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2021-01-21 23:41





Stages of life
Dialogue 1
A:You know Iden ,I don’t know much about you. Where were you born?

B:I was born in London, but I spent most of my childhood in Hongkong.
A: What was your childhood like?
B: I had a pretty strict up-bring,and my parents and I were always fighting about it .
A:Do you get along with your parents now?
B:Oh, sure. Once they reached middle age, they became a lot less uptight.
A:Where did you go to university

B:My parents wanted me to stay in Hongkong, but I decided to go back to England, I graduated
from Oxford University with a degree in Eglish literature.
A:What’s your current occupation?

B:I’m a freelance writer. i write magazine articles and fiction books

A:Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?
B:No, I did
n’t. I was an english teacher for about five years, but by the time I was thirty, I decided
I want a fresh challenge.
A:How did you start writing?
B:I started writitng mangzin articles for fun, and eventurally was asked to write a book, so I was
pretty lucky.
A:Are you writing a book now?
B:Yes, it’s about a group of friends living in a foreign country ,and all the strange experiences they
A:Sounds interesting.
Dialogue 2
A:What was the biggest turing point in your life?
B:I gusee I would say that woul
d be moving out of my parents’ house for the first time.

A:Really? Why is that?
B:Till I moved out of my parents’ home, I became a lot more independent.



A:What would you say was the lowest point in your life?
B:That would definitely be getting a divorce.
A:What went wrong?
B: We just weren't right for each other.
A: How long were you married?
B: The marriage only lasted about a year.
A: Have you remarried since then ?
B: Yes, I got married to a man that I met shortly after I divorced my first husband.
A: Do you think you'll ever get a divorce again?
B: Oh I hope not, my first marriage was a mistake,but this one isn’t.

A: How long have you been married?
B: About 15 years now.
A: Do you think you'll still love him when he is old and gray?
B: I think so ,hopefu
lly we’ll have a long and a happy life together.

A: I’m sure you will.


First impressions
Dialogue 1
M:Jacob, are you interested in helping me out and going on a blind date with a friend of mine?
J:That depends. What does she look like?
M:Well, she's got a beautiful face and long curly red hair.
J:How tall is she?
M:She's fairly tall, maybe 2 inches taller than me.
J:Is she chubby?
M:Not at all. She's actually very athletic.
J:It sounds like she's pretty good- looking. Does she wear glasses?
M:No, but she does wear contact lenses.
J:How's her skin?
M:She's got a gorgeous complexion with a few freckles on her nose.
J:Does she have any piercings or tattoos?


M:I think she has her ears pierced and she definitely has a few tattoos: one on her lower back, one
on her left foot.
J:What's the tattoo on her foot like?
M:It's a butterfly- everyone in her family has one.
J:Even her mom?
M:Yes, even her mom.
J:What's her personality like?
M:She's a lot like me.
J:So there is something wrong with her! It was beginning to sound like she was too good to be
Dialogue 2
J:Did you see the picture of the guy on the front page of the newspaper this morning?
M:No. I haven't had a chance to read the paper yet.
J:you've got to see it. It's an unbelievable picture!
M:What's so interesting about it?
J:Well, this guy fell asleep on the sofa and when he woke up, half his face had been bitten off!
M:What? How did that happen?
J:They think his dog was trying to wake him up and couldn't, so ended up biting him in his face.
M:Wow. What does his look like now?
J:It looks pretty frightening. He doesn't have any lips, so all you can see are his gums and teeth.
Most of his nose and chin are missing too.
M:What did he look like before his dog bit his face off?
J:He was actually quite handsome. What a shame.
M:What's he going to do now?
J:It said that he's hoping to get a face transplant, but until then, he's looking forward to Halloween
so he isn't the only one wearing a mask.

Get in personal
Dialogue 1
A: Are you alright, Ethan? You don't seem to be as cheerful as you normally are.


E: To be honest, Ava, I've just had a really bad day.
A: What happened?
E: First, I slept through my alarm and ended up two hours late to work.
A: What did your boss say?
E: He told me that if I showed up late one more, he'd fire me. He's so mean!
A: That's horribel. Was that the first time you'd shown up late to work?
E: That was my second time. The first time, I was in a car accident.
A: Is your boss Chinese?
E: No, he's from Australia. Before I met him, I thought Australians were supposed to be relaxed
and easy-going. I had no idea he'd be so fussy about things.
A: What are you going to do?
E: I think I'm going to look for another job. I need to find a boss that is a bit more sensitive and
optimistic than my current boss.
A: That sounds like a sensible plan. Do you want me to help you with your job search?
E: That's very generous of you. Thanks for the offer.
A: Don't mention it. That's what friends are for!
Dialogue 2
E: I don't know what to do about the people who live in the flat above me!
A: Why? What are they like?
E: They're incredibly selfish. They 're always up until the wee hours of the night playing their
music so loudly that I have to wear earplugs in order to fall asleep!
A: Have you ever talked to them about it?
E: I tried to introduce myself to them when they moved in, but they were so arrogant that I didin't
want to ever talk to them again!
A: What did they say?
E: They both just talk about how great they are all the time.
A: They soud like the neighbours from hell!
E: They are! Besides being loud and arrogant, they're also terrible gossips. They're always talking
about everybody else in the apartment.


A: I thought you didn't talk to them much.
E: I don't, but they talk so loudly that I can hear what they're talking about from my bedroom - and
it's not very nice.
A: What do the other poeple in your apartment think about them?
E: Most of my other neighbours are scared of them.
A: Maybe you should think about moving.
E: I can't afford to move right now.
A: Well, perhaps you should have a party and try to get to know them better. Maybe once you get
to know them, they'll turn out to be more sensitive.
E: I think you're being a bit optimistic. If you met them, you'd understand.
A: Well, I don't know what else you could do then. Do you think bribing them with chocolate
would work?

Every part of your body can speak
Dialogue 1

E: I don't know about you, but I'm famished. Are you interested in getting a bite to eat?
R: That sounds great. I'm absolutely starving! What kind of food are you in the mood for?
E: I'd love something spicy. Maybe we could get some Sichuan Hotpot.
R: You're a woman after my own heart. I don't know many people who can handle spicy food. Are
you sure you are up for hotpot.
E: Sure. If I could, I would eat hotpot every day!
R: Ok, you're really all eyes when it comes to talking about food, aren't you?
E: Well, let's stop dragging our feet and find a Sichuan Hotpot restaurant for dinner!
R: Let me think about it for a minute. Let's see... oh the name of the restaurant is on the tip of my
tongue! Give me a second and it'll come to me.
E: Well...? Have you thought of it yet?
R: No...
E: Never mind. There's an authentic tasting hotpot restaurant not far from the China World Trade
Towers on Chang An Street. Have you been there?
R: That's it! That's the one I was thinking of! I told you I'd remember it!
E: You really have a bid head, don't you!


Dialogue 2
R: So, Emily, how was your day?
E: I don't think you really want to hear about it.
R: It can't have been that bad. Go on and tell me about it.
E: To be honest, it was horrible! My manager is such a pain in the neck!
R: Why? What happened?
E: Well, he made quite a few mistakes on the monthly report and when his supervisor found them,
my manager blamed them on me!
R: That's not very fair. What did you do?
E: There wasn't really anything that I could do. There's always been a lot of bad blood between my
manager and myself. If I had said anything, he would have fired for me for sure.
R: Does he treat everyone in your department like this?
E: He treats everyone pretty poorly, but the way he treats me really takes the cake!
R: Do you have any idea why he treats you worse than the others?
E: I really have no idea. All I know is that the thought of him really curls my hair!
R: Is there anyone else you can talk to about it at you company?
E: Not really. I'm hoping to live with it for a while until I get a promotion.
R: That's very sensible. It sounds like you have a good head on you shoulders.
E: I try to be sensible about it, but it's not very easy. Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it.
manager get in the way.


mind your posture
Dialogue 1 I(Isalella) M(Matthew)
I: Matthew, do you know much about body language in countries around the world?
M: Sure. I've picked up a few things from travelling around for work. why?
I: Well, I had a meeting today with a woman from Japan and she wouldn't stop bowing! I didn't
know what to do!
M: Did you bow back?
I: No, I tried to shake her hand, but her hand was so limp I was a bit offended.
M: Well, Japanese businessmen and women typically bow to greet each other in Japan. She might


have been offended by your strong handshake.
I: But she was in America! Shouldn't she have known that strong handshakes in america signigy
confidence and respect?
M: Things are different in Japan. You know, in some countries, making eye contact with others is
considered rude.
I: Is that why she wouldn't look at me in the meeting?
M: I think it's highly possible, yes.
communication before I have another meeting with someone from another country.
M: That's a good idea. When you don't know much about other cultures, the simplest thing can
offend someone.
I: That's so true. It's great that we see eye to eye on this.
Dialogue 2
M: Well, what did you think about the last candidate? Do you think we should hire her?
I: She had a very impressive resume, but she seemed to lack the confidence that I think a good
manager needs.
M: What made you think that she wasn't very confident?
I: Did you notice the way that she avoided making eye contact with us while she talked?
M: She was a bit nervous, I guess. What else?
I: When she first walked into the room to greet us, she didn't shake our hands or introduce herself
at all. I thought that was a bit unprofessional.
M: you're right. If she walked into meetings with our clients like that, it would make our company
look bad, wouldn't it?
intervies? She had horrible posture!
M: I agree. I guess I was paying more attention to her answers than her body language.
I: On top fo all of that, she didn't seem to have any sense about people's personal space. she didn't
keep enough distance between us when during the meeting.
M: That's true. I guess we'll have to keep looking for a manager then.

