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2021-01-11 06:01





1、 鲁肃这一人物形象出自( )

a、《封神演义》b、《水浒传》 c、《三国演义》 d、《西游记》

2、“已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏”这两句词描写的是( )

a、春天景色b、夏天景色 c、秋天景色 d、冬天景色

3、《儿童时代》是我国一位伟大的政治家创办的,她是( )

a、宋庆龄 b、邓颖超 c、毛泽东 d、江泽民

4、下面不是三国故事的是( )


5、“完璧归赵”这个故事发生在( )

a、春秋战国b、秦汉时期 c、三国时期 d、唐宋时期

6、“但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山”中的“龙城飞将”指的是( )

a、汉朝名将霍去病 b、汉朝名将李广 c、赵国名将廉颇 d、三国名

7、下面四位来都是我国唐朝杰出的诗人,其中号称“诗圣”的是( )

a、杜甫 b、李白 c、白居易 d、陆游

( )

a、孙悟空 b、齐天大圣c、孙行者 d、美猴王


a、北京 b、罗马c、希腊d、美国


a、朱镕基 b、温家宝 c、胡锦涛 d、江泽民



qq :___________________mtv:___________________

wto: __________________ 3?15:___________________

2、说发烧友:_________ ____________追星

了:_________________ ____

3、花语,是一种用特定的话来表示人的语言,表达人的情感和愿 望,

松柏 清白

荷花 高尚而谦虚

兰花 气节和虚心

翠竹 友谊长存

万年青 夫妻恩爱

并蒂莲 坚强不屈



例:洗心革面—→ 面目全非 —→ 非同小可—→ ??

①握手言欢—→( )—→( )—→( )

②成千盈百—→( )—→( )—→( )


福无双至,( ) ( ),一波又起

捡了芝麻,() ( ),败事有余

前无古人,( ) ( ),焉得虎子


猫哭耗子——() 泥菩萨过河——()

狗咬吕洞宾——( )猪鼻子里插大葱——()

大姑娘上轿——( ) 千里送鹅毛——()



()、()、()、( )。这时,我发现一棵小树苗被风吹倒了,
一向顽皮的我忙蹲下身来 ,把手伸向小树苗。这时值日老师批评我
把小树苗弄倒了,不爱护校园的花草树木,我忙向他解释。请写 出

)值日老师听了我的解释,他 不但向我表示歉意,还奖励我一个任


( )、( )。来到教室里,同学们和老师正一起诵读古诗文。请

( )、( )

()漫步在这充满生机而熟悉的校园,想到再过 一段时间,我们即
自己对母校 的深厚情感。



争力,其潜在影响将在未来四五十 年内完全爆发出来。刘西拉委员

______________________________________________ ________


_____________ _________________________________________
_____ ____________________



“点火!”2003年1 0月15日9时整,随着指挥员最后一道指令,托
举着飞船的长征二号f火箭在地动山摇的轰鸣声中扶摇 直上,在深秋



9时42分,中国载人航天工程总指挥 宣布,载人飞船发射成功。酒


_______________________________ _______________________

______________________________________ ________________

(3 )
_____________________________________________ _________


3、“酒泉卫星发射中心指挥控制大厅内 一片沸腾??”请展开想象,

__________________________________________________ ____

____ __________________________________________________

4、“神舟”五号载人飞船 发射成功的消息传出后,人们都沉浸在无比
(三)清华学子下黑手 硫酸烧伤5头熊(3+6+6+3+6)

2002年2月25日《京华时报》 记者 王佳青


将手中的食品投喂给正在 乞食的熊。突然,两只黑熊口吐白沫,倒
在地上,来回翻滚,口中发出“嗷嗷”的惨叫。同时,水泥地上 冒起
虎山,刚到狮虎山脚下便 被围追来的护园队及动物园派出所民警团
团围住。受伤黑熊经临时诊断,发现是酸液泼到了两只熊的四肢 ,


“这是北京动物园建园以来从未发生过的事情,如此恶 劣残忍的手段
熊(包括3只 黑熊,1只棕熊,1只马来熊)被化学溶剂烧伤。第一


据动物园派出所民警介绍,这名犯罪嫌疑 人是北京清华大学电机系
分 辨东西能力很强”,出于好奇,刘海洋携带“火碱”来到了动物园作
案。第一次侥幸逃脱使他更加大胆, 2月23日,他再一次带着兑了



有人靠近笼子,黑熊立时直 立着扑到笼子上,不断怒吼。“这只熊受
到的伤害太重了,在它的内心已经对人埋下了仇恨的种子。”熊 山的
而下。黑熊好似听 懂了老陈的话,自动地伸出右前臂露出了伤疤,

