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2021-01-09 06:58




【篇一:my dear mother我亲爱的妈妈英语作文】

my dear mother

my mother is a great woman in the world, since i grown up i
have thought it.

my mother’s name is zen yan fang, but her best friends often
call her sister zen. she is 42-years-old now, but i do feel that
she is always a young woman. and she has a very long hair
that she likes to keep changing shape. my dad don’t like that
she often changes her hair, but i know it’s the way my mom
want to hide her changing age.

to tell you the truth, i even don’t know what things my mother
really like to do. in my memory, she is good at lots of things. to
keep this family, she worked as a mechanical worker, as a
salesperson of insurance. and these years she is the boss of
herself. i appreciate that i have such a diligent and brave
mother. i knew that she is very hard, but she never tell it to us.

she is such a strong woman so that she is strict to us. when i
was a little girl, i often fell down on the floor, but my mother
never comes to comfort me. she always said, “why don’t you
look at your own way, and you deserve it.” i swear i hate her at
that moment, but now i don’t hate her at all. i love her. thanks
to her treat me that cold way so that i can be such strong. and i

won’t be worried about such a little thing again.

my mom told me that to be a happy is the best way to live. my
mom told me everything can be possible.

my mom told me that never give up.

my dear mom told me lots of things that instruct me all my life.
i love you, my dear mom.



爱,那是无私的;朋友之间 的爱,那是纯洁的;我们对穷苦人的爱,
那是真诚的……但是我觉得最令我感动的还是母亲对我的关爱, 在
那无私的、伟大的母爱深深 的地关爱着我,让我感动不已。

记得去年的一天夜晚,我因为喉咙发炎引起 了高烧,我家离大医院
焚的妈 妈不顾一切,背起我就往离家比较近的社康中心跑。路途中,
我在昏昏沉沉中隐约感到妈妈在路上快速的 跑着,脸上的汗水滴在
耳边还 一直响着妈妈喘粗气的声音。就这样她一口气把我背到了社
康中心。虽然妈妈累得气喘吁吁,汗流浃背, 可当她从医生那里得

打 点滴的时候,我不知不觉睡着了,一觉醒来,仍然看见妈妈坐在
病床边,从她那红红的眼圈就知道,她一 夜没合眼。当她看见我醒
吗? ”顿时,我感觉到,她那流烫的泪水滴在我的额头上。我知道,
这绝不仅仅是感情激动的泪珠,更多的是 妈妈对我无微不至的关心,
要 坚持起床干活,忙里忙外,累得满头大汗,我也没有用毛巾帮妈
妈擦一下,也没有帮妈妈做些力所能及的 事,更加没有问寒问暖的

语。想想真是很愧疚万分哪。妈妈啊!您太操劳了! 从现在起,我
让您晚年不再 劳累,是我最大的心愿!

也需要我们的爱。不要认为大 人们就不需要爱了,其实,在这方面
他们有时比我们还脆弱,同学们,将你们炽热的爱毫无保留地献给< br>自己的父母吧,要知道,儿女的爱也很伟大。


my family

hi, everyone! i’m cendy. i live in nanhai. i’m 13 years old. i am
tall and thin. now, let me tell you something about my family.

there are seven members in my family. they are my
grandparents, my parents, my sister, my brother and me. my
grandparents like reading newspapers. they are very old. they
are always happy. my father is a businessman. he works hard.
he’s not very tall but fat. he likes sleeping. he’s kind. my
mother is a housewife. she looks young. she’s strict to our
study. my sister is a university student. she studies hard. my

brother is in grade four. he is only 10 years old. he likes
playing computer games. he’s a naughty boy.

i love each person in my family. i love my sweet warm home.

