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2020-11-27 10:04
tags:小学教育, 英语


观后感,就是看了一部影片或连续 剧后,把具体感受和得到的启
I asdfsm honored todasdfsy wasdfstched the United
Stasdfstes, 3D casdfsrtoon asdfsnimasdfsted film
The story is the old masdfsn Casdfsrl asdfsnd his wife
Elizasdfs hasdfss asdfslwasdfsys been thought of children in
South Americasdfs, wasdfsterfasdfsll wonderlasdfsnd
asdfsdventure, resulting from the fasdfsilure to move
forwasdfsrd in life, Elizasdfs's deasdfsth, asdfsnd Casdfsrl
hasdfss been depressed forever becasdfsuse he thought asdfst
this asdfsge it is impossible to go sing。 Lasdfster, builders
wasdfsnt to demolish his own house, old people asdfsre very
asdfsngry, sasdfsd, asdfsnd he whim, with tens of
thousasdfsnds of basdfslloons tied to the house, the
cottasdfsge is reasdfslly uprooted overfly, asdfsnd
mistasdfskenly entered his house with asdfs stupid Russell flew
with the boy in South Americasdfs。 Journey, they funny bird,
simple asdfsnd honest asdfsnd courasdfsgeous dog overe
difficulties together with round asdfsfter round, asdfsfter
untold hasdfsrdships, tasdfsking asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsge of
their wisdom to defeasdfst the ferocious vicious Symonds, the
little boy Russell hasdfss asdfslso been asdfs result
The film, there asdfsre old-fei Xiasdfs, children
dreasdfsm, asdfs decisive basdfsttle between good asdfsnd evil,
obstasdfscles asdfsnd difficulties, the whole process of
whimsy, thrilling, enjoyasdfsble, funny funny to see,
asdfsfter guffasdfswing, shouting quickly, reasdfslly Very
good reasdfsd!!
Movies, not just give us joy, more asdfsre touched by the
story inside us understasdfsnd asdfs truth: Only those who
asdfsre strong beliefs, asdfsre likely to succeed
贫民窟的百万富 Slumdog Millionasdfsire
The story of Jasdfsmasdfsl Masdfslik, asdfsn 18
yeasdfsr- old orphasdfsn from the slums of Mumbasdfsi, who is
asdfsbout to experience the biggest dasdfsy of his life。 With
the whole nasdfstion wasdfstching, he is just one question
asdfswasdfsy from winning asdfs stasdfsggering 20 million
rupees on Indiasdfs's
A Millionasdfsire?
贾马尔马利克的,一个18岁的孟买,谁是即将经历是他一生 中
赢得了惊人的2000万 卢比对印度的“谁想成为百万富翁?”但是,当
在晚上的节目时段,警方拘捕涉嫌欺骗他,怎样可能一街 孩子明白这
了,他们对他的 冒险故事roasdfsd。Easdfsch章一齐生活的故事,
揭示了他的回答关键的游戏节目的问 题之一。
Whasdfst masdfskes this story greasdfst? I must sasdfsy
thasdfst this is one of the most reasdfslistic movies I sasdfsw。
Wasdfstching it is just like heasdfsring asdfsn orphasdfsn
telling asdfsbout his hasdfsrdships asdfsnd struggles on the
streets。 The violence, the emotions, the reasdfslms of asdfs
third world country, asdfsnd the beasdfsuty of love
regasdfsrdless of asdfsny situasdfstion wasdfss nicely
presented on the movie。 It asdfslso showed the kind of life
the slasdfsms of Indiasdfs hasdfss - the children, the women,
asdfsnd the heasdfsrtless asdfsdults。 The nicest thing
thasdfst I like asdfsbout the movie is the light asdfsfter
dasdfsrk pasdfsrt。 Thasdfst something good is possible when
you just don’t lose hope。 The innocent look asdfsnd the sasdfsd
eyes of Dev Pasdfstel asdfsre perfect for Jasdfsmasdfsl’s
chasdfsrasdfscter。 Friedasdfs Pinto is reasdfslly pretty,
just the perfect flower on the movie。 The rest of the
chasdfsrasdfscters asdfsre well-suited。 This movie’s
chasdfsrasdfscters must be the well selected Indiasdfsn
是什么让这个伟大的故事?我务必说, 这是最现实的电影,我看
情 感,一个第三世界国家的境界,爱的美丽,不论任何状况提出了很
好的电影。它也证明了这种生活了印度 大满贯 - 儿童,妇女,无情
无辜的外观和开发帕特尔的哀伤的眼睛是贾马尔的性格完 美。弗
分适合。这部电影的 主角务必是好选取印度演员。
The story expasdfsnds into the leasdfsd asdfsctor’s life
experience asdfsnd how he e to know asdfsbout the correct
asdfsnswers in the show。 Overasdfsll, I casdfsme out of the
movie feeling it wasdfss nicely done。 The movie brings the
asdfsudience into the asdfsctuasdfsl dasdfsily reasdfslities
of life in Indiasdfs asdfsnd it depicts how one casdfsn
chasdfsse love asdfsnd in the course of it something good could
hasdfsppen asdfsnd life without hope will chasdfsnge。
故事的主角扩展到生活的经验 ,以及如何来了解他在显示正确的
答案。总的来说,我出来的电影的感觉是很好做。这部电影带来了进< br>入印度的日常现实生活中的实际观众,它描绘一个人怎样能在追逐感
情和它当然不期望会有所改变 了,生活好可能发生。
This is asdfs story asdfsbout one pasdfsth leasdfsding to
the finasdfsl success is people's endurasdfsnce asdfsnd
course, some certasdfsin good luck asdfslso count。
Let's give some further explasdfsnasdfstion asdfsbout this
pasdfsth。 First of asdfsll, asdfss asdfsn indispensible
element resulting in success, endurasdfsnce plasdfsys asdfsn
importasdfsnt role in the course of people's life。Directly
speasdfsking, it's hasdfsrd for people to get to his
destinasdfstion without it。As for the resolution,just like
the hero performing in this movie, determines his finasdfsl
fasdfste。 He hasdfss dreasdfsm in his deepest heasdfsrt,
asdfsnd he hasdfss the resolution to masdfske it e true,
eventuasdfslly, by measdfsns of it, his dreasdfsm hasdfss been
reasdfslized。 Above these elements mentioned asdfsbove, good
luck is asdfslso importasdfsnt。Sometimes, it casdfsn help push









本文更新与2020-11-27 10:04,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://bjmy2z.cn/zuowen/27212.html

