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2021-01-11 17:35





展开联想,变点为句,连句成篇。 要达到这些要求,我们就必须认
开合理的想象,切忌游离于主题展开 不着边际的联想。

高考看图作文技巧 方法指导五步法:

1.:包括文体,人称,时态. :整体把握一组图的连贯性理解及题目要

2.:保证文章内容的完整. 简单句写出每幅图的主题句。

3.:注意英语表达的习惯,根据提纲扩展句子. 注意每幅图的次要内

接起来. 表达到位:按情节发展先后,承上启下整理成文。

5.:格式文体要点语法字数等. 文定稿。


记叙文:要抓住记叙文的六要素:when, where, who, what, why,
how. “w”和一个“h”。要注意人物与空间的关系,画面与画面的关系,



1. one day the other day a couple of days ago while he

2. it was snowing raining heavily on monday sunday
morning …when …

3. the picture sets me thinking deeply…

4. from the picture,we can see ….

5. it is really an unforgettable day …

6. as is shown indicated in the picture, …

7. after seeing the picture ,i was greatly shocked by …

8. this is a funny and instructive picture. in the picture, a
young man …

9. we can learn from the picture that …

10. the picture shows that…

11. this sight reminds me of something in my daily life….


下列四幅图描述了李华一家某一天的经历。请根据画面及图 中的有


step i--- analyze the pictures分析图片

the topic of these pictures
is_____________________________________ step ii---write
some simple sentences用简单句提炼要点

the first picture:
_______________________ __________________ the second
picture:_______ ________________________________ the
third picture:________________________________________
the fourth picture:
_______________________ ________________ step iii---eich
your sentences with imagination 运用想象扩充句子



(3):可想象他们做了除图画表现出的 fish, pork外,还有没有其它
菜 。比如: chicken, soup and other delicious dishes.

(4):第四幅图中没有一个人出现, 为什么,留给考生进行合理的想

step iv---use the correct tense

本篇叙述的是李华一 家过去某一天(“3.8”妇女节)所发生的事,应

on march the eighth, women’s day, li hua had a good idea and
told his father that he was going to do something to celebrate
it. he asked his father to

help him.

they decided to do some housework, which was always done
by his mother. li hua cleaned the house completely. his father
did some washing.

they made a good meal, cooking fish, pork, chicken, soup and
some other delicious dishes.

lihua laid the table and set a vase full of flowers in the middle
of the table. they hid themselves behind the door, waiting for
mother. they wanted to give her a happy surprise.

step v---write the whole story 运用关联词,连句成篇


it was march the eighth that day, women’s day. li hua had a
good idea and told his father that he was going to do
something to celebrate it. he asked his father to help him. first,
they decided to do some housework, which was always done
by his mother. li hua cleaned the house completely while his
father did some washing.

then, they made a good meal, cooking fish, pork, chicken,
soup and some other delicious dishes. li hua laid the table and
set a vase full of flowers in the middle of the table. after that
they hid themselves behind the door, waiting for mother so as
to give her a happy surprise. when his mother came back and
saw delicious dishes and drinks on the table, she felt very
curious and happy. the family had a pleasant festival.



revoke a driving license

____________________ __________________________________
_________ ________________________________________________ ______
________________________________________ ______________
________________________________ ______________________
________________________ ______________________________
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________ ______________________________________________
__________________________________________________ ____
__________________________________________ ____________
__________________________________ ____________________
__________________________ ____________________________
__________________ ____________________________________
__________ __________________________
___________________ ___________________________________




第一段,重点描述图画内容 。对图画内容的描述可以用图画中人物

第二段,阐明观点。观点在题干中往往会给得很清楚, 这就说明仔
细审清题干比看懂图画中的对话更重 要。阐明观点之后的思路与一

末段,除了总结观点外,一般还可以提出建议 。这段的写法无论是


it seems to me that the cartoon drawing is sending a
message about ____________(图画内容),which reveals
____________(稍作评价).in my perspective of view,
____________ (表明个人观点)。

apparently, ____________(将个人观点和图片内容相结合,得出
观点。)for one thing, ____________(从社会角度论证). for
another thing, ____________(从个人角度说明). for example,
子).last but not least, ____________(从反面角度谈论). as a
result, the drawer of the illustration is urging us to
_____________(建议或措施).only in this way can we

in conclusion to my understanding, ____________(再次表明
观点或态度). we should ____________(进一步说明个人的观

