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2021-01-09 21:45





美国人一般用television program或者television show,而英国
人一般用television programme来表示‘电视节目’,包括人们 通过
数的连续播 出的电视节目(television series)叫miniseries或者
serial。m iniseries总长度一般为三到十个小时。北美人也管一年以
内播放完毕的叫season,而英 国和爱尔兰人则叫series。在美国,
连续节目一般包括6-26部分(installment) ,但在英国则没有固定
长度限制。一次性播完(one-off broadcast)的电视节目在美国叫
special,在英国则叫special episode。television movie(美国)
或者television film(英国)是指首先为了在电视上播出的电影,也
叫direct-to- video、straight-to-video、made-for- video或者
straight-to-dvd。电视广告叫advertisement或者com mercial,
插播广告叫commercial interruption或者commercial break。
infomercial是类似电 视购物那种比较长的电视广告片。有些电视节
目把广告巧妙融合在内容中,这种广告手法叫produc t placement。
段 叫internet video clip。trailer是电影广告片,目前某些电视节目
也有这 种广告片。电视剧(drama)通常包括演员(actors)、角
色(characters)和情 节(plot)。一般电视节目播出方式有固定时
间(regular),如新闻;及系列播出(ser ies和miniseries)。全
套电视连续剧叫entire series或the complete run of a program。
黄金时段叫prime- time。全天电视节目叫full-days-worth of
programming。television network是指一个中心运行商为许多电
视台提供节目,如bbc。有线电视叫cable television,而有线电视
网络叫cable network。卫星电视叫satellite television。debut是
第一次上映。电视也叫the small screen,与电影对比。播出节目
叫to air。电视播出机构是television bro adcaster。观众一般叫
viewer,总称是viewership。censorship指 删除有害的、令人反
(m ilitary)、政治(political)、宗教(religious)、商业
(corpor ate)等方面。

电视节目内容可以是事实性的(factual),如纪 录片
tele vision);也可以是想象性的(fictional),如喜剧(comedy)
和戏剧(dra ma)。可以是主题性的(topical),也可以是历史性
的(historical);可以是娱 乐性的(entertaining),如情景喜剧
(situation comedy或者简称sitcom)及益智竞赛(game
show),也可以是教育性的(ins tructional),还可以是利润驱动
的(for income),如广告。

片头部分(title sequence)主要是指片名、主要演职员(cast and
production team)及opening credits,指显示主要制作人员的文
字。而片尾的closing credits则显示其他演职员。现在某些美国电
视省略了opening credits。片头部分常使用标志性的特别字体
(typographic logo)。有的有器乐伴奏(instrumental musical
accompanime nt)或者主题歌(song)。片头通常显示主要角色的
片段(short clips of key characters),最后通常在角色定格画面
(freeze frame)上叠加显示 (superimpose)演员姓名。通常还
会有一些镜头(footage)显示故事发生的主要地 点(locale)和时
代(era)。上世纪九十年代以后片头有了个新形式,叫cold open,

片头部分可能还有此前主要内容的回放(shots of highlights from
earlier episodes or shows)。这种回顾性的部分也叫recap,可使观众(viewer)了解故事背景(background)。一般是用蒙太奇
方式(mont age)回放重要片段(scenes),包括一些关键性对话
(short bursts of dialogue)。这种回顾也叫previously,通常是
为了配合‘下回分解’(to be continued...)这种结尾的。通常用旁白
(voiceover)说明‘previous ly on...’、‘last timeweekseason
on...’、‘earlier on...’、‘on the last episodeseason of...’。这种旁
白可以由某个主要角色(a main character)或者一个中立的讲述者
(a neutral narrator)进行。

original run或first run指制片人完成 节目制作后,在一个电视台

ne twork)播出该节目。该电视台电视网已经支付费用或者购买了
使用许可。syndication 一般泛指节目的二次使用,包括在首映国家
的重复播出,但也包括原始制片人不参与管理的国际销售。由 其他

