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2020-12-24 12:18



英语是现今我国中小学乃至大学教育中的必修科目,学生的英语学习效果关系到我国与世界文化接轨的进程 。初中阶段是学生掌握知识最牢固、获得知识量最多的阶段,初中阶段英语学习的重要性因此凸显。下面,是小编 为你整理的初中英语作文100词左右含翻译,希望对你有帮助!

u3000u3000初中英 语作文100词左右含翻译篇1

u3000u3000Smilehow warm the word is!It can make anyone this happiness is from the bottom of ’s not like enthusiastic laughterbut just warmmakes your heart let us Learn to smile to e when you failit can make you stand up and work hard again;And we should t learn to smile to others Smileso easybut also so useful.|Solet’s learn to ne needs others’ we give others a smilewe will feel smile is a language which is not only rich but also valueable .Let’s learn to smile oftenI believe it can even make the whole with a smileevery day will be sunshine.

u30 00u3000微笑,多么温暖的一句话!它能使人幸福。这幸福是从心底。它不喜欢热烈的笑声,只是温暖,让 你的心温暖,让我们学会微笑,给自己。因为当你失败的时候,它会使你站起来,再努力;我们应该学会微笑对别 人微笑,那么容易,但是也很有用。|所以,让我们学会微笑,每个人都需要别人的微笑,当我们给别人一个微笑 ,我们就会感到快乐,还有微笑是一种既丰富又有价值的语言,让我们学会微笑,我相信它可以更温暖。微笑着生 活,每天都会是阳光。

< br>u3000u3000Love makes the world go to us human is what water to shines the most beautiful light of humanitywe born in itwe live by often we take it as grantedbut we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish.I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life.

u3000u3000爱让世界 转动。爱对于我们人类就像水对鱼的爱照亮了人类最美丽的光,我们的出生,我们的生活,我们常常认为这是理所 当然的,但我们应该知道爱是无价的礼物,我们应该珍惜。我曾经听说过一句话:要得到爱最快的方法是给予;失 去爱的最快的方法是抓得太紧,保持爱的最好方法是给它插上翅膀。我们要学会爱作为我们生活中的第一类是很重 要的


u3000 u3000Well we all know EQ is the key of life. We should ontrol our emotions not letting the emotions take control of you. Emotion can be a very useful tool to your success.

u3000u3000We all should know ourself’s emotions. There are many different ways that you ca

n feel but scientists have classified human emotions into a few basics that everyone can recognize: joy acceptance fear surprise sadness disgust anger and anticipation for example is a manifestation of fear - fear that you're not "as good" as something else fear of being abandoned because you're not "perfect" or "the best". We don't panic when we meet something is to be difficult to handle Take stock of the situation objectively and if time permits move away from the event that caused the situation. Return back latter and then plan your strategy. Time is the best healer and often the problem fades off with little efforts from your end.
u3000u3000我们都知道情商是人生的关键。我们应该控制我们的情绪,不要让情绪控制你。情绪可 以成为你成功的一个非常有用的工具。

u3000u3000我们都应该知道自己的情绪。有许 多不同的方式,你可以感觉到,但科学家们分为几个基本的人类情感,每个人都能认识到:喜悦、接受、恐惧、惊 讶、悲伤、厌恶、愤怒和期待,例如,恐惧的表现,是怕你不是“好”的东西,害怕被抛弃,因为你不“完美”或 “最好的”。我们不恐慌时,我们遇到的东西是难以处理,采取客观的情况,如果时间允许远离事件造成的情况。 返回后者,然后计划你的战略。时间是最好的治疗者,但问题往往会随着你的努力而逐渐消失.。










本文更新与2020-12-24 12:18,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://bjmy2z.cn/zuowen/71754.html