在熊室,记者见到 了另外一只刚刚下手术台的黑熊。据看护人讲,
这只就是昨天下午被投喂硫酸的那只黑熊,眼睛已经没有 复明的希
膜脱落,口腔及上腭 被烧以外,食道也被烧毁,目前已经无法进食。


_________________ _____________________________________
_________ ________________

____________________ __________________________________
____________ _____________

来,并说说从哪些语句让你触动。 句 子1:
___________________________________________ ___________

__ __________________________________________________ __

2__________ ___________________________________________
___ _______________

___________ ___________________________________________
___ _______________

③假如这只受伤的大熊会说话的话,那它将会怎样控诉人 类的这种

________________________________________________ ______

_ __________________________________________________ ___

____ __________________________________________________

_______ _______________________________________________

④你在春游的过程中看到过这种 向动物乱投食物的行为吗?假如你

_________________________ _____________________________
_________________ ________

____________________________ __________________________
____________________ _____

责 ”,会对着日益恶化的地球环境,应引起所有人的重视。请你当一
回导演,拍摄一条关于环保的公益广告 电视。


__________________ ____________________________________
__________ _______________


_____ _________________________________________________< br>_________________________

_ __________________________________________________ ___


______________________________ ________________________
______________________ ___

_________________________________ _____________________


_________________________ _____________________________
_________________ ________

____________________________ __________________________
____________________ _____

想 法欠成熟,有些回答可能不到位.请多提宝贵意见哦.共同探讨,
共同进步啊!有空的话给我打个分哦, 多谢!


① 一心一意 a. 单独

② 一唱一和 b.一旦

③ 一见如故 c.数目一

④ 一尘不染 d.刚,才

⑤ 一鸣惊人 e.一点儿

⑥ 一面之词 f.专一

⑦ 一视同仁 g.同一

⑧ 一如既往 h.完全





三、根据意思在( )里填写AABB式成语。

文章篇幅长( )规模气势大( )草木长得好( )

光明而正大( )行动不正当( )说话不流利( )

某种说法挂口头( ) 人来人往很热闹( )

意见不同不敢说( ) 全部情况全过程( )


望 顾 窥 鉴 瞻 瞩 盼 觑 观 视 睹 察 见 览

仰着头看天 ── 昂首( )天

从管子里看豹 ── 管中( )豹

斜着眼睛看人 ── 侧目而( )

坐在井底看天 ── 坐井( )天

观察表情和脸色 ── ( )貌辨色

观察言语和表情 ── ( )盲观色

左看看,右看看 ── 左顾右( )

站在高处往远看 ── 高( )远瞩

看惯了,只当没看见 ── 熟视无( )


step 1 阅读短文

good morning, class. sit down, please. my name is yang hui.
im your

english teacher. im fine.1 this is tom green. tom green is new
(新来的).step 2 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(t)误(f)。

1. tom green is your english teacher.

2. yang hui is an english teacher.

3. tom green is chinese(中国人).

4. this is an afternoon class.

5. miss yang is not fine.

step 1 阅读对话

are you a new student?

s: good morning, miss hu.

t: good morning. are you a new student?

s: yes, i am.

t: whats your name, please?

s: my name is li dong.

t: li dong? whos li ming?

s: hes my brother.

t: how old are you?

s: im twelve. how are you, miss hu?

t: im fine, thank you. and you?

s: im fine, too. excuse me, is this class three, grade one?

t: no, that is.

s: thank you. goodbye.

t: goodbye.

step 2 根据对话内容,在每个空白处填写一个适当的词(词首字母

step 1 阅读对话

were all friends

jim: how do you do?

ann: how do you do?

jim: im jim hyde. whats your name, please?

ann: ann green.

jim: what class are you in?

ann: im in class two, grade one.

jim: oh, were in the same class!

tom: hi, ann!

ann: hi, tom!

jim: whos he?

ann: hes my friend. hes in class three.

jim: is may white his sister?

ann: yes. do you know her?

jim: yes.

ann: oh, were all friends!

step 2 根据对话内容,回答下列问题。

1. what are jim and ann?

2. what class is jim in?

3. whats toms full name?