(netwo rk)来组织的,这些网络拥有地方电视台(affiliate)。off-
network syn dication指销售已经在某些网络播放过的节目,也叫重
播(rerun);public- broadcasting syndication指公共电视台的
播放。free-to-air( fta)是指不需要订购即可随时随地接收的电视台
或者电视节目,通常不加密。电视节目播放的资金来 源一般有广告、
电视许可证(tv licensing)及订购(subscription)三种。 为了保
有付费用户 (subscription payers)才能接受到解密编码
(decryption code s)以便收到信号。例如,bbc是非商业性组织,
在英国其电视节目是不允许插播广告的,但是在国外 它有很多广告

dubbin g或者looping是指记录或者替换人物声音,通常翻译为配
音。它既可以指重录演员声音,也可以 指用其他演员声音替换原来
演员的声音。subtitles指字幕,通常位于屏幕下方。televi sion
teletext subtitles指隐藏的字幕,观众可以按照需要通过菜单或者特别页面选择,主要提供给听力障碍者。同种语言字幕也叫same
language captions。为听力障碍者准备的closed captioning不仅
显示对话内容,同时 还显示描述性内容,如叹息、关门声。注意在
美国英语中,caption通常表示为听力障碍者准备的 字幕;而在英国
语 片。为了强调两者区别,可以将供听力障碍者使用的字幕称为
hoh subtitles即hard- of-hearing subtitles。在英美,实时
(realtime)、在线(onlin e)或者现场(live)字幕越来越普遍,
因为有关法律要求为听力障碍者提供此类服务,这几个单词 含义接
声音。这种方式在俄罗斯、波兰等东 欧国家比较普遍。

有脚本或者剧本的娱乐节目(scripted entertainment)包括电视
系列剧(dramatic television series)或者电视喜剧(television
comedy)、动画电视连续剧(animated television series)、
miniseries及电视电影(tv movie)及颁奖节目(award show)。
没有脚本或者剧本的娱乐节目(unscripted entertainment)包括脱
口秀(talk show)、实况节目 (reality show)和益智类节目
(game show)。信息类节目(informational)包括新闻节目
(news program)、纪录片(documentary)、电视新闻杂志(tv

news magazine)和电视广告片(infomercial)。注意不同类 别可

dramatic prog ramming通常是英联邦国家用语,主要指有脚本的
想象性的系列片和电视电影,但不包括情景戏剧 与电视连续剧。

comedy-drama也叫dramedy或者dramatic c omedy,在内容上,
强烈 喜剧内容的片子,或者是半小时左右的情景喜剧。 serial在英
国是美国所谓miniseri es的同义词。往往每周播放一集。各集围绕
一个共同主题逐步展开,以吸引住观众。一般开头使用re capping
opera)是它的衍生形 式,但是由于有明显固定的套路
(paradigm),通常被看作一个单独的类型。 police procedural
是神秘故事(mystery story)的一种,力图令人信服地描述警察调
传统侦破小说(whodu nit)往往在最后才揭露罪犯身份,而它往往
一开始就挑明了谁是犯罪分子。内容涉及法医、解剖、收 集证据及
审讯等。类似节目还有恐怖片(horrorthriller show)。

science fiction也简化为sf或者sci- fi,往往涉及最新和未来科技。

soap opera是持续播放的、分集的节目,简称soap。早期此类广

们在白天收听的,所以早期听 众主要为女性。后来电视也借用了这
个字眼儿。内容主要是罗曼蒂克的故事。故事一般需要几集才能讲< br>完,每集都提示观众下一集还有新发展。它主要涉及家庭生活、人
际关系、两性关系、情感及道德 冲突等。故事主线(storyline)一
般有关角色的日常生活和人际关系。其套路特点可以总结为 偶遇
(changce meeting)、意外巧合(coincidence)、擦肩而过
(missed meeting)、突然转变(sudden conversion)、最后时
刻救援(last- minute rescue)、启示(revelation)等。 在美国,
life is one big soap opera。

