以表示过去习惯发生的动作

I found that retired persons would often go to the park to play chess.我发现退休的人经常到公园里下棋。

When he had a problem to solve,he would work at it until he found an answer.当他有个问题要解决时,他总是想办法一直到找到答案为止。



ought只有一种形式,后面须跟带to的动词不定式。Ought表示"有义务或必要"做某件事,还可表示 "劝告"。如:.

You ought to follow the old man's advice.你应当听那位老人的话。

You oughtn't to smoke so much.你不应当抽烟太多。

You ought to go to the clinic at once. You don't look well.你脸色不好,应该马上到医务室 去。

[注]ought表示"应该",语气比should 强。

ought 后加动词不定式的完成式时

指过去的动作。如用肯定形式(ought to have done),表示某一件事该做而未做,相当于should have done。如用否定形式(ought not to have done),则表示一件不该做的事情发生了,相当于should not have done。如:

He ought to have done the exercise more carefully.这个练习他应当作得更细心一些。

I ought to have returned these books to the library last week. 我上星期就应当把这些书还给图书馆。

You ought not to have been so rude.你不该这样粗鲁。

You ought not to have taken his skates without asking him.你不该没有得 到他的许可就把他的冰鞋拿走。


dare (敢)

的用法和其他动词有所不同。dare用于否定句或疑问句 中时,其用法和其他情态动词一样,即dare本身无变化,后面所跟的动词不定式不带to。如:
They dare not tell the truth.他们不敢说真话。

Dare he admit his mistake? 他敢于承认错误吗?

He dared say no more。他不敢再说了。
< br>但是dare用在肯定结构中时,后面的动词不定式可加to。如:

Young people should dare to think,dare to speak and dare to act.青年人要敢想、敢说、敢干。

[注一]在否定句或疑问句中,dare也可用作 实义动词,用助动词do来帮助,后面的动词不定式可带to。如:

Do they dare to do it? 他们敢做这事吗?

The enemy did not dare to come out after dark.敌人夜间不敢出来。

[注二]注意下面将两 种不同动词揉合在一起的说法。如:

I didn't dale come.我不敢来。

Who dares stop me? 谁敢阻拦我?


need(需要)< br>

乎完全相同。即在否定句或疑问句中,和其他情态动词一样 ,本身无变化,后面用不带to的动词不定式;在肯定句中时,和实义动词一样,后面的动词不定式要带to,第 三人称单数现在一般时加-s,并有时态的变化。如:

Need we return the magazines today?我们今天需要把杂志还回去吗?

Every member needs to pay only a little money a year to get medical care.每个成员每年只需缴一点钱就可以得到医疗。

You need not write down your translation. You may do it orally. 你们不必写下这个翻译练习,口头做就行了。

[注]与dare一样,在否定 句或疑问句里,need也可和实义动词相同,用助动词to do来帮助,后面的动词不定式必须带to。如:

Do they need to take any tools with them? -No., they don't need to.他们需要带工具吗? --不需要。

He did not need to go there early that day. 那天他不必早去。

need后面有名词作宾语 时

完全用作实义动词,表示"需要"或"缺乏"某件事物。这时,它的变化和一般实义动词完全 相同。如:

I need a dictionary.我需要字典。

You need a hair-cut. 你该理发了。

Do you need a fountain-pen? 你需要一支自来水笔吗?

I don't need a new jacket. 我不需要一件新茄克衫。

Mary looks tried,she needs a rest. 玛丽看上去累了,需要休息。

Needn 't后加动词不定式(不带to)的完成式时

You needn't have watered the vegetables,as it is going to rain.你满可以不必浇菜,天要下雨了。

You needn't have brought your umbrella. We are going by taxi你满可以不必带伞,我们要坐出租汽车去。

[注一]注意didn't have to和didn't nee to则常表示过去未做也勿须做的动作。如:

I didn't have to interpret it for her,for she knows Chinese.我勿须为她翻译,她懂汉语。

I didn't need to take a taxi; it is only five minutes walk to the station.到车站只须走五分钟,我不需要坐出租汽车。

[注二] used to和had better也可看作是情态动词。情态动词used to表示过去的习惯,但现在已无此习惯 (would表过去习惯时则无此含义)。如:

