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2021-01-07 11:03



Belgium-EU Pavilion
Location: Zone C
Theme of Belgium Pavilion: Movement and Interaction
Theme of EU Pavilion: A European Intelligence
National Day: June 13
The pavilion is built around the structure of a Brain Cell, evoking (v.唤起) the artistic
richness of Belgium and Europe, as well as their contribution to the development and
enrichment of culture. The Brain Cell also refers directly to the role of Belgium as one of the
gathering centers and cross-points(n.交叉点)of Europe’s three great culture traditions.
Belgium will hold the Presidency of the European Union in the second half of 2010. 1000m

of the pavilion will be offered to the EU for exhibition, presenting EU’s past, present, policies
and achievements.
- A dreamlike (adj.入梦般的) “chocolate factory” will be reproduced, in which visitors will
see the process of making chocolate and even taste Belgium chocolate for free.
- Diamond designers from all over the world will bring their works to stage (v.展示) a
top-class (adj.一流的,最上等的) diamond show.
展馆主题采用“脑细 胞”结构,表现比利时与欧洲的丰富艺术内涵及对人类文明发展的巨大贡献,寓意比利
时作为欧洲三大传 统文化的汇聚地和交会点所扮演的重要角色。
2010年下半年比利时将担任欧盟轮值主席国,展馆 中越1000平方米的欧盟展区展示欧盟发展的历史、
- 在梦幻般的“巧克力工厂”里,可观察到巧克力的制作过程,还能免费品尝。
- 来自世界各地的钻石设计师们会带来他们的佳作,演绎一场等级的钻石秀。

France Pavilion
Location: Zone C
Theme: The Sensual (adj.感觉的) City
National Day: June 21
Enclosed (v.围住,圈住) by a meshwork (网状结构) made of new-type concrete (n.混凝土),
the futuristic building looks like a white palace floating over a stretch of water. In the
pavilion, visitors will find French delicacies (n.美味佳肴), courtyards, clear water, perfumes
and old movies appealing to their senses, and thereby feel the sensibility (n.感性,敏感) and
charm of France.
- Entering the building is like stepping into an open-air French garden. The Versailles
Garden, designed by French landscape architects(n.建筑师), is full of green and rhythm (n.

- There is a collection of much cherished masterpieces(n.杰作) in the Orsay Museum,
including six paintings by Cezanne, Van Gogh, Miller, Manet, Bonnard and Gauguin and the
sculpture (n.雕塑) The Age of Bronze by Rodin.

- At the “French Romantic Wedding”, new couples take vows (立下誓言) in the dreamy
(adj.如梦的) aroma(n.氛围) of happiness.

展馆被一种新型混凝土材料制成的线网“包裹”,仿佛“漂浮”于地 面上的“白色宫殿”,尽显未来色彩和水韵
之美。馆内,美食带来的味觉、庭院带来的视觉、清水带来的 触觉、香水带来的嗅觉以及老电影片段带来
- 馆内仿建法式园林,法国景观设计师打造的“凡尔赛花园”绿意盎然、动感十足。
- 奥赛博物馆珍藏的塞尚、凡·高、米勒、马奈、勃纳尔和高更的六幅油画名作以及罗丹的雕塑《青铜时代》,是法国馆的“镇馆之宝”。
- “法兰西浪漫婚典”的新人们将在浪漫的梦幻布景下许下一生的幸福誓言。

Canada Pavilion
Location: Zone C
Theme:The Living City: Inclusive (adj.包含的,包罗万象的), Sustainable(adj.可持续的),
National Day: July 1
The pavilion is anchored(v.把…固定住) by an open public place and surrounded by three
large structures. It is shaped like a large letter “C”, the initial of “Canada”. The pavilion
designates(v.任命,指定) its open square as a performing area for a wide range of colorful
cultural programs and highlights Canada’s works of art and brilliant performances.
--Cirque du Soleil(太阳马戏城)will put on spectacular acrobatics (n.杂技) show.
--The pavilion is a showcase for Canada’s rich resources and picturesque (adj.如画的,别具
一格的) scenes. Visitors will be able to ride a bike in front of a huge three-dimensional(三
维的) screen, feeling as if traveling in Canada.
The simulated(adj.模拟的) waterfall(n.瀑布) will vary(v.变化) its flow with different
movements by the visitors.