situation comedy或者 sitcom是最普遍、最成功的电视喜剧形式。
有时候它是在一群现场观众面前表演的(perfor med before a live
audience)。laugh track、laughter soundtrack、laughter track、

canned laughter、laughing audience 指背景中常出现的观众笑声,

sketch comedy通常不像情景喜剧那样有反复出现的角色,有关时
事并在角色发 展方面强调讽刺。它包含一系列喜剧场景
(scenevignettesketch),每个十分钟左 右。

stand-up comedy也叫stand- up,一般是大型综艺节目或者脱口
秀的一部分。improvational comedy指即时喜剧节目。

animated cartoon指短的、手绘或者计算 机辅助制作的的动画片,
(animation),发音 是animay或者animu。但是在日本,它是
动画片的总称(blanket term),并不表示原产国(country of
origin)为日本。非日本原产的带有日本 动画风格的叫anime-
influenced animation。它偶尔也被称为japani mation,目前除日
该词 指日本动画片。manga指日本卡通连环画(comics);但在日
本,该词包括动画片和卡通连环 画。

miniseries和series或serial并无严格区别。它一般为四到六 集,
比,它有明确的开头、中 间和结尾,可以让角色改变、成熟或者死
亡。一般是小说的电视版本。英国几乎从不使用这个单词,而是 用
serial。 talk show(美国)chat show(其它国家)指由主持人
(a panel of gu ests),通常由与主题有关的专家组成。主持人一
般是喜剧搞笑的高手。如果有不止一个主持人,那 么这些主持人被
称为co-hosts。现场接听电话的此类节目叫call-in show,所接电
话为live phonecall。明星嘉宾叫celebrity guest,一般为影视音
乐名人及公众人物(public figures)。

reality television一般涉及没有脚本的戏剧化或者喜剧场景、记录
真实事件并以普 通人为主(而非专业演员)。但不包括纪录片和新
闻体育类节目。普通人在这类节目中会面对一些不同寻 常的挑战,
例如被警察逮捕和减肥(weight loss)。有些节目有关名人如何做
日常 事务,如体力活。它包括游戏(game)、智力测验(quiz)、
窥视(voyeurism)及监 视(surveillance)。纪录片形式的
(documentary-style)也叫fly on the wall或factual television。

观众和摄像机只是 被动观察者。经过剪辑,它也会有类似肥皂剧的
情节,因此也被叫做docusoap或docudra ma。它有时拍摄明星或
者专业人士的日常活动。eliminationgame show也叫reality-
competition或reality game show。参与 者(participants)通过
( removeeliminate)直到最后剩下一个获胜。观众、参与者或者
裁判团(a panel of judges)可能参与投票(vote)以便决出胜利
者。self- improvementmakeover也是一种reality tv show,讲述
一个人或者 一群人如何改变生活状况。renovation是关于改变居住
环境、工作环境或者车辆的节目。so cial experiment具有社会试验
性质,如互换生活习惯。dating show是类似湖南卫视《玫瑰之约》

目。hidden camer a指让随机的路人遭遇事先安排好的场景,目的
是搞笑、惊吓等。hoax是恶作剧式的节目,比如让参 与者相信自己
已经赢得一个大奖或者即将进行太空旅行等。 game show指大众
或者 名人共同玩一个游戏,通过问答或者解决问题来赢取奖金或者
奖品(moneyprize)。竞争者( contestants)与其它游戏参与者
(players)或者团队(team)进行竞争。但有 时竞争者通过独自争
(reward)通常是现金(cash)、物品及服务(goods and
services)或者旅行(trip)。 news program、news
programme、news show或newscast报道时事(current
e vents)。一般由主播(anchor)主持,包括直播(live)或录制
(recorded) 的现场记者采访(field reporter interview)、专家
意见(expert opinion)、舆论调查(opinion poll),偶尔还包括
编辑加入的(editori al)内容。在电视、广播及网络上负责新闻节目
的主持人总称为news presenter,但业 内人士通常使用描述性的、
具有不同国家特色的词语,如newsreader、newscaster 或news
但是,bbc的新闻节目主 持人叫newsreader,而itn的则叫
newscaster。在美国和加拿大,新闻节目主持 人叫news anchor、
anchorperson、anchorman或anchorwom an,而不叫
newscaster。他要负责实况播出(live presentation)的即时评论