Blood is thicker than water


Dialogue 1 K(kaitlyn) J(Jack)
K: How many people are there in your family?
J: My immediate family is quite samll. It's just my older step-brother, my mom, my step-dad and
me. How about you?
J: I didn't know you were a twin! Are you identical or fraternal?
K: We're identical. I mean, we look exactly the same, but we complete opposites when it comes to
everything else!
J: Interesting. It must be great having a twin sister. Are you best friends, too?
K: We used to be really close, but that all changed once she moved to Shanghai. How about your
family? You didn't mention to your biological father.
J: I don't know much about him. He died when I was just a baby. Even though I don't have a blood
relationship with my step-father and step-brother, I consider them to be my real family.
K: What about your step- brother's mother? Does he keep in touch with her?
other shortly after my father died and became good friends. They ended up getting married a
few years later.
K: Sounds like it was ment to be.
Dialogue 2
J: Have you ever thought about having children, Kaitlyn?
K: My husband and I have thought about it, but we've decided not to have any. They're just too
what kind of world we'll have in the future. What about you?
J: Well, I've always wanted to have lots of children. Growing up with only one brother, I always
felt a bit lonely. What do you think about families with only one child?
K: For me, growing up in a big family always made me yearn for attention. I always wanted to be
an only child so that I could always do what I wanted and so that I wouldn't ever have to share.
J: Don't you think you would miss having other people around?
K: No way! I spent 20 years of my life with relatives around me 24-7. You know, I don't think I've


one- child policy in China?
J: If China didn't have such a policy, can you imagine how many people there would be in China
K: That's true. But as a woman, I'm glad that even though I don't want any children, I at least have
a choice in how many children I have. On the other hand, I can't imagine what China would be
like if there weren't a one-child policy!
J: Do you think most families with many children envy or feel sorry for other families with only
one child?
K: I don't know what other people think, but I, for one, envy only children!


Huge Family
Dialogue 1 S(Sophia) N(Noah)
S: Does your family have a record of your ancestors?
N: Sure. My mom has been working on our family tree for years. She's always updating it.
S: Do you have a copy of your family tree in your house? I'd love to see it.
N: I can show it to you now, if you like. I think it goes back about 8 generations so far.
S: That's amazing. Do you have a large extended family?
N: I've got 30 cousins on my mom's side and 10 cousins on my dad's side.
S: Are you very close to your first-cousins?
N: The ones that are my age are close relatives. Now that I'm older, I don't spend as much time
with them as I used to, so I don't know my youngers cousins as well as the older ones.
S: I see. Who's the head of your household?
N: It's definitely my mother. And, her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family.
S: That's interesting. What does your grandmother think of your step-mother.
N: At first, she was quite critical of her, but now that they've been married for a few years, she's
starting to accept the fact that my father divorced my mother.
S: That's pretty much how you feel about your step-mother. Like grandmother, like grandson!
Dialogue 2
N: Do you think Chinese families have changed much in the last 50 years?
S: I think families everywhere have changed a lot in the last 5 decades.


N: What do you think is the biggest change?
Nowadays, living in the same city as one's relatives is becoming rare.
N: That's true. You know, some husbands and wives don't even live in the same city any more.
S: Would you ever consider having your parents live with you when they get older?
N: I guess I'm a bit old- fashioned. I'd rather have my parents live with me than live in a retirement
S: That's very respectable, but I could never live with my parents. I usually only see them at our
Christmas celebration-and that's enough!
N: How about your other siblings? Do they spend a lot of time with your parents?
S: Two of my sisters still live at home, even though they have already graduated from university
respect, I'm the black sheep of the family.
N: I see. Do you parents ever ask you to come home to visit them more often?
distance from each other. Whenever we see each other, all we do is fight.
N: Well, you know what they say. You can choose your friends, but not your family.


looking for love
Dialogue 1
A: How is everything going with your girlfriend?
B: Didn't I tell you? It's over.
A: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know that you had split up. What happened?
B: It was a few things. The first thing that happened was that we were supposed to go out for a
romantic dinner for our one year anniversary, but she stood me up.
A: Really? Did she tell you why she didn't show up?
B: No, but I ended up finding out later that night when I saw her with another man at a club near
my home.
A: What was she thinking? Did you confront her about it when you saw her?
B: I wanted to, but I knew that if I spoke to her, I'd just blow up at her, so I decided to just go
home. I called her later that night, but she didn't answer her phone.


A: I can't believe she would do that to you. It's so dishonest and rude.
B: I know, I still haven't heard from her. The good thing is that I'm so angry with her that I don't
feel sad about not having her around.
A: I bet you she regrets what she's done. You were such a good catch! She really lost out, didn't
B: I guess so. It would be nice to know why she did this though.
A: I know, It's always nice to have some closure, but I don't think you'll have a problem finding
another girlfriend. There are plenty of fish in the sea!
Dialogue 2
A: How was your holiday to Gyprus?
B: It was so fantastic I didn't really want to come home.
A: Did you happen to meet someone?
B: How did you know?
A: You always act like this when you've fallen in love. Who is he? How did you meet?
B: His name is Tony and we net my first night in Pathos. He works with my sister who lives there.
A: Was it love at first sight?
B: Not really. I wasn't looking for a holiday romance, but my sister told me that she had promised
him that she'd set him up on blind date with me. I didn't think I'd have anything to lose, so I
A: And?
B: Let's just say that by the third date, we both realized that we had fallen in love.
A: That happened quickly! Are you going to see him again?
B: Luckily, his company has a position available here, so he's going to see if he can get relocated.
A: It sounds like he is madly in love with you. Are you ready for such a serious relationship?
B: well, I'm not really a spring chicken anymore. We don't know what will happen, so we'll just
have to wait and see.


Marry a Soul Mate
Dialogue 1 A(Abigail) J(Joshua)
A: Have you heard the big news?
J: What big news?


A: Olivia and Nicholas are engaged! He proposed to he last night at a fancy restaurant.
J: I didn't even know they were dating!
A: After Nicholas' ex-girlfriend cheated on him, they realized that they had a great friendship and
that maybe they were meant to be with each other.
J: They really are perfect for each other. I can't think of a better-matched couple than them!
A: I heard that they are palnning to have an extravagant wedding ceremony in a church with a
reception in an expensive restaurant on the lake.
J: Have they asked anyone to be in the wedding party yet?
honour. They both have big families, so their siblings will be the bridesmaids and groomsmen.
J: It sounds like they've done a lot of planning in a very short time. Have they decided where they
are goning to go for their honeymoon?
A: I havenit heard where they will go yet, but I bet you they will go to a beach somewhere; you
know hhow they both love surfing.
extremely easy!
Dialogue 2
J: What was your wedding ceremony like, Abigail?
A: My husband and I got married in a registry office with just two friends there as witnessess. But
then we had three parties to celebrate.
J: Three parties? That's quite a lot. That must have been expensive!
A: Well, since my husband and I are from two different countries, and we live in a third country,
we decided to have one in each country. It wasn't actually that expensive.
J: Were your parents upset that they weren't there to see you get married?
couldn't afford to fly out to see them, so they understood.
J: Did your huaband's family get to meet your family?
A: My husband's parents flew out to meet my family when we got married in my hometown, so
receptions, but we agreed that the wedding party should be less about money and more about


J: That makes sense. Did you go on a honeymoon?
A: We waited until our one-year anniversary to go on our honeymoon to Africa.
J: You really didn't have a very traditional wedding, did you?
A: Not at all, but we don't have a very traditional marriage either, so it suited us perfectly!