展馆由三幢大型 几何体建筑组成,像一双手臂环保中央广场,从空中俯视又和Canada的首字母“C”。馆
内以一个 开放的公众活动广场为中心,主要呈现内容广泛、精彩纷呈的文化交流项目,突出展示加拿大多
种艺术领 域的艺术作品与精彩表演。
- 可欣赏太阳剧团演员们精彩的杂技表演。
- 馆内展示加拿大丰富的资源和秀美的风光。参观者可在巨大的三维屏幕前骑自行车,仿佛在加拿大旅行。
- 虚拟瀑布的水流会随着参观者的不同动作而发生变化。

US Pavilion
Location: Zone C
Theme: Rising to the Challenge
National Day: July 2
Designed and built with a waterfall media wall and an ecological (adj.生态的) roof garden,
the pavilion deals with the theme Rising to the Challenge from four aspects, namely,
Sustainable Development, Teamwork Spirit, Healthy Life and Achievements of Chinese
Americans, presenting the country’s culture, values, innovation spirit and business success.
--Through multimedia (adj.多媒体的) technologies, the pavilion tells a story about an
ordinary American’s view of innovation and sustainable development, in which a Chinese
American youth will lead the visitors into a future grace.
--The exhibition on achievements of Chinese Americans includes a wall erected(v.竖立) in
recognition of (承认,表彰…) the outstanding contributions made by Chinese Americans in
the fields of science, culture, politics, commerce and social service.
美国馆 场馆位置:C区 主题:拥抱挑战 国家馆日:7月2日
展馆外墙设有“飞流而下”的瀑布媒体墙,顶部呈现生 态环保的屋顶花园。馆内从“可持续发展”、“团队协
作”、“健康生活”、“美国华人成就”四方面来 演绎“拥抱挑战”的主题,展示美国的文化、价值观、创新精神
- 通过多 媒体技术,美国馆将从人文视角讲述一个普通美国人眼中关于创新和环境可持续发展的故事。故
事中的美 籍华裔青年将带领参观者倘徉于未来时空。
- 展馆专设“华裔在美国的成就”展览,竖起一堵华 裔“百姓墙”,展现华裔在科技、文艺、政商、社会服务
Denmark Pavilion
Location: C
Theme: Welfairytales
National Day: June 29
The Denmark Pavilion consists of an outdoor and an indoor area which are united in two
circles connected by a platform, resembling (v.相像) two overlapping (adj.重合的) sloping
rings. It is comprised of (由…组成) three parts: How Do We Live, How Do We Entertain and
How Do We Envisage(v.想象,设想) the Future, portraying (v.描述) the lifestyle,
characteristics and hobbies of the Danish, as well as their expectations on the future.
-- The country’s symbol and a world- renowned sculpture (n.雕塑)—the little Mermaid(n.
美人鱼) that has never left Denmark will set to make her first visit to China and greet visitors
to the fairy tale(童话) world.
-- Over a hundred bicycles will be available for visitors to experience Danish urban life and to
understand their dreams.
丹麦馆 场馆位置:C区 主题:梦想城市 国家馆日:6月29日
展馆由两个环形轨道组成,形成室 内和室外部分,俯瞰时进形似一个螺旋体,超越了传统的展览形式,带
来不断穿梭于室内与室外的感受。 展馆就像一本打开的童话书,分“我们如何生活”、“我们如何娱乐”、“我
们如何设想未来”三章,介 绍丹麦人日常生活、性格爱好以及对未来的展望。
-- 丹麦的象征、著名雕塑——“小美人鱼”第一 次走出国门,来到东方的文明古国,让参观者感觉置身于安
-- 展馆提供数百辆自行车,让参观者畅行在丹麦式的城市生活中,了解丹麦人的生活和梦想。