(improvise commentary),有时候还要负责写作和编辑。这个词
来自接力赛(relay race)的anchor leg(最后一棒)。

television news magazine与普通新闻杂志类似,用短的电视记录
片来表现新闻故事。 variety show也叫variety entertainment是
一种综艺节目,包括音乐表演(musical performance)、短喜剧
演出(comedy skits)、魔术(magic)等,通常 有主持人
(hos t)也叫mastermistress of ceremonies、emcee(mc)、
compere或microphone jockey(mj)。演艺人员一般叫
entertainer或performer。 infomercial是和普通电视节目长度相
似的广告片,也叫paid programming ,欧洲叫teleshopping。一
般在凌晨两点到六点之间播放,而不在高峰时段(peak hours)播
response television advertisementdrtv),替代了原来的电视台
停播时间(sign-offclose down)。在美国它一般指28.5分钟的广
告片。有些公司甚至开发出带有新闻特点的广告片,叫v ideo news

(concept )、角色(characters)、工作人员(crew)和演员
(actors),包括大牌演员( big-name actors)。他向电视网络提
供(offerpitch)这一方案,看电视网 络是否有可能订购一个试验片
(pilot)原型(prototype)。如果采用了(pick up),电视网络
可能采购a run of episodes。一般开始时订购13集。一般完整的
prod ucer)。director即导演负责具体制作内容。完成的节目由电
视网络分配(distrib ute)给下属电视台,在具体时段(timeslot)播

电视的不同社会视角(social aspects of television)指这种媒体
(m edium)对社会造成的影响(influence)在这方面通常有以下

负面作用(negative effects):有人称电视是boob tube,即傻子
的显像管,说它是无需思考的营生(mindless occupation)和填补
空虚的东西(time filler)。司法界(justice s ystem)如调查人员
(investigator)和检察人员(prosecutor)指出受某 些犯罪调查节

目的影响,陪审团(jury)在证据不完美的情况下更容易开释本该惩< br>罚的人。某些节目对社会礼仪(social propriety)标准也有影响。
由于电视无所不在(pervasive and ubiqui tous),人们更容易因
媒 体产生不良示范作用。有的科学家认为电视对大脑有影响,会给
观众带来一些心理影响(psychol ogical effects)。在身体影响

积极作用(positive effec ts):尽管大部分有关电视的讨论都集中
在负面作用方面,也有人认为电视可以使观众接触到此前无法 获得
的很多信息。电视在教育方面有优势(educational advantages)。

在儿童社会化(socializing children)电视可以获得超过其文化水
平(literary capabilities)的 信息。儿童也可以获得成年人不希望
他们知道的信息。一般很难监督(monitor)、控制(con trol)或
究如 何改变这种被动局面。

【篇二:英语电视节目 英语作文7】

american tv show is important to me


have you ever seen a tv show called the big bang theory?
from the small group of people—sheldon, leonard, penny,
haward and raj, i learned a lot, i laughed at their stupid
behaviors and also i was touched by their friendship. my topic
is american tv show is important to me. some people may ask
“how important?” well, i chose to major in english because of
american tv show, and it gave me a chance to get to know a
new culture.

i began to watch american tv show at a very early age. i can
still remember the excited feeling when i watched the family
album usa. in the first episode, mr. stuart told elisadra papps
“hey, you. welcome to new york!” ow, believe me, it sounded
amazing. and i realized that english should be spoken like that
and how beautiful it was. at that time, i can only understand a
small part of their conversations, which did not frustrate me at
all. on the contrary, it made english a mysterious language.
when i grew up, i chose to major in english, because i could
not forget how amazing this language sounded when i watched
the family album usa.

