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山东省潍坊市2014届高三上学期期末考试 英语 Word版含答案

2021-01-08 20:38



至12页o满 分为150分o考试用时为120分钟o
2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用 橡
1. We would often go for _______ drive with some friends at that time ,purely for ______ fun.
A. the;a B. a; the C.a;不填 D.不填; a
2. - Do you like jazz?
-_____ I prefer classical music.
A. Of course I do B. It's hard to say
C. It's not my cup of tea D. Don't mention it
3. One of our rules is that no students ______carry mobile phones while taking an exam.
A. will B. need C. may D. shall
4. It is reported that his new book ______ by that company next year.
A. will publish B. will be published
C. was published D. has been published
5. Don't leave home ____you're fully prepared for your trip.
A. after B. until C. if D. when
6. People all over the world have a dream ______they will always live a peaceful life.
A. that B. what C. which D. where
7.______more consumers, many online shops provide great discounts on Single's Day.
A. Attracted B. To attract C. Attracting D. Having attracted
8. Mo Yan, most of_____ novels have been adapted for films , is now a world famous
A. which B. whom C. whose D. his
9. Everything was perfect ______ the bad weather when we visited Hong Kong.
A. in case of B. in place of C. far from D. apart from
10. Mom often phones me, asking _____I am getting along with my studies.
A. how B. when C. whether D. why
11. Never lose heart______ you'll make a quick advance in your project.

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A. or B. and C. but D. for
12. A good teacher is ______ who teaches not only with mind but also with heart.
A. one B. the one C. it D. that
13. The trees there are extremely tall ,some _____ over 90 meters.
A. measure B. measuring C. to measure D. measured
14.- How about your trip to Hawaii?
- Wonderful! I_____ have enjoyed myself more.
A. shouldn 't B. needn 't C. couldn't D. wouldn ' t
15. It is our responsibility, so _____ I don't want now is to push it to the students.
A. how B. which C. that D. what
16. He left home last month and no one_ _____him ever since.
A. has seen B. saw C. had seen D. will see
17. It was several hours ______the traffic returned to normal after the terrible accident.
A. before B. since C. as D. when
18. Her progress in speaking ability._____ the truth ,is a big comfort to me.
A. tell B. to tell C. told D. telling
19. There are many examples in our life_____ a word of appreciation changes a person completely.
A. which B. that C. when D. where
20 - I failed my exam again!
-_____ lt isn't the end of the world.
A. Pardon me? B. Good luck ! C. What for? D. Come on!
在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。
As a new teacher ,l was sent on my first practical class at a middle school. During my
class ,I 21 something terrible in the school and realized it could be a place lacking justice
and 22 among the students.
Jess was an 8th grade student who always 23 her classmates though lack of respect in
return Kids constantly 24 her behind her back. Tyson, a 12th grade student, was
handsome and always 25 by his classmates. When the school talent show came around,
Jess asked to 26 a solo(独唱) act. I hesitated to allow her to take the stage,
fearing that she might 27 challenges. However ,I knew it would be 28 to say no, so her
name was onto the list of performers.
The day of the show ,the whole school gathered in the hall. The 29 began and I was
pleasantly surprised when each performance was greeted with 30 and praise. Then it was
Jess's 31 . The music started and ,to my horror ,she missed the first line of the 32 . She
became nervous, and forgot her lines. As she 33 through the song, kids whispered and
laughed. Jess looked very embarra8sed and was about to 34 when the most amazing
thing happened. The sound of somebody 35 with the beat of the song began to rise above
the crowd. I looked around to see 36 it was. It was Tyson. He was clapping loudly, 37
his friends to join in. Slowly, the claps spread from Tyson's group to the rest of the students, then
38 the hall. Soon the encouragement made Jess find 39 . As the song ended, he whole
audience cheered.
The smile on Jess's face that day is one I'11 40 forget. Tyson changed my life by

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regaining my faith in the kindness of youth.
21. A. made B. found C. left D. taught
22. A. kindness B. freedom C. humor D. creativity
23. A. respected B. envied C. avoided . D. suspected
24. A. helped B. teased C. praised D. greeted
25 . A. abused B. guided C. surrounded D. protected
26. A. enjoy B. design C. choose D. perform
27. A. join B. escape C. pass D. face
28. A. unfair B. normal C. possible D. easy
29. A. troubles B . discussions C . acts D. quarrels
30. A. comments B. shouts C .cheers D. noises
31. A. duty B. turn C. number D. position
32. A. speech B. play C. poem D. song
33.A, got B. pushed C. smoothed D. struggled
34. A. give up B. show off C. turn away D. go through
35. A. crying B. laughing C. singing D. clapping
36. A. what B. who C. which D. where
37. A. urging B. persuading C. threatening D. promising
38. A. beyond B. beneath C. throughout D. across
39. A. himself B. herself C. myself D. itself
40. A. never B. ever C. even D. yet
Tears, ran down from my eyes as I saw the essay my high school English teacher had just
handed back. A big F was written on top. I was hopeless. I was stupid ! My face burned with
shame when my classmates called me stupid.

