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1. How do you turn an odd number(奇数) into even(偶数) by movi
ng one letter?
2. 智商的缩写是什么?
3. What letter is ―you‖?___________
4. What season is it in the north(北方) of China when it’s winter in the
south(南方)? _______________
5. Lily is Mr. Black’s girl Friday. She gives him a lot of help. What’s th
e meaning of ―girl Friday‖?
A女仆人 B 得力的女助手 C 女儿 D 女上司
6. What’s the next letter?
a d g j m p s
7. If Tom’s father is David’s son, what relation(关系) is Tom to David?
David is Dick’s _______.
8. What’s the English for ―禁止吸烟‖?
A No smoking. B No parking. C No littering.
9. Which letter is a kind of drink? ________
10. What has a neck but no throat? ________
number comes next? ___________
13 31 46 64 72 ?
12. I have a big family. There are two fathers two mothers, two sons,
two daughters(女儿), two husbands(丈夫)and two wives(妻子), a
sister and a brother. How many people are there in my family?
got 100 in her exam. She is over the moon about it. Read the
sentence and guess the meaning of ―over the moon‖._____________

14. 在网络中,, ―cn‖ stand for(代表) ____________.
15. UK是哪个国家的缩写?
A.中华人民共和国 B.美利坚和众国
C.大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 D. 联合国
16. Who is the president (总统) of the USA?(汉英皆可)______
17. There is a man in the middle of (……的中间) the road(马路), but n
o one stops him, why?(可以用汉语回答)____________
18. What will you get if(如果) you cut (切掉)the head of a bear?
A. A head B. A bear C. An ear
19. -Thank you very much.
– You’re welcome. It’s only a piece of cake.
划线部分的意思是 __________________
20. Tom and his mother are in the sameclass. Why? ____________
21. He’s a four-letter man,we don’t like him at all.‖ Here, ―a four-letter
man‖ 的意思是______________(可以用汉语书写)
’s daughter is the mother of my daughter.
Then I am Peter’s ___.
A. mother B. grandma C. daughter
23. Mr Smith is a hard-working person. He works from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
every many hours does he work every day?_________
24. A:All right, let me do it.
B:That’s a boy. 选择与划线部分同义的选项
A. Big boy. B. Good boy. C. Young child. D. All child.
25. He is a yes-man. I don’t like him. ―yes-man‖Means______
A.说一不二的人 B.唯唯诺诺的人
C. 总有理的人 D. 坚强的人
26. What letter is an animal? _____________
27. What letter is a part of the head?-____________

28. What has three hands but only one face? __________
29. If your uncle’s sisteris not your aunt, what relation(关系)
is she to you? ______________
old is dad?请猜测A:Dad, how old are you?B: Last year’s age pl
us this year’s age is 81. Dad is _______.
31.―hot patato‖ means_______
A热土豆 B棘手问题 C 小人物
32. ―black tea‖ means______
33. 美国的 国花是:
34. My grandma is very old, she is is four times as old as I a
m. How old am I ? ____________________
35. What does ―SAR‖ stand for 代表in Chinese?
36. twenty-four seven 的意思是: ____________
is it when once lost, you can never find again? ___________
are four birds in the tree. Someone shoots down a bird, How
many birds still in the tree? ___________
and helen are twins. May says, ― I have a sister.‖ but Helen do
esn’t admit that she has a ?
40. Jim always runs slowly in the class, but today hewins the race. He
is a dark horse. 的意思是?
41. He is in the pen,he regreted having done that.(悔不当初)
in the pen的意思是:_______________________
42. Speak like a book.的意思是 ?
43. Like father like son.的意思是?
44. It rains cats and dogs.的意思是?

45. Now he is black and blue all over.的意思是?
46. A:Is Mary in, please?
B: No, she isn’t.
in 的意思是? __________________
47. My aunt has a brother. He’s not my uncle. Who is he?
48. Look out 不是看外面,它是什么意思?_____________
49. She’s a green hand. 划线部分的意思是?_____________
50. Walls have ears.的意思是?
51. He can’t answer this question, He is noodlehead.的意思是?
52. Tom’s parents have a child. But the child is neither his sister nor
his is the child? _________________
53. A: Who is the boy in the hat? 划线部分的意思是?
B: He’s my son.
A. 戴着帽子 B.在帽子上 C.拿着帽子
54. My first is in ―snow‖, but not in ―ice‖, my seond is in ―nose‖ and
also in ―rise‖,My third is not in ―pencil‖ ,but in ―paper‖, my whole is a pl
ace where have lots of am I?
a stone into water, it will become ____________
always goes to hospital ,But , as everyone knows, he is very h
ealthy. Why? ______________________
is the shortest bridge? ____________________
has a tongue but can’t speak? ________________
always goes to bed with his shoes on?_____________
many players are there in a football team? _____________-

many legs does the insect have? ______________
letter is ―eye‖? ___________________
is the boiling point of water? ________________
number comes next?
13 31 46 64 54 ? ______________
has four legs and one back but can’t walk? _____________
you end a game of hide-and-seek with three letters?
does ―red ball‖ mean?n ___________________-
68. Ten to one he will fail. Ten to one it willrain tomorrow.
ten to one 的意思是? ___________________
heads are better than one. 翻译谚语
70. Ann and Lucy are good friends,they study,go home and play game
s together,They are like two peas in a pot.
What does two peas in a pot mean?______________
71. Where shall we have lunch?
—I have no idea. It's up to you.
What does ―It's up to you.‖ mean? ____________________
72. Mum: You did a bad job on this exam.
Bob: I will try harder next have my word. What does ―You ha
ve my word.‖ mean? Answer it in Chinese.
73. Mike can't keep up with George at running. George is a slower run
ner than would be the last in a race among the three boys? _
74. We sang the same songs.的意思是? 翻译谚语