Germany Pavilion
Location: C
Theme: balancity
National Day: May 19
Covered with metallic (adj.金属的) silver membrane (n.膜,细胞膜), the pavilion mainly
consists of four irregular(adj.不规则的) structures. Each structure is out of balance, but a
stable balance is created when they interact, echoing (v.回响,呼应) the theme Balancity.
-- Stepping into the Energy Source visitors are attracted by a large sphere covered with
400,000 LED points and showing varying(adj.变化的) images and colors. The motion(n.
运动) of the sphere and even the images on its surface will be controlled by the audience
yelling (v.大叫) together. It displays the images of German city life and balancity. The
message of the German Pavilion is that things can be moved, if people--quite literally-- work
-- Two virtual guides, Yanyan from China and Jens from Germany, introduce the exhibition
for the visitors.
展馆由自然景区 和展馆主题组成,外墙包裹透明的银色发光建筑膜,主题由四个头重脚轻、变形剧烈、连
成整体却轻盈稳 固的不规则几何题构成,阐释了“和谐城市”的主题。
-- “动力之源”展厅顶端悬挂着巨大的、表 面浮动着多种图像和色彩的金属感应球。进入大厅的参观者将被
分为两组一起呼吸。金属球将移向呼声更 大更整齐的那组,并变化其球面的图案和色彩。金属球静止后其
表面会呈现地球、地球孕育种子、种子又 变成花的生命诞生的过程。
-- 两个虚拟讲解员——德国青年“严思”和中国女孩“燕燕”,与参观者在展厅内互动。
Japan Pavilion
Location: Zone A
Theme: Harmony of Hearts, Harmony of Arts
National Day: June 12
Named Purple Silkworm(n.蚕) Island, the pavilion is covered with a superlight membrane
(n.膜,细胞膜) with solar cells. Special environment technologies enable the pavilion to be an
eco-friendly (adj. 对生态有利的) Breathing Organism. Assisted by scene
representation(影像再现) and imaging technology, the structure showcases (v.展现) the
country’s visions for future urban life in 2020, the cultural origins of Japan and China, the
Japanese lifestyle of living with nature, Japan’s dynamic modern cities, sophisticated
technologies for tackling the issues(处理问题)on water resources and environment, as well
as civil efforts to conserve(v.节约,节省) and protect nature.
--Themed as Japan-China cooperation on protection of crested(adj.有花冠的) ibis, the
pavilion presents warming-up(n.准备工作,热身) shows of village settings, and themed
performances in traditional Japanese wooden theater.
--The warming-up shows display an amazing array of (an array of 一批一群) futuristic
technologies such as world-class(adj.世界级的) robots.
--Musical plays, which recreate the integration of Chinese Kunqu Opera and traditional
Japanese Noh Drama, are staged jointly(adv.联合地) by Japanese and Chinese performers.

展馆爱 称“紫蚕岛”,馆外覆盖超轻的发电膜,采用特殊环境技术,是一幢“像生命体那样会呼吸、对环境
友好 的建筑”。馆内通过实景再现和影像技术,展望2020年的未来城市生活,介绍日中两国的文化渊源、
-- 以日中合作保护朱鹮为主题,上演以山村为背景的暖场表演和在传统日式木制剧场内展开的主题表演。
-- 首次登场的世界顶级水平的机器人等未来技术异彩纷呈。
-- 上演兼具昆剧和日本传统能句特色、载歌载舞的音乐剧。

UK Pavilion
Location: Zone C
Theme: Building on the Past, Shaping Our Future
National Day: September 5
The Seed Cathedral, centerpiece(n.引人注目的东西) of the pavilion, is covered by 60,000
crystalline(adj.水晶的) spines that are tipped with (以…为顶尖) tiny lights. They
illuminate (v.照亮) the pavilion during the day and make the whole structure glitter (v.闪
闪发亮) at night. The journey through the UK Pavilion, which is separated into several
parts: Green City, Open City, Seed Cathedral, Living City and Open Park, encourages
visitors to pay attention to the role of nature and wonder how to meet the social, economic
and environmental challenges of our cities.
-- Green City presents the urban landscape of the four UK provincial capitals. The UK has a
rich tradition of incorporating green spaces and water into its cities.
-- Seed Cathedral exhibits(v.展示) seeds of different shapes and types from Kew’s
Millennium Seed Bank collection.
-- Living City displays real and imaginary plants.
展区核心“种子圣殿”外部生长有六万余根向各个方向伸展的触须 。 白天,触须会像光纤那样传导光线来
提供内部照明,营造出现代感和震撼力兼具的空间;夜间,触须内置 的光源可照亮整个建筑,使其光彩夺
目。展区中的“绿色城市”、“开放城市”、“种子圣殿”、“活力 城市”和“开放公园”等几段参观旅程引导人们关
注自然所扮演的角色,并思索如何利用自然来迎接城市 面临的挑战。