Getting along
Dialogue 1 H(Hailey) A(Andrew)
H: How are you doing, Andrew?
A: Not well. I've been feeling pretty lonely lately.
H: But you have so many friends! How could you be lonely?
A: You know what they say: a friend to all is a friend to none. I don't feel like I really know any of
my friends. In fact, I should probably call them acquaintances, not friends.
H: What about me? I'm your friend.
A: I know you are, but you're my girlfriend. I wish I had a guy friend to hang out with sometimes.
H: I know what you mean. I find it difficult to make new friends, too. It's not as easy as it was
when we were young, is it?
A: Not at all.
H: I've made a lot of new friends since I started learning English. Maybe you could join a club or
take a class to make some new friends.
A: That's a good idea.
H: What kind of qualities do you look for in a friend?
A: I'm not sure. I guess I'd like to meet some people who have a positive attitude and want to have
a good time.
H: People who play ultimate Frisbee have a positive attitude; maybe you should join the ultimate
Frisbee club.
A: That's a possibility. Thanks!
Dialogue 2
H: No, we're not. We''ve been drifting apart for a while.


A: But you two used to do everything together. I thought you really enjoyed each other's company.
H: We did, but since she started her new job, all she does is hang out with her new friends from
A: Can't you hang out with them, too?
H: I could, but all they ever talk about is work, so I always end up feeling left out.
A: Maybe you should invite her over for dinner, so it's just the two of you.
H: I tried that a few weeks ago and she ended brining a pal from work with her! She's so busy
these days that it's just impossible to hang out with her.
A: It can't be that bad. She was always a really good friend to you.
H: you're right. She would never talk about me behind my back or hold a grudge. But she just
doesn't seem very interested in our friendship anymore.
A: She's probably just excited about her new job. You should give her some time. It would be a
shame to lose such a good friend.
H: I've given her enough time. I'm over it now.
A: I still think you two should try to patch things up.
H: I think I just have to accept the fact that it's time for us to go our separate ways.


Renting a House
Dialogue 1 H(Hannah) L(Logan)
H: How is your house hunting going?
L: Not very well. I haven't found anything within my price range yet.
H: How much are you looking to spend?
L: I can only afford about 300 pounds a month.
H: Looks like you're not going to get more than a bedroom in a shared flat with that.
L: Really? That's a lot of money to pay for one room.
H: Well, if you want to live in London, you have to pay the prices!
L: Do you know of anyone who needs a roommate?
H: I can ask around at work. Do you have a preference for smokers or non-smokers?
L: I'd prefer non- smoking roommates, but I guess I'll have to take what I can get!
H: How long do you want to sign a contract for?
L: I can sign a contract up to a year. I don't know where I'll be after that.


H: Do you need a furnished or unfurnished apartment?
L: I don't have any furniture, so it'd be great if it were furnished.
H: You know that you'll have to pay utilities on top of the rent, right?
L: No, I thought that would be included in the rent.
L: I don't think I can afford that.
H: Don't worry. Sometimes people will give you a discount if you promise to do the cleaning or
take care of the children.
L: That's a good idea. I'll look into finding something like that.
Dialogue 2
L: What's your apartment like?
H: It's a furnished two bedroom flat in a three-story building on campus.
L: What is it like living in on-campus housing?
H: It's not as bad as I thought it would be. The freshmen that live nearby are really loud, especially
on the weekends. But, the rent is much cheaper than private housing, so it's worth it.
L: Did you have to pay a depoist?
H: No, but we do have to pay 9 months rent in 6 months, so for the first 6 months we pay 1/2
month's rent each month.
L: Do you have to pay utilities on top of your monthly rent?
H: No, it's all included. Besides, students don't have to pay council tax, so we're saving quite a bit
of money by living here.
L: How long is your contract for?
H: That's the bad thing - the contract ends in June, so we'll have to find a new apartment soon.
L: Have you started looking again yet?
H: Not yet. I'm hoping we'll be able to find something cheap once all the students leave the city
for the summer.
L: Good luck!

Living in a House
Dialogue 1 S(Sarah) M(Michael)


S: Have you moved into your new house yet, Michael?
M: We just moved in yesterday, actually.
S: So, what do you think about the place? Are you glad that you moved in?
M: It's great! Unfortunately, we're going to spend a fortune doing everything up.
S: How old is the house then?
M: It's about 200 years old. It has a lot of history!
S: Sounds fascinating. Where is your new house located?
M: It's just off of the ring road.
S: Do you have a big yard?
M: It's bigger than our last one. I've got flowers in the front, and fruits, vegetables and a fish pond
in the back.
S: Is your house well'lit?
M: Oh, yes. Our windows let plenty of natural light in. They've also got wonderful views of the
park behind our house.
S: How many rooms does your house have?
M:Right now, there are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a sitting room, a dining room,
and a living room. We're hoping to add on a green room and a guest bedroom. In fact, when the
guest room is ready, you should come and stay with us for a weekend.
S: I'd be up for that!
Dialogue 2
M: Have you thought of moving at all Sarah?
S: We've thought about it, but my husband and I can't afford it right now. The only thing we could
afford would be living in the slums, which is something I don't want to do.
M: Buying a house can be expensive, but there are ways to find cheaper houses.
S: Like what?
M: Well, sometimes the city auctions off houses to the community. You'd have to make a quick
decision about the offer in a day, but you would definitely save money doing it that way.
S: That's a good idea. Do you know anyone who has done that before?
M: Sure my sister-in-law and her husband just bought a house that way. They're pretty satisfied
with it.


S: Is the house pretty run-down?
M: Not at all. The woman, who owned it, took good care of it. But when she died, she had no
family left and no will, so the government had to sell it for her.
S: Was it a very old house?
M: It was about 75 years old. There were a few repairs that needed doing, but it didn't take a lot of
money or time.
S: Is it a good location?
M: The area can be a bit rough in the evenings, but the neighbours watch out for each other, so it's


my dream home
Dialogue one
W: Have u had a thought about your ideal home?
M: I have actually. I've always wanted to build my dream home myself.
W: What would it be like?
M: Well, they will be spacious and located next to a park, because a nice view is important to me.
W: How many rooms would it have?
bedroom on the main floor with an attach on the sweet. I'd also want a large living room in the
kitchen connected to each other. So there would be one large open space for people to spend
time with each other.
W: how many bathrooms would your dream home have?
M: I’d have one guest bedroom in the basement, one attached the main bedroom and one ups
so a totally three.
W: How would you decorate your house?
M: I don’t like a lot of cluster, so I won’t have a lot of things out, I would have a few vases on the
mental piece and some pictures of family on the walls, but other in that, most things will be
captain clothes.
W: How many TVs would your dream room have?
M: I think TV is the great waste of time, so
I would only have one small TV in the kitchen to
watch the news in the morning.


Dialogue two
M: Have you ever seen Bill Gates’ home on the inter
W: No, what’s the like?

M: It’s got its own library, theatre, swimming pool and a guest house. The house itself has about
ten different rooms that all hold up to computers see you get studying each room through one

absolutely amazing.
W: Would you love to live there?
M: I think the house is fantastic, but I won’t
want to live there. You’d have to hire one or two
people to clean all the rooms in the house, plus a few people to take care of the gardens and
probably a pair to take care of the children. It’s just too big of a place to take care of your own.

W: What’s your dream home like then?

M: My dream home is actually just a small cottage in a quiet village in England.
W: Would you want to buy a cottage or build a new on yourself?
M: All the homes are great because they’ve got character, other in that’s important.

W: Is that why you wear secondhand clothes well because they’ve got character?

M: No, that’s just because I don’t have enough money to buy new clothes all the time.

W: I see, if you live in the old house, would it be decorated in the modern way?
M: NO, I definitely try to restore it to its original state, I’d love to imagine what it be like to live in
another timing history and living in the house decorated like it would be two hundred years ago
will be a great way to feed my imagination even more.


Household Appliances
Dialogue 1 L(Lily) D(Dylan)
L: It's so great to be here! I'm so excited to help you and my daughter with your new home!
D: We're glad that you're here. Would you like a tour of the house?
L: That'd be great, but could I have a cup of tea first?
D: Sure, I'll just go put the kettle on. Why don't you have a seat on the sofa and I'll go take care of
things in the kitchen.
L: That would be lovely, thanks.
D: Do you take milk or sugar with your tea?