范文:以2013年6月英语四级作文为例 which is more important

as can be seen from the picture above, there is a conversation
between a

son and a father. the father told his son that it is more
important to empty the dustbin than to worry about disposing
of nuclear waste, that is to say, small things go first when
dealing with big things. i’m definitely on the father’s side in
this and i’m sure i’m not alone.

a case in point is the successful launch of shenzhou 10
spacecraft, which excites everyone and makes every feel
proud of china. behind this great event there are a host of
detailed things, called petty things, conducted by millions of
scientists, who have devoted themselves to the mission. it is
the petty things that contribute to the success, which reminds
us of the significance of small things. we also take ourselves
for example. it is acknowledged that before running we must
learn to stand and walk building up a solid foundation for
running. although walking is considered as a trifle while
running is treated as a great thing, walking is the first step.

as an old saying goes, one can’t make a big success without
bing self reliant. so we should keep it in our mind that before
accomplishing important tasks, perform small tasks. only in
this way can we make the highest eminence.

the importance of the basic learning skills

as what is vividly shown in the picture, many college students
have the same doubt as the one in the picture that is whether
that stuff will be outdated when they graduated and began to
work. that stuff, as we can see from the picture, refers to the
basic learning skills such as mathematics we learned when we
were in primary school. it also reveals a phenomenon in the
college that there are a great number of students, who
question the practicability of their subjects because they are
too simple to be helpful with their occupation afterwards.

does that mean these subjects are useless? definitely not.
these subjects are like the foundation of a building. though
they are commonplace even invisible, they are of vital
importance. mastering these basic skills we can grasp the
fundamental elements of learning ability. as an old saying goes
like this, high buildings rise from the ground. only if we lay a
solid foundation, we can’t set up a high building. in another
word, do you think it is feasible to let a person learn english
without learning a, b, c? or

with what was said above, we can draw a conclusion that the
basic learning

skills are quite essential to both our whole study and the work
we will take after graduation. thus we should pay more
attention to the basic subjects and master the ability required
at the further career.

the importance of reading literature

literature is acknowledged as the most precious product of
human civilization and wisdom, especially by our teachers. so
they always ask their students to read as many as literary
works. just as the drawing shown above, a teacher gives a
literary work to her student, saying: “just think of it as if you’re
reading a long text- message.”

it is of great significance for us to appreciate literature due to
the following reasons. firstly, a good literature can get you to
know a life experience through the eyes of someone other than
yourself. the more experience you gain, the more
knowledgeable you are. secondly, a good literature allows you
to learn about history in a personalized way. the stories told in
the works can act as mirrors and help you adjust your own
behaviors. lastly, a good literature is an effective way for
relaxation. the beautiful and moving scenes shown in the
literature are helpful for one’s mental health.

in short, literature is indispensable in our life. we, students,
should catch our time to read more literatures.


图标阐释 类作文就是要求考生描述图表或图画中的数据或画面,解
释这些数据或画面所反映出的变化、现象或者问 题,并对其产生的


第一段概述图表。用描述性的语言写出图标内容,主要应该是描写< br>趋势,描写这种发展变化,而不是简单的引用数据。先写主题句:
as is shown in the +图表, i seefind....或as can be seen from+
图表,...或as has been proved form+图表,...