75. My first letter is in ―fat‖, not in ―hat‖,
my second letter is in ―dad‖,not in ―bed‖,
my third letter is in ―nice‖, not in ―nine‖,
my fourth letter is in ―sheep‖, not in ―ship‖.
What am I?
76.I don’t mean that. You are all wet. 的意思是?
78. All rivers run into sea. 翻译谚语
79. Every dog has his day. 翻译谚语
80. Do as you would be done by. 翻译谚语
81. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. 翻译谚语
_________________________________ __________________
82. The first letter is in come but not in home.
The second letter is in name and also in bag.
The third letter is in kick and also in knock.
The fourth letter is in have but not in has.
What is the word? ___________
83. Peter’s son is the father of my son, then I’m Peter’s__________
A. grandpa B. father C. son D. grandson
翻译古诗Coming Home
I left home young, I return old.
Speaking as then, but with hair grown thin.
And my children, meeting me, do not know me.

They smile and say, ―stranger,Where do you come from?‖

MTV ___________
EMS ____________
IT _____________
KFC ___________
NBA ____________
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-6 12:11:01编辑过]

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09-3-5 12:32:0

Post By:2009-3-6 12:12:52

六年英语第一次月考默词试题 08.10

1. 停,停车站 2. 等,等待 3. 怎样 4. 交通 5. 上学

6. 经……乘…… 7. 火车 8. 脚 9. 自行车 10. 交通灯

11.公共汽车 12. 到达 13. 左边的 14. 右边的 15. 交通规

16. 成直线地 7.然后 18. 转弯 19. 与……相邻 20. 书店

21. 图书馆 22. 邮局 23.电影院 24. 医院 25. 不用谢。

26.哪里,到哪里 27. 东 28. 请 29. 谢谢。 30. 打扰,对

1.look for _________ 2.take ________3.minute _______
__ emuseum____________ 5. far_________ 6.tell
7.start _________ 8.supermarket _________9.get off ___
______ 10. upstairs _________11. twelfth _________ 1
2. a pair of_________
________14. want ________15. after school ______
________ 16. bank _________17. shoe store _________ 18.
know _________
19. remember _________ _________21. plane______
_____________ence ________24. subway __
25. same ________26. fifth _________27. country ________
_________29. drive_________ r_________
lia________ 32. England _________ 33. side ____
34. if________ 35. find ___________36. always__________

_______ 38. north___________ 39. west _________
40. south __________
1. 你怎样去上学? __________________________
2. 通常我走着去上学。 __________________________
3. 你可以乘坐第15路公共汽车。 _________________________
4. 电影院在哪里? ____________________________
5. 它在医院附近。______ ________________________________
6. 打扰,这附近有一家电影院吗?
______________________________ __________________
7. 它离这里远吗?不, 它不远。
8. 在医院左转。 ____________________________
9. 我怎样才能到达中山公园?_____________________________
10. 它在图书馆的东面。_________________________________ _

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Post By:2009-3-6 12:39:11

六年级英语期末测试题 2008.12

听 力 部 分 (40分)略
笔 试 部 分
( )1. A. should B. soil C. sprout D. seed
( )2. A. plane B. ship C. subway D. country
( )3. A. library B. post office C. bank D. Hong Kong
( )4. A. put B. look C. into D. drive
( )5. A. job B. cleaner C. artist D. singer
1. ___________does he work?
He works in a company.
2. ___________ is your _________?
I like diving.
3. ____________ is she? She is Yuan Yuan. She is a police
4. ____________ are you going? I am going to the bookstor
5. _________ does she go to Hong Kong?
She goes to Hong Kong by plane.
6. _________ are you going to do this afternoon?
I’m going to visit my grandparents.
7. _________ are you going to Beijing?
I’m going to Beijing next week.

8. ________ do you want to _______? I want to be a scienc
e teacher.
1. Learn by doing. __________________________
2. We look the same, but we don’t like the same things.
3. I’m happy to have a new pen pal.
4. She is a teacher. She teaches English.
5. I’m going to have a busy weekend.
6. I like collecting stamps.
actress singer teacher doctor
artist cleaner writer salesperson
1. I sing songs, I am a ________.
2. I write stories. I am a _________.
3. She sells things, she is a _______________.
4. She cleans the street, she is a _____________.
5. She draws pictures, she is an _____________.
6. He teaches lessons, he is a __________.
7. He helps sick people, he is a __________.
8. She act TV show, she is an ___________.
( ) 1. The cloud ________ from the vapour.
B. comes C. are D. be

( ) 2. I write ______ e-mail to Alice every week.
A. an B. a C. the D. some
( ) 3. I want to __________ an engineer one day..
A. do B. became C. will D. be
( ) 4. Does he teach you math? ______________.
A. Yes, he do. B. No, he doesn’t.
C. Yes, she doesn’t. D. Yes, I am.
( ) 5. What are you going ________ next week?
A. to do B. do C. to D. doing
( ) 6. My twin brother Tom likes __________ pictures.
A. draw B. drawing C. draws D. drew
( ) 7. Is there a cinema near here? __________
A. Yes, there are. B. No, there aren’t.
C. Yes, there is. D. No, there wasn’t.
( ) 8. In China, drivers drive on the ________ side of the r
A. left B. right C. back D. next
( ) 9. In Australia, drivers drive on the ________ side of th
e road.
A. left B. right C. back D. next
( ) 10. How can I get to the park? You can ______the No.1
5 bus.
A. go B. by C. go by D. on
( ) 11. Find the white building ________ the left.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
( ) 12. I’m going to buy a book ________ plants.
A. in B. about C. on D. at
( ) 13.I’m going to the bookstore, I want to _______ a dicti