my family consist four members: my father, my mother, my
brother and i. my father works in a factory, while my mother,
who sacrifices her most valuable interest---painting, stays at
home and looks after the children. my brother and i are at
school receiving the best education we can get in a small town
called quacks. my father is not over forty, but he is quite
strong and muscular for a man in his age. his beard has
become his precious possession when the poor man received
the knowledge that he could not grow hairs anymore. my
mother was once a beautiful woman, and now she is still
young and beautiful, as if the time has never left a scare on her
smooth skin and pear-white cheeks. my brother is smart, not
ordinary smart, he is gifted in somewhat mysteries ways. his
brain becomes the center point of all attentions when it comes
to explaining quantum mechanics or electromagnetism fields.
biologically, i consider myself as a attractive girl; i have black
hair and brownish gray eyes. i am always an activist in the
school community, but i do feel lonely sometimes. [additional
information such as height, race, and characteristics est. are
not available at the presence, do consider yourself warned]

my family大学作文

悬赏分:20 - 解决时间:2010-1-16 15:39




我遇到事情要沉着冷静、 对于我来说。家。是一个温暖的地方。是


提问者: yidongba2007 - 三级


there are three people in my home my mother was a kind
mother. from small to large. he paid a lot of my personal life on
the care of me. give me a lot of warm and caring personality of
my father is a stubborn person. during his education, i grew up

the truth in life. taught me something to calm face, for me.家. is
a warm place. i have never forgotten where i first think of when
pain is at home .

i have a very small family like most of other children. father,
mother and me, but they bring me lots of care and happiness.
my father is a businessman, he is tall and strong. my mother is
an accountant. she is pretty and she has long mother
works hard. she works from monday to saturday, but she
never forgets to take me back from school and cooks very nice
dinner for me everyday. my father also works hard, but after
work, my father can help mother do some housework. he can
sweep the floor. and me, i am a little girl, but my mother
teaches me how to water the flower. i like to do that. i become
a good helper of my mother to care our garden. when father
and mother have free time, they like to take me out.

sometimes we go to the park. sometimes we go to the other
places near our city. i feel very happy. and i love my family.


look at this photograph of my family. there are five people in it.
the tallest one is my father. he is forty- eight years old. my
mother is standing beside him. she is not as my father. she is
three years younger than my father. sitting in front of them are
my grandparents. my grandfather is that fat one with a pair of
glasses. my grandmother is as fat as he. this little one is me.
i’m sitting between them. all of us love one anther. i have a
happy family.


i love my family,because i have a happy family.

my father is an english name is is thirty-
likes playing

on staurday and sunday,i often go to the library and play the
piano,my father go to play mes,we watch tv
and listen to music at home.

i love my e i’m very happy to live with my
parents together!




我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的 名字叫jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜
欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的. 你说对了!我
活.我爱我 的父母.

时 侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐.



my family-我的家庭

my family

everyone has a family. we live in it and feel very warm. there
are three persons in my family, my mother, father and i. we live
together very happily and there are many interesting stories
about my family.

my father is a hard- working man. he works as a doctor. he
always tries his best to help every, patient and make patients
comfortable. but sonetimes he works so hard that he cant
remember the date.

my mother is a woman with a bad memory. she always does a
lot of housework, but sometimes she makes mistakes out of
carelessness. for example, one day, she washed clothes in the
washer, after the washer finished the work, she found she
hadnt filled the washer with water.

now let me tell you a funny thing: one day, father wanted to
get up early as usual, buthe wasnt able to do that, because he
hadnt set the alarm clock the night before, so when he got up,
he did everything in a hurry. after father left, mother said to me
mysteriously, he will come back soon. why? i was greatly
surprised. because today is sunday, his holiday! just as
mother said, father came back home soon, and went to bed
again--he was too tired.

you see, what an interesting family have! i hope that you will
have one like mine, too.


有三口 人,我妈妈、爸爸,还有我。我们在一起幸福地生活,我们

我爸爸工作认真。他是一名医生,他总是尽他最大的努力 去帮助每

为她的粗心而做错事。比如 说,有一天,她用洗衣机洗衣服,最后
以他起晚了,当他起床时,他 匆匆忙忙地洗漱完毕就去上班了,爸
时候,不一会儿,爸爸就 回来了,并且再一次上床睡觉了——因为










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