When I was young,I used to play football.我小时常踢足球。

He didn't use to come. (或用usedn't to)他过去不常来。

Did he used to come? (亦可说used he to...?)他过去常来吗?had better表可取,意为"应该"或"最好"。如:

We had better go now. 我们最好走吧。

You'd better stop now.你现在应该停下来。(对长辈不可用had better)

Hadn't we better go now? 我们现在走不好吗?(had better一般不用于肯定疑问句)



1)语气(mood)语气是一种动词形式,表示讲话人对某一行为或事 情的看法和态度。


< br>浯从句表示比较或方式时,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气。动词形式用动词的过去式(be用were) 或had + 过去分词。如:

My mother locked after the orphan as if he were her own child. 我母亲照料这个孤儿像自己孩子一样。

You speak as if you had really been there.你谈得好像你真的到过那里似的。

注意下面句中的as if从句用作表语。如:

It looks as if it might rain,天好像要下雨似的。

[注]连词lest和in case所引导的状语从句中的谓 语动词亦用虚拟语气。例见15.33和15.30


It is time (that)…句型中的定语从句里的谓语动词常用虚拟浯气表示将来,动词形式用动词 的过去式:意思是"该干某件事了,时间已经有些晚了"。如:

It is time we left.我们该走了。

It is time we went to bed.我们该睡觉了:

It is time we summed up our res ults.我们该总结我们的成绩了。


下面是虚拟语气 用在简单句中较常见的两种情况,皆表祝愿。如:

1)动词原形1ive用在Long live…中。如:

Long live the Communist Party of China! 中国共产党万岁!

Long live the people! 人民万岁!


2)M ay用在句子开头(多用在正式的文体中)。如:

May good luck be yours.祝你顺利。

May you be happy.祝你快乐。

May you do even better! 祝你取得更大成就!

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 A

非 限定动词


1)非限定动词(verbal)有动词不定式、 动名词和分词三种。


a)限定动词在句 子中可以单独作谓语动词,非限定动词在句中则不能单独作谓语动词。

b)限定动词的形式要与 主语的人称和数一致,而非限定动词的形式则不受主语的人称和数的限制。如:

He likes to sing


They like to sing.


限定动词like受主语人称和数的限制,的形式 与主语一致。第一句为likes,第二句为like。非限定动词sing则不受这种限制,它的形式不随主语 而改变。

The man walking in front was carrying a flag.


The men walking in front were carrying flags.

走在前面的 人们都打着旗子。

限定动词be受主语的人称和数的限制,它的形式须与主语一致。第一句为w as,第二句为were.非限定动词walking则不受主语的限制,它的形式不随主语而改变。
< br>3)非限定动词的双重性


(a)如果非 限定动词是及物动词,须有宾语。


(c )非限定动词仍有语态和时态的变化。




非 限定动词双重性举例:

He promised to do it tonight.他答应今天晚上做。(非限定动词to do的动词性质表现在它有宾语"和状语tonigh t它的非动词性质表现在它用作promised的宾语。)

I am sorry to have disturbed you.我打扰你了,对不起。(to have disturbed是动词不定式to disturb的完成式,说明非限定动词有时态上的变化,这也是非限 定动词的动词性质。)

I saw many people spreading manure in the fields.我看见许多人在地里施肥。(非限定动词spreading是现 在分词,它有宾语manure和状语 in the fields。)

There is no time to be lost.必须抓紧时间。(to be lost是动词不定式to lose 的被动式,说明非限定动词有语态上的变化这也是非限定动词的动词性质。)

4)非限定动词短 语带有宾语或状语的非限定动词


I have no time to finish that long novel this week.我本周没有时间读完那本长篇小说。(不定式短语)

Forgetting the past means betrayal.忘记过去就意味着背叛。(动名词短语)

Members wishing to see the play are requested to notify Li Min be fore Saturday.愿意看戏的会员请在星期六以前通知李敏。

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 B


意义、形式 和特征

1)基本概念和形式动词不定式(infinitive)是一种非限定动词,由不定式 符号to加动词原形所构成。动词不定式有动词的特征,同时也有名词、形容词和副词的特征。



