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2020-12-26 18:11



写好英语作文是我们学习八年级英语的重要内容,那么八年级下册的英语作文要怎么写呢?下面小编为大家 带来八年级下册英语作文范文,欢迎同学们阅读学习。

u3000u3000八年级下册英语优 秀作文篇一:My Beautiful Dream

u3000u3000Last night I had a beautiful dream. I had turned into an alien. I flew my UFO in the sky. Suddenly I saw some people playing in a park. They were very happy. I wanted to join them. So I landed in the park and got out of the UFO. When the people saw me, they were scared. I said hello to them. But they didn' t understa-nd me. After a while, only a kid came to me and asked, "Who are you?" "I am your friend. "The boy got happy. He moved to my UFO. "May I play with you?" "Sure. You can play in the UFO with me. "When we got into the UFO, it started to fly into the sky. Suddenly it fell to the ground. I was scared and jumped up from the bed. Oh! It was a dream!

u3000u3000八年级下册英语优秀作文篇二:My father

u3000u3000用英语写一个你亲近或熟悉的人,叙写关于他(她)的生活、学习、工作等情况 及一些有趣的事,不用真名。

u3000u3000My father is a businessman. He sells computers. He is a kind man. He isn' t good at talking. He is very busy.

u3000u3000Last week he flew to London. I told him to bring some interesting things to me. But when he came back home, he brought nothing. I was mad. But he said he had bought some snacks and some books for me. When he flew back to this city, in the street, he met a poor girl. She didn' t have enough money to go to school. She was begging in the street. My father gave her the snacks and books and some money. So I had nothing. But I was also happy. I am proud of my father.

u3000u3000八年级下册英语优秀作文篇三:collect stamps

u3000u3000请谈谈你集邮的历史。如果没有,也可以谈谈你别的爱好, 以此为内容写一篇60词左右的短文。

u3000u3000I like to collect many things, such as nice stones, names of movies, books, toys, photos of famous people. But I like collecting stamps best. I have been collecting stamps for five years. When I was very young, my uncle sent me a stamp from Australia. I loved it at once. Since then I tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it. I have more than one hundred stamps. Some were sent by my friends, some were collected by myself; some were from foreign countries, some were Chinese. I like them. Often, I take them out and show them to my friends .


u3000u300 0帮助他人是一件快乐的事,请写一件你经历过的帮助别人的乐事,并谈谈你的快乐,80个词左右。
< br>u3000u3000I am a friendly boy. I like to make friends. But I like to eat, too. My mother gives me some money every day. I always go to buy something to eat. I eat in the class, after school and while playing.

u3000u3000One day I went to school with 10 yuan. Suddenly I saw a little boy sitting at the gate of a shop. H

e was asking people for money. I was surprised. A boy, younger than me! He should go to school like me! I walked to him, asked, "What' s wrong, little brother?" "My parents were dead. So I had nothing. "He was sad. I touched my money. I really wanted to buy some delicious snacks to eat. At last, I gave him my money! He was very happy, so was I.










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