L: I'll take a little milk, but no sugar, please. Make sure you let the tea steep a few minutes before
you take the tea bag out of the cup.
D: OK. What do you think about our living room?
L: Well, I do like the mantelpiece and the coffee table, but I don't teally care for curtains. Did you
get them at a yard sale? They look ancient.
D: My parents gave them to us as a house warming gift.
L: Oh dear. Well, I suppose they will do for now. Do you ever dust in here? It seems a bit dusty in
D: Your daughter usually does the dusting, and I do the vacuuming.
L: I see. Well, I can help with the chores while I'm here. You two could probably use my help.
D: That's very nice of you to offer. Here's your tea. Be careful, it's still quite hot.
Dialogue 2
D: Your daughter will be back soon. I'm going to start making dinner. You can just watch some TV
in TV room if you like. We just bought a new TV with a Lcd screen. The remote control is on
the coffee table next to the armchair.
L: Would you mind if I helped out in the kitchen instead? I do enjoy cooking.
D: This is supposed to be your vacation; we'd like you to just relax.
L: Cooking makes me feel relaxed. So, what are we cooking?
lasagne, a
recipe. Do you want to get ingredients we need out of the cupboard??
L: Sure. We should probably pre-heat the oven right away, too.
D: That's a good idea. Can you set the oven to 200 degree Celsius?
L: That's a bit high for lasagner. I'll just set it at 180 degree and we can take it from there.
D: Fine. I'll just get out the casserole dish, the saucepan, the salad bowl, and the baking sheet.
L: You know, I could do this myself, Why don't you go get the screwdriver and the pliers and go
fix the vacuum cleaner so it works better?
D: I don't think it's broken.
L: Well, if it's not broken, then you need to learn how to bacuum better, because it doesn't look
like you've vacuumed for ages!
D: Fine. I'll go vacuum. Let me know if you need any other help.



Around a House: Community
Dialogue 1 E(Ella) T(Tyler)
E: Ate you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night?
T: Of course. Is the dinner still on?
E: Yes, I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place.
T: We were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice.
E: That's what I thought you would do. Listen, I live in a bit of a rough neighbourhood. It's just
down the street from all the bars. You probably don't want to be walking around after dark.
T: It can't be that bad.
E: I wish it wasn't, but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here.
T: Really? I never would have guessed. The Criminals must only come out in the evening, because
I've never noticed anything strange when I've been at your house in the daytime.
E: Do me a favour, and take a taxi. it'd make me feel a lot better.
T: OK, we will. How do you get around in the evenings?
E: When I first moved in, I walked everywhere. But within a week, I had my purse stolen-just a
block away from the police station! Now, I always take public transportation.
T: Has anything else happened to you?
E: Nothing else has happened to me, but I have seen quite a few fights on the streets after the bars
T: Well, we'll be careful. Thanks for letting me know.
Dialogue 2
T: Have you heard about Michael's new home? It's in one of the poshest areas in this area.
E: Is he living in the new housing estate in Kidlington?
T: No, he's living in an old house in Warston.
E: Do you mean the one near the health centre on Old Slate Road?
T: That's the one.
convenient. How can he afford that place?
T: He didn't buy it. His grandfather died recently and letf him loads of money.


E: Did he know that his grandfather was so wealthy?
T: No one in the family expected to get a dime from him. It was quite a surprise.
E: What a lucky man.
T: He still has a complaint though.
E: What's that?
T: He wanted to live right on a bus line, but he doesn't. So, if he wants to take a bus anywhere, he
has to walk 1/4 mile to get to a bus stop.
E: The poor thing. It must be difficult being him.
T: You can say that again!


Dialogue 1 A(Alyssa) C(Connor)
A: It's such a nice day outside. Let's take a walk into town and do some window- shopping.
C: You know I hate shopping more than aything else in this world.
Windous-shopping won't cost you anything?
C: What kind of errands do we need to run?
A: Well, we could go to the newsagent's to pick up the Sunday paper, go to the butcher's to pick up
a Chicken for a roast dinner, and to the chemist's to pick up your prescription from the doctor.
C: I'll only go if we can stop at the off-license to pick up something to drink for tonight.
A: Fine, we'll do that on the way home, so we don't have to carry it the whole time.
C: Sounds good. You have to promise not to go into any of the stores in the mall though. I know
how you like to try things on in the fitting rooms, especially if the stores have special offers.
A: I promise. We're only going for a walk to get some exercise and to get some things done that
we haven't had time for.
C: OK, let's go then.
A: Do you have any money?
C: For what?
A: For our errands, and maybe a little extra for something from a vendor on the street.
C: You said you were only going to windos shop!
A: I agreed to not go into the mall, but I still look at things in the market!


C: I should have known...
Dialogue 2
A: I love this store! The only problem is that it's extremely expensive.
C: Don't worry. I've decided that for your birthday I'm going to take you shopping for a new dress.
A: Really? I thought you hated shopping?
C: I do, that's why you should appreciate this gift!
A: Sure. That's really nice of you. Let's go in and try some things on.
C: How about this red dress? I think it would really suit you.
A: That's gorgeous! Do they have it in a size 8?
C: Here you go. On my other day, it would cost me a fortune, but it's on special offer today.
A: I think this colour isn't quite right for me. Do they have the same dress in white?
C: Let me look. Let's see... they've got one in blue, green, pink, black... and white. Here you are.
A: This is perfect! What do you think?
C: I think you look fantastic. Happy Birthday!
A: I'm so lucky. You only get a chance like this once in a blue moon! Thanks honey!

Clothes and Fashion
Dialogue 1 R(Riley) J(Jackson)
R: Alright, tell me what you think.
J: Don't you think it's a bit bright?
R: Yeah, maybe you're right. How about this outfit?
J: The dress looks lovely on you, but it's not very practical, is it?
R: No, I don't have any plans to go to a formal dance any time soon,

but I love the way it looks. I just had to try it on!

What do yo think about this? It's casual, yet sophisticated.
J: I like the jeans, but you need something to go with the top,

It's too plain on its own.
R: How about this scarf, these earrings, and an anklet?
J: That might be going overboard a bit.



How about just that scarf with a bracelet?
R: That's a good idea. You have a lot of good fashion sense.
J: Thanks. You'd be ok on you own.

There are loads of fashion victims out there,

and you are not one of them. Have you tried it on yet?
R: Yep. Here it is. What do you think?
J: That looks great. Just one more thing- you need some high heels with those jeans.

Do you want a pair with a plain pattern or ones with a leopard print on them?
R: The leopard print sounds fabulous. Are they a name brand?
J: No, they're a Prada knock-off for 1/10 of the price of the real thing.
R: That's even better than the real thing.
J: If I were you, I'd buy that now while it's on sale.

If you spend more than $$100, you get a $$50 voucher for more clothes.
R: It's too bad I did all that shopping yesterday!
Dialogue 2
J: Can you help me pick out some fabric for a suit?

I'm going to get one made for a friend's wedding.
R: Sure. What kind of material do you want the suit to be made from?
J: It depends on the price, but I was thinking of getting a wool/cashmere blend.
R: That will probably be quite expensive,

but the more you pay for the fabric, the longer it'll last and the better it'll look,

What colour do you want the suit to be?
J: I was thinking of a brown pin-striped suit.
R: Brown, huh? Isn't that a bit dull?
J: Haven't you heard? Brown is the new black.
R: Why don't you just get black?

Black suits are always fashionable and can be worn for anything- a funeral,

a wedding, a job interview- anything!
J: That may be true, but black is so boring. Anyway,

I already have three black suits. I might as well get a suit that stands out from the rest.


R: Here are two different shades of brown. Which one do you prefer?
J: I like the one on the left, but I don't like the pattern on it. It's too much.

I want a pattern that's a bit subtler.
R: How about this one?
J: I think that will do. Let's go talk to the tailor about getting it made.
R: OK, let's go.


Money in Your Pocket
Dialogue 1 C(Chloe) J(Jayden)
C: Hey Jayden, I was wondering if you could do me a favour.
J: That depends. What is it?
C: It's kind of a big favour. I'm absolutely flat broke,

and I owe my landlady $$200. She's given me until Friday to give it to her,

but I don't get paid until next Monday.

Do you think you could loan me some cash until I get paid?
J: I'd love to help you out, but I'm a bit short on cash this month as well,

I had to get a new engine put into my car, and that ate up my savings.
C: If you can't give me the full amount, a fraction of it would still help.

I'll pay you back on Monday. I promise.
J: Let's see, I've got about $$50 to get me through the weekend.

I can only spare about $$20. I would give you more if I had it,

I just don't have much moeny to my name right now.
C: Thanks a lot Jayden. Every little bit will help. Tell you what,

if you aren't doing anything tonight,

why don't you come over and have dinner at my place.
J: That'd be great. Thanks! What time should I come over?
C: How about at 6pm?
J: See you then!
Dialogue 2
J: I don't know what I'm going to do!

It's going to be impossible to make ends meet if I lose my job!