H e wants to study Japanese.他想学习日语。(动词不定式to study后面有 宾语Japanese)


The rain continued to fall heavily.雨继续下得很大。(动词不定式to fa ll后面有状语heavily)

动词不定式加宾语或状语构成动词不定式短语,如上二例中的 to study Japanese和to fall heavily。

3)动词不定式的 非动词特征

用法动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,所以它在句子中可用作主语、表语 、宾语、定语和状语。


To lean out of the window is dangerous.把身子伸出窗外是危险的。

To talk with him is a great pleasure.和他谈话是一件非常愉快的事。

To die for the people is a glorious death! 为人民而死,虽死犹荣。

动词不 定式短语作主语时,往往放在谓语动词的后面,而在句首用引词"作语法上的主语。上述两句即可改为:

It is a great pleasure to talk with him.

It is a glorious death to die for the people.

注意也常用"It is+形容词+动词不定式短语"这样的句型:

It is necessary to make a plan for this course of study.必须订一个学习这门课程的计划。

It is not difficult to learn a foreign if y


To be a good teacher one must use good teaching methods.要成为好的教师一定要有好的教学方法。

To de fend our country we must strengthen ourselves.为了保卫祖国,我们必须自强不息。

[注三] 注意有些用作句子独立成分的习惯语,如to begin with(首先),to conclude(最后),to be sure(当然),to tell you the truth(老实对你说)等。


My grandmother lived to see the birth of my little daughter.我的祖母活到亲眼看到我的小女儿出生。

A few years later he came home to find that his hometown had greatly changed.几年后他回到家里,发现故乡的面貌大大地改变了。

[注一] 有时可以用too...to(太…而不能)结构来表示"结果办不到"。如:

He is too young to join the army.他太年轻了,不能参军。

It was too cold,to go out last night.昨晚太冷,无法出去。

[注二] 动词不定式和only连用时,常表示未预料到的结果。如:

I went to see him only to find him out.我去看他,不料他出去了。

I hurried to the post office,only to find it was closed.我匆忙赶到邮局,不料已经关门了。

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 C

动词不定式可用作复合宾语中的宾浯补足语。可有这种 复合宾语结构的动词有get(请),ask(请求),order(命令),persuade(说服),ad vise(劝告),like(喜欢),want(想要),tell(叫),know(知道)help(帮助 ),call on(号召,请求),等等。如:

He got someone to repair the door.他请人修理门。

I persuaded my brother to change his mind.我说服我弟弟改变了主意。

The doctor advised him to take a good rest.大夫劝他好好休息。
在某些及物动词的复合宾语中,动词不定式须省掉too这些动词有:make(使),let(让 ),see(见),

watch(望),hear(听),have(使),feel(觉得) 等。动词help后不定式的to可以省掉,也可以保留。如:

Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China.古为今用,洋为中用。

He let me go home.他让我回家。

We must have someone repair the refrigerator.我们必须叫人来修电冰箱。

I heard him speak in the next room.我听到池在隔壁房间里讲话。

Mother is helping pat (to) clean her shoes.妈妈正帮蓓蒂刷鞋子。


[英语语法手册]非限定动词 D



He decided not to go home.他决定不回家。

The teacher warned the pupils not to go skating on thin ice.教师警告学生不要在薄冰上滑冰。

I told him not to open the door.我叫他不要开门。

疑问词 + 动词不定式

疑问代词wh o,what,which和疑问副词when,where,how等后加动词不定

式,构成 一种特殊的动词不定式短语,可在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等成分。如:

When to start has not been decided.何时动身尚未决定。(作主语)

They told her where to find her little brother.他们告诉她到哪里找她的小弟弟。(作宾语)

The teacher showed the students how to do the exercise.老师教学生如何做练习。(作宾语)

He thought a lot about how to improve his English pronunciation.他对如 何提高英语语音想得很多。(作介词的宾语)

动词不定式复合结构"for + 名词(或代词宾格) + 动词不定式"

在这种结构中的for本身无意义。名词(或代词宾格 )形式上是for的宾语,但在逻辑上可以说是动词不定式的主语。这种不定式复合结构在句子里可作下列成分:


For us to learn foreign languages is important.学习外语对我们来说是重要的。

在句中,for us在逻辑上是to learn foreign languages的主语。这种结构作主语时,和简单的动词不定式结构一样, 一般都用引词讧来代表并放在句首,"for + 名词 (或代词宾格) + 不定式"则放在句末。如:

It is important for us to learn foreign languages.

