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2021-01-21 21:47



To ensure smooth transactions in good faith between the two parties and transaction
price in accordance with market quotation, Party A and Party B hereby come to this

同等批量同等质量水 平的最低价格。

Guided by the principle of integrity and honesty, Party B shall provide an authentic
cost analysis and reasonable profit request, based on which Party A and Party B
hereof shall come to a final price for transaction. Party B undertakes that the supply
price is in accordance with market quotation and is not higher than the minimum
price of similar lot size at similar quality level in the market.


乙方需根据原材料市场价格的变动或 生产工艺的变更及其它成本要素的变化及时
调整供应给甲方产品的单价。价格若有调整,则调整之前的《 订货合同》仍按原价格
执行,调整后的《订货合同》按新价格执行。若乙方价格低于甲方同类原材料其它 供
的订单量 ,直至取消其供应商资格。乙方保证供货给甲方的价格在其客户中占有优势,
并承诺不高于甲乙双方协商 评估的市场平均价格水平。

Party B is required to timely adjust unit price of the products provided to Party A
based on change of market price of raw materials, production processing technology
and other factors of costs. In case of price adjustment, the Purchase Contract
entered before the adjustment shall stick to the original price, while the Purchase
Contract after the adjustment shall use the new price. If the price of Party B is lower
than the price of other suppliers providing the same type of materials to Party A,
Party A has the obligations to place more purchase orders to Party B; otherwise,
Party A has the right to decrease purchase quantity from Party B and even to cancel
the qualification of Party B as a supplier. Party B promises that the supply price for
Party A is competitive among all clients, and that the price shall be no higher than
the market average price agreed by Party A and Party B through consultations.


甲方有权利到乙方实 地考察了解乙方产品的成本构成情况,乙方有义务提供甲方
合理要求之内的相关成本要素资料,包括但不 限于发票(含原材料

托加工采购的发票)、固定资产原值、人工成本 构成、机器设备产能、水电房租费用、
各类生产报表等。如甲方依所获得的成本要素计算的产品成本明显 低于乙方所提供的
产品成本,且乙方销售价格高于甲方核定的价格,若乙方无足够证据证明其合理性,< br>甲方有权按甲方核定的价格执行,并保留取消订单、收回差价、不予支付乙方所有未
付货款、不退 还乙方品质

Party A has the right to conduct site investigation on the cost composition of
products of Party B, and Party B, as per reasonable request of Party A, has the
obligation to provide information concerning the related cost factors including but
not limited to invoice (including raw materials, equipment purchase invoices,
purchase invoices for commissioned processing), original value of fixed assets, labor
cost composition, production capacity of equipments, utilities and rent, and various
production reports. If the product cost calculated by Party A based on obtained cost
factors is remarkably lower than the product cost provided by Party B, selling price of
Party B is higher than the price calculated by Party A, and Party B has no sufficient
evidences to prove its rationality, Party A has the right to make payment according
to the price verified and calculated by Party A, and reserves the rights to cancel
purchase orders, take back price difference, refuse to pay the unpaid balance of
products provided by Party B, refuse to refund the deposit of quality and white hands
from Party B, and cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier.

(法律另有 规定的除外)。

Both Party A and Party B hereof shall strictly keep cost information and unit price of
transition confidential, and shall in no case disclose to a third party (unless otherwise
stipulated by law).

、 为提高甲方产品的市场竞争力,在市场价格稳定的情况下,乙方有义务全力配合甲
方降成本计划与方案的 实现。

To enhance market competence of products of Party A, under the condition of a
stable market price, Party B has the obligations to try the best to assist Party A in
lowering costs and realization of schemes.

Disposal of discredit price:
若乙方报价明显偏离市场行情,甲方将视为乙方谋取不正当利益, 双方同意按如下方

If the quotation from Party B is remarkably far from the market price, Party A shall
deem Party B as seeking for profiteering. Party A and Party B hereof agree to deal
with it as follows:









本文更新与2021-01-21 21:47,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/546372.html
