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2020-12-07 12:10



分类: 作文 > 与狼共舞
版权所有:碧意之时t 创作时间:来源:
1、Dancexa0Withxa0Thexa0Wolves_与狼共舞观后感800字 This film is about the White Knight Dunbar and the Indian tribes in the great environment developed in the west of the United States. Dunbar active request to the opening border where the garrison the border along the way, you can see the vast wilderness and wild west atmosphere scenery, for the entire movie brings a kind of great momentum and desolate feeling of loneliness. When Dunbar arrived at the stationing base, he was lonely, but he followed the armys discipline and strictly asked himself to accomplish his daily tasks. This allows us to see the perseverance and rigour of Dunbar as a soldier. At the same time as the next film he to the Sioux and White army confrontation bought a foreshadowing, the climax of the film is the last he and Bai Peoples confrontation, let the audience forget he is actually a white soldier. This kind of human resistance is a kind of irony to the white people for the colonial people. Natural charm is naturally infinite, and it should be obvious to everyone. We can look at the frontier in the blue sky in a daze, no rebuke; at the frontier, we can hold a cup of coffee, a ride at will, two socks, so comfortable to spend a second, despite the fact that large forces may have to give up yourself. And lieutenant Dunbar chose to go to a dangerous one, let me sad clan - pure Comanche, their simple, kind, unity, but because the white soldiers once again violated the destruction of their natural and their hunting, they live together in peace together, in order to defend their homes and sacrifice they resist the alien, they....... Here, there is no Dunbar and no lieutenant, only dance with the wolf. But there is a case worth thinking and paying attention to. The loneliness of people brings people a lot of dead feelings and courage and strength. So, most people find their way home just let yourself freed from loneliness such as marriage, for example, for example, for power, for dances with wolves. The other dimension is to overcome loneliness -- self cultivation, either religious or belief, is only one of the most common ways, but self deception is also a kind of success, and in many cases, the effect is remarkable. Of course, the film is not the good things all torn tragedy, the hero from completely unable to communicate to the nation to go into Indian, the whole process is magical; play a battle the people applauded the male and female will dance for joy; because of love, in Indian with the help of the people come together. Only in the end of the drama, the film has made a historical account of the tragedy of the Indian nation, and does not elaborate on what the main characters in the film have. And the last scene was only to evacuate the empty village and the dead wolf, giving the audience a little psychological comfort. The director may have given the best out

come in such a historical context. This is probably because the director doesnt want to expose the fact that human nature is defeated by desire and life. He doesnt want to smash the dream that "miracles happen every day" and humans live in harmony with all things. Kindness protects the audiences hope and yearning for human nature. In this restless society, we really need to let the heart slowly calm down, feel good, the so-called "piece of art is to make people feel the beauty of the human nature and emotional resonance, the most successful is a commercial film," dances with Wolves "is undoubtedly successful, screenwriter Michael Black once said" the function of art, is to impress people, let them take action "I think this sentence is the best summary of the movie. 版权作品,未经《碧意之时》书面授权,严禁转载,违者将被追究法律责任。2、我与狼共舞作文500字 狼, 一种残忍而贪婪的动物,一个深邃而机智的生灵,它用它的血肉乃至生命筑起了最坚固的城墙,一堵尊严的城墙, 一堵永不倒下的城墙,谱写着生命华章。有人说狼是残忍的,我想说那是因为它的强大。狼是强悍的,它那深邃的 目光中透露出的不仅是深沉,还有一种让任何生物都为之恐惧的凶悍。那狼牙,洁白而锋利,仿佛可以撕碎所有东 西,任何被他咬住的生命,都无法逃脱,只能乖乖成为它的美餐。这就是狼的强大,因为它强大,它才有残忍的资 本。
t优胜劣汰是自然界的法则,落后就要挨打是历史血淋淋的教训。有人说狼是冷血的,我想说那是因 为它很冷静。狼是从不会放走到手的猎物的,因为它知道自己要靠猎物来填充自己,知道弱肉强食的道理,知道即 使自己不去吃掉它,它也活不了多久。所以他选择了冷血,选择了去享受自己的美餐。人们不会因为你的弱小而怜 悯你,只会因为你的强大而敬畏你。
t所以你只有像狼一样冷酷﹑冷静,你才能变得更强。还有人说狼是 阴险狡猾的,那是因为它聪明,狼懂得吸取经验,同样的错误它不会犯第二次,同一个地方他不会跌倒两回,这不 正是我们人类所缺少的吗?而且狼从不会推卸责任,都是自己扛着,而我们人却只知道说是别人的错。我们口口声 声说是高等动物,可我们在这方面为什么连低等的动物都不如呢? 我与狼共勉,勉励自己变得强大,变得冷静,变得聪明! 3、关于影视经典台词:与狼共舞经典台词 关于影视经典台词:与狼共舞经典台词 1。Iaintkidding。Theseboysaresho oters。
tComeon。Goundercover。我可不是开玩笑,那些男孩个个都是神枪手 ,来,躲起来。2。Youknow,someoftheboysaresayingifweaintgon nafight。
t。。wecouldjustsettlethiswholebusinessw ithalittle。知道吗,有些我们的人说:如果我们不去开战我们可

