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2020-12-27 08:27



宫爆鸡丁 Fried Diced Chicken

麻婆豆腐 Mapo Bean Curd

鱼乡肉丝 Fried Sliced Pork

辣子鸡丁 Stir-fried Chicken with Green Pepper

叫化鸡 Yellow Mud Roasted Chicken

水煮牛肉 Boiled Beef

香辣虾 Fried Shrimp with Chilli

五花肉炒豆腐泡菜 Fried Bean Curd with Pork and Kraut

开水白菜 Steamed Cabbage with Chicken and Pork Soup

干蒸黄鱼 Steamed Yellow-fin Tuna

碧绿虾仁 Verdure Shelled Shrimps

回锅肉 Fried Cooked Pig Meat

箩粉鱼头豆腐汤 Fish Head Bean Curd Soup

小笼粉蒸牛肉 Beef Cooked in Small Bamboo Steamer

香辣回锅肉 Twice Cooked Pork in Hot Sauce

炸珍珠虾 Fried Pearl Shrimps

火爆腰花 Quickly-Fried Pig Kidney
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导读:[5].吴伟雄《中式菜谱英译浅谈》中国翻译,Nowfro mthestructureoftheaboveexamples,thetranslationofth edishescookedinthiskindofmethodcanbeconcludedas“pa n-fried/baked+primarystuff(with+ingredients/season ing).-frying(

Now from the structure of the above examples, the translation of the dishes cooked in this kind of method can be concluded as “pan-fried/baked + primary stuff (with + ingredients/seasoning).

-frying(爆), it requires both booming fire and hot oil. Once put the ingredients into the pot, it smust fry it in a quick speed. It also requests identical and fine cutting techniques, adequate preparation of all the condiments and smart motion before frying, such as

Quick-fried shrimps (爆河虾仁);

Quick-fried ell slices (爆炒鳝片);

Quick-fried beef with scallions (葱爆牛肉);

Quick-fried diced beef in bean sauce (酱爆牛肉丁);

Quick- fried pork slices with vermicelli and scallions (葱爆肉粉条)

So the dishes of this kind cooking method can be translated as “quick-fried + primary stuff (with/in + ingredients/flavoring).

-frying(炸), it means you put the stuff, whatever they are with panada or not, into the pot with hot oil and fry it from fresh to ripe. The food which fried in this method taste crisp outside and soft inside, such as “deep-fried chicken wing with spicy flavor. If you want to go further detailed of the classification for this frying, it can still be divided into “

dry deep-frying(干炸)”, “

soft deep-frying(软炸)” and “

crisp deep-frying(酥炸)”. Here?re the examples:

Deep-fried steamed roll(炸花卷);

Crispy deep-fried stuffed crab meat(酥炸蟹盒);(Wu, 2009:244)

Deep-fried white bait with white of egg(雪包银鱼);

Deep-fried veal slices(炸小牛肉片);

Deep-fried spring chicken slices(炸笋鸡块). This name also belongs to the dashstyle naming method. The bamboo shoot in the name didn?t be translated for it only indicate the chicken slices are soft, so the ?”spring” here are vivid.

ng (烧), it means that fry the stuff in the oil or boil on the fire first and then add decoction, simmer them till soft. “?

红烧?—braising with soy sauce

, or braising in brown sauce”(Wu, 1986:32), is a typical kind of braising:

Braised beef(烩牛肉);

Braised bear?s paw in brown sauce(红烧鹅掌);

Braised assorted seafood (红烧海杂拌儿);

Braised abalone in cream sauce(白扒鲍鱼);

Braised abalone with chicken wings(鸡翼鲍脯);

Braised bean curd with mixed vegetables(罗汉扒豆腐). It is another dashstyle naming method. The name sounds assimilates mixed vegetable to Buddist arhat, and add imagination and vitality to the dishes. This kind of name emphasize the appearance very much, so in order not to be fade, it?s better to describe a little bit for its appearance.

These names of this kind of dishes can be translated to “Braised + primary stuff (with/ in +ingredients/fl avoring).

营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食 翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:3 62847926.

英文食谱英文 英文食谱的英文 英文菜单的英文 英文菜谱及做法 菜谱英文怎么说 英文菜谱的英文 中餐菜谱英文 中餐西餐菜谱英文 中国菜名翻译 中文菜名翻译 英文菜名英文翻译 英文菜单英文 英文菜单的英文 英文菜单翻译 菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜名翻译 菜谱翻译哪里好 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 求翻译菜谱 求助英文菜谱翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱 英文翻译食谱 英语菜单翻译 英语菜品翻译 英语菜谱翻译 中国菜谱翻译 中文菜单英文译法

菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱 英语菜品翻译 英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译法电话180-82320 843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

g(煮), it means put water or boiled soup, which with flavoring in it, into the pot and locate the pot on the slow fire and then the dish. The time of boiling can be long or short, and it all depends on the breed of the food or the taste of people. “煮还可分快煮—instant boiling, like instant boiled mutton(北方涮羊肉), chafing dish(广东的?打边炉?) are all belong to this kind and quick boiling. Boiling is widely used in cooking:

Boiled fish(白煮鱼);

Boiled dumplings with “three fr

esh delicacies”(三鲜水饺);

Boiled salted duck (盐水鸭);

Boiled minced pork dumplings (猪肉水饺);

Boiled sliced chicken (白切鸡);

Boiled eggs cooked in soy sauce (酱鸡蛋)

In conclusion,” boiled + primary stuff (with/in + ingredients/ flavoring)” can be the translation formula of this kind of dishes.

ng(蒸), it means adding flavoring to the stuff that are fresh or half of fresh and put them into the drawer of bamboo steamer. The dish like steamed flout-coated port wrapped in lotus leaves(荷叶粉蒸肉).

