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2021-02-08 23:30








Coming down from the parental nest, we started looking

for the emotional connection - the friendship between friends.

Friends such as open Windows, friendship, such as shine

in sunshine, let's open the window of the soul with each

other, hand in hand, share the youth, to mature. When we win,

with the blessings of friends, will be more happiness; When

we are in a smooth, have a friend's advice, can prevent the

proud; When we encounter setbacks, have the support of a

friend, will enhance the courage and confidence to overcome

difficulties; When we are in pain, there is the comfort of a

friend, can quickly free from sorrow. If a person lacks and

the friendship between the classmate, no friends, just like

living in the desolate island, feel lonely and sad.

True friendship is based on the principles. Therefore,

when found students have fault, especially find good friend

made a mistake, oh ah in line with the attitude of

responsible for friends, both sincere to him.

Friends and friendship is the eternal topic of life. We

are eager to friendship, looking for friends. To explore the

true meaning of friendship. A friend is a shoulder, can let

you rely on a cry; A friend is a wave, can make you the

enthusiasm; A friend is a well, can let you comfortable talk

to pain; A friend is a hands, can you pull out from despair.









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