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2021-01-09 03:35



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一、 个人信息

无论是明星马思存,还是普通人Dawn Loggins,他们在取得成功前,都是
经历重重 困难,但永不放弃,凭着坚强的意志力,最终实现了目标。这些人都是
生活 中你觉得最值得你学习的人是谁?为什么他值得你学习?请你根据以
下要求写一篇英语短文,介绍一位你 的学习榜样。

1. 参考词汇:榜样;模范 role model
2. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。
3. 词数80个左右。
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My role model
Do you know Nick Vujicic, the popular Australia writer, who wrote life without
limits, and who set off life without limbs.
Nick was a great optimist. When he was born, he didn’t have limbs. Many people
thought that he would lead a poor life, but they were wrong. Nick never gives up
himself. He tries hard to write books and always help others. He says if you have a
dream, you can do anything.
I learn a lot from him. He lets me know that if I try hard, I can achieve my goal
one day. When I face a trouble. I will think how Nice get it over. In this way, I can
solve my problems in the end.


每个人身边都有熟悉的人,你身边 也一定得到过这些人的帮助和关爱,被他

4. 参考词汇:表达感谢 express sb. thanks to
5. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。
6. 词数80个左右。
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In my life, I get a lot of help and love from many people. Now I want to express
my thanks to them. First, I want to thank my parents. They look after me and try their
best to give me a happy life. When I am in low spirits, they always encourage me.
Second, I want to thank my teachers. They are hard-working and patient. Without
their help, I would not have made progress in my studies. Last, I want to thank my
classmates. We get on very well and learn a lot from each other. I will never forget the
days we play and studies together. I wish they could be in good health and have a
better future.

三、 保护环境

7. 参考词汇:公共自行车 public bikes
8. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。
9. 词数80个左右。
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Now, public bikes are provided for people in many cities in China. I think it’s a
good thing. First, it’s convenient for us to go by bike, for we can reant and return it at
any time. Second, as we all know, there is heavy traffic during rush hours. If more
people choose to ride bicycles, there will be fewer cars on the road and less crowded
in the street. Most importantly, riding bikes can protect our environment. Unlike cars,
bikes will not produce any harmful gas which may pollute the air. Besides, it’s good
for our body.
I hope more and more people can ride bikes and live a low-carbon life.


现在越 来越多城市在开展“创建文明城市”活动,而作为学生的我们如何可
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10. 参考词汇:创建文明城市 build a civilized city
11. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。
12. 词数80个左右。
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In order to build a civilized city, we students are supposed to behave well in the
When we are at home, we should help our parents do the housework like
washing the clothes and mopping. Besides, we should not waste the food, water and
electricity. At school, we are supposed to get on well with our classmates. Also, we
should try to keep our classroom clean. When we meet our teachers on the road, we
should greet them. Most importantly, we need to behave ourselves in public. We’d
better not talk or laugh loudly. What’s more, we should always be ready to help other
people. When we see the elderly people and pregnant women on the bus, we should
offer our seats to them.
In a word, if each of us does our part from now on, our world will become a
harmonious society.


发生分歧,改如何解 决呢?请你写一篇短文,谈谈你会如何处理这些分歧。
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The senior high school entrance exam is coming. Both the students and parents
are under great pressure.
Students have to finish a lot of homework and they are easy to get nervous and
lose their temper. When they are tired, they want to do something to relax, such as
watching TV, playing games or taking a nap. Parents are worried about their marks in
the exams, so they hope their children could take extra courses at weekends and spend
more time in studying. To solve this problem, students and their parents should have a
mutual understanding. For one thing, students should respect their parents and
communicate with them; for another, parents should also leave some time for their
children to relax.

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随着手机功能日益增多 ,越来越多的年轻人沉迷于手机娱乐活动,成为“手
机控”一族。你对这个现象怎么看?谢谢你的看法以 及建议。
13. 参考词汇:手机控 a phone freak
焦虑的 anxious
沉迷于 be addicted to…
14. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。
15. 词数80个左右。
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Today many people, especially young people, have become phone freaks. They
are addicted to chatting on WeChat, seeing movies or playing games on their smart
phones, and thus communicate less with their family and friends. Without phone in
hand, they will feel anxious and don’t know what to do. As we know, staring a t the
screen for a long time does great harm to our necks and eyes. Besides, focusing on
mobile phone entertainment can affect students’ study. It is especially dangerous if
you do it when walking on the road.
I think young people should spend more time doing exercise or accompanying
with their family and friends. They should also pay more attention to their studies. If
they arrange their time in this way, they won’t have too much spare time to think
about phone entertainment.


快乐能使人充实,度过美好的未来。而青少年学习压力大,还要面对 很多成
长的烦恼,要如何得到快乐呢?请你以“How to Be Happy”为题目,写一篇演

16. 参考词汇:获得幸福 gain happiness
17. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。
18. 词数80个左右。
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How to Be Happy
Good morning, everybody! The topic I want to talk about today is “How to Be
Happy”. The following are my suggestions.
First of all, we should have life aims. When we have life aims, we can be clear
about what to do every day and live a busy and meaningful life. Next, we must keep
healthy. Health plays an important role in our daily life. Without good health, we will
have nothing. So we should form good life habits and try our best to take exercise
every day. Finally, we ought to be ready to help those who are in trouble. As the
saying goes, “Helping others is helping ourselves.” There is no doubt that we can gain
happiness by helping others.
I believe if we do so, we will become a happy person and live a happy life.
That’s what I want to share with you today. Thank you.