Steamed pumpkin(旱南瓜);

Steamed rice with barbecued pork and fried egg(煎蛋叉烧饭). Sometimes, in a dish, a main cooking method has included other different methods, so it is natural that Chinese are good at fine workmanship in cooking.

Steamed salted croaker(蒸黄花筒);

Steamed salted pork in wine(糟肉);

Steamed scallop with garlic(大蒜干贝);

Steamed sliver carp(清蒸白鱼);

ing/stewing(煲、炖、煨、闷、卤). This kinds of cooking methods are almost the same, they all mean that put food into water or soup.

Simmered beef(煨牛肉);

Stewed chicken with chestnut(栗子炒鸡);

Stewed dried shrimps vermicelli and melon in clay pot(节瓜虾米粉丝煲);

Stewed abalone/bean curd(黄焖干鲍/豆腐);

Stewed bean curd sheets in soy sauce(红烧百叶结);

Stewed cattle tail with brown sauce(红烧牛尾);

The formula or translating these dishes can be “stewed + main stuff +with/in flavoring/seasoning

g(熏), it usually means smoke the禽肉野味that was flavored by using special branches and firewood. This kind of dishes often has a unique flavor, such as smoked pheasant(熏鸡).

Smoked tea duck (五香樟茶鸡);

Smoked fish (熏鱼);

Smoked crispy fish (烟熏酥鱼)

This formula can simply be “smoked main stuff”.

ng/roast or grilling(烘烤或铁烧), it means put things in the hermetically sealed oven or mild steel sheet (sometimes also retort stand) and roast it with naked flame at the same time. One point of this cooking style is that the food should not be touched to the fire directly.

Basting(浇油烧) means during roasting, keep adding the flavoring oil from time to time, so that it won?t be scorched.

There are many kinds of dishes in this cooking style:

Roast deviled chicken (烤醉鸡);

Roast fish with white sauce (奶汁烤鱼块);

Roast duck with “eight- treasures” (八宝全鸡);;

Roast goose, Chaozhou style(潮州烧雁鹅):

Roast suckling pig (烤乳猪);

Grilled fish with butter sauce(奶油烧鱼柳)

Grilled beef steak (铁烧牛扒)

Grilled harm with sugar candy (冰糖蜜炙火腿).

All the translation of the dishes can be concluded as “Roast/ grilled + main stuff +with + flavoring”.

ng or blanshing (白灼), it means put food in boiled water and scald them, then push out and fry with seasoning in the pot. This

way mainly used for fresh seafood, like scalded sliced conch(白灼海螺片)

From all the formula behind each cooking method you can see that there?s a common “cooking method + main stuff (+with/in + ingredients/flavoring/seasoning)”. Obviously, it coincides to the translating from realistic naming method.

2.2.4 With abundant allegory and best wishes.

People always give a dish lucky and fair-sounding name by selecting or making use of the name of stuff or the characteristics of its color, smell, appearance or even pronunciation of the dishes.

That?s why Chinese dishes usually have a lucky or auspicious and elegant name and with an intension of easy to cause association. So, some names of the dishes reflect people?s preferences, emotion and wishes directly.

The characteristics of this kind of names include two naming methods: dashstyle and artistic type. So it is coincide with the above two.

Ⅲ Conclusion

There are different ways or methods when doing the translation of Chinese dishes into English. If considered the dishes stress much more on cooking methods, then the formula ““cooking method + main stuff (shape) (+ with/in) + accessory ingredients /flavoring/seasoning” can be used. Some ingredients in the dishes have their fixed meaning and no one will know without learning. Some dishes cannot be translated directly, for we?d take the culture conflict into consideration. Most of the dishes can be translated from different angles and should not be limited within one way.

For example, the “宫保鸡丁” of Sichuan cuisine has the following ways of translation:

“ Sauteed chicken cubes with peanuts diced chicken with chili and peanuts fried diced chicken in Sichuan style grand duke?s chicken with peanuts”, “Gongbao chicken” “ Kung pao chicken” “ Spicy diced chicken with peanuts, “Chicken with hot peppers and peanuts. It can be seen that, the translation of Chinese dishes is flexibly and multivariate.

As for which to be adopted, it all depends on one?s habit and the current situation. The menu of Chinese dishes looks like a thick peotry anthology, it stores extensive cuisine culture and many dishes have their own history and story. How to step over the culture and language difference could be a profound knowledge. It was deserved for us to investigate and discover it. Only by keeping accumulating and using the skills, can we manager it.









本文更新与2020-12-27 08:27,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://bjmy2z.cn/zuowen/91573.html

