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2020-12-31 22:43
tags:英语作文, 政史地, 人口老龄化



How to solve the aging problem

As the aging problem is becoming more and more

serious nowadays,I believe that perfect the social

system and focus on the development of the old

service are effective ways to tackle the problem.

In my opinion,firstly,the government should

perfect the social security and pension

system ,especially in the rural area,which can be

helpful to promot the new rural endowment

insurance and reduce the burden of labour

s,the elderly also will feel at ease and


t think too much more about their

rmore,we should focus on the

development of the old service,such as the community

is a great way to develop the aging service

industry and meet the muti-level demand of the

elderly and offer diversified services to the

that the elderly

s llife quality can be improved.

All in all,the government and people shuold work

together in order to arouse the positive effects of the

aging population problem ,turn the challeges into

opportunities and seek the era of

aging demographic










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