以 用玩牌的方式决定胜负。3。
tIsureashelldontwanttobethefirsto neacrossthisfield。我他妈的真不想成为第一个上阵的炮灰。4。IbelieveIwou ldbehavingthetimeofmylife。我肯定如果不是他,我这段时间可能更愉快。
t5。Nobodysmadearuneitherway。Itsbeenastandoffalldam nedday。都是按兵不动真他妈的死气沉沉的一天。6。
tOthertimes,theyllb ethick,likecurlsonawhore。而有时候,它们又成群的出来,多得像婊子脸上的褶子。 7。Myideawasonlytotakethehorse,notfalldown。我的主意只是去偷 马可没叫你摔下来。
t8。Notwhatyouwouldcallmuchofagoingcon cernnow,isit? 和你魂牵梦绕的的地方有差距,对吧? 9。WindInHisHai rswordsarestrongandIhaveheardthem。风中散发这话有理我早先也听说过。 10。
tthatmynegotiationswiththewildpeopleofthepl ainswillbearfruit 我和草原野蛮人的谈判能结出果实。11。Therecanben oplacelikethisonEarth。地球上不会有这样一片净土。12。
tIhaveco metoenjoythepatternsofmylifeatFortSedgewick 我已经在 享受赛格德维克堡的生活方式了。13。Mostofmyworkhasbeengearedtowardc reatingtheillusionofstrengthandstability 我工作的绝大部 分旨在创造一种强大而稳定的幻想。14。andthecountryiseverythingIdream editwouldbe 周围的原野像我梦想的一样。
t15。Sometimestheyar estrangeanditshardtounderstandthem。有时候他们很奇妙也很难理解其中 奥妙。16。TimeseemsirrelevantexceptforthefactthatIambo red 时间好像停滞了一般除了那个让我感到厌倦的事实。
t17。AndwhateverGo dmaybe,IthankGodforthisday。无论上帝怎样对待他的子民我都对他心存感激。18 。Idneverbeeninabattlelikethisone,Therewasnodarkpol iticalobjective,Thiswasnotafightforterritoryorrich esortomakemenfree,Itwasfoughttopreservethefoodstor esthatwouldseeusthroughthewinter,Toprotectthelives ofwomenandchildrenthatwouldseeusthroughthewinter。< br>t我从来没有经历过这样的战斗,和丑陋的政治目的无关,也和领土,财富争端或者救人无关,人们为了保 护过冬的食物储备而战,为了保护近在咫尺妇女、孩子而战! 19。wasgoneandtheAmer icanfrontierwassoontopassintohistory。美洲平原的马背文明和神秘的 西部处女地很快消湮没于历史长河之中。20。Heremindedmethatathisageagood fireisbetterthananything 他提醒我,在他这把年纪安定的生活比什么都强。









本文更新与2020-12-07 12:10,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://bjmy2z.cn/zuowen/45577.html