B. buy C. bought D. buys
( ) 14. Li Ming ______ to school on foot.
A. go C. goes D. to go
( )15. I write stories, I am a ____________.
A. writer B. singer C. doctor D. salesperson
( )16. My father works _________ a school.
A. on B. of C. in D. into
六、课内阅读检验: (5分)
Wang Li is an engineer. She likes drawing pictures. She wor
s in a car factory. She designs cars. She goes to work by car.
Li Xiaobin is an accountant. He wors in a bank. He helps th
e bank use their money well. He likes working with numbers. H
e goes to work by bus, but he likes to walk home.
Policewoman Yuan Yuan likes helping people. She likes Eng
lish. She oftern helps tourists find their way. She goes to work
by motor cycle.
1. What does Wang Li do? She is an ____________.
2. What does Li Xiaobin do? He is an ___________.
3. What does yuan Yuan do? She is a ____________.
4. What’s Wang Li’s hobby? She likes ___________________
5. How does Li Xiaobin go to work? He goes to work by __
To Teach a Lesson
One day mother looks at Tom’s shoes and says, ―Look at y

our shoes. How dirty 脏的they are! You must clean them.‖―But
I cleaned them only yesterday.‖ says the boy. ―They are dirty
now. you must clean them again.‖ ―I don’t want to clean them
today. If I clean them today, they will be dirty again tomorrow.‖
―All right. Don’t do it then.‖ Tom’s mother says.
In the evening, Tom comes back from school. He is very hu
ngry. He asks his mother to give him something to eat. ―You h
ave breakfast in the morning and you have lunch at school, To
m.‖ his mother says. ―But I’m hungry again.‖cries Tom. ―Oh, h
ungry again? But if I give you something to eat today, you will
be hungry again tomorrow.‖
在A ,B, C, D中选出一个最佳答案。
( )1. What does mother want Tom to do? She wants him__
A. to have supper B. to clean the house
C. to clean his shoes D. to go to school
( )2. What does Tom want to do in the evening? He wants
to __.
A. clean his shoes B. help his mother
C. have supper D. go and play games
( )3. What do you think Tom will do after supper? He will_
to bed B. clean his shoes
C. ask his mother to clean his shoes
D. help his mother to clean the house
( )4. ―If I give you something to eat today, you will be hu
ngry again tomorrow.‖ It means: _______________.
A. Tom needn’t have supper B. To teach Tom a lesson

C. There is nothing to eat at home.
D. Tom isn’t hungry at all.
( )5. Tom is a lazy懒惰的boy, and he has a clever聪明mot
Wet Paint 油漆未干
Mr Smith is walking in the park and he is very tired 累的. H
e looks around and sees a chair under a tree not far away. He
begins to walk towards the chair.
As Mr Smith is walking, he sees a man going to the chair, t
oo. He wants to sit on the chair. I must go quickly. Thinks Mr
Smith. So he walks faster than beofre. Seeing Mr smith walking
faster. Also the man walks in a hurry, when Mr Smith starts t
o run, he starts to run, too. But Mr Smith is a little faster than
the man. He reachs the chair first and quickly sits on the cha
ir. Just then the man gets to the chair, too. He raises a small
board in his hand. It said, ―WET PAINT.‖
( )1. Mr smith is very tired, he wants to _________.
A. have a rest B. go home C. sleep D. go on
( )2. What does Mr Smith see under a tree? He sees _____
A. a small board B. a bed C. a chair D. a house
( )3. Who gets to the chair first? _____________
A. Mr Smith B. The man C. no one
( )4. The man with a board in his hand is tired,too.
( )5. After seeing the board, Mr Smith is very happy.

请给你的美国笔友Tom 写一封 电子邮件,在邮件中介绍你及家人的职

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Post By:2009-3-6 13:19:10


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六年级英语第一次月考测试题 2008-10-7



听 力 部 分略
笔 试 部 分
( )1. A. on foot B. by train C. by ship D. walk
( )2. A. England B. Australia C. China D. country
( )3. A. fifth B. one C. first D. twelfth

( )4. A. where B. how C. however D. what
( )5. A. traffic store C. bookstore D. supermarket
( )6. A. left B. north C. south D. east
( )7. A. subway B. car C. traffic D. plane
( )8. A. wait B. remember C. drive D. stop
( )9. A. morning g C. minute D. afternoon
( )10. A. find B. right C. turn D. tell
( ) 1. A: Where is the cinema, please?
B: It’s __________ to the hospital.
A. near B. next C. up D. down
( ) 2. What are you going to do _____ ?
A. yesterday B. last year C. tonight D. three days
( ) 3. Start from the bus stop __________ our school.
A. in the front B. in the front of
C. in front D. in front of
( ) 4. Look for __________ near the door.
A. we B. he C. me D. its
( ) 5. Today is my birthday. Thank you all for __________.
A. come B. comeing C. coming D. came
( ) 6. See you _______ 12:10. Goodbye!
A. on B. in C. at D. of
( ) 7. Walk north _______ 10 minutes.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
( ) 8. Please come to my 10
birthday party ______ Saturd
A. on B. in C. at D. of
( ) 9. _________ at a green light.

A. Stop B. Wait C. Go D. See
( ) 10. _________ at a yellow light.
A. Stop B. Wait C. Go D. See
( ) 11. _________ at a red light.
A. Stop B. Wait C. Go D. See
( ) 12. Turn left ______ the hospital, then go straight.
A. at B. in C. on D. of
( ) 13. __________. Where is the science museum?
A. Sorry B. Excuse me
C. Good morning D. Nice to meet you
( ) 14. The bank is ______the right sife of the road.
A. at B. in C. on D. of
( )15. Is there a supermarket near here?
A. No, there not. B. No, there isn’t.
C. Yes, there are. D. No, there aren’t.
1. ___________ do you go to England? I go to England by
2. ___________ floor? The twelfth floor. Room 1A.
3. ____________ is the cinema? It’s near the post office.
4. ____________ are you going to do? I am going to the cin
5. _________ can I get to the bookstore? You can take the
No. 2 bus.
1. Look before you leap. __________________________
2. The traffic lights are the same in every country.