4. how old are the three children?

step 3 词汇学习

full adj. 满的

full name 全名

step 1 阅读短文

jim is an american boy. he has yellow hair(头发). li lei is a
chinese boy. he has black hair. their hair is not the same in
color, but they are in the same class. they are good friends.
they have some nice pictures. they draw(画画)these pictures.
they like drawing very much.

step 2 阅读上面的短文,从每题所给的几个选项中,选出一个最佳

a. brother b. student c. good friend

a. yellow b. different c. the different

a. the same b. different c. the different draw those nice

a. li leib. jim and li leic. jim

a. like picturesb. like drawingc. dont like drawing

step 1 阅读短文

this is mr. hills. mr. and mrs. hill, greg and hattie are all at
home. their son greg and daughter hattie are at the same
school. greg is in grade three and hattie is in grade one. hatties
bike is under the big tree. mr. hills car is beside the house. oh,
whose cat is it? its gregs.

step 2 词汇学习

1. daughter n. 女儿

2. at the same school 在同一所学校。

eg: the twin sisters study at the same school. 双胞胎姐妹在同
一所学校上课。 step 3 阅读上面的短文,从每题所给的几个选项

a. fourb. threec. twod. five

a. sisterb. brotherc. sond. student

a. in the houseb. gregsc. redd. under the tree beside the

a. jeepb. manc. card. people has a cat.


新概念英语1 完形填空和阅读理解

look at the picture. there is a family in this__1_ .this man is the
father .he is a _2__in a factory. that woman is the_3___ .she is
a teacher. she teachers in a__4_ .the girl is the daughter. she is
very pretty. she is a__5__ in a school .she studies hard .they
are happy.

( )eb. house c. room d. photo

( )2.a. doctorb. student c. teacherd. worker

( )3.a. motherb. daughterc. niece d. student

( )4.a. hospitalb. home c. schoold. house

( )5.a. teacherb. doctor c. workerd. student

there are many things on the desk. there is a pen, a pencil, a
schoolbag and an umbrella. this pen is tom`s .that pencil is
xiao hong`s .the schoolbag is beautiful but it is not my
schoolbag. it is mary`s schoolbag. that umbrella is mine .it is
very useful on a rainy day.


1. what is on the desk?

2. whose schoolbag is it?

3. whose pen is it?

4. whose pencil is it?

5. whose umbrella is that?

i am jun li. i am chinese. i am in grade three. this is ming
zhang. and this is nan li .they are students, too. they are my
classmates. we are all good students. that is . he is an
old chinese teachers. that is miss. ann. she is an english
teacher. is young. they are both our good teachers.


( ) li ,ming zhang and nan li are all in the same class.

( ) li, ming zhang are good students. nan .li is not.

( ). wang is a teacher of english.

( ). ann teaches us chinese.

( ). wang is old, but miss. ann is young.

come and look at the picture .it is a picture of an american
family. the man in the hat is mr. smith .he is a teacher. he
teaches english in a middle school in china.

you can see mrs. smith, too. she is mary smith. she is from
canada. she is also a teacher. mr. and mrs. smith have three
children. peter, helen and dan. peter is fifteen. helen is thirteen
and dan is ten. they are at `s school.


( )`s father in the picture

( )2. mary`s father is canadian and her mother is american.

( )3. mrs. smith is a teacher ,too.

( ), helen and dan and their father and mother are in the
same school.

( )5their school is in canada.

hello, i am tom. i study in a junior school. i have three men
teachers. they are mr. carter. mr. green and mr black .mr.
carter is a new teacher. he comes from the uk and teaches us
math. his class is so funny that we all like him very much. mr.

green is our art teacher. he is strict but he is so smart. he is
our english teacher. he speaks well. they are all nice. we all like

( )1. i study in _____ school.

a. primary b. junior c. senior

( )2.i have ______ new teacher(s)

a. three b. two c. one

( ). carter is a ______ teacher.

a. english b. math c. chinese

( )4._______ is an english teacher.

a. mr. carter b. mr. black c. mr. green

( )5.______ is smart.

a. mr. black b. mr. carter c. mr. green

i am a girl. i am twelve. i am__1_ school. my name is hua
zhang. i am in class one, grade one. i am in the fifth row. jim is
an englis__2_.he is eleven he and i are in the same class. he is
my friend. we __3_good friends. __4__is also my english
teachers. miss. helen is my real english teacher.
___5__teachers well.

( )1.a. in b. at c. ford. to

( )2.a. boyb. girl c. man d. lady

( )3.a. areb. were c. have beend. will be

( )4.a. sheb. this c. hed. you

( )5.a. he b. i c. she d. you

today we have two new students in our school. they are
japanese .they are fifteen. they are twins. they look the same
as chinese girls. one is in row one. another is row two they can
speak japanese and they can speak chinese .they live in a
chinese family. they also want to know chinese culture .our
teacher asks us to take care of them.

we are happy in the same class. they like to play basketball. i
like, too. we can play basketball together.


1. where are they from?

2. where do they live in china?

3. what do the japanese like?

4. what languages do two japanese girls speak?

