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高中英语作文:良好的阅读习惯 The Good Reading Habit

2021-01-03 04:48
tags:高中作文, 高中英语作文, 阅读习惯




The Good Reading



The Good Reading Habit

My mother is a teacher, so she pays special attention to my

education. Before I went to primary school, she bought me a

lot of novel books. I remembered that when the hot movie

Harry Porter came out, she bought me the novel the other day.

I was so surprised and read these books quickly. Thanks to my

mother, she cultivated my interest to read successfully. I

keep reading books every day, even though I was busy with my

homework, I would take out the books to read some chapters

before I went to sleep. Reading these books helps me a lot. I

am good at writing and it broadens my vision. I can give my

own opinion and other students admire me. Now I start to read

the classic novel. Reading makes me happy and find my world.

我妈 妈是一名教师,所以她特别重视对我的教育。在我上小学之前,

她给我买了很多小说。我 记得,当热门电影《哈里波特》出来的时候,

第二天她就给我买了这本小说。我很惊讶, 同时也很快看完了。感谢

我的妈妈,她成功地培养了我对阅读的兴趣。我坚持每天读书的 习惯,



的见解, 其他同学也佩服我。现在我开始看古典小说,阅读使我快乐,


【篇二】仍然学不好英语?Still Can’t Master English Well?

English is a very important subject for Chinese students,

and now they have to learn it even in the kindergarten. Some

parents are willing to spend a lot of money to let their kids









本文更新与2021-01-03 04:48,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://bjmy2z.cn/zuowen/135636.html

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