Every day I sat with her, but to me , cat looked like cta and red was reb. Frustrated ,I would
return to my bedroom and draw ,filling the paper with houses, restaurants and offices.
I told Mom ,pointing; to my drawings.
great ! she said, to learn to read.
Later ,I was diagnosed with dyslexia (失读症). So Mom took me to a learning centre, where
I was given reading exercises. But I still struggled. Finally ,I graduated, but I was afraid of my reading
I cried to Mom later again.
she comforted, Concentrate on what you can.
But what can I do? I wondered. Suddenly ,I thought of the drawings I'd made as a child and
my dream of having my own store. I enjoyed sales so much that over the next few years ,I tried my
hand at other businesses. Today ,l watch over seven branches. We have 187 employees and $$15
million in sales.
While I'll never be what my teachers might have wanted, I am a success - on my own terms.

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The other day a student sent me a card, reading: You gave me so much confidence . I hope to be
like you when I am big. Tears of joy filled my eyes. This was my A,I smiled.
41. Why did the author feel so ashamed at school?
A. His teacher scolded him in class.
B. His teacher refused to read his essay.
C. He failed to hand in his essay on time.
D. His classmates looked down upon him.
42. Which of the following best describes the author's feeling to his mother?
A. Doubtful. B. Grateful. C. Guilty. D. Annoyed.
43. The underlined word in the last paragraph means _______
A. conditions B. positions C. opinions D. comments
44. What do you know from the last paragraph?
A. The author's success inspired a kid.
B. The author's parents were proud of their child.
C. The author set a good example to businessmen.
D. The author's teacher must have felt ashamed.
45. Which of the following can match the text?
A. No pains, no gains.
B. Never too old to learn.
C. Every man has his value.
D. Two heads are better than one.
Right in front of the Minneapolis Central Library, a row of
green bikes sits parked in a special stand. Each bike is designed
with the logo
Nice Ride bikes are a lot like the library books that people
come here to borrow. To rent a bike ,you simply use your membership card at a Nice Ride bike
station. Members can rent one of l,200 bikes from 138 stations throughout Minnesota's largest city.
People use the Nice Ride bikes to go to work, to go out on business ,or just to enjoy the city's many
bike paths.
The rise of bike- share programs like Nice Ride is encouraging more people than ever to
choose biking over driving. Skyrocketing gas prices and concerns about the environment have also
gotten people to dust off their bike helmets ,pump air into flat tires ,and hit the road.
Why ride? Not only is biking good exercise ,but switching from a car to a bike also reduces the
amount of pollution in the air. Carbon dioxide , a greenhouse gas linked to climate
change , is one of the many polluting substances that come out of a car's tailpipe.
Bike-share systems are found around the world in cities like London ,Paris, Barcelona, and
Melbourne , Australia. The largest program-with 70,000 bikes-is in Wuhan , China.
To make roads friendlier to non-motorists, the U. S. Department of Transportation has
invested more than a billion dollars in cycling and pedestrian projects in recent years. The money
went toward building thousands of miles of on- street bike lanes and bike-and pedestrian- only
passages called greenways.
46. If one wants to use the bike ,it's a must to _____.

