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2020-12-28 13:06
tags:工作范文, 演讲稿, 演讲/主持




What is art?

艺术是什么?也许有许多人会回答:艺术是音乐、美术等等。 但我的回答却很

简单,艺术是一种美。艺术通常总是十分高雅而不可及的,其实它可以是 一首



有艺术的生活就有欢乐 ,就有美。作为一个初出

茅庐的学生要谈艺术,似乎有点过于高调,但鉴于自己对于艺术 的热爱不免在



后的眼中 到底是什么?

What is art? Maybe most people will say: art, is music, painting and so on. But my answer is very

simple, art is a kind of beauty. Art is usually very elegant and unreachable, in fact it can be a song, a

show, an experience......with the artistic life,there is joy, there is beauty. As a fledgling student,it

seems to be a little too high-profile to talk about art, but in view of my love for the arts leads me to

talk something of art here. What is art in our post 90s eyes?

从中学到 大学再到现在的研究生,就我而言学习艺术已经有了一段时日,艺术

的一些观念也已经开 始有一点点萌芽,但是现在莫名的有些迷茫。我不知道在

金钱横冲直转的冲刷下,真正的 艺术到底还剩下几成。前一段时间,到一些画

室客串了一下。被颜料和碳灰侵染的白墙上 贴满了所谓的好画,临近艺考的他

们似乎信心百倍。和他们交谈一番后,心中不免有些失 落。偌大的潇湘竟是些

生产机器的工厂,教育模式完全以考试为目的,看到此景,怎能不 让人哀叹神



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是让人在 其中享受的过程,并非让艺术来牵着你的鼻子走,那样你只是媚雅途

中的一个渺小的奴隶 。艺术应当你自己才是主体,要为自己而画。真正的高手

能够与每一个观赏者进行心灵交 流。

From middle school to university to graduate now, I have been studying art for a long time and

begin to have some initial understanding of art, but i feel some inexplicable confused now. I don't

know how much the real art will left in this materialistic society. Some time ago, i take a part-time

job in a art the wall which full of pigment and carbon ash full covered by the so-called

good painting, the students seemed to be very confident for the coming art exam. But after talk with

them, i feel a little loss. In such a huge area like Xiaoxiang, the education modes only focus on the

examination, what is the difference between them and the machine factory?When we remind of

history, in the same land, it famous for abundant scholars, poets and artists. Compare with what we

see now, art only aimed for passing the examination in their eyes, what a pity! It is a desecration of

art. If you do not really love art, why you pretend to be artsy-craftsy? Art is coming from your

emotion mind and heart experience, it not means you paint only for painting. Art is a process for

people to enjoy, not to make them to be slaves on the way to principle part should

be yourself in art processing, you paint for yourself. The real artistcan communicate in soul with

each of the visitors.


My relationship with art:

从高中起 就在和艺术打交道,现在我想谈谈我跟艺术的关系,艺术,我不知道

它这两个字的背后藏 着什么样的魔力,以至于我从小对它充满了憧憬。在懵懂

时分,我就羡慕那些从事艺术方 面的人们,因为从他们的行为举止和谈吐装饰

中我发现了生活原来可以不用这么矜持。尽 情地张扬自己的个性才是畅快淋漓

的生活方式。当我在中学踏入艺术的大门之时,班上的 同学都用羡慕的眼光把

我叫做艺术生。在他们的瞳孔里,似乎艺术生的艺术天赋都比他们 好,他们都



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样的环境中开始的。就这样一步一步的走到了 研究生阶段,有人说一个艺术生

科研是为了什么,又有人会问,女孩子上那么久的学、读 那么多的书,最终不

还是要回一座平凡的城,打一份平凡的工,嫁作人妇,洗衣煮饭,相 夫教子,

何苦折腾?我想,我们的坚持是为了,就算最终跌入繁琐,洗尽铅华,同样的< /p>



Since high school i begin to received professional training in art. Now I want to say something of

my relationship with art. I don't know what kind of magic behind art, made me full of longing since

i was a kid.I admire those people who engaged in art, because from their manners and conversation

I fell life can not be so restrained. The most carefree lifestyle is to enjoy the publicity of their

personality freely. WhenI entered the gate of the art in the middle school, my classmates called me

art students

with envy. In their eyes that seems to be the art students

talent are better than

all want to collect a couple of paintings from every students who is learning painting.

They dreamed to earn more money when the painter becomes famous one day. How naive and

funny! Meanwhile, in the teachers eyes, most art students seemedunruly. They choose art only

because they can not get good test result. I started my art life under such environment and stepped

into graduate will ask what does art students research for? Others will doubt, although

girls paid more time to study, they will finally come back to the small city, get a normally work,

married a normally man, and then do housework just as other common girls without such abundant

study experience. In my mind, we stick to what we interest, although in the same work, we will

have different spirit, similar family,different sentiment, similar later generations, will have different

comprehensive qualities.

我的专业方向是视觉传达,我想能 在我手下创作出好的设计,能让我于艺术拉

的更近,我的理想是当一名平面设计师除了课 堂学习外,平时要更多时间自学

平面设计,文学素养,美学思维,尤其要把几个主要的平 面设计软件弄精通。

我要开始有意识地培养自己的创意能力,看有关创意思维的书、学习 优秀的平

面设计作品,更重要的是我开始从生活中寻找灵感:每做一件事时,我都会联< /p>










本文更新与2020-12-28 13:06,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://bjmy2z.cn/zuowen/99947.html