The Netherlands Pavilion
Location: Zone C
Theme: Happy Street
National Day: May 18
The pavilion consists of 20 small elevated(adj.提升的) houses lining a 400m pedestrian
street(人行走道) that curves in a figure 8 pattern. The Happy Street symbolizes(v.象征) an
ideal city, exhibiting the rational(adj.合理的) planning of modern urban life as well as
Netherlandish innovations in space, energy and water conservation(n.(能源的)节约).
--The winding door-less Happy Street allows for street strolls(n.漫步) starting from any
--More than perfect shelters, the fifty orange umbrellas also serve for collecting energy and
converting(v.转换) it into electricity utilized by the pavilion.
--Exhibits in the 20 small houses can only be viewed from the outside through the windows.
--At the water purification(n.净化) station, visitors can get to know the purification process
and have a taste of the processed water(n.处理过的水) of Huangpu River.
场馆位置:C区 主题:快乐街 国家馆日:5月18日
展馆由长约40 0米、向空中延伸的“8”字形街道和20个错落有致的“悬挂”在街道两旁的微型展馆组成。“快
乐街 ”代表着一个理性化的城市,展现现代城市生活的合理规划,充分展示荷兰在空间、能源和水利方便的
创 新。
-- 蜿蜒盘旋的“快乐街”没有门,参观者可从任意一个方向开始“逛街”。
-- 50把橙色伞不仅能遮阳挡雨,还能吸收、积累能量并转化为可供展馆使用的电能。
-- 20个微型展馆都无法进入,参观者只能透过玻璃窗观看其中的展览。
-- 在纯净水站,参观者可以目睹过滤黄浦江水的全过程,并尝试喝上一口。
Saudi Arabia Pavilion
Location: Zone A
Theme: Unity within Diversity (n.多样性)
National Day: September 23
The pavilion, a “moon boat” elevated above the ground, features exotic (adj. 异国情调的)
Arabian gardens. Date(n.枣) palms are planted on the roof and the ground to provide
shade (n.阴影). It will brief(v.事先简要介绍) the visitors on Arabian geography, population,
history, politics and highlight four types of cities: a city of energy, a city of oasis, a city of
ancient culture, and a city of new economy, indicating(v.标志) that water, oil, and
knowledge are the lifeline(n.生命线,救生索) to Saudi Arabia.
--The pavilion, without doors and windows installed, promoted energy efficiency by
utilizing(v.利用) the solar and wind power.
--The pavilion includes a 3D theater with a 1600 m
360?screen, almost the size of two
football fields.
沙特阿拉伯馆 场馆位置:A区 主题:多元合一 国家馆日:9月23日
展馆形似一艘高悬于空中的“月亮船”,在地面和屋顶 栽种枣椰树,形成一个书影婆娑、沙漠风情浓郁的空
中花园。馆内介绍沙特阿拉伯地理、人口、历史、政 治等内容,重点展示四种类型的城市:能源之城、绿
洲之城、文化古城、新经济之城,揭示水、石油和知 识是沙特阿拉伯城市发展的安身立命之本。
-- 展馆并门无窗,从太阳那里直接得到光线,利用并转 化为光能。风从悬空的底部缓缓迟来,实现能源的

-- 内设3 D影院,相当于两个篮球场的大小。参观者被1600平方米的银幕全方位环绕,观影时可在悬挂
于影院 空中的步道上自由走动。









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