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2021-01-19 04:45
tags:精品文档, 英语, 法律资料


I like playing with a bubble gun. Can you buy one for me?
I like blowing bubbles. Can you buy me a bubble blower?
Wow, what a nice bubble gun! Is it for me?
Wow, what a nice bubble blower! Is it for me?
Let me show you how to shoot bubbles.
Let me show you how to blow bubbles.
Press the trigger. 按住扳机。
Look, what a nice stream of bubbles.
Look, more and more bubbles.
Let’s catch the bubbles.
It’s a lot of fun.
Which bubble is the biggest?
This one is the biggest. Oh, it’s going to pop.
Please don’t touch it. It will pop.
Don’t shoot bubbles at me.
Don’t blow bubbles at me.
Mom, do you want to have a try?
孩子:Can you fly? 你会飞吗?
妈妈:Yes, I can. 我会。
孩子:Can you show me how to fly? 能给我示范一下怎么飞吗?
妈妈:Of course, I can. Look at me. 我当然能啦,看着我。
孩子:Tickle, tickle, tickle. 胳肢啦,胳肢啦!(挥手做挠痒痒状,下同)
妈妈:Please don’t tickle me. I’m ticklish. 请别胳肢我,我怕痒痒。
孩子:Can you swim? 你会游泳吗?
妈妈:Yes, I can. 我会。
孩子:Can you show me how to swim? 能给我示范一下怎么游泳吗?
妈妈:Of course, I can. Look at me. 我当然能啦,看着我。
孩子:Tickle, tickle, tickle. 胳肢啦,胳肢啦!
妈妈:Please don’t tickle me. I’m ticklish. 请别胳肢我,我怕痒痒。
孩子:Can you dance? 你会跳舞吗?
妈妈:Yes, I can. 我会。
孩子:Can you show me how to dance? 能给我示范一下怎么跳舞吗?
妈妈:Of course, I can. Look at me. 我当然能啦,看着我。
孩子:Tickle, tickle, tickle. 胳肢啦,胳肢啦!
妈妈:Please don’t tickle me. I’m ticklish. 请别胳肢我,我怕痒痒。
孩子:Where are you most ticklish? 你哪儿最怕痒痒呢?
妈妈:I’m ticklish under the arm. 我胳肢窝怕痒痒。
孩子:Watch out! I’m going to tickle you under the arm. 注意!我要挠你胳肢窝啦。 (挥
妈妈:Please, please stop. I can’t take it any more. 请你停下吧,我受不了了。
孩子:Where are you most ticklish? 你哪儿最怕痒痒呢?
妈妈:I’m ticklish around the neck. 我脖子怕痒痒。
孩子:Watch out! I’m going to tickle you around the neck.. 注意!我要挠你脖子啦。
妈妈:Please, please stop. I can’t take it any more. 请你停下吧,我受不了了。
孩子:Where are you most ticklish? 你哪儿最怕痒痒?
妈妈:I’m ticklish behind the knees. 我膝盖弯儿怕痒痒。
孩子:Watch out! I’m going to tickle you behind the knees. 注意!我要挠你膝盖弯儿啦。
妈妈:Please, please stop. I can’t take it any more. 请你停下吧,我受不了了。