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A. give away a bicycle B. know Nice Ride well
C. pay the cost in advance D. get a membership card
47. Which of the following can people do with the bikes?
A. Earn a living. B. Enjoy bikeways.
C. Compete in a race. D. Rent them out to others.
48. Paragraph 4 is mainly about ______ .
A. benefits of biking B. pollution caused by cars
C. methods to use the bikes D. ways to reduce pollution
49. Which of the following is true of Nice Ride?
A. It will take the place of taxi companies.
B. China has better public bike systems.
C. It attracts more people to choose biking.
D. The government lacks money to support it.
50- The author's purpose in writing this text is to ______.
A. spread bike-share programs B. seek advice for Nice Ride
C. compare Nice Ride with libraries D. introduce the public bike system
Sean Le Vegan, a dog lover from Manchester,
England ,will spend over a month in an animal cage
to raise awareness about the difficulty of homeless
dogs and encourage people to adopt rather than buy
pet dogs.
Sean , a 35-year-old web-designer and volunteer,
believes spending 35 days and nights in a cage is a
good way to direct attention to homeless dogs. It's also a great way to raise some much-needed
funds for the dog shelter ,as he plans to broadcast his challenge on the Internet and charge ?5
( $$7. 50) per donation. People will be able to watch a human living a dog's life and Le Vagan
plans to offer them a realistic experience. 35 days is the average stay for a dog at the
Manchester-based animal shelter. Just like the dogs brought here, Sean won't eat anything for the
first four day8 and will have to live on with just water and a blanket. After that he will be feeding
on vegetarian dog food throughout the whole event. He will only be allowed one hour of freedom
per day , to use the toilet and clean up.

and experience it for myself, Sean told Manchester Evening News. People thought I was
absolutely crazy when I first came up with it. The toilet will obviously be a problem so I've cut
coffee ,salt and sugar out of my diet to limit my water levels. I really want to do this properly.
The young activist has chosen to begin his cage living experiment on October 5th,when the
weather starts to get cold, to show what the animals have to suffer. To follow Sean's progress,
check out his website ,Kennel 35 and follow him on Twitter.
51. Sean decided to live in an animal cage to ______.
A. experience a lost dog's life
B. observe sick dogs' behaviour
C. communicate with deserted dogs
D. draw attention to homeless dogs

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52. The broadcast of Sean's stay in the cage on the Internet is intended for ______.
A. donation B. advertising C. pleasure D. challenge
53. Why did Sean design to stay in the cage for 35 days?
A. A homeless dog stays as long.
B. It is the limit for him to stand.
C. He wants to break a record.
D. He is 35 years old.
54. Sean limits his water levels to _____ .
A. keep his body healthy
B. get rid of fat from his body
C. avoid going to the toilet too often
D. lessen the amount of food he needs
55. Why did Sean plan to carry out his experiment in cold weather?
A. To save more homeless dogs.
B. To act exactly like a home less dog.
C. To create a more impressing scene.
D. To complete the experiment smoothly.
Experts from nearly 200 countries have spent the past two weeks in Warsaw, Poland.
More than 9, 000 representatives gathered for a United Nations conference on climate change.
Organizers called the meeting to work toward a treaty(条约)to fight rising temperatures on our
planet. The treaty would be signed in 2015 and take effect after 2020.
In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency is leading government efforts to
fight climate change. The agency just ended a series of public hearings across the country. The
EPA was seeking comments as it considers tightening clean air rules for coal burning power plants.
David Doniger is a climate policy expert. He says it is the duty of the EPA to control
carbon as a pollutant. He wants the agency to establish new rules that would move the United
States toward a cleaner energy environment.

talking about a shift from the dirtier ones to the cleaner ones, and from all those fossil fuel-
powered ones towards renewable and even nuclear sources of energy.
He say8 the government is responsible for protecting clean air ,not protecting old and
dirty power stations. He says,
want without running into the wall on climate change impacts, which in turn will destroy the
quality of life we have.
The EPA is now considering comments from the nationwide hearings. The agency plans to
announce proposed rule changes in June.
56. The United Nations conference was held to ______.
A. call for protection of wildlife
B. deal with the warming climate
C. make plans for nearly 200 countries
D. gather opinions from the representatives
57. What action will the EPA take to fight climate change?
A. Accept the opinions of the Americans.