3. Let’s go to the park this afternoon.
4. Look for me near the door.
5. Start from the bus stop in front of our school.
6. I’m going to the Great Wall next week.
五、选出划线部分发音不同的词。 (2分)
( ) A. get B. very C. seven D. gas
( ) A. pig B. dish C. like D. big
六、课内阅读检验: (7分)
Hi, this is Liu Yun. I’m going to have a busy weekend! On
Saturday, I’m going to the bookstore by subway. I’m going to
buy a new CD and some story-books. Then, I’m going to go h
ome and read the new books. On Sunday, I’m going to the su
permarket with my mother. We’re going after lunch. Then, in th
e evening, I’m going to visit my aunt. We are going to watch T
V together. That wil be fun! What about you? What are you goi
ng to do on the weekend?
( )1. ― weekend‖一词的意思是什么?
A. Saturday B. Sunday
C. Friday and Saturday D. Saturday and Sunday
( )2. Liu Yun is going to the bookstore __________.
A. on foot B. by bike C. by subway D. by bus
( )3. What is Liu Yun going to buy on Saturday?
A. She is going to buy some story-books.
B. She is going to buy a new CD.

C. She is going to buy a new CD and a story-book.
D. She is going to buy a new CD and some story-books.
( )4. After going to the bookstore, what is Lun Yun going t
o do?
A. She is going to go home and read the new books.
B. She is going to the supermarket with her mother.
C. She is going to watch TV with her aunt.
( )5. On Sunday afternoon, what is Lun Yun going to do?
A. She is going to go home and read the new books.
B. She is going to the supermarket with her mother.
C. She is going to watch TV with her aunt.
( )6. On Sunday evening, what is Lun Yun going to do?
A. She is going to go home and read the new books.
B. She is going to the supermarket with her mother.
C. She is going to watch TV with her aunt.
( )7. Lun Yun is going to have a ___________ weekend.
A. happy C. interesting D. busy D. sad
Australia is a very big country. There are many different kin
ds of weather 天气there. There are four seasons. Summer is ho
t and winter is very cold. And it snows in the very high高的 m
ountains. Near the sea it is usually cool and it’s windy. It rains
every month of the year. I hope I am going to visit Australia i
n the future在未来.
In the middle of the country, it is usually very hot and dry
干燥的. In summer, it can be 45 for a week or two. In the wint
er, it falls to 32 . people think the weather is nice and cool th

en. In some years, it doesn’t rain. The rivers become dry.
( )1. There are many different kinds of weather in Australi
( )2. Near the sea it is usually cold and it’s windy in Austr
( )3. In the middle of Australia it is usually very cold and
( )4. In the winter, it falls to 45 .
( )5. In some years, it doesn’t rain, all the rivers become d
ry in Australia.
Our classroom Building 教学楼
Our classroom building is in the north of our school. It has
seven floors. It is the tallest building of our school. There are
four classrooms on every floor. On the first floor there is a g
ym 体育馆. On the third floor there are two computer rooms fo
r students. The science labs 科学实验室are on the second, fout
h,and fifth floor. The language lab 语音室is on the sixth floor.
We often have English classes in the language lab. On the sev
enth floor there is a library, a reading room.
When we want to look for information 信息we can go to the
computer room at noon. When we want to borrow books, the
library is open every afternoon. The reading room is open from
Monday to Friday the whole day 整天.
在A B C中选出一最佳答案。
( )1. Our classroom building is in the _______of our schoo
l. B. west C. north D. south

( )2. How many floors are there in the building?
A. 7 B. 4 C. 6 D. 9
( )3. How many classrooms are there on every floor?_____
A. 2 B. 4 C. 3 D. 5
( )4. Where is the gym? It’s on the ____________ floor.
A. first B. second C. third D. fifth
( )5. The reading room is open ______days a week.
A.4 B. 7 C. 5 D. 6

Ring the bell
One day an old man walks slowly in a street. He sees a littl
e boy. The little boy wants to ring a doorbell 按门铃. But it is t
oo high for the boy. The old man is very kind. He says, ―I ring
the bell for you.‖ So he rings the bell.
The little boy looks at the old man and says, ―Now we mus
t run away.‖ Just then the old man knows he is a naughty 淘
1. Who walks slowly in a street?
2. What does the old man see in the street?
3. What does the little boy want to do?
4. Is the old man a kind person?
5. Is the boy naughty?


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Post By:2009-3-6 13:25:08


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六年级英语第二次月考测试题 2008-11-18



听 力 部 分略
笔 试 部 分
( )1. A. job B. engineer C. singer D. salesperson
( )2. A. teach B. go C. watch D. read
( )3. A. England B. Australia C. China D. Hong Kong

( )4. A. ride B. stamp C. violin D. kite
( )5. A. dive C. draw D. swim
( ) 1. I’m going to the cinema ________ 9:35 this morning.
A. to B. on C. of D. at
( ) 2. Are you going to use __________ books?
A. some B. any C. a D. an
( ) 3. I’m going to buy a magazine __________ plants.
A. to B. on C. of D. about
( ) 4. I like ________ the violin.
A. play B. playing C. plays D. to playing
( ) 5. I want to go to the pet shop _______ the south gate.
A. to B. at C. of D. about
( ) 6. I turn left ________ the traffic lights in front of the st
A. on B. in C. at D. of
( ) 7. Let’s _________ together after lunch.
A. go B. to go C. going D. went
( ) 8. There is a bike show ________ Saturday.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
( ) 9. England must _________ fun.
A. is B. be C. can D. are
( ) 10. I don’t have a sister ________ brother.
A. and B. or C. with D. any
( ) 11. She is very beautiful. She is an actress _______ TV.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
( ) 12. Sometimes she works ________ beijing, but sometim
es she works_______ HongKong.