Too much homework. I can’t stand it.
(每周用语)I have no written homework for today. Only reading and learning by heart.
(每周用语)I have to write a diary today. Nothing to write about.
(写完作业必用语)Mom, please sign my homework journal.
(经常性用语)I’m out of pencil lead.
(每天必用语)I don’t like pencils. Too much sharpening.
(整理书包必用语)Let me check the timetable. Put in only what I need for tomorrow.
魔力句子一:It’s dinner time, not lecture time. (这是晚饭时间,不是听批评的时间。)
或Don’t turn dinner time into lecture time. (或:不要把晚饭时间变成批评时间。)
魔力句子一:It’s dinner time, not lecture time. (这是晚饭时间,不是听批评的时间。)
或Don’t turn dinner time into lecture time. (或:不要把晚饭时间变成批评时间。)
魔力句子三: Tomorrow is Saturday. I want to sleep late. Don’t wake me up.(明天是周
魔力句子四: May I keep the change?( 找来的钱可以归我吗?)
场景一 作业量:减负减负,越减越重
I’ve lots of homework. Look at my homework journal.
—What’s the homework for today? 今天有什么作业?
—I’ve lots of homework. Look at my homework journal.我有很多作业,看看我的记事本
—Chinese, math, English and something else. 语文、数学、英语,还有点别的。
注:journal(美国英语)日记,相当于diary(英国英语),homework journal(用来记
—Mom, I have no homework for today!妈妈,我今天没作业啦!
—Let me check your homework journal. No written homework, but you have
“reading” and “memori zation”.让我看一下你的记事本。没有书面作业,但有“朗读”和“背
—“Reading” and “memorization” aren’t real homework.“朗读”和“背诵”不是真正的作
—But they need to be done well, too. 但也要好好完成的哦。
注:check 检查 written书面的 memorization背诵 (动词为memorize)
—Mom, I have too much homework. I can’t stand it. 妈妈,我作业太多了,忍无可忍了。
—Stop complaining. Let’s get down to work. 别抱怨了,赶紧做吧。
注:homework是不可数名词,“很多”要用much。 stand忍受,站立
complain抱怨 get down to work 开始工作
场景二 语文作业:日记日记真头疼
I hate diaries. Nothing to write about.
—Mom, I have a diary to write for my homework again. 今天又有写日记的作业了。
—To keep a diary is good for you. 记日记对你有好处呀。
—But I can’t find anything to write about. Every day is the same.但我没什么可写的,每
keep a diary写日记(英国英语) keep a journal 写日记(美国英语)
—I can’t learn this poem by heart. 这首诗我背不下来。
—Take it easy. You can read it first. 慢慢来,你可以先读一读。
—Can you first explain the poem to me?你能先给我解释一下这首诗的意思吗?
注:learn sth. by heart 记住,背诵 poem诗歌
Take it easy. 慢慢来,别着急。 explain解释
—May I ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗?
—Sure, go ahead. 当然可以了,问吧。
—What’s the meaning of this word? 这个词是什么意思呢?
—You can look it up in the dictionary. 你可以查一下字典。
注:go ahead 开始进行,往前行进,在句中要视具体语境进行理解和翻译。
look up 查询:Look it up on the internet. 上网查一下。
场景三 家长辅导:适可而止
Can you help me with the dictation?
—Listen to me when I’m talking to you. 我和你说话时你要仔细听。
—I’m listening. 我在听着呢。
—Can you nod your head if you understand? 听懂了能点个头吗?
注:nod your head点头,赞同(反义短语:shake your head 摇头,反对)
—May I ask for your attention? 请你专心点,好吗?
—Sorry, I’m sleepy. Let’s call it a day. 对不起,我困了,今天就到这儿吧。
注:ask for要求 attention 注意
Let’s call it a day. = That’s all for today. 今天到此为止
—Can you help me with the dictation? 能帮我听写吗?
—Ok, I’ll read you the words. 好的,我给你读词。
—Pay attention to your handwriting. 注意书写。
—I’m doing my best. 我在尽力呢。
注:help sb. with…在……上帮助某人
pay attention to注意…… do my best 尽力 = try my best
场景四 检查作业:夸奖之后要签字
Mom, please sign my homework journal.
—Mom, please check my homework. I want to get a full mark.妈妈,请检查一下我的作
—Ok. Well done! You got everything right.好的。做得真棒!全做对了。
—This is my homework journal. Please sign it.这是我的记事本,请签字吧。
注:check检查 full mark满分
Well done! = Good job!好样的! sign签字
—Mom, I have finished all my homework.妈妈,我做完作业了。
—Let me check it. Good job! Shall I sign your homework journal?让我检查一下。做得真
注:Good job! = Well done! 好样的!做得真棒!(家长不要吝惜说这两句话哦。)
Shall I…? 我可以……?表示征求对方意见。
journal日记(美国英语)= diary日记(英国英语)
—Mom, I finished all my homework on time. Please check it.
—I’m afraid this is not the right answer. 恐怕这个答案不对。
—Let me think it over and correct it.让我仔细想想,然后订正一下。
注:on time按时 I’m afraid…恐怕……,用在此处使语气更加婉转
think it over = think it hard 仔细想想
How many jumps can you do in a minute? 你一分钟能跳几个?
How many jumps can you do without messing up?
你不间断能跳几个? (mess up弄糟)
Can you count jumps for me? 你能帮我数跳了几个吗?
You messed up. 你跳坏了。
I got tripped. 我被拌倒了。 (也是“跳坏了”的意思)
Run in. 跳进来。 (一带一跳时)
Can you do it with tricks? 你会花样跳吗? (trick把戏)
I can jump backwards. 我会倒着跳。
Try crossing your arms and do some jumps. 试着交叉双臂,跳几个。
Try doing a double-jump. 试着跳一个双摇。 (绳子摇两圈,跳一个)
When you do a double-jump, jump high and turn the rope fast.
穿上vest (背心,马甲), 裹紧chest (胸部) 飞离nest (窝)
向着west (西边) 去捉pest (害虫) 从不rest (休息)
本领best (最好的)
有一堵wall 有些small 只有一人tall 飞过一只ball
在墙那边fall call下老妈 她在shopping mall call下老爸
他在dining hall 气得我们all 一头撞向wall
each 同学 一起reach 海边beach
吃完peach 开始teach