following reasons can account for +现象。那么后面的扩展句就


句,总结作者自身的思考或 看法:from my point of viewas for
me,...然后在接下来的扩展 句当中就你的思考看法进行展开。这里

仅发表个人 观点或个人见解。最后写出结尾句。


according to the chart graph, the changes in the number
of____________(图表整体趋势). there was an increase in

at the point of ____________, ____________reaches its peak
value of ____________(数据或变化). what has caused these
changes? there are mainly three reasons. firstly, ____________
(原因一).secondly, ____________(原因二). the number of
____________ increased over the period. ____________ rose
by _________ from ________ to ________________. and there
were____________. finally, ____________(最后一个原因).

in conclusion we can safely draw the conclusion that
____________(结论). therefore, ____________(进一步谈论更


film is giving way to tv


the latest statistics show that the number of people attending
cinemas is getting steadily smaller. at the same time, the
number of television viewers is growing at almost the same

experts say that these two trends are connected in three ways.
first, over the past few decades television sets have appeared
in almost every home. second, films very quickly become
available on video, and can be shown on the tv screen. third, it
is becoming more expensive to make films, and so the prices
of cinema seats are rising.

however, this does not mean the death of the movie industry.
there will always be people who prefer to go out to see a film.
this is because no matter how good a tv film or video is, it can
never be as entertaining as a film shown on the “big screen.”


film is giving way to tv. according to an investigation made on
the number of film-goers and tv-watchers in a ten-year period
(1975-1985), at the end of 1985, the number of film-goers
declined sharply to about 15 thousand which accounts for only

some 20 percent of what in 1975, the heyday of films. this
decline, no doubt, owes to the steadily increasing number of
tv- watchers in the same decade.

this, i think, indicates the changing pace in our society.
nowadays, people prefer tv to film largely because they have
less chance than their older generation to spend two or three
hours in a cinema; they prefer a kind of entertainment which is
freer, less time-consuming and thus more efficient. tv just
meets their need. this is at least partly if not wholly the reason
that attributes to the boom of tv in our generation.

nevertheless, there are still a number of film-fans nowadays.
they claim that as a classical art, film is far more enjoyable
than tv. some of them also want to recall the “true-life” which
existed in the “good-past”. all in all, film is still a charming
kind of art as it used to be.

on over-fishing

as is shown in the graphchartpicturecartoon, we can see
clearly that with the rampancy of commercial fishing, the
number of fishes sharplydramaticallyconsiderably
one picture,there were various kinds of fish and
only one fishing boat in 1900,on the contrary,in 1995 there was
only one fish,but many fishing-boats. the statistics of rise and
fall seem to exist in isolation but closely related to one


一、看图,以“my day ”为题,写一篇短文。(至少5句话)


hi, i’m jacky. i’m a student. i get up at 6:50 in the morning. i do
morning exercises at 7:10. i go to school at 7:30. i have english
class at 10:00. i eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening. i do my
homework at 7:00. i go to bed at 9: is my day. i’m very



there are two days on the weekend, saturday and sunday. i
usually (often) climb mountains on saturday. i visit my
grandparents on

saturday. i go shopping with my mother on saturday. i play
sports on sunday. i play the piano at home on sunday, too.
sometimes i take pictures. i like my weekend.



today is sunday. i am in the zoo. look at the elephants. they’re
drinking water. the kangaroos are jumping on the grass. the
birds are singing on the tree. oh, no. the monkey is swinging.
the mother bear is playing. the baby bear is sleeping.

“my favourite season”为题


my favourite season is spring. the weather is warm. i can wear
my sweater. i can fly kites. i can plant trees, too. the trees are
green. the flowers are colourful.



my favourite season is summer. the weather is hot and sunny.
i can wear my t-shirt. i can swim in the sea. i can eat ice-cream.
the sky is blue. the clouds are white.


my favourite season is fall. the weather is cool. i can wear my
shirt. i can climb mountains. i can go hiking, too. i can eat
many fruits. the trees are yellow.


my favourite season is winter. the weather is very cold. i can
wear my sweater. i can skate. i can make a snowman, too. i
can sleep a long time.









本文更新与2021-01-11 17:35,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://bjmy2z.cn/zuowen/165570.html


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