It is necessary for us to learn from each other.我们必须相互学习。


It is for you to decide.这得由你决定。


Can you arrange for a car to take us there?你能安排一辆汽车送我们到那里去吗?


There is a lo to work for us to do.有很多工作要我们去做。


The policeman blew his whistle for the carts to stop.警察吹哨要那几辆大车停 下来。(作目的状语)

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 E


1)动词不定式一般式表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同 时发生。如:

I saw him go out.我看见他出去了。(saw与go out两个动作同时发生)

Would you help me put things in order before we leave?在我们离开之前,你帮我整理一下东西好吗?(would help和put同时发生)

I hope to see you again.我希望再见到你。(to see这个动作发生在hope之后)

The boy said he wanted to be a scientist.这男孩说他想做一个科学家。(to be在wanted之后)

< br>一般式to write进行式to be writing

完成式 to have written


动词不定式完成式表示的动作发生在 限定动词表示的动作之前。如:

I am sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,叫你久等了。(to have kept发生在am所表示的时间之前)

She seems to have read the book before.她好像看过这本书。(to have read发生在seems所表示的时间之前)

The battery appears to have run down.这组电

池好像已经用完了。(to have run down发生在appears所表示的时间之前)

但在下面句子中,动词不定式表示"动作没 有完成":

We were to have met at ten.我们本来是约定十点钟 见面的。(结果未见面)


动词不定式进行式表示动作 正在进行,与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。如:

He see ms to be recovering.他看来在康复。

When he came in,I happened to be lying on the bed,reading. 他进来的时候,我碰巧正躺在床上看书。

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 E



一 般式to be written

完成式to have been written


The next thing to be done is to carry away the earth.下-步要做的事是把土运走。

No harm seems to have been done.似乎并没有造成损害。

分裂不 定式

有时在不定式符号"to"和动词原形之间插入一个副词,这种现象叫做分裂不定式(sp lit infinitive)。插入动词不定式的副词,习惯上往往与不定式动词连在一起。如:
< br>He likes to half close his eyes.他喜欢半闭着眼睛。

Our object is to further cement friendly relations between the two countries.我们的目的是进一步加强两国之间的友好关系。

At first he wasn't interested in bookkeeping,but later he began to actually like it.起初他对会计工作没有兴趣,但到后来倒喜欢起它来了

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 F



1)动名词(gerund)为非限定动词的一种,由动词原形加词尾-i ng构成,与现在分词同形,动名词有动词和名词的特征。

< br>a)动名词可以有宾语。如:

I have finished repairing that machine.我修完那台机器了。


They have started working in the apple-orchard .他们已经开始在苹果园里劳动了。


repairing that machine和working in the apple- orchard。

3)动名词的名词特征 在句中可作主语、宾语等。如:

Getting up early is a good habit.起早是个好习惯。(动名词getting up作主语)

The foreign visitors enjoyed seeing Chinese acrobatics .外宾喜欢看中国杂技。(动名词seeing作宾语)

用法动名词可用作主语、表语、宾语、 定语等。


Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。

Reading aloud is very important in learning English.学习英语朗读很重要。

Looking down on women is feudal ideology.轻视妇女是封建意识。

[注]在下面结构中,亦可用引词讧 作形式主语,把意义上的主语即动名词放在句末。如:

It's no use over spilt milk.牛奶打翻了哭也没有用。(作无益的后悔没有用)

It's no good talking about it.谈也无用。


Her job

动名词的 时态形式


完成式having written

2)动名词的一般式动名词的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,或在谓语动词表示 的动作之后。如:

Children enjoy watching colour TV. 儿童喜欢看彩色电视。


Would you mind opening the window and letting a little a air in?请你打开窗子,透透气好吗? (opening和letting发生在mind之后)


Do you remember cutting rice on the state farm? 你记得在国营农场割水稻的事吗? (cutting发生在remember之前)

I shall never forget seeing Lu Xun for the first time in 1932.我永远不会忘记一九三二年第一次见到鲁迅的情景。(seeing发生在 for get之前)