I really admire your talent … in picking your ear/picking your nose/blowing your
nose/wetting the bed…。(我真钦佩你……在剔耳朵/挖鼻孔/擤鼻涕/尿床方面的才能。)
1、It is all around us. We breathe it to stay alive. (air)
(breathe v.呼吸 stay alive 保持生命,活着
2、What do you do when you want to know something? (ask)
3、It’s what people want when they ask a question. (answer)
(what people want 人们想要的东西,宾语从句)
4、It’s a round fruit with thin red or green skin. (apple)
(with prep. 带有。带有红色或绿色薄皮的园形水果。)
5、It’s part of your body that’s between your shoulder and your head. (neck)
(part of your body 身体的一部分)
6、 It’s the name people call a very young child. (baby)
7、 It’s a round toy. It’s used in many games. (ball)
8、 It’s a small rubber bag. You blow air into it to make it big. (balloon)
(rubber n. 橡胶)
9、 It’s a long fruit with a yellow skin. ( banana )
(with prep. 带有)
10、 It’s something that you sleep on. (bed)
11、 It’s something with two wheels that you can ride on. (bike)
(with prep. 带有 wheel n. 轮子。你可以骑上去的带有两个轮子的东西。)
12、 What do you do when you cut something with your teeth? (eat)
13、 It’s part of your body that you sit on. (bottom )
14、 He is the boy that has the same parents as you. (brother)
(the same … as… 和……一样)
15、It’s like a big car that carries a lot of people. (bus)
16、It’s a piece of furniture for one person to sit down on. (chair)
(furniture n.家具,不可数名词,一件家具用a piece of furniture)
17、 It’s a piece of furniture for many people to sit down on. (sofa)
18、 It’s a large animal that lives on a farm. The milk that people drink comes from it.
19、What do you do when you move your whole body to the music? (dance)
(move your body to the music 随着音乐的节奏移动身体)
20、What do you do when you go up something high? (climb)
21、It opens to let you into a room. What is it? (door)
22、They are parts of your head. You use them to hear with. (ear)
23、They are parts of your head. You use them to see with. (eyes)
24、They are parts of your head. You use them to smell with. (nose)
25、It is an animal that swims and breathes in water.
26、It’s part of a room that you walk on.
27、It is part of a plant. It often looks colorful and smells sweet.
28、It’s the land you stand on when you are outside.
39、It’s part of your body. You use them to pick things up.
(pick up 拣起来)
30、What do you do when you put something where people can’t see it?
(put things where people can’t see it 把东西放在人们看不见的地方。
Where people can’t see it 地点状语从句)
31、It’s a big animal that you can ride. It likes to eat grass.
32、It’s something to make you laugh. (joke)
33、What do you do if you touch someone with your lips?
(touch someone with your lips 用嘴唇碰某人)
34、It gives you light. You often put it on your desk, or by your bed.
(by your bed 床头)
35、It’s the sound you make when you are happy.
36、It’s a yellow fruit that tastes sour.
(taste sour 尝起来酸的)
37、It’s part of your mouth. You use them when you kiss somebody.
38、It’s a drink. Most of them come from cows.
39、It’s round. You can often see it in the sky at night.
40、It’s part of your face. You open and close it when you speak
and eat.
lemon )









本文更新与2021-01-19 04:45,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/530588.html


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