A. in, at B. in, in C. on, in D. of, in
( ) Chan is ______ actor.
A.a B. an
( ) 14. Wang Xiaoya is ________ TV reporter.
A. a B. an
( )15. Tell me ________ about you.
A. some thing B. something
C. some things D. somethings
( )16. How do you ________ there?
A. get to B. get C. go to D. goes
1. ___________does your mother do? She is an accountant.
2. ___________ is your _________? I like riding my bike.
3. ____________ is he? He is my uncle. He is a writer.
4. ____________ are you going? I am going to the bookstor
5. _________ does she go to Hong Kong?
She goes to Hong Kong by plane.
6. _________ are you going to do this afternoon?
I’m going to visit my grandparents.
7. _________ are you going to Beijing?
I’m going to Beijing next week.
8. ________ do you want to _______? I want to be a scienc
e teacher.
1. Look before you leap. __________________________
2. The traffic lights are the same in every country.

3. Let’s go to the park this afternoon.
4. Look for me near the door.
5. Start from the bus stop in front of our school.
6. I’m going to the Great Wall next week.

actress singer teacher doctor artist
cleaner salesperson writer
1. I sing songs, I am a ________.
2. I write stories. I am a _________.
3. She sells things, she is a _______________.
4. She cleans the street, she is a _____________.
5. She draws pictures, she is an _____________.
6. He teaches lessons, he is a __________.
7. He helps sick people, he is a __________.
8. She act TV show, she is an ___________.
六、课内阅读检验: (7分)
Hi, this is Liu Yun. I’m going to have a busy weekend! On
Saturday, I’m going to the bookstore by subway. I’m going to
buy a new CD and some story-books. Then, I’m going to go h
ome and read the new books. On Sunday, I’m going to the su
permarket with my mother. We’re going after lunch. Then, in th
e evening, I’m going to visit my aunt. We are going to watch T
V together. That wil be fun! What about you? What are you goi

ng to do on the weekend?
( )1. ― weekend‖一词的意思是什么?
A. Saturday B. Sunday
C. Friday and Saturday D. Saturday and Sunday
( )2. Liu Yun is going to the bookstore __________.
A. on foot B. by bike C. by subway D. by bus
( )3. What is Liu Yun going to buy on Saturday?
A. She is going to buy some story-books.
B. She is going to buy a new CD.
C. She is going to buy a new CD and a story-book.
D. She is going to buy a new CD and some story-books.
( )4. After going to the bookstore, what is Lun Yun going t
o do?
A. She is going to go home and read the new books.
B. She is going to the supermarket with her mother.
C. She is going to watch TV with her aunt.
( )5. On Sunday afternoon, what is Lun Yun going to do?
A. She is going to go home and read the new books.
B. She is going to the supermarket with her mother.
C. She is going to watch TV with her aunt.
( )6. On Sunday evening, what is Lun Yun going to do?
A. She is going to go home and read the new books.
B. She is going to the supermarket with her mother.
C. She is going to watch TV with her aunt.
( )7. Lun Yun is going to have a ___________ weekend.
A. happy C. interesting D. busy D. sad
We have the same mother

Ben and Jim are twin brothers. They are nine. They are pup
ils. Hey study in Yuxin Primary School. They are in the same c
lass. Everyday they go to school and come back together. Thei
r teachers Green, says to the students, ― please write a compo
sition My Mother .‖ Jim is a good boy. He writes the compositi
on at home. But Ben plays football with his friends. The next
day Mrs Green says to the class, ― I read your compositions t
oday. But two of yours are just the same.‖ Ben stands up and
says, ― jim and I are twins. We have the same mother.‖
在A B C中选出一最佳答案。
( )1. Jim and Ben are ________.
r B. twin brothers C. twin sisters
( )2. The title of the composition is ―_______‖.
A. My Mother B. My Father
C. My Teacher D. My Brother
( )3. _________ is a good student, he writes the compositi
A. Ben B. Jim C. the twins D. the twin brother
( )4. Ben does not ________ with his friends.
A. play football B. play
C. write a letter D. write his composition
( )5. They have the same mother, so their compositions ar
e the same.
Buying tickets (票)
Sam is a little boy, and he is only 8 years old. One day, he
goes to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He
buys a ticket and then goes in. but after two or three minutes

he comes out, buys a second ticket and goes in again又,再一
次 , after a few 一些,若干minutes he comes out 出来again and
buys a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he asked for a
nother 另一个ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asks him,
―Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you
meet?‖ Sam answers, ― No, I have no friend here. But a big b
oy always stops me at the door and tears 撕裂my tickets in pi
( )1. Sam want to buy ______ when the girl asks him.
A. the second ticket B. the third ticket
C. the fourth ticekt D. the fifth ticket
( )2. the big boy stops Sam at the door because _________
A. it is the big boy’s job
B. the big boy doesn’t know Sam
C. the big boy doesn’t like Sam
D. Sam doesn’t buy tickets
( )3. From the story we know ___________.
A. The little boy has a lot of money
B. The little boy knows nothing about the cinema
C. Sam doesn’t like the film
D. The girl wants to get more money
( )4. Sam meets no friend in the cinema.
( )5. Sam doesn’t go to the cinema before that.