C: Don't worry. I don't think you're going to lose your job over one mistake.
J: It was a rather big mistake. When you work as an investment adviser,

one small mistake can cost the company millions.
C: But it wasn't just you who was involved, right?

You were only doing wat your supervisor told you to do.
J: That's true, but my supervisor is very dishonest.

There's no reason he needs to tell our boss the truth.

I'm sure he will tell our boss that it was all my fault,

and there's nothing I can do about that.

My boss won't believe me if I tell him the truth.
C: Let's think realistically about what might happen.

How much money do you have in your savings?
J: I have enough to live off of for about 3 months.

But I really don't want to spend my life savings on just living!

I'd rather invest my money somehow.
C: Well, you can't have everything.

Let's just figure out what you'll do if you lose your job.

When is your contract up on your apartment?
J: Next month. So, I can either move out then or renew my contract for another year.
C: Well, that's good. If you lose your job,

you can just move in with me until you find another job.

That will save you plenty of money.l
J: That's very generous of you. I guess that would work.
C: If you lose your job,

you just have to go for a few months without buying all the junk you usually buy.

If you live frugally, you'll save plenty of money.
J: I guess working with so much money has made me rather greedy.

Maybe losing my job would be a good thing!


At the Bank
Dialogue 1 L(Lauren) C(Caleb)


L: Good morning. How can I help you?
C: I'd like to open a new account.
L: Have you filled out an application form?
C: Yes. And I've brought some documents along with me, too.

Do you need to see my passport?
L: Yes. I'll just have my assistant look over these quickly

and then we'll move on to the next step.

Did you want to open up a checking account and a savings account?
C: Yes. Does the checking account come with a debit card?
L: Yes. Actually, both accounts come with cards that yu can use in ATM machines,

so that you won't have to come in to the bank to make a transaction.
C: That's very convenient.
L: It is. Our customers really like it.

Do you have any other questions about your new accounts?
C: Yes. What's the maximum amount that you are allowed to have in an overdraft?
L: The maximum is $$1000.
C: Is there a penalty for having an overdraft?
L: Yes, but it's not much. You just have to pay 1% interest on the amount.

It's much lower rate than any of our loans and it's much better

than owing money to most credit cards.
C: That's true. Is everything alright with my documents?
L: They're all in order. If you just sign your name here,

you'll receive your cards and pin numbers in the mail in about 3 weeks.
C: Thank you very much.
L: You're welcome.
Dialogue 2
C: Excuse me; I have a question about transferring money from one account to another.
L: I can help you here. Do you have the account numbers with you?
C: Yes.
L: Are they both under your name?


C: No, this account is my girlfriend's account and that one is mine.
L: Ok, and are you going to put money into your girlfriend's account?
C: Yes. Would it be possible to check my balance first?
L: Not a problem. It llks like you have $$450 in your current savings account.
C: Ok, could you transfer $$200 into her account then?
L: Would you like to add a narrative?
C: Sure. Could you just type.
E: Hope this helps with your rent. Love, C.
L: That's very sweet of you. I'm sure she'll appreciate it.
C: I hope she does. I've got rent due next week myself!
L: Well, you know that you can have a $$1000 overdraft on this account, right?
C: Yes. Thanks for your help.
L: you're welcome.


At he Post Office
Dialogue 1 G(Grace) A(Alexander)
G: Excuse me, could you tell me which line

I'm supposed to stand in to buy bubble wrap and to post a package?
A: You can buy the bubble wrap here,

but you'll have to stand in line over there to post your package.
G: That's a really long line.

How long do you think it'll take to get through all those people?
A: It takes about 3 minutes per person,

so it'll probably be about an hour's wait.
G: Can I buy stamps here?
A: Sure. How many would you like?
G: I need 30 for my Christmas cards.
A: Are you sending them abroad?
G: Twenty of them are going abroad to China and America.
A: Do you have any going anywhere in the EU? If you do,

those are less expensive.


G: No.
A: Ok, here you go. That will be 18 pounds and seventy two pence.
G: And the bubble wrap?
A: That's another quid.
G: Thanks a lot. You're been very helpful.
Dialogue 2
A: How can I help you?
G: I'd like to send this package to China.
A: Would you like to send it surface or airmail?
G: What's the difference between surface and airmail?
A: If you send the parcel with surface mail,

it will take about 2 months to arrive, whereas with airmail, it will arrive in 7-10 days.
G: That's a big difference. I suppose airmail will be much more expensive.
A: That depends on the weight.
G: How much wil it cost to send it airmail?
A: Place it on the scale, please.
G: Ok.
A: That's 500 grams. It will cost 10 pounds for airmail.
G: That's not bad. I'll do that then.

Does that include insurance on the contents of the parcel or is that a separate fee?
A: That's separate. It's another 50 p.
G: Ok.
A: Just fill in this coustoms form.

Make sure you press hard so that the information transfers to all three papers.
G: Alright. Do I need to put a return address on the package?
A: Yes, that would be ideal. If the package doesn't make it to the recipient's address,
then it will be sent back to the sender.
G: Ok. Thank you very much.
A: You're welcome.


Eating Out



Dialogue 1 K(Kaylee) N(Nathan)
K: Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?
N: Sure. Have you got anywhere in mind?
K: I'm starving, so maybe we could go somewhere with large portions.
N: That Italian restaurant in the city centre always has large portions.

Do you want to go there?
K: I'm not really in the mood for Italian, actually.

I was thinking of something a bit spicy.
N: If you want spicy food, then I'd recommend going to a Thai,

Indian or Chinese restaurant. How about that chinese buffet on Cowley Road?
K: I really like that restaurant; you get a lot for your money there.

But, the've westernized their food, so it's not actually that spicy.
N:You're right. Most of their dishes have sweet sauces.

We could try that Indian restaurant just down the road from us.
K: The Taj? They're a bit expensive, but they do serve large portions of very hot food.
N: The Taj it is then.
K: Shall we bring our own bottle of wine to save some money?
N: They'll still charge us a corkage fee.
K: That's right. It'll probably work out to be about the same then anyway.
N: Don't worry about money. I'll treat you tonight.
K: Aren you sure? We could go Dutch.
N: No, I'll pay. It's my turn anyway. You paid last time.
K: I won't argue with that! Let's go!
Dialogue 2
N: We really were lucky.

We got the last available table for two - and we didn't even have a reservation!

Did you see the long lines behind us?
K: Yeah, I'm glad that we didn't have to wait long. I'm starving!
N: Let's take a look at the menu so we can order.

Do you want to choose an appetizer for us to share?


K: What would you rather have, samosas or poppadoms?
N: I heard that one of their specialities is the samosa.
K: Well, let's get a plate of those then.
N: Sounds good. What are you going to have for your main course?
K: I think I might have a dahl.
N: What's in a dahl?
K: It's got chickpeas and vegetables in a spicy curry sauce with rice.
N: That sounds nice. Do you want to share some kebabs as well?
K: Ok. How about some lamb kebabs?
N: That's my favourite. Do you want to have some wine or beer?
K: I think I'll have a beer.
N: Ok, shall I flag down the waitress?
K: I wouldn't recommend it. I think we should wait until she comes round.
N: You're right. That might seem a bit rude.

It's a good thing I've got you with me!
K: What would you do without me?

Dialogue 1 S(Samantha) B(Brayden)
S: How may I help you today?
B: I'd like to get some information about your insurance policies.
S: What kind of policy are you looking for?
B: I was thinking about taking out a life insurance policy for my wife and I.
S: Ok. Have you ever bought any other insurance policies from our company before?
B: Yes. I currently have a car insurance policy and a house insurance policy with you.
S: That's great. I just need you to look over the terms

and conditions here and then we can start filling in the forms.
B: I've actually already read through them.
S: Did you have any questions about it?
B: No.
S: Ok, who would you like the beneficiary to be on your policies?


B: I'd like my wife to be the primary beneficiary of my policy,

I'll be the primary beneficiary of my wife's policy,

and our son will be the secondary beneficiary of both policies.
S: Ok. Have you decided on a premium for each policy?
B: Yes. I'd like to take out two single-premium life insurance policies.
S: Would you like the option to make withdrawals later on in life in an emergency?
B: Yes, please. You never know what might happen in the future.
S: That's so true.
Dialogue 2
B: I'd like to get some temporary medical insurance for travelling.
S: Ok, Where will you be travelling?
B: My family and I will be travelling to America,

and since health care is so expensive there,

we don't want to leave anything to risk.
S: That's very wise of you. Are you familiar with our different policies?
B: Yes. But I have a question about the silver family account.

