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2020-12-26 18:22
tags:初中教育, 英语, 英语作文









Most middle school students think school life is interesting and pleasant ,but some

Students don

t like to go to school,and they are not interested in their studies.

The reasons are as follows:some students think it

s not necessary to learn too much

Knowledge because their parents will give them everything they need. Some have

Given up their studies because of one or two poor subjects. They are afraid of being

Laughed at .Besides,some even think what is taught in class is boring.

In my opinion,getting an education can help you build the kind of future life you want.


s a good idea to talk to your teachers,parents or friendsabout your problems with

school .You may get some useful advice from to find out your interests and

Talents which can make you more confident .You should remember that knowledge is

Power and that you must depend on yourself in the future.

The End of Year Party


Wear jeans,be late,bring drinks and snacks to the party,bring friends from

Other schools,run or shout at the party,leave the gym during the party.

You must remember these rules for the shouldn

t wear jeans. If you did that,

The teachers wouldn

t let you in . You are not allowed to bring drinks and snacks to the

Party. If you did that ,the teacherswould take them away. You shouldn

t bring friends

From other schools .If you did that ,the teachers would ask them to leave .

You are not

Allowed to leave the gym during the party . If you did that,the teachers would call your

Parents. Don

t run or shout at the party .If you did that ,you would have to leave . At last

You can

t be late.



< p>



,Yesterday Once



The beatles.

My name is Li Ping . I am in Guangming middle school .I have been studying in the

School for three years. I like English very much and I am good at English . I often listen

To English programs on the radio in order to improve my English especially I like Eng

Lish songs. When I am tired,I often turn on the radio and listen to the English songs,

Yesterday Once More is one of my favorite songs, and I also like the band

The Beatles

Best. I can

t learn a lot from English songs,such as pronunciation and new

Ing to the radio is good for my study.



gre eting,eating meals with other

People,attending a party,


be supposed to do

China is a country with a long history ,so there are many customs in it .

Firstly, you are supposed to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time.

Secondly,when you eat dinner with other people,it

s rude to point at others with your

Chopsticks. Besides, if you are going to a party,you are supposed to arrive at the party

On time,or a few minutes late. Y

ou are not supposed to give a clock or a watch to your

Friends as a present because it means


in Chinese . When in Rome ,do as the

Romans do.

If you are going to China, please follow the rules.









本文更新与2020-12-26 18:22,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://bjmy2z.cn/zuowen/87357.html