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Post By:2009-3-6 13:26:19

(一) 听力部分 (40分)

(二)笔试部分 (60分)
1. do 单三 ( ) 2. go 单三 ( )
3. take 单三 ( ) 4. get现在分词( )
5. make现在分词( ) 6. far 反义词 ( )
7. he is 缩略式 ( ) 8.用英语写出自己的名字___________
9. twin名词变复数( ) 10. minute 名词变复数( )
二、在备选栏中选择适当的单词完成句子。 (5分)

come time jet there reading

1. What _________ do you go to bed?
2. He’s _________ newspapers in the living room.
3. How long does it take to go ___________?
4. I go to America by ___________.

do you ____________ from?

( ) 1. What’s your _________ name?
A. one B. first C. third D. two
( ) 2. Are you _________ ? No, I’m not.
A. China B. the U.S.A. C. American D. Canada
( ) 3. Where are you__________?
A. on B. in C. from D. at
( ) 4. What’s _______ name?
A. my B. his C. she D. you
( ) 5. We have class __________ Monday.
A. in B. on C. at D. from
( ) 6. A: How does she __________? B: By jet.
A. go there B. goes to there
C. go to there D. goes home
( ) 7. My name is Cui Zhiyong. Cui is my _____________,
Zhiyong is my ___________.
A. first name, last name B. last name, first name
C. first name, first name D. last name, last name
( ) 8. She is Cody Grundy. Cody is her _________.
Grundy is her __________.
A. first name, last name B. last name, first name
C. first name, first name D. last name, last name
( ) 9. A: Are you Chinese? B: ____________________.
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am.
C. No, I’m doesn’t. D. No, she doesn’t
( ) 10. A: Can I come in? B: _________. I’m finished now.

A. Yes, he do. B. No, he isn’t.
C. No, you can’t. D. Yes, you can.
( ) 11. A: _________ does it take to go to school?
A. How many B. How much
C. How long D. How is
( ) 12. I’m ___________ in the bathroom.
A. making the bed B. brushing my teeth
C. getting dressed D. cooking
( ) 13. 智力冲浪:I am a green hand.划线部分的意思是______.
A. 老手 B. 新手 C. 红人 D. 绿手
( ) 14. 智力冲浪:What will you get if(如果) you cut (切掉)
the head(头) of a bear?
A. A head B. A bear C. An ear
( ) 15. 智力冲浪:– Thank you very much. – You’re welcome.

It’s only a piece of cake. 划线部分的意思是_____
A. 一块蛋糕 B. 小事一桩 C. 不用客气。
1. Why, ride a bike, you, don’t,
_________________________________________________ _____?
2. go to school, How long, take to, doe it
__________________ ____________________________________?
3. go to school, How, you, do
_____ _________________________________________________?
4. my, That, is, brother
5. bathroom, Who’s, the, in

6. What time, you, do, up, get
_______________________________________ ______________
7. doing, what, you, are,
8. her room, in, making the bed, She’s
____________________________________________ ______.
9. getting, I’m, now, dressed
10. brushing, I’m, teeth, my,

五、 句型转换。(10分)
1. I go to school on foot.(改为单数第三人称)
He ________ to school on foot.
takes about forty-five minutes to go there.(对划线部分提
_______ ______ does it take to go there?
3. He goes to school by subway.(改为同义句)
He ________ __________ ________ to school.
4. I go to school by bike.(改为同义句)
I ________ my ________ to school.
5. I am from the U.S.A..(对划线部分提问)
_______are you ________?
六、.阅读理解。一定要认真审题。 (10分)
Hello! I’m Billy. I’m 12 years old. I’m in class 2 Grade 5. I li
ve a little far from school, so I go to school by bus. Sometime

s I take the subway. I have a friend, his name is Tom. He lives
near school. He often walks to school, but sometimes he ride
s his bike. It takes me forty-five minutes to go to school. For
him, it takes him twenty minutes to go to school. We help eac
h other (彼此)and we’re good friends.
1. ( ) Billy is 12 years old.
2. ( ) Sometimes Billy takes the subway to school.
3. ( ) Billy and Tom are good friends.
4. ( ) Billy often goes to school on foot.
5. ( ) How long does it take Tom to go to school?
A. It’s hard to say. B. Sorry, I don’t know.
C. It takes about forty- five minutes to go to school.
D. It takes about twenty minutes to go to school.
There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Most(大
多数) children go to school from Monday to Friday. Most peopl
e don’t work on Saturday or Sunday and most shops are close
d in England(英格兰) on Saturday afternoon and Sunday. But
in China, shops are open every day. Sunday is always a holida
y(假日). It’s the first day of the week. Some people go to chu
rch (教堂) on that day. The time between (在两者之间)Friday
evening and Monday morning is the weekend (周末).It is the
time for rest(休息). We can’t work all the time. We have to r
est from time to time.

1. ( ) The shops are open every day in England.
2. ( ) The time between Friday and Tuesday is the weeken
3. ( ) All people go to church on Monday.
4. ( ) Most children don’t go to school on the __________.
A. Saturday B. Monday
C. Sunday D. weekend
5. ( ) Which day is the first day of the week?
A. Monday B. Sunday C. Tuesday D. Saturday

祝大家取得好成绩! All the best!

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Post By:2009-3-6 13:56:43



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2009-3-5 12:
1. 单项选择:20
( )1. Where do you__________ from?
A. come B. are C. be
( )2. __________ season do you like best?
A. Where B. Which C. How
( )3. What’s the climate like?的同义句是:
A. What’s the weather like? B. How’s the weather like?
( )4. Do you want _________ sugar? Yes, please.
A. any B. some C. a
( )5. The sun ______ early and _______ late.
A. rises, sets B. rise , set C. rises, set
( )6. It __________ sometimes.
A. rain B. snows C. snow
( )7. A: Do you want lamb or steak? B: __________, pleas
A. Yes B. No C. lamb
( ) about ____________ mince(肉馅)?
A. any B. some C. a
( )9. I don’t like chicken, _____________.
A. too B. also C. either
( )10. I like chicken, ___________.
A. too B. also C. either
( )11. The days are long and the nights are short. 的翻译是:
A.昼长夜短 B. 昼短夜长
( )12. The days are short and the nights are long. 的翻译是:
A.昼长夜短 B. 昼短夜长
( )13. Can she type this letter _________ me?