Does it include medical evacuation for the entire family or just the person who is sick?
S: It wil pay for the person who is sick plus one person to accompany him or her to fly back home.
B: I see. How do you make a claim?
S: For any medical emergency less than $$1000,

you 'll have to pay the hospital directly and then file afterwards to get a refund.
B: How about for medical emergencies that are over $$1000?
S: For those, you'll be exempt from paying completely.

Just make sure you have your insurance cards on you

so that you can give us a call when you go to the hospital.
B: Ok. Let me just quickly read the fine print and then I'll add my signature to the forms.
S: You might also want to think about taking out some travel insurance,

which will insure your belongings, flights,

and hotel reservations if there are any cancellations or lost belongings.

Common Health Problems


Dialogue 1 B(Brianna) Z(Zachary)
B: You don't look too well. Maybe you should take the day off from work.
Z: I couldn't do that. I have an important meeting to go to today.
B: Do you feel ok?
Z: Not really. After a 12-hour flight. I've got jetlag, and on top of that,

I think I've also go the flu.
B: Why don't you call your secretary and tell her to reschedule the meeting?

You should really get some rest or you'll end up feeling een worse than you do now.
Z: Could you feel my forehead and check to see if I have a fever?
B: You're really hot. Let me get you some Tylenol to bring the fever down.
Z: Ok. I'll stay home this morning and rest, but if I feel better in the afternoon,

I'm going to go to the meeting.
B: Zach, what's that on your arm?
Z: I don't know. It looks a bit red, but I'm sure it's nothing.
B: It looks like you have a red rash

all over you! Are you allergic to anything?
Z: Just cats, but I don't think I was near any cats in the last couple of weeks.
B: I completely forgot about your cat allergy

I took care of a cat for my friend here a few days ago. Oh no.

We'd better go to the doctor to get some medicine. Let's go.
Z: Shouldn't we make an appoinment first?
B: We should, but let's just go and see if there's an opening now before it gets worse.
Z: Whatever you say. I just want to get to my meeting!
Dialogue 2
Z: I feel absolutely horrible. My temperature is 41 degrees Celsius,

and I've got a headache and a runny nose.
B: Do you have any other symptoms?
Z: I've also got a terrible stomach-ache. Is my face still swollen?
B: Just a little. Is your toothache gone now?
Z: Yes, for the most part. It doesn't feel as bad as my other ailments, anyway.
B: How about your tongue? Does it still hurt?


Z: No, the burn oinment seemed to take affect right away.

I think it's already healed. B: How did you get that burn again?
Z: I scalded it on the hot coffee a few days ago.
B: You haven't had much luck lately, have you?
Z: No, but I'm sure I'll get better soon.
B: When's the last time you took your tablets?
Z: I took the red ones just before lunch and the white ones just after lunch.
B: I think it's time you took another dose of each.

What would you like to drink with them?
Z: Just some water, please. Do you have any ointment for my nose?

It feels so itchy after blowing my nose so much.
B: Sure, I'll just go and get it now. What would you like to eat?

Some soup?
Z: That sounds good.
B: Soup always makes me feel better when I'm sick.

I hope it makes you feel better, too.

Illness and Disease
Dialogue 1 M(Mia) B(Benjamin)
M: Hi Benjamin. My name is Dr. Green. What seems to be the matter?
B: I've been feeling pretty ill for a few days now.
M: What are you symptoms?
B: I feel chilly, I've got cramps, I keep throwing up, and I feel dizzy and tired.
M: It sounds like you might be a bit dehydrated.

Do you feel thirsty most of the day?
B: Yes. I can't seem to drink enough.
M: Have you been drinking plenty of water?
B: No, just soda.
M: Ok, well, we'll have a nurse take some blood in a few minutes to see

if you're dehydrated. First, let me feel your pulse.
B: That seems to be a bit low, but that's not uncommon when you're ill.


M: Is anyone else sick in your home?
B: No, but my girfriend has mono.
M: I see. I'll have the lab techs run some tests to check for mono as well then.

Then nurse will come in then to take your blood,

we'll run some tests, and then you can go home.

You should hear form us by this afternoon.
B: Thanks
Dialogue 2
B: Hi, I'm here to pick up some medicine.
M: Do you have the prescription with you?
B: Yes, let me see... here it is.
M: Ok, so that's one prescription for some antibiotics, is that right?
B: Yes. It should be two weeks worth.
M: Hmm... it only says one week here.

Would you like me to call the doctor to confirm?
B: Yes. That would be great.

I'm sure she said I'd have to take the medicine for two weeks.
M: Ok. You'll have to come back in 30 minutes for that.

do you need anything else?
B: Yes, I need some burn ointment, gauze, and some aspirin.
M: Ok. Here you go. Do ou want to pay for that all right now?
B: Yes, I might as well.
M: Do you have insurance?
B: Yes. Here's my card.
M: You'll just have to pay a $$5 co-payment for the antibiotic prescription them.
B: How much is it all together?
M: That will be $$15.75. Would you like it all in a bag?
B: That's ok. I'll just put it all in my back pack.
M: Ok, I'll give your doctor a call and sort out the prescription.


It should be ready for you by 4:00pm.
B: Ok, I'll stop by then. Thanks!
M: You're welcome!

Healthy Food
Dialogue 1 A(Alexis) W(William)
A: What do you think about all the different diets people go on?
W: I don't think dieting is good for you.

It's much better to eat a balanced diet and

to never get overweight to begin with!
A: But what do you think about people who are obese?

What should they do to lose weight?
W: They need to eat healthy foods,

but they also have to increase the amount of exercise they do every day.

They don't have to cut out fattening foods aoltogether, though.
A: So you think it's ok for people who are dieting to eat chocolate?
W: Sure, they can eat some chocolate.

As long as they are exercising and eating mostly healthy foods,

there's nothing wrong with having a small desert.
A: How about drinking soda?
W: Many people gain weight by drinking far too much sada. Soda should be a treat;
there's simply no nutritional value in it whatsoever.

If you want to lose weight and you can't stop drinking soda, try some diet coke.
A: That's good advice. Have you ever tried taking vitamins?
W: My mother used to make me take vitamins every day,

but I don't take them anymore. Vitamins are good as a supplement,

but they don't do much good if you don't have a well-balanced diet to start.
A: How do you know so much about food and dieting?
W: You might not believe this,

but I used to be twice the size that I am now!
Dialogue 2



W: Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?
A: Sure, but I have to tell you that I've become a vegetarian.

I don't eat any kind of meat.
W: When did you decide to become a vegetarian?
A: I saw a program a few months ago about how animals that are raised for human consumption.

I haven't been able to eat a single piece of meat since.
W: That's great. Do you find that you eat a lot more fruit and vegetables now?
much better for you because they don't have any pesticides on them.
W: You've really turned into a health nut, haven't you?
A: I guess you could say that. Eating fruit and vegetables helps keep you healthy.

I've lost 5 pounds and I feel great!
W: How do you get enough protein in your diet?
A: Well, I eat a lot more tofu, beans, nuts and some fish.
W: Well, don't worry about dinner.

I'll only make vegetarian dishes for you. Do you like sushi?
A: I prefer cooked fish to raw fish,

but if you really like it, make it.
W: How about a spicy tofu and vegetable stir-fry?
A: That sounds great. What time should I come over?
W: Dinner will be ready at about 7:30pm,
so you can come over at 7pm.
A: Sounds good. See you there!

Beauty and Cosmetics
Dialogue 1 A(Addison) J(James)
A: How can I help you?
J: I'd like to buy some perfume for my girlfriend.
A: Do you know what kind of scent she usually wears?
J: She usually doesn't wear anything but a few drops of Chanel No. 5.

But I'd like to buy her a new fragrance.


A: Ok, here are some of our most popular perfumes.
J: Which one would you recommend?
A: Personally, I quite like the new perfume by Clinique.

It's a subtle flowery scent. What do you think?
J: That smells great. I'll take one bottle, please.
A: Would you like to buy any other cosmetics for your girlfriend?

We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers and moisturizers.
J: That's ok. She normally just wears a little foundation and some loose powder,

and I wouldn't know what shade to buy.
A: How about some lipstick? Every woman needs a nice tube of red lipstick.
J: She doesn't usually wear lipstick.

She thinks it makes her nose look too big.
A: How about some mascara?

That will make her eyes look bigger.
J: No thank you. She has big enough eyes as it is.
A: I know what she would like-some whitening cream.
J: No thanks. Western women usually try to make their skin darker, not lighter.
A: Will that be all then?
J: That will be all.

You've been very helpful, thanks.
Dialogue 2
J: How can I help you?
A: I'm here for a facial.

I made an appointment over the phone for 3:30 today.
J: What's your name?
A: Addison.
J: Ok. Which facial would you like ?

