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2020-12-30 15:04
tags:高等教育, 研究生入学考试




  考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大 家及时了解,下面由出国留学网小编为你精心准备了“2020考研英语:情景作文解

析 ”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯!

  2020考研英语:情景作文解 析


  1 .在题目规定的情景内展开构思,组织内容。

  2.仔细审题。考生应明确题目所提供 的情景,是论证还是说明,是叙事还是写景。

  3.确定段落与主题句。各段的主题句 条理清晰,同时也使考生对自己所要表达的内容有更具体的把握。

  4.平稳地展开段 落。主题句一经确定,考生便可以围绕主题句,展开段落,完成全文的写作。段落的展开应该建立在段落


  5.考生 的词句使用应紧扣情景,突出重点,前后连贯,表达清楚。

  6.明确题型种类。情景 写作可根据内容写成不同文体,如记叙文、议论文等,故考生应该注意灵活运用相应文体的写作方


  7.认真检查与修改。考生应重点检查是否完全准确地包含了情 景所要求的各方面内容,是否有与情景相悖或不想关的内



  Directions: Stress isa natural part of modern life. In this part, you are required to write within40 minutes a

composition of no less than 200 words about

between stress and modernlife and the different attitudes towards stress. At the end of your compositionyou

should draw your own conclusion。

  Stress in Modern Life

  It’s known to allthat stress is a natural part of daily life and there is no way to avoid it. Asthe pace of modern

life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the gofrom morning till night. And it is hard to slow down. It

seems to us thateveryone around us is aggressive. Therefore, whatever one does, he feels understress all the time.

It is clear that stress has much to do with the life in acompetitive society。

  Different people,however, think of stress quite differently. Some believe that stress is not thebad thing it is

often supposed to be. They are of the opinion that a certainamount of stress is vital to provide motivation and to

give purpose to argue that stress contributes to one’s mental decline and henceendangers his health.

According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, isessential for a healthy mind and body。

  Personally, I’m infavor of the former view. I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one isentirely devoted

to the career he pursues. In my opinion, it is only when thestress gets out of control that it can lead to poor

performance and ill health。

< br>  短文写作中,考生应注意文章是否切题,论据是否充分;在展开过程中应注意各段内容是否围绕主题句 展开,有无与主题

无关的句子内容;句子之间、段落之间的连接要自然,逻辑关系要清晰 ;句子结构要保持完整,人称、时态、动词变化等要保持

一致,单词拼写、大小写、标点 要无误。这样才能写出一篇令人满意的文章。

  2020考研英语:小作文要点解析< /p>


  投诉信是针对某件不快乐的事情向责任人提 出的投诉、抱怨的信件,基本特征是反映问题,诉说原由,终极目的是解决问

题。作者要 首先肯定对方的做法或者描述情况,随后简述出现的问题。如果有必要继续说明具体问题,之后提出要求。具体作





< br>  二、闪光句型

  I’m writing to you because I need to complain to you about.。。


  I’m sorry to point out the defect in the.。。


  We wish to make the following complaints to you and hope you can do something about it。

  我们 想向你们投诉以下问题,希望你们能予以解决

  I was shocked to find ...purchased on ...at... by us didn’t function well。

  我惊讶地发现,我们.。。日在.。。地购买的.。 。不好用

  I would appreciate it very much if you could give me the refund。


  I strongly insist that you change...as soon as possible。


  I trust you will take my comlaints seriously and.。。< /p>


  三、模拟?大 练兵


  Suppose you have been cheated by anadvertisement in a magazine;write a letter of about 100 words to the

government officer complaining about the bad effect the ad brought to you。


  Dear Gentlemen,

  Enclosed is an ad which appeared in a magazine for adevice which was claimed to cure back problems。

  Four months ago I mailed the money that ordered andsoon received the device and instruction for its use. My

mother followed these instructions to the only did her back pain persist, but in soon it began to worsen.

After a month she stopped using the device and made an appointment with her doctor 。“These devices are

worthless,”the doctor said. I told the company of the experience, and asked for a refund. They didn’t even


  I would be grateful if you could do something to put astop to these deceptive ads and the continuing

exploitation of other backache sufferers。

  Sincerely yours,


  2020考研英语二:大作文的复习 词汇

  Top 1:社科类专题(网络、科技、旅游等)


  网恋cyber romance

  网购online shopping









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