A. in B. for C. at
( )14. Can you come here _______ minute, please?
A. a B. an C. the
( )15. ____________, Sam! The kettle is boiling.
A. Come B. Hurry up C. Ready
( )16. ―在肉店里‖的翻译是:
A. at butcher B. at the butcher’s C. at butcher’s
( )17. He is cleaning his __________.
A. teeth B. tooth C. teet
( )18. My mother is __________ the bed.
A. make B. making C. makeing
( )19. ―飞机在桥上飞过。‖的翻译是:
A. The aeroplane is flying over the bridge.
B. The aeroplane is flying on the bridge.
C. The aeroplane is flying under the bridge.
( )20. In China, what’s the weather like in summer?
A. warm B. hot C. cold
2. 将下列词变为现在分词.例 do ______ doing 5
1. shave 2. cry
3. wash 4. jump
5. swim 6. sweep
7. type 8. climb
9. shut 10. run
3. 将下列名词变成复数形式。
注意:有不用变化的不可数名词。 10
1. box 2. watch
3. knife 4. leaf
5. potato 6. tomato

7. orange 8. bus
9. family 10. boy
11. season 12. peach
13. banana 14. cake
15. minute 16. tea
17. bird 18. chocolate
19. sugar 20. cheese
4. 为下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。填字母序号即可 10
1. mild 2. interesting 3. season
4. always 5. subject 6. England
7. snow 8. weather 9. sometimes
10. spring 11. country 12. rai
13. windy 14. pear 15. fresh
16. chicken 17. beef 18. blackboard
19. sweet 20. like
A. 梨 B. 国家 C. 有趣的
D. 温和的,温暖的 E. 牛肉 F. 黑板
G. 春天 H. 天气 I. 新鲜的
J. 雪 K. 一直,总是 L. 有时
M. 鸡肉 N. 甜的 O. 喜欢
P. 英格兰 Q. 科目,话题 R. 季节
S. 雨,下雨 T. 刮风的
5. 选词填空: 5
over for under between behind
1. The ship is going ___________ the bridge.
2. The girl is sitting ___________ her mother and father.

3. The blackboard is ___________ the teacher.
4. The boy is jump _________ the branch.
5. Can you type the letter _________ me?
6. 阅读理解: 10
Hello, my name is John. I have P.E , art and English on Tu
esday星期二. It’s my favorite day. I like English. Look, that is
my math teacher. He’s very kind和蔼. His name is Li Hai. I like
beef very much, but I don’t like apples. I like bananas, too.
判断对错, 用T表示正确,F表示错误。(5分)
( )1. John has P.E and computer on Tuesday.
( )2. John’s favorite day is Monday.
( )3. Mr Li is John’s English teacher.
( )4. John likes apple very much.
( )5. John’s math teacher is short and kind.

How old are you ?
Mingming is going to England. He wants to know somet
hing about English people. One day he sees an English girl in
the street . Then he comes up to her.
―Excuse me, may I ask you some questions(问题)?‖
―Of course, you may.‖ answers the girl.
―I’m going to go to London. What should I notice(注意)
When I was talking with English people in London?‖ asks Min
―Well, don’t ask a woman how old she is and…‖
―But how old are you ?‖ Mingming stops the girl and as
ks suddenly突然的.

―I…‖The girl gets angry(生气的).
―Why do you get angry?‖ asks Mingming. ―Now we are
in China, not in England , you see.‖
在A B C中选出一最佳答案。
( )1. What does Mingming want to know? __________
A. He wants to know the girl.
B. He wants to know something about English people.
C. He wants to know something about America.
( )2. Who does Mingming see in the street?____________
A. He sees a girl. B. He sees a boy.
C. He sees her mother D. He sees nobody.
判断对错, 用T表示正确,F表示错误。(3分)
3. ( ) Mingming is polite有礼貌 to ask the girl’s age年龄.
4.( ) The girl is angry because she is ill.
5.( ) It’s not polite to ask English people’s age.

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Post By:2009-3-6 14:01:15

五年英语期末测试 2007、12、23
(二)笔试部分 (60分)
1. near 反义词 ( ) 2. tall 反义词 ( )
3. walk同义介词短语( ) 4. before 反义词 ( )
5. cheap 反义词 ( ) 6. is, am 过去式 ( )
7. do, does 过去式 ( ) 8. see 过去式 ( )
9. can 的否定式 ( ) 10. did的否定式 ( )
date name soccer after Sometimes
making little ride time is
_______ she from? She’s from Canada.
2. My last _________ is Grundy.
3. __________ I take the subway.
4. I live a __________ far from school.
5. Why does she __________ a bike?
6. What __________ do you go to bed?
7. They are __________ the bed in the room.
8. We played _________ in P.E. class.
9. I saw a movie __________ school.
10. What’s the ________ today?
( ) 1. A: How long does it take to go to school?
B: It _________ about 10 minutes.
A. take B. takes C. taking D. took
( ) 2. A: What did you do after school?