We have five different kinds of facials.
A: Which would you recommend?
J: Well, since it's summer and it looks like you've had quite a bit of sun,


I'd recommend our summer special.

It's expecially suited for individuals with sensitive skin.
A: What does it include?
J: The facial will start with a thorough cleansing.
A: Does it include a facial mask and a massage?
J: Yes. The stimulation mask promotes blood flow and will firm up the skin.

You can also choose to either get a hand or back massage as well.
A: Will you exfoliate the skin as well?
J: Yes. We'll also apply some of our special day cream that

will moisturize your skin and protect it from the sun.
A: That sounds great. I'll have that one then.
J: Ok, just follow me.

Shape and Fitness
Dialogue 1 M(Mackenzie) D(Daniel)
M: I really need to lose some weight.

I think I'm going to go on a diet.
D: I think a little exercise would do you good.

Why don't you join a fitness centre?
M: What's wrong with going on a diet?

If I don't eat much for a few weeks,

I should be able to lose a few pounds.
D: Combining exercise with a healthy diet is the most effective way to lose weight,
but if you have to choose between exercise and a diet, exercise is the better choice.
M: I hate working out. Besides,

I don't want to get too muscular.
D: If you do low-impact aerobics, Pilates, or yoga,

you can tone up without building up too many muscles.
M: I do like yoga. Do they have any yoga classes at your gym?
D: I'm not sure, but I can look for you. If you jion the gym,

you can use the pool and take any of the classes you want for free.



M: I didn't konw they had a swimming pool at your gym.

Do you think swimming would help me lose weight?
D: Sure it would. It's an excellent form of exercise.
M: Do you think I'd still have to go on a diet to lose weight?
D: I'm not an expert, so I can't tell you,

but the trainers at the gym will be able to advise you on your diet and can help you come up with a
fitness plan.
M: That's exactly what I need! Thanks for your help!
D: Any time.
Dialogue 2
D: Hi, Mackenzie! What do you think of the gym?
M: It's great. The trainers have been really helpful.
D: Do you want to do some work with the dumbbells with me?
M: The trainers told me not to put too much pressure on my body at first,
so I can only do a few repetitions.
D: That's good advice. When I first joined the gym,

I ended up gettin injured from exercising too much.
M: After the dumbbells, let's work with the yoga ball.

It's really good for the waistline.

D: I've never used that before. What can you do with it?
M: Personally, I like to do sit-ups on the yoga ball.
D: Why don't you just do sit-ups on the floor like most people do?
M: Well, the yoga ball supports your back and can prevent injuries.

Besides, you can work more muscles with it because you have to balance yourself
on the ball while doing the sit-ups.
D: I see, Isn't it mainly for women?
M: Don't be silly! Men can use it, too!

If you do a few of these exercises every day,

I'm sure you'll soon be able to deal with that waistline!
D: Look who's the expert now!



M: The tables have turned a bit, haven't they?
D: They sure have, but to be honest,

I'm glad that you're enjouing yourself.

Coping with Stress
Dialogue1 N(Natalie) G(Gavin)
N: How come you're still up?

Shouldn't you be asleep by now?
G: I've been having a hard time sleeping lately.
N: As far as I know, insomnia is usually caused by stess.

Are you stressed at all?
G: Well, I'm really worried about my grades.

I didn't think this course would be so stressful.
N: You're a good student. I'm sure you can do well.

What you need to do is to relax.
G: You're probably right. I just wish it were that simple.

How can I stop feeling so anxious all the time?
N: Taking a yoga class or learning some relaxation techniques can help you cope with your stress.
G: I don't really have time to learning anything new.

I need to spend my time studying!
N: You need to take some breaks throughout the day.

Studying all day isn't very usually effective.
G: You're right. I usually end up staring at my computer or checking my email

instead of doing my work for class.
N: Besides, it's not difficult to learn yoga. In fact,

I can teach you a move that's supposed to help you fall asleep!

You just have to sit down like this, bend over and breathe in deeply.
G: That's fantastic. I'm going to go try that out in my room now.

Good night!
N: Good night, sleep tight; don't let the bed bugs bite!
Dialogue 2


G: Good morning!
N: Good morning, Gav! Did you sleep well last night?
G: I slept like a baby. I fell asleep right away last night,

didn't wake up once, and didn't have any nightmares!
N: That's great news! You look much more relaxed that you didi yesterday.
G: I feel much better, but I'm still worried about something.
N: What's that?
G: Well, I have to drive to school for a meeting this morning,

and I'm going to end up getting stuck in rush-hour traffic.
N: That's annoying, but nothing to worry about.
G: For me, traffic jams are quite stessful, because I'm pretty impatient.

How can I prevent myself from getting stressed if I get stuck in a traffic jam?
N: Just breathe deeply when you feel yourself getting upset.
G: Ok, I'll try that.
N: Is there anything else bothering you?
G: Just one more thing.

A school called me this morning to see if I could teach a few classes this weekend
and I don't know what to do.
N: Do you have any other plans this weekend?
G: I'm supposed to work on a paper that's due on Monday.
N: Try not to take on more than you can handle.
G: You're right. I probably should just work on my paper. Thanks!

City sightseeing
Dialogue 1 T(Taylor) E(Evan)
T: The May holiday is coming up soon.

Are you planning on going on vacation?
E: I am. I just went to the travel agent's and picked up these brochures.
T: Where are you planning on going?
E: I fancy going to Tibet for a few days. Have you ever been there?
T: I went a long time ago, before they built the new train that can take you there.



E: Would you recommend going there for a few days?
T: Personally, I think it'd be better to go when you have more time.

A few days isn't really enough to get acclimatize yourself and

to go on a few excursions outside of the capital.
E: You're probably right. What do you think about Yangshuo?
T: It's a beautiful city, but I think it's become to touristy.

How about going to a cosmopolitan caty like Shanghai or Hong Kong?
E: I'd like to get away from the big city life.
T: Maybe you should consider going to a hot springs resort outside of Beijing.
I heard they are very relaxing.
E: I guess if I only have a few days,

I should probably think about going somewhere that isn't too far away.
T: Since the May holiday is the high season,

You should probably call ahead to reserve a room.

Here's the phone number.
E: Thanks; I'll give them a call later.
Dialogue 2
E: Welcome back! How was your vacation?
T: It was fantastic, but I'm glad to be back! Being a tourist is really tiring!
E: Where did you end up going?
T: Because it's off-season,

we got a really good package deal to paris, so we went there.
E: I've always wanted to go to Paris.

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world!

Did you go to the top?
T: That was the first thing we did. I have a few pictures.

Do you want to see them?
E: Sure. What's this one a picture of?
T: Oh, that's a picture of me on our fourth day of travelling.

I'm standing next to a famous fountain in the centre of the city.



E: You don't look very happy in that picture.
T: No, by that time. I was sick of sightseeing.

I had had enough of art galleries, cathedrals, fountains, statues, and palaces!
E: So what did you do?
T: We spent that afternoon Wanking around a flea market. We had a few coffees,

watched a movie, and went ofr a seim in the pool at the hotel.
E: My travel agent always reminds me to plan a day of relaxing for every 3 days of sightseeing.

did you go to the Louvre?
T: Of course! You can't go to Paris without going to their most famous art gallery!

I was surprised by how small the Mona lisa was though.
E: That's what everyone says! I can't wait to see it for myself some day.

Business Trip
Dialogue 1 Z(Zoe) L(Luke)
Z: I have some good news for you.

We've decided we'd like to send you to Shanghai on a business trip this weekend.
L: Oh.
Z: Don't you think that it'd be a good thing for you to get out of the office for a couple of days?
L: Sure.
Z: I thought you'd be a bit more excited about this.

Everything will be paid for and I'll send my assistant with you to take care of everything for you.

All you have to do is get on the train tonight at 7pm.
L: The train? Will I be flying back then?
Z: Oh, no. We've bought your return ticket for you.

I think you'll find it comfortable.
L: Will the train be very crowded?
Z: Oh no. The train hasn't been crowded at all recently. Besides,

you're in first-class, so you'll be fine.
L: When is the first meeting then?
Z: They've scheduled the negotiation meeting for 9:00 tomorrow morning.

That should give you enough time to have a quick shower.


L: Where will I be staying?
Z: We've booked you a room in the same hotel as your meetings,

so you won't need to deal much with the transportation system.
L: That's very sensible. Would it be alright if I left early today to prepare for the trip?
Z: That's not a problem. Have a nap if you can.