3)动名词的完成式动名词的完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前 。

I regret having been unable to write to you earlier.我很抱歉未能早点写信给你。

His leg showed no symptom of having been injured.他的腿不像受过伤。

We were overjoyed at the news of China haying launched another man-made satellite.我们听到中国又发射了一颗人造 卫星时都很高兴。


< br>一般式being written

完成式having been written


This picture shows a child being beaten by a Japanese soldier.这张照片上一个孩子在遭到日本兵毒打。

The meeting was put off without his having been consulted.会议延期并未和他 商量。


从结构上看,两者不同之点有:动名词前可 用介词,它还可被名词(或代词)所有格修饰;不定式前通常不用介词,更不能被名词(或代词)所有格修饰。动 名词和动词不定式在实际运用中,有下列各点值得注意:

1)动名词所表示的动作,在意义上比 较一般和抽象,时间观念不强,不指某一次动作;动词不定式则常表示某个具体动作。如:

Th e students like playing football.这些学生喜欢踢足球。(经常性的爱好)

Would you like to play football this afternoon?你今天下午愿意踢球吗?(指一次的动作 )

2)动词不定式所表示的动作的逻辑主语常常是句子里的-一个名词或代词,动名词所表示的 动作的逻辑主语,可能是句子里的名词或代词,但也可能指一般人或物。如:

She hates to trouble you.她不愿意麻烦你。(to trouble的逻辑主语是she)

She hates smoking.她不喜欢吸烟。 (smoking的逻辑主语不一定是she,也可能是"别人")

3)有些动词,如:sto p,remember,forget,后接动名词和后接动词不定式,其意义有所不同。试比较:
Stop talking.不要讲话!(talking的宾语,指停止"讲话"这个动作)

Stop to think about it for a moment.停下来一想。(to think


The child fell,striking head against the door and cutting it.小孩摔了一跤,头在门上碰破了。(结果)

He went out slamming the door.他走出去砰地一声把门关上。(伴随情况)

The lichens came borne by storms.这些地衣是由暴风雨带来的。(方式)

分词的否 定结构


Not knowing what to do,she went to the teacher for help.她不知道该怎么办,就去请老师帮助。

I left at noon,not staying for lunch.我是中午走的,没有留下来吃午饭。

过去分词表否定时,常借助un- 等前缀表示。如:

The boy was left uncared for.那孩子无人 照管。


分词可作复合宾语中的宾语补足语。可有这种复合 宾语的动词有see,watch,hear,set,keep,find,have,get等等。如:
We saw them walking across the road.我们看见他们穿过那条马路。

We heard the children singing "I Love Beijing's Tian An Men"我们听见孩子们唱《我爱北京天安门》。

I found my hometown almost completely rebuilt.我发现故乡几乎全部改建过了。

在h ave或get后面的复合宾语中,宾语补足语多是过去分词,而它所表示的动作又往往由别人所完成。如:
We must get the television set repaired.我们必须把电视机修好。(请别人修)

I had my watch mended in town.我在城里修的表。(叫别人修的)

If we have shortcomings,we are not afraid to have them pointed out and criticized.我们如果有缺点,就不怕别人批评指出。(请别人指 出)

但have的复合宾语中的过去分词的动作有时不一定由别人来完成,而是表自己的经验。 如:

He had his arm broken.他把手臂折断了。(不是别人给弄折的, 而是自己弄折的)

[注一]上述句子结构变为被动语态时,除主语和宾语互换位置外,分词不动 。如上面的第一、二例句即可变为:

They were seen walking across the road.