B: I ___________a movie after school.
A. saw B. see C. sees D. seeing
( ) 3. __________ was your day? It was OK.
A. What B. Where C. How D. When
( )4. Where are you _______? I am ___________ Australia.
A. from, from B. be, from C. come, from D. from, com
( ) 5. __________ Zhao your first name? No, it’s not.
A. Are B. Is C. Be D. Does
( ) 6. Does he ___________ glasses? No, he doesn’t.
A. wear B. put C. on D. wear in
( ) 7. Father’s Day is _________June.
A. in B. on C. at D. from
( ) 8. 我想要一件不带纽扣的衬衫。的翻译是:
A. I want a shirt with a collar. B. I want s shirt without bu
C. I want a shirt with pockets. D. I want a blue shirt with
( ) 9. My birthday is _______ September the 2
A. in B. on C. at D. from
( ) 10. 智力测试: Mr. White comes home with an old bed.
He and his wife don’t need 需要it. Mrs. White said angrily生气
的, ―Every time you go to
a sale 便宜货, you come home with another另一个 white elep
hant‖. What does Mrs. White mean意思 when she says ―White
A. 白象 B. 累赘物 C. 新床 D. 贵重物品

1. I teeth brushed my dinner after
______________________________________________ ___
2. an What car old
__ _______________________________________________
3. How making about birthday a cake
_________________________________________ ___________
4. do you How one like this
_______________________________ _____________________
5. I to buy want a belt for her
____________ ________________________________________
6. your How day was
7. time what get up you do
______________________________________________ _______
8. I from school live far
__________________________________________ ______
9. I by bike school go to
10. I blue shirt a want
五、 句型转换。(10分)
1. Do you ride your bike, too? (否定回答)______, I_______
2. It’s December 19
What’s ________ _________ today?
3. My birthday is on September the 2
. (对划线部分提问)
__________ is your birthday?
4. I go to bed at 8 o’clock. (对划线部分提问)

___________ ____________ do you go to bed?
5. I go to school by car. (对划线部分提问)
___________ do you go to school?
6. She is from China. (对划线部分提问)
____________ is she from?
7. He’s wearing a green sweater, white pants, and black sho
es. (对划线部分提问)
What’s he _____________?
六、.阅读理解。一定要认真审题。 (10分)
Cody Grundy is an American girl. Now she lives in Beijing.
She’s 11 years old. Her school is far from her home. She goes
to school by bike, sometimes she takes a bus to school. She
always gets up at 5:40. She eats her breakfast at 6:20, and sh
e goes to school at 6:50.
Cody is a lovely girl, she likes singing and dancing. Do you
want to make friends with her?
( )1. Cody Grundy’s first name is ______
A. Cody B. Grundy C. Cody Grundy
( )2. Where is Cody from? She is from ___________.
A. Canada B. Australia C. the U.S.A.
( )3. Where does she live now? She lives in ____________.

A. Australia B. Japan C. China
( )4 . What time does she get up? She gets up at _______
A. 5:40 B.6:20 C. 6:50
( )5. How does she go to school?

A. She goes to school by bike.
B. Sometimes she takes a bus to school.
C. She rides a bike to school, sometimes she goes to scho
ol by bus.
We can see you!
Billy and Sandy are twins. They have a parrot鹦鹉. It is a ni
ce bird. Every day they say to it, ― Fly, please! We can see yo
u!‖ Soon不久 the bird can say, ―We can see you!‖ One day th
e twins are at school. Two thieves 贼 come into their room. Th
ey want to steal 偷 something东西 from their room. Now the p
arrot is saying, ― Hello! We can see you! ‖ The thieves put the
things on the ground 地面 and run away.
( )1 Who is the owner 主人 of the parrot?
A. Billy B. Sandy C. the twins
( )2. When the thieves come, where are the twins?
A. They are at home. B. They are at school. C. We
don’t know.
( )3. Are the thieves afraid害怕?
A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. No, they don’
4. ( ) The twins love the parrot.
5. ( ) The thieves run away with something.
七 智力冲浪,挑战自我!认真阅读短文,按要求回答问题。(5分)
Today, Sandy, Billy and Dongdong go to the shopping mall.
They want to buy some presents for their father. There are a l

ot of people in the shopping mall. Sandy can’t find Billy. She’s
very worried担心. Sandy has to ask the police for help. She te
lls him what Billy looks like and what he is wearing. A police
helps her find Billy. Sandy looks happy.
1. ( ) Today, two kids go to the shopping mall.
2. ( ) The kids want to buy some presents for their mothe
3. ( ) There are no people in the shopping mall.
4. ( ) At last, Sandy can’t find Billy, she is very sad.伤心
( )1. Who helps Sandy find Billy?
A. Her father. B. A police C. Dongdong

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Post By:2009-3-6 14:02:33


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五年英语期末默词试题 07.12.23

1. 兄弟 2. 双胞胎 3. 中国 4. 居
住 5. 地铁

6. 近的,附近 7. 远的 8. 铺床 9.
浴室 10. 迟的

11.晚餐,正餐 12. 足球 13. 图书馆 14.
作业 15. 赢

16. 腰带 17.生日 18. 日期 19. 找
到 20. 裤子

21. 眼镜 22. 纽扣(复数) 23.更便宜 2

4. 衬衫 25. 蓝色

26. 借(原型) 27. 买 28. 礼物 29.
长袖子 30. 领子

1.without _________ 2.expensi
ve ________
3.a little _________ 4.where _
5.sometimes _________ 6.brush
7.come in _________ 8.Saturda
y _________
9.great _________ 10. go to the
11. just so so _________
____________ 14. Septe
mber _________
15. white ______________ 16. just
so so _________

17. birthday cake _________ 1
8. May _________
19. how much _________ _
1. 你怎样去上学? ___________________
2. 你的生日在什么时候? ______________
3. 你认为这件怎么样? _______________
4. 我正在穿衣服。 ___________________
5. 你从哪里来? _____________________
6. Go wash your hands before dinner.
7. He’s reading newspapers in the livin
g room.
_ __________________________________
8. He goes to school buy bus. _______
9. I want a jacket without pockets.____
10. What a nice jacket! ______________









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