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B. Develop more nuclear sources of energy.
C. Make more strict rules to limit coal power plants.
D. Close those power plants which pollute the air most.
58. The underlined phrase in Paragraph 4 has the same meaning as _____.
A. blow up B. move away C. break up D. shut down
59. Who is responsible for the protection of the clean air in David Doniger's opinion?
A. The public. B. The government.
C. The EPA. D. The United Nations.
60. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the EPA _____'
A. ignores the public comments
B. values public opinions greatly
C. will cancel the former laws
D. will announce the list of dirty plants
Math is no problem for Chad Qian, 14. He is the champion of the 2012 Raytheon
MATHCOUNTS National Competition ( RMNC) . The event was held in front of a live audience at
Disney World ,in Orlando ,Florida ,on May 11. Qian competed against more than 220 middle school
students for the tide. He won the grand prize : an $$8,000 Donald G. Weinert Scholarship and a
trip to U. S. Space Camp in Huntsville , Alabama.
Qian said.
MATHCOUNTS is an educational program which offers free materials to parents and
teachers to help kids sharpen their math skills. More than 6,000 schools competed to earn a
qualification at RMNC this year. Students had to win local competitions and then place in the top
four of their peers (同龄人) during their state competition. Students traveled from all 50 states to
compete at the event. Erikson , a spokesperson for Raytheon , says, teaches students
more than just math. I think it teaches people how to compete and how to stay focused on the
task at hand to achieve the results you want,
Qian says when he grows up he will most likely follow a career in math and science or
medicine. His advice to other students looking to take part in a math competition is to keep
61. What did Qian think of the result of the competition?
A. He thought little of it.
B. He took great pride in it.
C. It came out as expected.
D. It was beyond his expectation.
62. What does a competitor have to do to take part in RMNC?
A. Become a winner in local competitions.
B. Beat each competitor in the competitions.
C. Use the materials given by MATHCOUNTS.
D. Travel around all 50 states to compete.
63. What do we know of the competition from Erikson's words?
A. It benefits students greatly.
B. It will become the focus of students.

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C. It urges students to learn other subjects.
D. It can help students achieve their life goals.
64. What did Qian value in preparing for a math contest?
A. Confidence and hard training.
B. Much exercise and carefulness.
C. Diligence and determination.
D. Practice and teamwork.
65. What's the best title of the text?
A. How a math contest work
B. Ways to win in a competition
C. Chad Qian won the 2012 RMNC
D. The secret of Qian's great success
第Ⅱ卷共 2页。考生必须使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡上各题目的指定答题区域内作
答,在试卷上作答无效 。
第一节阅读表达(共7小题;第66、67、 68、69、70、71题每题3分,第72题2分,
[1] My dad likes to joke that holidays are that time of the year when you spend too much
time crowding into a small space, and end up making each other unhappy all in the name of
! Well ,if you are tired of all this, then read on for what to do to have happier
[21 Make your expectations possible to achieve. If you want everything to be perfect, with
dinner starting on time. and all the kids behaving. you' re probably setting yourself up for
disappointment. The thing to do is lower your expectations and give yourself permission not to
have perfection.
[3] Tell them that you want this year to be an event where everybody leaves the table and
the house feeling good about himself or herself. At the McGraw house, we have a family
Thanksgiving celebration ,where, before we eat, we make it clear that this day is important, in
which we stop our usual routines and focus merely on celebrating the lives we've all been given.
[4] Also remember that the holidays are not time for problem-solving. They are not annual
events to______. If your family conflicts are worth talking about in December ,trust me ,they will
still be in February .so save them until then. Remember , instead, what the holidays are
really about -- family togetherness with those who arc an important part of your lives.
[5] Give to others. If you're feeling empty during the holidays, the best way to get is to
give. Fill up your heart by helping those who are less fortunate, for example. You will be amazed
at the outcome !
[6J Finally ,if all else fails and your family is still getting on your nerves, take a step back
and relax. Keep smiling, no matter what happens, and try to remember,

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next year.
66. What's the text mainly about? ( no more than 10 words)
_______________________ ______________________________________________
67. Complete the following sentence with a proper word according to Paragraph 2.
A person who wants everything about a holiday to be perfect will be likely to feel ______'
68. The following sentence can be put at the beginning of Paragraph ______.
Give everyone a short speech at the beginning.
69. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. ( no more than 5 words)
____________________________________ _________________________________
70. What are the holidays really about according to Paragraph 4? ( no more than 3 words)
________________ __________________________________________________ ___
71. What is the way to fill the emptiness according to Paragraph 5? ( only one word)
__________________________________________________ ___________________
72. Which of the following can match the author's attitude according to the last paragraph?

假设你是新华中学的高三学生李华;最近你校的英语内刊举办了“感恩父母”的征文 比
注意:1.词数:120 - 150;
________________________ __________________________________________________ ___
___________________________________________ ______________________________________
________ __________________________________________________ _______________________
_______________________ __________________________________________________ ________
______________________________________ ________________________________
_____________ __________________________________________________ __________________
____________________________ __________________________________________________ ___
___________________________________________ ______________________________________
________ __________________________________________________ _______________

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山东省潍坊市2014届高三上学期期末考试 英语 Word版含答案随机文章