next thing that i learned from american tv show is the
american culture. the tv show pretty little liars impressed me
most. this tv series is a teenager show. i realized that the
lifestyles of americans are different from chinese people. from
the leading actors, i got to know what is “standing on one’s
own feet”. chinese kids tend to rely on their parents and they
believe that it is the responsibility of the parents to take care of
them. but i can see from the tv show, things are really different
in the us. and i hope in the near future, i can say that “i pay for
everything i need in this world and i do not rely on anybody!
that’s cool.

sometimes, i wonder whether americans do the exact same
things as the actors do in the tv show. so i talked with my
foreign teachers. sometimes, they said, “no, of course not.
there is a huge difference between tv show and real life.” some
of them said “yes, we do things like that.” american tv series
gave me a good material to talk about with foreign friends, and
it is also interesting to talk about different cultures.

american tv series mean a lot to me. i regard it as my best
friend as well as an interesting teacher. because of american tv
show, i got the chance to study in this department and meet all
my dear classmates. if you have leisure time, if you are

interested in american lifestyle, and if you are impressed by
the american spirit, why don’t you take a look at the american
tv series?

【篇三:对圣诞节看法 英文作文】

chinese name:张凡

english name:angela

student number:1205020098

december 15, 2014

merry christmas

among many traditional western holidays, christmas is the
holiday i enjoy and like most. christmas is one of the most
beautiful holidays of all time. it is the day when god ’s son was
born on earth. hence, this day is sacred for all christians
around the world. due to the integration of eastern and western
culture, it has become a worldwide festival.

christmas celebrations can vary markedly from country to
country. for many christians, a religious service plays an

important part in there cognition of the season. the christmas
season gives rise to a number of christmas traditions that
come along such as preparing christmas cake, sending gifts to
loved ones, decorating the christmas tree, lighting up the
christmas candle, singing christmas carols, making of cribs,
making of cribs and distributing christmas candies. these are
celebrated with zest and enthusiasm worldwide for centuries.

secular processions, featuring santa claus and other seasonal
figures are often held. family reunions and the exchange of
gifts are a widespread feature of the season, and this is the
way chinese enjoy christmas. one of the dominant themes of
christmas is happiness, and that is why i like christmas most.

the memories about christmas for me was always full of
happiness. it occurs to me that the christmas i spent with my
family. almost every christmas, my parents would accompany
me and my brother to go out and eat fast food or at restaurants.
when i was a little girl, on christmas eve, my parents bought a
christmas hat to me, then we went to church and i got the
candies from santa claus. at that time, my parents held my
little hand, and we walked on the crowded street with twinkling
christmas lights. that was my first christmas, happy and
romantic. on christmas eve, the street shops front donned
beautiful christmas trees, playing christmas songs, and
supermarket employee also wore a lovely christmas hat.
snows time was more

attractive, and everywhere was fluttering the snowflake, fell on
people’s body. everyone on the streets were happy and excited
even crazy, smiling, praying. people, especially young man,
enjoyed themselves at the accompany of their families or
friends in this carnival. joy and peace of christmas were with
everyone. i always enjoyed this kind of romantic atmosphere

if i had to say something i don’t like about christmas is that it
has become too commercialized and the true meaning of
christmas is gradually disappearing. with a highly
commercialized and non-religious affairs, lots of money is
spent annually on decoration, diners and gifts. some young
people have become disillusioned with how commercialized
christmas has become. while i do say, although greatly
commercialized, like the modern santa claus it still embodies

saint nicholas’ s generosity and love for children. and for some,
he still points to the nativity of the babe in the manger, and
reminds us of the reason we celebrate christmas. so like
someone said, christmas is only as commercial as you make it.
you choose what christmas means to you.

all in all, christmas is for gaiety, mirth, song, and for good and
wondrous gifts. but mostly, christmas is for love. to
understand the real meaning of christmas, to find the genuine
christmas spirit and to remember it is a season of families
getting together, giving, and good cheer. merry christmas.

(564 words)









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