The children were heard singing"I Love Beijing Tian An Men"。

[注二]现在 分词在复合宾语中和动词不定式在复合宾语中的意义稍有不同。后者指事情的全过程,目的在于仅仅说明发生了这 件事;前者指正在继续的动作的一部分,目的在于将该动作当时进行的情景呈现于读者之前,其含义相当于进行时 态。如:

I saw him go upstairs.我看见他上楼去了。(看见他上楼整个过程,只说明他上楼这件事)

I saw him going upstairs.我看见他走上楼的。(只看见他上楼这个动作的一部分,说明 他上楼的情景)

I was working in the room all morning· I heard somebody All knock at the next door.我整个上午在房间工作,听见有人敲隔壁房间的门。(听见敲门整个过程)

When I went back to the room,I heard her practicing singing in the next room.我回房

间时听见她在隔壁房间练歌。( 只听见一部分,回房间前她已开始唱了)

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 J


过去分词没有时态形式的变化,所以这里只讲现在分词的时态 形式。



完成 式having written

2)现在分词一般式其所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作 同时发生,或在谓语动词所表示的动作之前或后发生。如:

Working together with Dr. Bethune,we learnt a lot from him.


(working与leamt同时发 生)

Knowing that they were going abroad next week ,they began to make preparations.他们知道他们下星期要出国 ,所以都开始作准备。(knowing发生在began之前)

He came up to me,saying"Glad to see you again."他来到我跟前说道,"很高兴又见到你 。"(saying发生在came之后)

3)现在分词完成式其所表示的动作发生在谓语动词 所表示的动作之前,常常用作状语,表示时间或原因。如:

Having done his homework,the schoolboy began to write his diary.这个小学生做完作业后,开始写日记。(having done his homework发生在began之前,表示时间。)

Not haying done it right, I tried again.没有做对,我就又试。

(not having done发生在 tried之前,表示原因。)


一般式being written

完成式haring been written


This is one of the many dams being built the river.这是沿河修筑的许多水坝之一。

Being surrounded,the enemy troops were forced to surrender.敌军被包围了,被迫投降。

Having been asked to stay,I couldn't very well leave.人家请我留下,我就不好离开了。

独立结构(absolute constru ction)

The young woman standing over there is our new English teacher.站在那边的年轻妇女是我们新的英语老师。(分词短语standing over there的逻辑主语是 the young woman)

Having finished his work,he went out to play volleyball.他做完工作后,出去打排球。(having finished his work的 逻辑主语是he)但有时分词短语有它自己的独立的主语,这种主语常常是名词或代词(主格),放在分词短语之 前,这种结构叫做独立结构。独立结构常用作状语,多用在书面语中。如:

The dark clouds having dispersed,the sun shone again.乌云已散去,太阳又普照大地了。(时间状语)

We shall thresh the wheat,weather permitting.天气好的话,我们就打麦。(条件状语)

Their room was on the first floor,its broad window overlooking the park.他们的房间在二层楼上,房间里的宽大的窗户俯视着公园。(伴随情况状语,the first floor在英国指第二层楼,在美国指第一层,其余可类


We redoubled our efforts,each man working like two.我们加倍努力工作,一人干两人的活。(方式)

Almost all metals are good conductors,silver being the best of all.几乎所有的金属都是良导体,银是最好的导体。(伴随情况)

The meeting over,we all left the room.会议结束以后,我们就都离开了房间。(时间状语,注 意over之前省去了being)

This done,we went home.做完此事,我们就回家了。(时间状语)

She gazed,her hands clasped to her breast.她双手*在胸前凝视着。

[注一]有的分词短 语可以独立存在,在句中没有逻辑上的主语。它们往往已经变成习惯用语,必须熟记。如:

Ge nerally speaking,this book is not very difficult.总的说来,这本书并不很难。

Judging from what you say,he has done a very good job.从你的话看来,他的工作做得很不错。

Considering that he has been in china for only a year,he speaks Chinese well.考虑到他到中国才一年,他的中国话讲得很不错了。

类似的习惯用 语尚有talking of (谈起),speaking of (谈到)等引导的分词短语。

[注二]英语里还有一种较口语化的"with + 名词或代词宾格 + 分词 (或形容词、介词短语)"结构,也往往作状语用,表示伴随情况。如:

He fell asleep with the lamp burning. 他没有熄灯就睡着了。

She gazed with her hands clasped to her breast.她双手*在胸前凝视着。

上述结构中的分词亦可用形容词或介词 短语代替。如:

He sleeps with the windows open even in winter.他即使在冬天也开着窗户睡觉。

A girl carte in with a book in her hand.一位姑娘手里拿着一本书走了进来。(在笔语中,也可说:A girl came in,book in hand.)









本文更新与2021-01-18 19:32,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/528699.html


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