5. do they study in the same class?

there are seven days in a week. they are sunday, monday,
tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday.

most people don`t work on sunday and saturday. from
monday to friday are the workdays. everyone works hard on
workdays. they work hard for the country.


( ) are seven days in a year.

( ) people work on saturday and sunday

( ) work hard for the country.

( ) days are monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday,
friday, saturday and sunday.

( ) take a rest from monday to friday.

i have a good friend in my home. it is a bird. its name is polly.
it is three. it is yellow. it is also very beautiful. i play with it
after school. some of my classmates often come to my home
to see it .polly can speak every day i teach it to speak “how are
you “now it can speak

“how are you”. she can speak to a stranger sometimes i like it
very much.

( ) is my friend`s name?

a. polly b. ann c. helen d. tom

( )2. polly is a ______.

a. dog b. bird c. monkey d. cat

( ) is ______.

a. one b. two c. threed. four

( )4.i teach it to ______.

a. danceb. playc. sing d. speak

( ) is ______.

a. at school b. at home c. in a tree d. in the sky

tom and peter are friends. they are australians. they are in the
same school. they are in different classes. their school is not
far from their home.

tom is in mr. black`s class. he is thirteen. he is one of the best
students in his class. mr. black`s class. mrs. black teaches
english. peter is good at english. but he is not good at chinese.

( ) and peter are in______.

a. china b. english c. australia d. america

( ) is______.

a. good at chinese b. in mrs black`s class c. not good at
english d. tom`s sister

( )3.______ is good at chinese.

a. tomb. jane c. mr. black d. mrs. black

( ). black is peter`s _______.

a. teacherb. mother c. friend d. classmate

( ) sentence is right?

a. tom and peter are in the same class.

b. mr, and mrs. black are tom and peter`s parents.

c. mr .black doesn`t do well in chinese.

d. mrs. black is peter`s english teacher.

dear friend ,i`m an american school girl. my name is alice
green. i`m twelve. my favorite subject is __1__. i like to sing
very much.

i have two brothers. __2_favourite subject is p.e. they like to
play football. my brothers and i are all at school. we go to
___3__from monday to friday. we don`t have any classes on
sunday and___4__ .i like reading very much.

my father and my mother are teachers. they say china is great.
what do you think about china?

let`s be___5__. please write to me soon.

( )1.a. math b. p.e c. chinese d. music

( )2.a. herb. his c. theird. my

( )3.a. work b. school c. cinema d. park

( )4.a. monday b. tuesday c. thursday d. sunday

( )5.a. friends b. classmates c. brothers d. sisters

ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself to you .my
name is xiaohong liu. i am from beijing, china. i am chinese. i
am a student. i am studying in a college now. my father is an
engineer. he has a car. it is a ford. if is an american car. he
drives to work. my mother is a

keyboard operator in a company. her car is a peugeot. they
both love their jobs very much. 1.



4. what is xiaohong liu? what does her father do? what kind of
car her father have? what does her mother do?

5. what kind of car does her mother have?

this is a picture. in the picture you can see some hills, trees
and a school. you can see some boys and girls. they are at
school. the school is jing shan middle school. hong li is twelve.
nan li twelve, too. they are in the same class. they are good
friends. is their teachers. he teaches chinese well.

miss. gao is an english teacher. she can sing english songs

( )1.____ is hong li and nan li`s chinese teachers.

a. miss .wang b. miss. gao c. miss. smith d. mr. zhang

( ) boys and girls are ______.

a. at school b. at home c. behind the hill d. under a tree

( )3. hong li and nan li are_____.

a. good students b. in different grades c. all eleven d. good

( )4. hong li and nan li are ________.

a. eleven b. twelve c. thirteen d. fourteen

( )5. _______ can sing songs well.

a. miss. gao b. miss . smith c. mr. zhang d. miss. wang

i am a middle school student. my name is peng wang. i am
fourteen now. i study at no. 3 middle school. i am in class four,
grade two. there are thirty-five boys and ten girls in my class.
we have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.
we like english very much. we all study hard in english class.

( ) wang is______.

a. elevenb. twelve c. thirteen d. fourteen

( ) are _____ student in his class.

a.30 b.35c. 40 d.45

( ) class is peng wang in?

a. class three, grade two b. class four, grade two

c. class two, grade fourd. class two, grade four

( )4. peng wang have ______ classes in a day.

a. four b. five c. six d. seven

( )5. which sentence is wrong?

a. peng wang is in no. 6 middle school b. peng wang likes
english every well.

c. peng wang has six lessons every day d. peng wang is a
middle school student.









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    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

  • 爱心责任心的作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

  • 爱心责任作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它