八、 人际交往

近期,二胎政策引起广泛热议。请你以一名中国学生Li Hua的身份,给该
China Daily的编辑写一封简信,发表自己对二胎政策的看法。

19. 参考词汇:carry out 推行,执行
20. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。
21. 词数80个左右。
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Dear Editor,
In order to solve the population problem, China with the largest population in the
world decided to use One-Child Policy 30 more years ago.
Since it was carried out, people have found that the disadvantages of One-Child
Policy outweighed its advantages, so our government decided to introduce the
Two-Child Policy. Though it can help solve the population problem, it also has its
shortcoming. The couples born in the times of One-Child Policy will have to support
a big family with two children and their elderly parents. In my opinion, One- Child
Policy has been out of date and it is necessary for us to adopt the Two Child Policy,
which can solve the present problem and the problem in the future.
Li Hua

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请你 查看你校英语节安排表(Schedule),给外教老师Dave写一封80词左
右的电子邮件,告知 他调整的内容并给出你认为恰当的理由。

Schedule for English Day
Date Time Activities Place
13:00~14:30 English Talk Show Art Theater
June 21st 12:30~14:00
14:00~15:30 English Speech Contest Library
15:40~16:40 English Corner School Hall

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Hi Dave,
I’m sorry to inform you that there are two changes to the schedule for English
First, in order to give our students enough time to prepare, the English Talk
Show will be put off for half an hour. That is to say, it stars at 13:00 and ends at 14:30.
Second, the place of holding English Corner will be changed from the playground to
School Hall because the weather report says it’s going t rain that afternoon.
In a word, please come and join us on time. Wish the English Day a great
Li Ping


英语写一篇80词以上的回信 给她,给她介绍我们中国的端午节。

22. 参考词汇:端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival
为了纪念 in memory of
23. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。
24. 词数80个左右。 < br>_______________________________________________ ______________________
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Dear Amy,
I learn from your letter that you want to know something about the Dragon Boat
Festival. I’m glad to share what I know about it with you.
The festival has a history of more than 2,000 years. It falls on the fifth day of the
fifth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar. In memory of Qu Yuan, a great
poet in history, people watch exciting dragon- boat races and make delicious zongzi o
that day.
In a word, we all love the festival because it’s a good reminder to look back on
history and a wonderful time to get together with family members. I hope that you can
come to celebrate it with us in the near future.
随着社会的进步,人们对医疗服务的要求越来越高。医务人员 是医疗行为的实施者,是医德
医风行为的主体。医德和行风是否端正,直接关系到服务对象生命和健康的 质量,关系到医
院的发展。由此可见,切实加强医务人员职业道德建设,提高医务人员的道德水平和服务 水
(一)少数医务人员的道德取向 和行为走向偏离医德规范要求。个别医务人员为了一己私
利,不惜损害医院、病人甚至国家和社会的利益 ,导致出现收受红包、索要回扣、高收费、
滥收费的现象,使行业不正之风得到了滋长和蔓延,严重影响 了医院和医务人员的公众形象。

(二)道德修养欠缺,以诚心服务做得不够。个别医务 人员在工作中违反职业道德规范,
没有履行“救死扶伤,实行人道主义”的服务宗旨,服务态度出现“生 、冷、硬、顶”的现

医德 教育与行风建设脱节。

(四)医院内外因素的影响。一些患者受过去曾有的不良求医经 历的影响,认为治病手术
只有给医生送出红包,心里才“踏实”一些药品和设备仪器推销商,为了寻求更 大的利益,
到医院游说、利用回扣等诱惑医务人员。加上监督力度缺乏,使行业不正之风有了生长的空< br>间。

(一)领导重视。党的十六大 提出了全面建设小康社会的目标,为新形势下卫生工作坚持
立党为公的宗旨和更好地贯彻“三个代表”重 要思想指明了方向。医院领导要充分认识到,
加强职德教育是提高服务质量,促进行风建设的关键。要把 医德教育作为常抓不懈的工作,

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(二)营造良好的氛围。一个机构要树 立一股正气,首先要营造一个良好的氛围。可利用
医院公告栏、宣传栏、院内网等医院的文化阵地,加大 医德医风的宣传教育力度,并采取签
订廉洁自律承诺书和向社会、向病人郑重承诺等形式强化廉洁自律的 自觉性。

(三)有计划、有针对性地进行职德教育。既侧重于抓好公众反映强烈的重点 、热点、难
点问题,更注重抓住前瞻性、边缘性、导向性的问题,不断完善职德教育机制,使医务人员< br>进一步树立正确的思想意识和道德观念。

(四)建立完善的职德质控机制。建立 医德医风质控制度,把医德医风质控纳入医疗质控
的重要内容。优化医德质控的标准,制定并落实奖惩制 度,健全医德医风监督体系,把医德
规范落实到每一个医务人员,全面提高医务人员的医德素质和政治思 想水平,使每一位医务

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本文更新与2021-01-09 03:35,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://bjmy2z.cn/zuowen/157131.html


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