You don't know how tight the schedule is for this business trip.
Dialogue 2
L: Did you get my email?
Z: I certainly did. Do you want to come in and give me some feedback about your weekend?
L: Sure.
Z: How did the business trip go?
L: Well, to be honest, nothing is more stressful than going on a business trip with our boss.
Z: I understand. The last time I went on a business trip with the boss,

I didn't even have enough to eat?
L: I also think that the company is pretty cheap with travel expenses.

I spent half of the weekend on a train! Surely they could have afforded to buy a few plane tickets!
Z: Our company is quite conscious of the environmental problems that frequent flying causes.
L: I see. Well, then perhaps they could give me a few days off after a business trip.

It was really tiring for me.
Z: I can ask the boss about giving you the day off today.
L: Thank you. I can't imagine getting much done today.

I'm just too exhausted!
Z: No problem. Did you bring any gifts back for your department?
L: No, should I have?

Holiday DIY
Dialogue 1 S(Sydney) J(Joseph)
S: So what do you think we should do for our anniversary?

Should we stay in a hotel or go backpacking in a park?
J: I'm too old to go backpacking. Let's saty in a B & B in a scenic spot.


S: Since the weather is supposed to be nice,
why don't we stay at a hotel with an outdoor swimming pool?
J: That's a good idea. I know of a reasonably priced hotel with a swimming pool

that's just a stone's throw away from Hyde Park.
S: That's an execllent location!

It must be one of the only hotels with an outdoor swimming pool in the heart of London!
J: They're also known for their huge breakfasts that keep you going all day.
S: We can eat to our heart's content in the morning and

then spend the rest of the day in the pool.
J: Should I call them to make a reservation then?
S: You might as well see if they have any vacancies.

Do they take credit cards?
J: Let me just check their website to find out.
S: Well?
J: Let's see. It says that breakfast is included, car parking is available,

taxes are included in the price, there's free internet access, and yes, credit cards are accepted.
S: Fantastic. Let's book it for Saturday night then.

And find out what time we can check in so we can make as much use of the pool as possible!
Dialogue 2
J: I've booked the room for Saturday night.
S: What time can we check in?
J: We can check in at 2:00 in the afternoon.
S: What about check-out?
J: Check out is at 11:00 a. m. ,

but you can request a late check-out for an extra

10. Should we do that?
S: Why not? Then we can sleep in and relax by the pool before we head back home.
J: Lockers are also available for luggage near the pool facilities,

so we could spend the entire afternoon at the pool, even after check- out.
S: In that case, we won't need to pay for a late check-out.


J: Let's just wait and see how we feel.

We might want to sleep in on Sunday morning.
S: That's a good deal. How about internet access?

Is it available in the rooms?
J: Unfortunately not.

They only offer free internet and WiFi access in the lobby.
S: That's alright. We won't really need it anyway, will we?
J: No, I think we'll manage going without internet access for a night!
S: How are we going to get there?

Should we take the bus?
J: Since they offer free parking, let's just drive.
S: Ok. What time to do think we should hit the road on Saturday?
J: If we leave by noon,

we should be able to get there by 2:00. What do you think?
S: Maybe we should leave at 11:00. That way,

we'll have time to stop for lunch before we get to the hotel.
J: 11:00 it is then! Go pack your bags!
Z: They've scheduled the negotiation meeting for 9:00 tomorrow morning.


Going Abroad.
Dialogue One:
A: Hello, where are you heading today?
B: I'm off to Barcelona for a week.
A: Do you have your passport with you?
B: Yes, here you go. I don't need a visa to go to Spain,

do I?
A: Fortunately for you, you don't.

Next time if you have any questions about visas,

you should try to find out before you get to the airport.
B: That's good advice.



A: Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?
B: Are there any seats available by the emergency exits?
A: Yeah... let me see here. Yes, there is one left.
B: Ok, I'll take that one then.
A: All right. How many pieces of luggage you check in?
B: I like to have travel light, so I just have this one.
A: If that's your only piece of luggage,

it is small enough to carry on with you.

Would you like to do that so that you don't have to wait in the luggage

reclaim once you arrive?
B: Yes, please. That's a fantastic idea! Which gate do I need to go to?
A: You're here a bit early.

So you check the departure screens in the waiting area in about half an hour.
Here is your boarding pass. Enjoy your flight!
Dialogue Two:
A: Can I see your passport, please?
B: Is this line for non-residents?
A: Yes, it is. Residents can queue up in the lines to my right.
B: Ok. Here is my passport.
A: What's the expiration date on your passport?
B: I think it's soon, maybe in a few months.

It was renewed in Beijing, so the new expiry date is on the last page.
A: I see. Yes, you need to renew your passport in a few months.

Make sure you don't want an expiry work while you're in the UK.
B: I won't.
A: Do you have anything to declare?
B: No, I don't have anything to declare.
A: How long will you be staying in the UK?
B: I'll be there for about a year.
A: What is the purpose of your stay?



B: I'll be studying. I'm doing an MBA in Nortingham University.
A: Where will you be staying?
B: I have a housing contract with the university.

I'll be in the dorm room on campus.
A: How do you plan on paying for your living costs and tuition fees

while you're here?
B: My father has already paid for them in advance.

Here are the receipts.
A: Ok. Have a good stay.

Here is your passport and documents back.
B: Thank you very much.


Short Weekend Trip
Dialogue 1
E: How are you doing,Christopher?
C: To be honest, I'm really fed up with work at the moment. I need a break!
E: Are you doing anything this weekend?
C: I have to work on saturday all day! I really hate my job!
E: Are you available on Sunday?
C: Yes, it's my only day off until Thursday.
E: OK, well, my friends and I are planning on going to the beach on Sunday.
We tend to leave around noon whenever we go anywhere,

so you could still sleep in. Do you want to come with us?
C: That'd be fantastic! Which beach are you going to?
E: It's a quiet beach just about an hour outside of the city.
C: What should I bring with me?
E: We've got plenty of inflatables,but if you want to sit on a chair,

you'll have to bring your own sunlounger.
C: I can just use my beach towel. I love lazing around in the sun.
E: Do you like surfing?
C: I've actually never tried. Do you have a surfboard?



E: We've got a few. I can teach you how to surf on Sunday. It'll be fun!
C: I can't wait! It sounds like we're going to have a great time.

How much money should I bring?
E: You'll just need roughly $$10 for food and gas money.

My friend is driving, so we usually all chip in a few dollars for gas money.
C: OK, where and when should I meet you?
E: We'll pick you up at your at noon. Be there or be square!
Dialogue 2
C: Thanks so much for inviting me!

Spending the day in the sun made me feel as if I were in a different world.
E: We're glad you came. What did you think of the sunset?
C: It was amazing!

Watching the sunset over the lake was such a delight for me.
E: It was really beautiful wasn't it?

Did you feel a bit more relaxed afterwards?
C: Definitely. I actually had a very restful time.
E: How about your sunburn? Has it started peeling yet?
C: Yes, I've been shedding my skin left and right,
but it's not as itchy as it was on Monday.
E: I'm so sorry about that. I should have reminded you to use some sunscreen.
C: Don't worry; It's not your fault. I should have known better,

sunbathing in hot weather all day!
E: Say, I knew that you have a three- day weekend this week.

Do you want to go camping with us?
C: I'd love to, but I don't have a tent.
E: Don't worry. We can find an extra one for you.

We plan on staying at the camping site at night and then going hiking during the day.
C: Great. I'll bring the sunscreen this time

Theme Travel
Dialogue 1


I: Have you ever been to Disneyworld?
M: When I was young, my parents took me to the one in California.

I always forget which-is that one Disneyland or Disneyworld?
I: The one in Florida in Disneyworld and the one in California is Disneyland,

so you must have been to Disneyland.
M: That's right. Why do you ask?
I: Well, I've never been to either so

I was thinking of going to Disneyworld for my honeymoon.
M: When are you getting married?
I: Some time next year. We haven't set the date yet.
M: Congratulations! I had no idea.
I: Thank you. So what do you think?

Would we have a good time?
M: Do you like amusement parks?
I: For the most part, yes. Some of the rides are bit too scary for me, though.
M: If you don't think twice about the rides and go on every ride that you can,

you'll have a good time.
I: Even the roller coasters that go through tunnels in the dark?
M: Even those. It'll be very romantic, I think.

You'll have loads of fun.
E: Thanks for the advice. I'll talk to my fiance about it tonight.
M: I'm sure he'll love the idea. Just throw yourself into it and you'll enjoy it!
Dialogue 2
M: Well, how was your honeymoon?
I: It was fantastic! We had such a good time.

The only problelm was that because it was their high season,

we spent hours queuing.
M: Peak periods always entail hours of queuing.

At least you got a nice tan though!
I: Yes, Florida had great weather while we were there.










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