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2021-02-08 12:44



任何知识都不能带给你好运,但它们能让你悄悄成为你自己。放弃很简单,但你坚持到底的样子一 定很酷!


1. However frequently ______, the works of Shakespeare always attract many people.

A. performed

B. performing

C. being performed

D. to be performed.

2. Dear Laura, if you listen to me, you ________ have some new clothes.

A. will

B. shall

C. may

D. must

3. Now that there are only five minutes left, Steven, we’d better talk about the case ________.

A. in short

B. in detail

C. in charge

D. in general

4. Suqian city has changed a lot. Many new buildings are ______ on the Grand Canal.

A. building up

B. setting up

C. putting up

D. going up

5. Professor Lee’s book will show you ________ can be used in

other conditions.

A. that you have observed

B. that how you have observed

D. how what you have observed

D. how that you have observed

r unmanned spacecraft “Shenzhou

”, _______ China greet

s the 21st century, marks new

progress in the century’s space program.

A. for which

B. from which

C. with which

D. in which

7. --- What can I do for you?

--- If you ________ see Mr. Keller, give him my regards.

A. would

B. will

C. should

D. shall

8. I should like to be invited, too, but I did not ________.

A. expect

B. expect to

C. expect to be

D. expect to be


9. --- Will you please ask Wei Fang to return my books tomorrow?

--- ________.

A. It’s a pleasure

B. I’ll ask him

C. With pleasure

D. No problem

10. --- ________ shall we have to go to get to the hot spring?

--- Another five miles.

A. How farther

B. How much farther

C. How far

D. How long

louder, or you won’t be able to make yourself heard, especially when ________ at the back of

the hall.

A. listened to

B. listening to

C. heard

D. hearing

12.I didn’t attend the lecture by Prof. Jacson. I ______, but I ______ all this morning.

A. would; have washed

B. could; have been washing

B. would have; have been washing

D. could have; have washed

13. Oh, here you are, my dear! I ________ you, and you have come back on time as ________.

A. was expecting; supposed

B. have expected supposing

C. expected; supposed

D. am expecting supposing

15. --- Which of the fashionable dresses do you like best?

--- ________. They are both expensive and of little use.

A. None

B. Nothing

C. Neither

D. Either

16. --- Do you ha

ve anything in mind ________ you’d like for supper?

--- Well, ________ will do for me.

A. which; everything

B. that; anything

C. what; whatever

D. that; either

17. --- Your daughter is too thin.

--- She would gain weight ________ she is very particularly about food.

A. as long as

B. but

C. unless

D. even if

agree to accept ________ they thought was the best tourist guide.

A whichever

B. whoever

C. whatever

D. whomever

19. --- Are you sure he is able to do the work well?

--- ________ he would give his mind to it.



任何知识都不能带给你好运,但它们能让你悄悄成为你自己 。放弃很简单,但你坚持到底的样子一定很酷!

A. In case

B. If only

C. Until

D. Unless

20. I have kept that picture ________ I can see it every day as it always reminds me of my university

days in London.

A. in which

B. where

C. whether

D. when

temperatures turning the large ice sheet to water would cause ________ rise in sea levels

worldwide and change ________ weather on earth.

A. a the

B. the /

C. a ; /

D. / the

22. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her

first ________.

A. attention

B. purpose

C. attempt

D. desire

bread eaten by man is so sweat as ________ earned by his own labour.

A. one

B. what

C. such

D. that

24. Those visitors did not enjoy themselves at all. They had not traveled far ________ it began to rain.

A. until

B. since

C. before

D. after

25. Cold tea ________ an excellent drink when it is very hot in summer.

A. makes

B. produces

C. remains

D. turns

26. The five-year-old boy often says what children _________ will say.

A. twice his age

B. twice as old as his age

C. twice older than his age

D. twice age more than his

27. ---

Aha, I’ve graduated from college, and at last I can say good

-bye to English.


But if you ________ well English at college, you’ll find international trade, which

has much to do

with your future work, difficult to deal with.

A. haven’t done

B. hadn’t done

C. didn’t do

D. don’t do

28. The old man had the __________ ability to say humorous things without hurting anybody.

A. fair

B. rare

C. seldom

D. bare

29. ________ person with ________ good education usually gets ________ good job.

A. The , a , /

B. A, a, a

C. The , / , the

D. A , / , /

30. He must be angry, for we heard the glass ________ on the floor.

A. being broken

B. break

C. broken

D. to be broken

31. I ________ what the doctor had said and am better now.

A. went by

B. took as

C. passed by

D. came across

32. The old couple preferred a flat in a small town to ________ in so large a city as New York.

A. one

B. it

C. this

D. that

33. I am going to London next Friday. Do you have anything _______ to your family?

A. taking

B. taken

C. to take

D. to be taken

34. When I was your age, I dared to go out alone at night, ________ you?

A. dared

B. dare

C. did

D. didn’t

35. He kept a little notebook, in which ______ the names and addresses of his friends.

A. wrote

B. writing

C. was written

D. were written

36. _________, I think, and the problems could be settled.

A. If you double your efforts

B. So long as keep your spirits

C. Making greater efforts

D. A bit more efforts

37. --- _________ did you sleep last night?

--- I sat up reading too late to fall asleep.

A. How long

B. When

C. How

D. How soon

38. The old man enjoys the ________ of children playing in the garden.

A. sight

B. picture

C. action

D. scene

39. Construction of the new hospital is _________ according to the time-table.

A. marching

B. progressing

C. achieving

D. moving

40. ---

I went to the advertising company yesterday, but I didn’t see you there.











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